Post by Admin on Sept 17, 2023 20:33:16 GMT
CodeTankPlus v2.0 was written in Liberty Basic 4.5.1 Pro to save code, and use it whenever needed. - choose between several categories of code - all categories save code automatically - keeps your projects organized, with backups. Automated - ability to share([Merge]) category files with other users - ability to [Revert] back to an earlier version. - create, save, copy, delete code in any category - create, save, copy, delete, load, import, export forms (GUI's), and their code - quick reference for ASCII codes, LB Help Menu and Tutorial, and Reserved words - access to LB Examples, and Backups (.BAK files) - and more
It includes - a Liberty Basic help file search engine. - a fast window and associated code generator. - a fast GUI and and associated GUI code generator. - 3 separate EXE file creation methods for your programs.(Automated)
Methods 1.) Uses the Liberty Basic way - collects the necessay .dll files,.sll files, and .tkn file, plus the run451.exe and renames the run451.exe to the same name as the TKN file file, placing all in a folder of the same name as the selected .bas file. These EXE files are the run451.exe renamed, and need all the mentioned support files to RUN, or Execute.
2.) Uses IEXPRESS commandline and created SED file to create a single 'temp' EXE file. All the support files mentioned above are rounded up etc, placed in a folder of the same name as the selected .bas file, then IEXPRESS creates a single EXE file with the mentioned files imbedded. These exe files get opened\unpacked in the users 'temp' dir, and are deleted when the app is closed, so not good for saving files to DefaultDir$ etc., but have other worthy uses, such as graphics, testing, when no "created" files etc will be necessary for the next time it is RUN , or Executed. When used manually, there are a few more options to consider as well.
3.) Uses LB Booster to compile and create a single .exe file from a user selected.bas file These EXE files are opened\unpacked in the dir they run from - ie:(DefaultDir$) When used manually the user can add support files to be embedded in the EXE file, and a few more options.
Included = BAS<2>EXE - automation of the EXE file creation (user selects a working .bas file - that's it) - add a password - add date/time to exe filename - add version # to exe filename - Choose EXE creation method (IEXPRESS or LB Booster) - Multiple categories for your saved code. - RUN your TKN files, EXE files, or the Saved Code. - Every 'MyProject' and MyProgram created [From File] also creates dated\timed backups of the BAS and TKN files in order to [Revert] back if needed. MyProjects [New From File] creates a dir with all the needed support dll's, sll's and renamed exe file etc Browse to Projects dir to view. MyPrograms ONLY creates a project dir with the TKN, and a copy of thee .bas file.
Credit goes to the following Authors. Carl Gundel, author of Liberty Basic, for the original 'Dictionary' code (the core program for saving the code) Cundo, a member of the Just Basic forums for, 'Fastcode', and for the original 'Help Search Engine'. Rod, an Administrator at both the JB and LB forums, for 'FFUL' (FreeFormUltraLite) - the original Fast GUI creation tool.
Original code edited by xxgeek to suit CodeTankPlus. xxgeek is also a member of both the JB and LB forums.
For more information on CodeTankPlus post your questions here.
There are also a few instructions at the top of the code.
!Warning! - Keep it in a folder of it's own. It creates a lot of files and folders in DefaultDir$
Link to the CodeTankPlus_v2.0.zip file to be posted soon.....
Post by Admin on Sept 18, 2023 15:25:31 GMT
Save the following code to a folder with LBB.exe, and LBRUN.exe. Link to LB Booster FilesLink to CodeTank7A.zip(Latest .bas Version) 'CodeTank v1.7.3F - For Liberty Basic v4.5.1 and (Pro) 'created by xxgeek Aug 2023 'This app uses "Dictionary" code, written by Carl Gundel, at it's core 'This app also uses FastCode written by cundo - a member of the JustBasic Forums 'This app also uses a Help search engine originally created by cundo - (orig name = JB Search) 'This app also uses a version of FFUL(FreeFormUltraLite) written by Rod - Admin at both JB and LB Forums ' All edited to suit this app 'Purposes - ' (1) To create reservoir(s) of code, subs, functions, scripts and example programs with ability to share_ '_ with others each category file, to merge with their own reservoir(s).
' (2) To automate the collection of support dll and sll files along with TKN file creation and renaming_ '_ of the run451.exe, and to automate the creation of EXE files with 3 differing methods
' (3) To create dated\timestamped backups of each .bas file, and a .tkn backup file of each .bas_ '_ file to 'Revert' back if\when needed.
'Use alt + ' Char Button ' c = [copy] - copies selected code in editor ' d = [Delete] - deletes a selected listing, and offers to delete it's project files as well ' e = [Create Single &EXE File] - creates a single EXE file from a selected BAS file ' f = [New From File] - user selects the file to add to the listing using filedialog ' g = [Merge File] - merge a file of a particular 'categorie' with another , possibly downloaded file ' l = [Edit in LB IDE] - opens selected code in LB IDE ' m = [Mirror Editor] - opens a window with a full screen editor mirroring the existing one. ' n = [New (Copy\Paste)] - Create a 'New' listing manually (not from a file) ' p = [paste] - pastes code into editor at location of I-Beam ' r = [RUN] - runs selected listing
' s = [Select All] - selects all the text in the texteditor ' s = [Scratch] button - on the Mirror window
' t = [Update TKN] - updates the TKN file of a selected listing (MyProjects, and MyPrograms ONLY) ' u = [cut] - cuts selected text from editor ' v = [Revert to Backup] - Overwrites the files of a selected listing with a selected backup
' + = Increase Font Size [+] ' - = Decrease Font Size [-]
'WARNING - Save to a folder of it's own, it creates files, and folders when used.
' Please Note: ' When selecting a .bas file to create a New Project, or Program....... ' Make sure the .bas file is a known good one, and runs/starts ok in the LB IDE ' If the .bas file cannot pass the compiler's check, it can cause havoc with the automation' ' process, and probably crash CodeTank. 'When RUNing any files be aware that the file you are running 'MAY' be the culprit if a problem arises. 'The LB IDE may stay open, along with a mainwin, and the user must close both manually. 'For help using CodeTank visit the Liberty Basic forums ' @ https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/
'on error goto [abort] nomainwin gosub [initiate]
[start] dim searchList$(500), info$(0,0), oneOf$(2500), mainList$(500) 'declare some variables global LBpath$, helpFilePath$, fname$ helpFilePath$ = LBpath$;"\lb4help\LibertyBASIC_4_web" helpFileMenu$ = "amber_menu.htm" 'dim arrays for key$ and info$ dim key$(1000) dim info$(500, 500) global toPrint$ res = mkdir("EXE") 'declare variables q$ = chr$(34) codeTank$ = "#codeTank" LBruntime$ = "run451.exe" lbReservedWords$ = " AND, APPEND, AS, BEEP, BMPBUTTON, BMPSAVE, BUTTON, BYREF, CALL, CALLDLL, CALLFN, CASE, CHECKBOX, CLOSE, CLS, COLORDIALOG, COMBOBOX, CONFIRM, CURSOR, DATA, DIALOG, DIM, DLL, DO, DUMP, DWORD, ELSE, END, ERROR, EXIT, FIELD, FILEDIALOG, FILES, FONTDIALOG, FOR, FUNCTION, GET, GETTRIM, GLOBAL, GOSUB, GOTO, GRAPHICBOX, GRAPHICS, GROUPBOX, IF, INPUT, INPUTCSV, KILL, LET, LINE, LISTBOX, LOADBMP, LONG, LOOP, LP, PRINT, MAINWIN, MAPHANDLE, MENU, NAME, NEXT, NOMAINWIN, NOTICE, ON, ONCOMERROR, OR, OPEN, OUTPUT, PASSWORD, PLAYMIDI, PLAYWAVE, POPUPMENU, PRINT, PRINTERDIALOG, PROMPT, PUT, PTR, RADIOBUTTON, RANDOM, RANDOMIZE, READ, READJOYSTICK, REDIM, REM, RESTORE, RESUME, RETURN, RUN, SCAN, SELECT, SHORT, SORT, STATICTEXT, STOP, STOPMIDI, STRUCT, SUB, TEXT, TEXTBOX, TEXTEDITOR, THEN, TIMER, TITLEBAR, TRACE, ULONG, UNLOADBMP, UNTIL, USHORT, VOID, WAIT, WINDOW, WEND, WHILE, XOR, ABS(, ACS(, AFTER$(, AFTERLAST$(, ASC(, ASN(, ATN(, CHR$(, COS(, DATE$(, DECHEX$(, EOF(, HBMP(, HEXDEC(, HTTPGET$(, HWND(, INP(, INPUT$(, INPUTTO$(, INSTR(, INT(, LEFT$(, LEN(, LOF(, LOG(, LOWER$(, MAX(, MIDIPOS(, MID$(, MIN(, MKDIR(, NOT(EXP(, HEXDEC(, INPUT$(, INPUTTO$(, INSTR(, INT(, LEFT$(, LEN(, LOF(, LOG(, LOWER$(, MAX(, MIDIPOS(, MID$(, MIN(, MKDIR(, NOT(, REMCHAR$(, REPLSTR$(, RIGHT$(, RMDIR(, RND(, SIN(, SPACE$(, SQR(, STR$(, TAB(, TAN(, TIME$(, TRIM$(, TXCOUNT(, UPPER$(, UPTO$(, USING(, VAL(, WINSTRING(, WORD$(, BackgroundColor$, ComboboxColor$, CommandLine$, DefaultDir$, DisplayHeight, DisplayWidth, Drives$, Err, Err$, ForegroundColor$, Joy1x, Joy1y, Joy1z, Joy1button1, Joy1button2, Joy2x, Joy2y, Joy2z, Joy2button1, Joy2button2, ListboxColor$, Platform$, PrintCollate, PrintCopies, PrinterFont$, PrinterName$, TextboxColor$, TexteditorColor$, Version$, WindowHeight, WindowWidth, UpperLeftX, UpperLeftY" DllList$="vbas31w.sll vgui31w.sll voflr31w.sll vthk31w.dll vtk1631w.dll vtk3231w.dll vvm31w.dll vvmt31w.dll" savedProjects$ = "savedProjects" MyProjects$ = "MyProjects" MyBackups$ = "MyBackups" programs$ = "Programs" vbs$ = "VBS-Scripts" cmd$ = "CMD-Scripts" examples$ = "Examples" snippets$ = "Snippets" lbExamples$ = "LB-Examples" lbBakFiles$ = "LB-BAK-Files" subroutines$ = "Subroutines" functions$ = "Functions" mainFontsize = 10 project = 1 WinWide = 1000 '1000 WinHigh = 600
UserMonitorResx = 1000 '800 UserMonitorResy = 600 '600
IF UserMonitorResx < WinWide THEN Diff = WinWide - UserMonitorResx WinWide = WinWide - Diff END IF
IF UserMonitorResy < WinHigh THEN Diff = WinHigh - UserMonitorResy WinHigh = WinHigh - Diff END IF
RetVal = FN.ScreenCenter(Cx, Cy) '<--- get screen center RetVal = FN.SetWinPos(Cx - INT(WinWide / 2), Cy - INT(WinHigh / 2)) '<--- set window pos RetVal = FN.SetWinSize(WinWide, WinHigh) '<--- set window size UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)-70 UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" menu #codeTank, "File" , "Open Liberty Basic", [openlb], "Open a File in Liberty Basic", [openlbFile], "Exit", [quit.codeTank] menu #codeTank, "Edit" menu #codeTank, "Browse" , "My Projects", [projectsDir], ".EXE Files", [EXEDir], ".TKN Files", [tknDir], ".BAS Files", [basFiles],"DefaultDir$", [defaultDir],"LB Code Examples", [lbexamplesDir] menu #codeTank, "Help" , "Liberty Basic Forums", [forumlink], "Help", [codeTankHelp], "About", [about] texteditor #codeTank.value, 440, 75, 545, 425 hscroll$ = "#codeTank.keys" stylebits #hscroll$, _WS_HSCROLL, 0, 0, 0 listbox #codeTank.keys, keys$(), [keySelected], 100, 75, 340, 270 'category radio buttons radiobutton #codeTank.savedprojects, "MyProjects", [projs], resetHandler, 5, 90, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.programs, "MyPrograms", [progs], resetHandler, 5, 110, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.backups, "MyBackups", [mybackups], resetHandler, 5, 140, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.examples, "Examples", [exams], resetHandler, 5, 170, 80, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.snippets, "Snippets", [snipps], resetHandler, 5, 190, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.subroutines, "Subroutines", [subroutines], resetHandler, 5, 210, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.functions, "Functions", [functions], resetHandler, 5, 230, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.VBS, "VBS-Scripts", [vbs], resetHandler, 5, 250, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.CMD, "CMD-Scripts", [cmd], resetHandler, 5, 270, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.lbexamples, "LB-Examples", [lbCodeExamples], resetHandler, 5, 305, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.lbbakfiles, "LB-BakFiles", [lbbakfiles], resetHandler, 5, 325, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.folderChoice, "Any Folder", [folderChoice], resetHandler, 5, 355, 95, 20 'Event buttons etc wh=WinHigh-100 button #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)), [newKey], LL, 270, wh-365, 165, 25 button #codeTank.fromFile, "New from &File", [makeproject], LL, 105, wh-365, 155, 25 button #codeTank.remakeproject, "Update &TKN File", [remakeproject], LL, 105, wh-415, 155, 25 button #codeTank.runlb, "Edit Item in &Liberty Basic", [edit_In_LB_IDE], LL, 105, wh-390, 155, 25 button #codeTank.merge, "Mer&ge Shared File ";categorie$, [mergeFile], LL, 270, wh-415, 165, 25 button #codeTank.runListing, "&Run", [runKey], LL, 270, wh-390, 165, 25 button #codeTank.revert, "Re&vert to Backup", [revert], LL, 105, wh-440, 155, 25 button #codeTank.deleteListing, " &Delete ", [deleteKey], LL, 270, wh-440, 165, 25 button #codeTank.exe, "BAS*2*&EXE - IEXPRESS", [singleEXE], LL, 105, wh-465, 155, 25 button #codeTank.lbbEXE, "BAS*2*EXE - LB Booster", [LBB_EXE], LL, 270, wh-465, 165, 25 button #codeTank.IEXP_man, "&IEXPRESS Manually", [IEXP_man], LL, 105, wh-490, 155, 25 button #codeTank.lbbEX_man, "LB Booster Manually", [lbbEX_man], LL, 270, wh-490, 165, 25 button #codeTank.lbbFileEdit, "Edit File in LB Booster", [lbbEdit], LL, 270, wh-515, 165, 25 button #codeTank.lbbSelEdit, "Edit Item in LB Booster", [lbbSelEdit], LL, 105, wh-515, 155, 25 button #codeTank.incFont, "&+", [incFont], UL, 25, 390, 20, 23 button #codeTank.decFont, "&-", [decFont], UL, 50, 390, 20, 23 button #codeTank.mirror, "&Mirror Editor", [textEdMirror], UL, 5, 425, 95, 25 button #codeTank.cut, "C&ut", [cut], LL, 560, wh-520, 65, 20 button #codeTank.copy, "&Copy", [copy], LL, 630, wh-520, 65, 20 button #codeTank.selectAll, "Select &All", [selectall], LL, 700, wh-520, 85, 20 button #codeTank.paste, "&Paste", [paste], LL, 790, wh-520, 85, 20 button #codeTank.fastwindows, "&Fast Windows", [fastcode], ul, 5, 460, 95, 25 button #codeTank.fastgui, "&Fast GUI's", [fastGui], UL, 5, 495, 90, 25 textbox #codeTank.filePath, 100, 50, WinWide-235, 25 statictext #codeTank.categories, "Categories", 20, 60, 80, 15 combobox #codeTank.asciiList, asciiList$(), asciiSelected , 320, 2, 150, 12 combobox #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, lbreservedwordsList$(), lbreservedwordSelected , 475, 2, 170, 10 textbox #codeTank.tb 175, 27, 120, 23 statictext #codeTank.searchFor, "Search For", 105, 30, 65, 15 textbox #codeTank.numLines, 860, 50, 120, 25 button #codeTank.searchlb, "&Search | IN >", [startSearching], UL, 325, 27, 120, 23 button #codeTank.incFont, "&+", [incFontSearch], UL, 710, 27, 25, 23 button #codeTank.decFont, "&-", [decFontSearch], UL, 740, 27, 25, 23 button #codeTank.contents, "&LB Help Menu", [Contents], UL, 770, 27, 100, 25 button #codeTank.help, "?", [searchhelp], UL, 300, 27, 20, 23 checkbox #codeTank.lbhelp, "Help", [lbHelp], [nolbHelp], 455, 30, 45, 15 checkbox #codeTank.lbexamples, "Examples Code ", [lbexamples], [nolbexamples], 510, 30, 110, 15 checkbox #codeTank.cbank, "CodeTank", [cbank], [nocbank], 625, 30, 80, 15 texteditor #codeTank.fake, 0, 0, 0, 0 open "CodeTank Plus v1.7.3F" for window as #codeTank #codeTank.addListing "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject "!disable" #codeTank.runListing "!disable" #codeTank.runlb "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile "!disable" #codeTank.merge "!disable" #codeTank.revert "!disable" #codeTank "trapclose [quit.codeTank]" #codeTank "font Arial ";mainFontsize call getlbreservedwords call getAscii #codeTank.keys "singleclickselect" #codeTank.value "!autoresize" #codeTank "resizehandler resized" #codeTank.lbhelp "set" lbHelp = 1 codetankOpen = 1 categorie$ = "ScratchPad" open "ScratchPad" for append as #1 : #1 date$();time$() : close #1 wait
'[abort] 'Notice "An Error Has Occured";chr$(13);"Error #";Err;" ";chr$(13);Err$;" ";chr$(13);"CodeTank will need to Shutdown" 'goto [quit.codeTank]
[selectall] #codeTank.value "!selectall" wait [cut] #codeTank.value "!cut" wait [copy] #codeTank.value "!copy" wait [paste] #codeTank.value "!paste" wait
[IEXP_man] run "IEXPRESS" wait
[lbbEX_man] filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"LBB.exe") then run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe -C -M -A ";fname$ wait
[lbbEdit] filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"LBB.exe") then run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe ";fname$ wait
[lbbSelEdit] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from a list, try again" : wait #codeTank.value, "!contents? valueNow$"; open "untitled.bas" for output as #1 #1 "WARNING - To Preserve the Integrity of the CodeTank File(s) and the Liberty Basic Files(s)" #1 "THIS CODE IS ACTUALLY a COPY OF ";selectedKey$;".bas Named -> 'untitled.bas' " #1 "'Remember to 'Save As' a name of your Choice if/when done editing" #1 "" #1 valueNow$ close #1 tempfile$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe ";q$;tempfile$;q$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Editing ";tempfile$;" in Liberty Basic Editor" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[singleEXE] ' Use at your own risk - Author accepts NO liabilities '######################################################################################## ' IMPORTANT ' before running this code - save this code to a file named b2e.bas - (in a folder of it's own) ' If you do not wish to have commandline support, which copies the files of this app, along ' _with creating folders and new files, in the Users Home dir, you can delete or uncomment ' _the following 3 lines of code in the top 1st block of code..
'if not(fileExists(DefaultDir$, "b2e.exe")) then 'command = 1 : firstRun = 1 : project = 1 : fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\b2e.bas" : goto [checklbpath] 'end if
'If you do the above, disregard deleting the folder after first run, it will be needed. 'You can run the .bas from there, or create the TKN file, and run it from there. '########################################################################################
'BAS2EXE Version v1.8.9c For Windows 10 (possibly XP, 7, 8 and 11) - try it and let me know ' Date Introduced to Public = Jan 29 2023 ' Title - BAS2EXE v1.8.9c (with CommandLine support) ' Author - xxgeek, a member of the Libertybasiccom.proboards.com/ forums
' {Purpose} - To automate bas file to exe file (self extracting exe) making creation quick and easy while ' storing dated copies (users choice), of every selected bas file, the created tkn, and the created exe (self extracting) ' exe file containing the dll files, sll files, lbrun2.exe(renamed to same name as .bas file selected) ' Along with that there is a project folder created holding the same files as the exe that gets updated ' if and when the same bas file is selected, Note, the dated files are in their appropriate folders, EXE, TKN, and BAS ' NOTE -They will be overwritten if the same .bas file is selected on the same day within one minute ' The options are user generated by selecting the appropriate checkboxes (GUI) ' Or by Using the appropriate switches (Command Mode)
' Place this bas file in it's own folder as it will create some folders and temp files as well as the above
' IMPORTANT > Name this file b2e.bas (or it won't work) ' After first run, delete the folder, including the folders created, and the b2e.bas file '_ they are no longer needed as this app copies it's files to the users home dir ' There will be a shortcut on the desktop created, use this to open BAS2EXE from now on. ' Note - The Home dir is used in order to make the command line work properly
' Choose 32bit exe or 64`bit exe - defaults to 64 bit if no selection made ' Option to password the EXE file - Check off the checkbox, [Select File] and enter a password when prompted. ' When bas2exe opens a filedialog to choose a bas file choose a bas file that is a ' _good working bas file (or there will be trouble with the compiler) ' Add a version number and or Date/Time stamp the EXE filename ' View the Menu after EXE file creation 'The "Save tkn" file dialog and the Information "saved as" dialog close automatically and save the tkn file to where it is needed.
' If you keep the project folders you will have a "project" folder with each saved project which '_ includes the dll, sll files and lbrun2.exe(renamed), the selected .bas file and the tkn file. 'The EXE File is saved to the EXE folder in the same folder as this program is located. ' _unless otherwise specified for eg: when using the (CommandLine) and not the GUI (no GUI option for destination - v4.5.1.0 maybe ) ' Next Window is to choose to Run the EXE or view the EXE Files Created by this Program '_ or Make a New EXE ' Note - For standalone bas files only with no dependent files or folders - at this time (Maybe Version 2, we''ll see) ' If the .bas file you select runs in the lb IDE when RUN, the EXE will be made. If there are programming '_ runtime errors your EXE could still crash at some point (Not BAS2EXE's fault) ' If it won't run in the lb IDE there will be an error reported by the lb compiler when this app attempts to '_ make the tkn file, and the lb window that opens showing the code for the selected bas file will stay opened '_, close it manually.
' This new version has CommandLine support, meaning it works from a command prompt. ' or it can be used in code projects with the Run command as well.
' Syntax for commandline: ' If using the EXE ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number' ' or b2e.exe -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number'
' If using the TKN in code ' b2e.tkn -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number'
' if destinationPath is ommtted the default destinationPath is DefaultDir$\EXE ' If sourcePath\file.bas is ommitted BAS2EXE defaults to opening in GUI mode ' If no switches used, all switches defaults are false, 0 or "", except for the bit64 default ' Switches MUST be separated with a 'space' ' Switches are Optional ' Liberty typing b2e by itself BAS2EXE defaults to opening in GUI mode
'Switches ' /bas - saves a dated backup of the selected bas file ' /bit32 - creates a 32 bit exe file ' /bit64 - creates a 64 bit exe file (Defaults to 64bit EXE file if no swtich used) ' /dt - appends date/time to the created exe filename. ' /kp - saves the Project Folder (tkn, renamed lbrun2.exe dll and sll files) Created anyway - they are needed for the EXE file. ' /o - opens windows explorer with the created EXE file selected ' /pw - Prompts user for a password to open the created EXE file (If used the EXE file won't run without it, so save the password somewhere safe.) ' /q - Stops the "Please Wait" activity window from appearing while in command mode. ' /r - Runs the New EXE file after it is created ' /s - shows the Post Creation EXE Menu Window (GUI) to (View / Run / MakeNew - EXE file) ' /tkn - saves a dated backup of the tkn file. ' /v'number' - appends the EXE filename with a version number or text ' (No Spaces) examples: /v4.5.1.51 /v.001 /v123.Any_thing Note: The "v" is not included. ' If you want a v in your EXE filename then you must add one eg: /vv4.5.1 /vvTest123 etc
' Here are some examples of commandline use. ' eg: b2e (alone this opens the GUI) ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas (Creates a single exe file in DefaultDir$\EXE) no project folder, no backups, no appended date/time, or version etc ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas -f:\MyStuff\MyEXEcollection Creates a single 64bit EXE file in f:\MyStuff\MyEXEcollection ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas /bas /bit32 /dt /kp /pw /q /r /s /tkn /vv1.0 (Creates a single 32bit exe file in DefaultDir$\EXE) ' _ including all the optional swtches ' Switches can be in ANY order as long as they preceed the -path(s) ' if -sourceFilePath\file.bas is a lone .bas file with no path, BAS2EXE assumes the file is in the DefaultDir$ ' The dashes before the path(S) ARE necessaary ' the spaces between the switches ARE necessary
' Please NOTE - About the app and it's limitations ' This app uses a built in Windows app named IEXPRESS to create the EXE file by way of a SED(Self Extracting Dirctive) file. ' This app write the SED file, then IEXPRESS reads, and executes the instructions in it to create the EXE file. ' IEXPRESS has limits. ' It won't copy a folder, so for now this app can only create EXE files with the necessary runtime support files ' That means (for now anyway) the files needed to work (dll's, sll's tkn renamed lbrun2.exe and the bas file if user wants it.) ' If your .bas file uses any support files from the DefaultDir$ or sub folders of DefaultDir$ such as ' _bmp, txt, etc, they won't be in the EXE file when created. ' The app is great for testing, or for apps that need no support files (other than the lb dlls/slls the tkn and renamed lbrun2.exe ) ' _and if your .bas doesn't create any files needed the next time it is opened.
' When an EXE that is created by IEXPRESS executes, it is unpacked in the users temp folder, into a folder ' _named IXP001.tmp, or the number can vary on each persons PC. IXP001......IXP00n (depends on other temp apps I guess) ' These temp folders get deleted when the app is finished doing it's thing as is closed. ' That means if your app saves any data to files in DefaultDir$, or copies any files\folders to DefaultDir$, they get deleted too.
' If the interest is there, and I get some feedback on this app I'll work on a version 2. ' Version 2 will have support for adding extra folders and files to the EXE ' It will also get around the temp folder issue. I have that part working already. ' It may also have an option to batch create the EXE files. ' By having .bas files in a folder, and executing a loop to create one after the other. ' Other suggestions are welcome
' If you use this, please take the time to give some feedback so I know what's up, ' Any issues, don't hesitate to report them ' This App is actually part of a larger app, and the defaults are set 'as is' to accomodate the larger app. ' I didn't want to re-write the whole thing for the 1 person that 'may' use it. ' This app is free to use, edit, and/or distibute. Feel free to make it work the way you want it to. ' New Version v1.8.9 ' added ini file to hold Users lb install dir path when detected to be other than default ' added checkbox to allow showing created exe file in Windows Explorer when complete ' added onerror notice, and restart of BAS2EXE ' hardened some more 'New Version 1.9.0c ' changed method of auto[enter] of TKN creation "save as" dialog, and "Information" notice ' changed file verification loops of created exe file and tkn file to allow escape from loop after a set time ' _ to avoid infinite looping with BAS2EXE running invisible, forcing user to use taskmanager to close ' _ when/if exe file or tkn file is NOT created for whatever reason ' added detection of spaces in filename. IEXPRESS will not create a file with spaces in the name of the ' _source file - BAS2EXE will give Notice, then close when Notice closes. ' Tested on files up to 11000 lines - User may need to increase the 2 largest pauses if files have ' _ 11000+ lines of code (look for 'call pause 1500') - 2 of them
[TOP] if mainOpen = 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 command = 0 : s = 0 : openDest = 0 : runEXE = 0 : p = 0 : q = 0 : show = 0 tkn = 0 : bas = 0 : r = 0 : ve$ = "" : ve = 0 : project = 0 : dt = 0 : fname$ = "" exeDest$ = "" : selectedpath$ = "" : fixeddate$ = "" : fixedtime$ = "" : exe$ = "" q$ = chr$(34) if CommandLine$ <> "" then if not(instr(CommandLine$, ".bas")) then [GUI] sourc3$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) sourc2$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) sourc1$ = word$(CommandLine$, 1) sourc = 1 if instr(sourc1$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 1) : goto [getDest] sourc = 2 if instr(sourc2$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) : goto [getDest] sourc = 3 if instr(sourc3$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) [getDest] fname$ = trim$(fname$) if right$(fname$, 1) = chr$(34) then fname$ = left$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$, 1) = chr$(34) then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "-" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "\" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) fname$ = trim$(fname$) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "\" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if not(instr(fname$, ":\")) and instr(fname$, ".bas") then fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";fname$ dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 1 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) : goto [gotDest] dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 2 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) : goto [gotDest] dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 4) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 3 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 4) : goto [gotDest] exeDest$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE" [gotDest] if left$(exeDest$ , 1) = "-" then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if right$(exeDest$, 1) = chr$(34) then exeDest$ = left$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if left$(exeDest$, 1) = chr$(34) then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if left$(exeDest$ , 1) = "-" then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if instr(CommandLine$, "/bas") then bas = 1 'creates a dated backup of the user selected .BAS file in DefaultDir$\BAS if instr(CommandLine$, "/dt") then dt = 1 'appends the date and time to the EXE file if instr(CommandLine$, "/kp") then project = 1 'keep the project folder (temp project folder gets deleted by default in command mode) if instr(CommandLine$, "/o") then openDest = 1 'opens windows explorer to the created EXE file when done if instr(CommandLine$, "/pw") then p = 1 'password - adds password to bas file - if chosen, the EXE file won't run without it. if instr(CommandLine$, "/q") then quiet = 1 'no "please wait" window will appear if instr(CommandLine$, "/r") then runEXE = 1 'Run the newly created exe file. if instr(CommandLine$, "/s") then show = 1 'show final options window (defaults to not show in command mode) if instr(CommandLine$, "/tkn") then tkn = 1 'creates a dated backup of the user selected TKN file in DefaultDir$\TKN if instr(CommandLine$, "/v") then 'ALL CommandLine options default to false, '0' , "", unless switch options are utilized ve = 1 ' appends a version number to the EXE filename - defaults to false - 0 ve$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2 , "/v") : ve$ = word$(ve$, 1) end if bit = 64 if instr(CommandLine$, "/bit") then bit$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2 , "/bit") : bit$ = word$(bit$, 1) : bit = val(bit$) end if command = 1 : goto [noGUI] end if [GUI] exeDest$ = "" titlebar$ = "BAS2EXE v1.9.0c"
[noGUI] if command = 1 then [commandPath] ' setup a Window for User to Select a .bas File, to select options for the EXE file. WindowWidth = 600 WindowHeight = 450 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black"
'add some text ,some buttons, and checkboxes to the Window statictext #pick.exe, "EXE File", 35, 30, 95, 30 statictext #pick.head, "BAS<2>EXE v1.9.0c", 250, 25, 190, 30 statictext #pick.temp, "Project Files", 425, 100, 195, 30 statictext #pick.datedtext, "Dated Backups", 225, 100, 185, 30 statictext #pick.info, "Select a working Liberty Basic Source Code File (.bas)", 50, 270, 590, 30 button #pick.default, "Select File", [defaultClick],UL 140, 340, 135, 35 button #pick.lbforums, "Visit the Liberty Basic Forums @ https://Libertybasiccom.proboards.com/", [forumLink],UL 0, 395, 595, 25 checkbox #pick.opendest, "Show EXE File When Completed", [OpenDest], [noOpenDest], 20, 210, 250, 20 checkbox #pick.bit32, "32 Bit", [bit32], [nobit32], 20, 65, 50, 20 checkbox #pick.bit64, "64 Bit", [bit64], [nobit64], 75, 65, 50, 20 checkbox #pick.password, "Add a Password", [yespass], [nopass], 20, 90, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.appDT, "Append Date/Time", [appDT], [noappDT], 20, 115, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.appversion, "Append Version Number", [appVersion], [noappVersion], 20, 140, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.project, "Keep Project Dir", [project], [noproject], 430, 135, 160, 20 checkbox #pick.TKN, "SaveTKN File", [noTKN], [yesTKN], 250, 135, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.BAS,"Save BAS File", [noBAS], [yesBAS], 250, 160, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.ShowOptionsMenu,"Show Post Creation Options Menu", [yesShow], [noShow], 20, 190, 190, 20 checkbox #pick.batch,"Select Folder for Batch EXE Creation", [yaBatch], [noBatch], 50, 310, 190, 20 button #pick.32, "Cancel", [cancel],UL 320, 340, 135, 35 statictext #pick.versionText, "Version #", 40, 170, 50, 20 textbox #pick.ve, 90, 165, 85, 20 'open the Window, and set some Fonts for each statictext, and buttons open "BAS2EXE v1.9.0c (CommandLine Support)" for window_nf as #pick : pickOpen = 1 #pick, "trapclose [cancel]" #pick.exe, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.temp, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.datedtext, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.info, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.head "!font Arial_bold" #pick.bit64, "set" #pick.project, "set" #pick.TKN "set" #pick.BAS "set" #pick.appDT "set" #pick.versionText "!hide" #pick.ve "!hide" #pick.default, "!setfocus" pickOpen = 1 project = 1 tkn = 1 bas = 1 bit = 64 dt = 1 wait
'Create exe files for all bas files in selected folder [yaBatch] #pick.info, "Select a Folder with 'Working' Source Files (.bas)" #pick.default "Select Folder" batch = 1 wait
[noBatch] #pick.info, "Select a working Liberty Basic Source Code File (.bas)" #pick.default "Select File" batch = 0 wait
[OpenDest] #pick.opendest "set" openDest = 1 wait [noOpenDest] #pick.opendest "reset" wait [yesShow] show = 1 wait [noShow] show = 0 wait [project] project = 1 wait [noproject] project = 0 wait [yesTKN] tkn = 0 wait [noTKN] tkn = 1 wait [yesBAS] bas=0 wait [noBAS] bas = 1 wait ' passworded exe is true(user selected) [yespass] p = 1 wait 'passworded exe is false, default [nopass] p = 0 wait 'make 32 bit exe = true(user selected) [bit32] bit=32 #pick.bit64, "reset" : #pick.bit64 "hide" wait 'make 64 bit exe, default [bit64] bit=64 #pick.bit32, "reset" : #pick.bit32 "hide" wait [nobit32] bit=64 #pick.bit64, "show" : #pick.bit32 "hide" wait [nobit64] bit=32 #pick.bit32, "show" : #pick.bit64 "hide" wait 'append date/time to backed up tkn, and bas files - defaults to true [appDT] dt = 1 wait [noappDT] dt = 0 wait [appVersion] #pick.versionText "!show" #pick.ve "!show" : #pick.ve "!setfocus" ve = 1 wait [noappVersion] #pick.ve "" #pick.versionText "!hide" #pick.ve "!hide" ve = 0 wait [forumLink] run "explorer https://Libertybasiccom.proboards.com" wait
[defaultClick] if ve = 1 then #pick.ve "!contents? ve$" : ve$ = "-";ve$
[commandPath] 'close the opening window for Selecting bas file if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0
'define some variables supportFileList$="run451.exe vbas31w.sll vgui31w.sll voflr31w.sll vthk31w.dll vtk1631w.dll vtk3231w.dll vvm31w.dll vvmt31w.dll" projects$ = "b2eProjects"
'make sure the support files exist fileCount = 0 while 1 fileCount = fileCount + 1 runtimeSupportFile$ = word$(supportFileList$, fileCount) if runtimeSupportFile$ = "" then exit while if fileExists(LBpath$,runtimeSupportFile$) = 0 then notice "File doesn't Exist";chr$(13);LBpath$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$;chr$(13);"BAS2EXE will now Close" : end wend
if command = 1 then [commandByPass]
' Use the filedialog function to allow user to select a source file (.bas) [filediag] global FolderDialog$ caption$ = "Select a Folder with Known Good .bas Files" if batch = 1 then call browser caption$ batchDir$ = FolderDialog$ if FolderDialog$ = "" then batch = 0 : wait gosub [getBatchDir] goto [commandByPass] end if fname$ = "" filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait
[commandByPass] 'if batchFileCount = 0 then batchFileCount = 1 : batchFiles$(numRuns) = fname$ if batchFileCount = 0 then batchFiles$(numRuns+1) = fname$ for numRuns = 0 to batchFileCount fname$=batchFiles$(numRuns+1) if fname$ = "" then wait if batch=1 then fname$ = FolderDialog$;"\";fname$ print "numRuns = ";numRuns print "batchFiles$(numRuns+1) = ";batchFiles$(numRuns+1) print "fname$ = ";fname$ print "batch = ";batch
if p = 1 then Prompt "TYPE a PASSWORD"+chr$(13)+ "Password For Your EXE File is? : (no spaces)";passwerd$ if passwerd$ = "" then p = 0 : notice "BAS2EXE will continue, without placing a password on the EXE file created" end if 'Separate path from selected filename, and extension from selected filename for var1 = len(fname$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname$, var1, 1) = "\" then var2 = var1 -1 : var3 = var2 - ((len(fname$))) : exit for next var1 var3 = abs(var3) orig$ = left$(fname$, var2) fname0$ = right$(fname$, var3 -1) for var4 = len(fname0$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname0$, var4, 1) = "." then var5 = var4 -1 : var6 = var5 - ((len(fname0$))) : exit for next var4 var6 = abs(var6) fnamenobas$ = left$(fname0$, var5) for x = 1 to len(fnamenobas$) spaceCheck$ = mid$(fnamenobas$, x, 1) if spaceCheck$ = " " then notice "No Spaces Allowed in File Name"+chr$(13)+"Space found in Selected Filename. Cannot Create EXE File."+chr$(13)+"BAS2EXE will now Close" : end next x ' fname$ = Full Path of User Selected .bas file (including the filename.bas) ' fname0$ = Name of the Selected .bas File Only - eg ; filename.bas ' fnamenobas$ = Name of the Selected .bas File (without the .bas) - eg: filename
[begin2] 'define Destpath1$ as lb Projects\Current Project Folder DestPath$=DefaultDir$ 'Where this file is RUN from DestPathU$ = DestPath$;"\";projects$ 'Projects Folder DestPath1$=DestPathU$;"\";fnamenobas$ 'Current Project Folder
'Make Folders for Liberty Basic Projects, EXE files, TKN files, BAS files, SED files and Current Projects res = mkdir(DestPathU$) 'projects dir res = mkdir(DestPath1$) 'new project dir = name of selected bas file (no .bas) in Projects Dir res =mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"EXE") 'exe files saved here res = mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") 'tkn files saved here res= mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") 'selected bas file saved here (includes password code if exe was passworded)
'make sure Folders were actually created if pathExists(DestPathU$) = 0 then notice "Projects folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DestPath1$) = 0 then notice "New Folder ";fnamenobas$;" was NOT Created in ";DestPath1$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") = 0 then notice "TKN Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") = 0 then notice "BAS Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"EXE") = 0 then notice "EXE Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end 'copy selected bas file to Projects\current project folder q$= chr$(34) open fname$ for input as #fname fnameTemp$="tempBas.bas" open fnameTemp$ for output as #2
'add a password prompt to the begining of the temp bas file(to be added to the exe) if p=0 then [nopasswerd] ' #2, "prompt ";q$;"Enter the Password to Run";q$;";";"passwerd$" #2, "if passwerd$ <> ";q$;passwerd$;q$;" then end" [nopasswerd] #2, input$(#fname, lof(#fname)); close #fname close #2
'copy temp.bas file to current project folder open fnameTemp$ for input as #fnameTemp open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for output as #1 #1, input$(#fnameTemp, lof(#fnameTemp)); close #1 close #fnameTemp if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnameTemp$) then kill fnameTemp$ 'check if the current project .bas file was copied to new dir if fileExists(DestPath1$,fname0$) = 0 then notice fname0$; " Was not copied to ";DestPath1$;" BAS2EXE will now close" : end 'activity message to user - please wait message if quiet = 0 then call pleasewait
'Copy the needed DLL and SLL files from Liberty Basic dir to projects\projectname Dir w$ = "" i = 0 while 1 i = i + 1 w$=word$(supportFileList$, i) if w$="" then exit while from$=LBpath$;"\";w$ to$=DestPath1$;"\";w$ if fileExists(DestPath1$,w$) then [noneed] open from$ for input as #file open to$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 [noneed] wend
'remove existing lbrun2.exe from new project before creating new one if fileExists(DestPath1$, LBruntime$) then kill DestPath1$;"\"; LBruntime$
'copy lbrun2.exe to current project Folder open LBpath$;"\";LBruntime$ for input as #file open DestPath1$;"\";LBruntime$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'Liberty Basic can't create\rename a file that exists, so if it does already exist - kill it (delete it) if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$ + ".exe") <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$ + ".exe" 'rename lbrun2.exe to name of User Selected .bas File - .bas +.exe name DestPath1$;"\";LBruntime$ as DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$ + ".exe" 'check new exe (renamed lbrun2.exe) file for existence in current project Folder ) if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".exe") = 0 then notice "lbrun2.exe not copied or renamed - EXITING Program": end 'remove any existing exe from projectdir - of same name as bas file selected only if created on same date at same time if fileExists(DestPath$;"\EXE",fnamenobas$;".exe") then kill DestPath$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;".exe" if command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$,fnamenobas$;".exe") then kill exeDest$;"\"; fnamenobas$;".exe" 'check for old tkn existence, delete it if it exists if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".tkn") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn"
gosub [makeSED] 'verify sed file existence before proceeding do scan loop until fileExists(DestPath$,fnamenobas$;".sed")
call writeAutoSave 'loop until autoSave$ File is verified while fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) = 0 : scan : wend
'####################################################################### 'run the script to close the "save" dialog, and the follow up notice of creation automatically run "wscript ";autoSave$ '####################################################################### 'Create the TKN file in Projects\current project folder. run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -T -A ";DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ '#######################################################################
'loop until TKN File is verified saved do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 50 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") call pause 1500 call fixtime : call fixdate ' append date/time to backup .bas and .tkn filename
'copy selected .bas file to BAS dir and date it if bas = 1 then open fname$ for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 end if
' copy TKN file to TKN dir, and append date\time to it's name if tkn = 1 and fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\TKN\";fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".tkn" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 end if fixeddate$ = "" : fixedtime$ = ""
'First Run setup in User Home Dir for CommandLine use if command = 1 and firstRun = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c xcopy ";DestPath1$;" ";upath$;" /e /s /c /h /i /y", hide call pause 1000 'call wDS run upath$;"\b2e.exe" end if if firstRun = 1 then close #pleasewait : end
'Check if iexpress.exe is installed (a built in Windows Install Maker = Self Extracting exe File) [makeexe] 'makes 64 bit exe if bit=32 then [do32bit] 'run iexpress commandline using the sed file created (sort of like an ini file) express64$ = "C:\Windows\System32" if fileExists(express64$,"iexpress.exe") then run "iexpress /N /q ";sedfile$ : goto [verifyEXE] else noie = 1 : goto [quit.main] end if 'makes 32 bit exe [do32bit] express32$ = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" if fileExists(express32$,"iexpress.exe") then run "iexpress /N /q ";sedfile$ else noie = 2 : goto [quit.main] end if 'verify the exe file was created - loop until it exists [verifyEXE] if command = 1 then do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 50 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(exeDest$, exe$) end if if command = 0 then do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 50 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE\", exe$) end if call pause 1500 if dt = 1 then call fixdate : call fixtime
' append version, date, time to filename if selected if command = 1 then if fileExists(exeDest$, fnamenobas$;".exe") then exefilename$ = fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" name exeDest$;"\";fnamenobas$;".exe" as exeDest$;"\";exefilename$ end if end if if command <> 1 then if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fnamenobas$;".exe") then exefilename$ = fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;".exe" as DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$ end if end if if runEXE = 1 and command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$, exefilename$) then run exeDest$;"\";exefilename$
[main] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 'create a window with options to view created files or run the new exe file. WindowWidth = 400 WindowHeight = 320 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "darkgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black" button #main.default, "Make New Single EXE File (GUI Mode)", [rerun],UL 90, 200, 220, 40 button #main.run, "Run the Created EXE File", [progrun],UL 125, 150, 150, 40 button #main.browseT, "View TKN Files", [browseT],UL 125, 15, 150, 25 button #main.browseB "View BAS Files", [browseB],UL 125, 45, 150, 25 button #main.browseE, "View EXE Files", [browseE],UL 125, 75, 150, 25 button #main.browseP, "View Projects", [browseP],UL 125, 105, 150, 25 button #main.lbforums, "For more Information > Click Here to Visit the Liberty Basic Forums", [forumLink], UL 0, 270, 400, 20 open "View Files\ Run Created EXE \ Make New EXE" for window_nf as #main #main, "trapclose [quit.main]" mainOpen = 1 if show <> 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 if command = 0 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c explorer /select, ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$;q$, hide openDest = 0 if mainOpen = 0 then [quit.main] end if if command = 1 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c start explorer.exe /select, ";q$;exeDest$;"\";exefilename$;q$, hide openDest = 0 if mainOpen = 0 then [quit.main] end if cursor normal next numRuns batch=0 gosub [cleanUp] if batch = 1 then [quit.main] if mainOpen=1 then if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait else goto [quit.main] end if
'Make another EXE file [rerun] if command = 1 then CommandLine$ = "" : exeDest$ = "" : fname$ = "" : command = 0 goto [TOP] 'open Windows explorer to the EXE Files [browseE] if command = 1 and exeDest$ <> "" then run "explorer.exe ";exeDest$ if command = 0 then run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE" wait 'open Windows explorer to the backup TKN Files Files [browseT] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\TKN" wait 'open Windows explorer to the backup BAS Files [browseB] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\BAS" wait 'open Windows explorer to the Projects Dir [browseP] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\b2eProjects" wait 'Run the new CommandLine created exe file chosen [progrun] if command = 1 then run exeDest$;"\";exefilename$ end if if command = 0 then run DestPath$;"\EXE\";exefilename$ end if wait
[getBatchDir] dim Info$(1, 1) files batchDir$, Info$() batchFileCount = val(Info$(0, 0)) dim batchFiles$(batchFileCount+1) for x = 1 to batchFileCount filename$ = Info$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 4) <> ".bas" then [noThanks] batchFiles$(x) = filename$ print batchFiles$(x) [noThanks] next x return
[makeSED] 'can't write text to files that include quotes, so use the characters so they will print without syntax errors sedfile$=fnamenobas$;".sed" open sedfile$ for output as #sed #sed "[Version]" #sed "Class=IEXPRESS" #sed "SEDVersion=3" #sed "[Options]" #sed "PackagePurpose=InstallApp" #sed "ShowInstallProgramWindow=1" #sed "HideExtractAnimation=1" #sed "UseLongFileName=1" #sed "InsideCompressed=0" #sed "CAB_FixedSize=0" #sed "CAB_ResvCodeSigning=0" #sed "RebootMode=N" #sed "InstallPrompt=%InstallPrompt%" #sed "DisplayLicense=%DisplayLicense%" #sed "FinishMessage=%FinishMessage%" #sed "TargetName=%TargetName%" #sed "FriendlyName=%FriendlyName%" #sed "AppLaunched=%AppLaunched%" #sed "PostInstallCmd=%PostInstallCmd%" #sed "AdminQuietInstCmd=%AdminQuietInstCmd%" #sed "UserQuietInstCmd=%UserQuietInstCmd%" #sed "SourceFiles=SourceFiles" #sed "[Strings]" #sed "InstallPrompt=" #sed "DisplayLicense=" #sed "FinishMessage=" exe$=fnamenobas$;".exe" if command = 1 and exeDest$ <> "" then #sed "TargetName=";q$;exeDest$;"\";exe$;q$ else #sed "TargetName=";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exe$;q$ end if #sed "FriendlyName=";q$;fnamenobas$;q$ #sed "AppLaunched=";q$;exe$;q$ #sed "PostInstallCmd=<None>" #sed "AdminQuietInstCmd=" #sed "UserQuietInstCmd=" #sed "FILE0=";q$;exe$;q$ sedtkn$=fnamenobas$;".tkn" #sed "FILE1=";q$;sedtkn$;q$ sll1$="vbas31w.sll" sll2$="vgui31w.sll" sll3$="voflr31w.sll" dll1$="vthk31w.dll" dll2$="vtk1631w.dll" dll3$="vtk3231w.dll" dll4$="vvm31w.dll" dll5$="vvmt31w.dll" #sed "FILE2=";q$;sll1$;q$ #sed "FILE3=";q$;sll2$;q$ #sed "FILE4=";q$;sll3$;q$ #sed "FILE5=";q$;dll1$;q$ #sed "FILE6=";q$;dll2$;q$ #sed "FILE7=";q$;dll3$;q$ #sed "FILE8=";q$;dll4$;q$ #sed "FILE9=";q$;dll5$;q$ #sed "[SourceFiles]" #sed "SourceFiles0=";q$;DestPath1$;q$ #sed "[SourceFiles0]" #sed "%FILE0%=" #sed "%FILE1%=" #sed "%FILE2%=" #sed "%FILE3%=" #sed "%FILE4%=" #sed "%FILE5%=" #sed "%FILE6%=" #sed "%FILE7%=" #sed "%FILE8%=" #sed "%FILE9%=" close #sed return
[cleanUp] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnameTemp$) then kill fnameTemp$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"temp.txt") then kill "temp.txt" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "FolderDialog.vbs") then kill "FolderDialog.vbs" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) then kill autoSave$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$,desktopShortcut$) then kill desktopShortcut$ 'if user chose to, - delete the current project dir and files (copied bas file, tkn file, sll,dll, run451.exe(renamed file) if project = 0 then if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vbas31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vbas31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vgui31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vgui31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "voflr31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"voflr31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vtk1631w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vtk1631w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vthk31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vthk31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vtk3231w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vtk3231w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vvm31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vvm31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vvmt31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vvmt31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, exe$) then kill DestPath1$;"\";exe$ if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".bas") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".bas" if pathExists(DestPath1$) then deldir = rmdir(DestPath1$) end if if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnamenobas$;".sed") then kill DefaultDir$;"\";fnamenobas$;".sed" if noie = 1 then notice "64Bit Version of IEXPRESS not installed"+chr$(13)+" No EXE File Created - BAS2EXE closing." if noie = 2 then notice "32Bit Version of IEXPRESS not installed"+chr$(13)+" No EXE File Created - BAS2EXE closing." if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.INF", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.vbs", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.sed", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.RPT", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.CAB", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.DDF", HIDE 'if mainOpen = 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0 if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".CAB") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".CAB" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".DDF") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".DDF" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".RPT") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".RPT" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;"_LAYOUT.INF") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;"_LAYOUT.INF" return
[quit.main] if command = 0 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c explorer /select, ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$;q$, hide gosub [cleanUp] if command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$, exefilename$) = 0 then notice "No EXE Created"+chr$(13)+"EXE file was NOT created"+chr$(13)+"Check Selected File 'name' for Spaces" if command = 0 and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE\", exefilename$) = 0 then notice chr$(13)+"EXE file was NOT created"+chr$(13)+"Check Selected File 'name' for Spaces" if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 if mainOpen = 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 wait
[quit.pleasewait] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[cancel] close #pick wait
[newKey] 'ask the user for a name for the new listing call saveValue newKey$ = "" if len(left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1))) < 4 then [notPlural] prompt "Enter a Name (or Title) for the New " + left$(categorie$,(len(categorie$)-1)); newKey$ if newKey$ <> "" then [continue] else wait
[notPlural] prompt "Enter a Name (or Title) for the New "+categorie$+" Script"; newKey$ if newKey$ = "" then wait
'if user selects 'New From File' instead of New (copy/paste) to add new Project, or new Program [continue] if newKey$ <> "" then call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select "; newKey$ #codeTank.value "!cls"; call collectGarbage call writeDictionary lastKey$ = newKey$ end if if tkn = 2 or tkn = 4 then open fname$ for input as #1 open categorie$ for append as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)); close #1 close #2 gosub [cleanUp] tkn = 0 end if call saveValue call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select 0" #codeTank.value "!setfocus" if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[keySelected] call saveValue #codeTank.keys "selection? selectedKey$" if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";anyFolder$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = examples$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";examples$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = snippets$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";snippets$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = cmd$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";cmd$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = vbs$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";vbs$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = subroutines$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";subroutines$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = functions$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";functions$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = MyProjects$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";MyProjects$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = programs$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";programs$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = lbExamples$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";lbExamples$;" File - ";uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.value "!cls" open uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if if categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";lbBakFiles$;" File - ";uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" #codeTank.value "!cls" open uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";folderChoice$;" File - ";folderpath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.value "!cls" open folderpath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value "!origin 0 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyBackups$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";MyBackups$;" File - ";DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.value "!cls" open DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS\";selectedKey$;".bas" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value, "!origin 0 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if
selectedValue$ = getValue$(selectedKey$) #codeTank.value "!contents selectedValue$"; lastKey$ = selectedKey$ #codeTank.value, "!origin 0 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait
[deleteKey] 'delete a Listing gosub [deleteNow] wait [deleteNow] #codeTank.keys "selection? selectedKey$" if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : cursor normal : wait [deleteOrig] cursor hourglass call pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 1 #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Erasing ";selectedKey$;" code from - ";categorie$ #codeTank.value, "!selectall" #codeTank.value, "!cut" #pleasewait.fake "!setfocus" call saveValue if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 Pad$ close #1 end if open categorie$ for input as #1 tempfile$ = "tempfile" open tempfile$ for output as #2 word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) while eof(#1) = 0 line input #1, line$ if line$ = word1$ then [dontSave] #2, line$ [dontSave] wend close #1 close #2 if fileExists(DefaultDir$, categorie$) then kill DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ name tempfile$ as categorie$ lastKey$ = "" call readDictionary call loadKeys call saveValue #codeTank.keys "select 0" if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then pleasewaitOpen = 0 : close #pleasewait cursor normal if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$) <> 0 and mir = 0 then folder$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$ text$ = "Title: "+selectedKey$+chr$(13)+" Has been Deleted"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Do you wish to delete the project folder as well?" a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait a$ = delete$(folder$) end if return
'run selected MyProjects, or MyPrograms [runKey] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait text$ = "Warning "+chr$(13)+"RUNing this Code May Leave an IDE Window"+chr$(13)+"and or"+chr$(13)+"Leave Mainwin Open when it Closes";chr$(13)+"It May Not Open at all, or it May Just Flash Open and Close"+chr$(13)+"Run it Anyway ?" if categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ then runFile$ = uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(code$,"trapclose",1) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bak";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyBackups$ then runFile$ = DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bas";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then runFile$ = FolderDialog$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bas";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = lbExamples$ then runFile$ = uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 or instr(lower$(code$),lower$("'nomainwin")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".tkn") <> 0 then runFile$ = savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".tkn" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Running - ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".tkn" run runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyProjects$ or categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".exe") <> 0 then runFile$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".exe" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Running - ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".exe" run runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyProjects$ or categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".bas") = 0 then notice "Cannot be RUN"+chr$(13)+"This Title was Created Manually"+chr$(13)+selectedKey$+chr$(13)_ +" Not created using 'New from File'"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)_ +"Edit with Liberty Basic and save it as the 'Same Name..bas"+chr$(13)+"Select Radio Button "+categorie$+chr$(13)+"Select Button [New from File]"+chr$(13)_ +"Select the .bas file you just saved."+chr$(13)+" It will be available to RUN from then on" end if #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
'open selected listing in just Basic IDE [edit_In_LB_IDE] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from a list, try again" : wait #codeTank.value, "!contents? valueNow$"; open "untitled.bas" for output as #1 #1 "WARNING - To Preserve the Integrity of the CodeTank File(s) and the Liberty Basic Files(s)" #1 "THIS CODE IS ACTUALLY a COPY OF ";selectedKey$;".bas Named -> 'untitled.bas' " #1 "'Remember to 'Save As' a name of your Choice if/when done editing" #1 "" #1 valueNow$ close #1 tempfile$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";q$;tempfile$;q$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Editing ";tempfile$;" in Liberty Basic Editor" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[mergeFile] filedialog "Select a ";categorie$ ;" file to merge ",DefaultDir$, mergefile$ if mergefile$ = "" then wait a$ = GetFilename$(mergefile$) if a$ <> categorie$ then answer$ = "yes" prompt " Categories Don't Match "+chr$(13)+" Merge Anyway?" ; answer$ if answer$ <> "yes" then wait end if open mergefile$ for input as #1 line input #1, dataline$ : close #1 mergeCheck$ = chr$(134)+chr$(165)+chr$(134) if left$(dataline$, 3) <> mergeCheck$ then notice "Merge with ";categorie$+" Issue"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Unable to Merge File named "+chr$(13)+a$+chr$(13)+"The formatting of file "+a$+" is incompatible" : wait call pleasewait : cursor hourglass open mergefile$ for input as #1 open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)); close #2 : close #1 call readDictionary call collectGarbage call writeDictionary call loadKeys close #pleasewait cursor normal #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[codeTankHelp] notice "codeTank is curently in development, For Help, please visit the LB forums";chr$(13);chr$(13);"@ https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
[about] notice "codeTank is curently in development. Please Visit ";chr$(13);chr$(13);"https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
[revert] revert = 1 'Work starts here #codeTank.keys "selection? name$" if name$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait filedialog "Open a 'KNOWN WORKING' Source File (.bas) ", DefaultDir$;"\BAS\*";selectedKey$;"*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait open fname$ for input as #1 fnamenobas$ = word$(fname$, 2, "--") : fnamenobas$ = left$(fnamenobas$, len(fnamenobas$) - 4) open DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";fnamenobas$;"\";fnamenobas$;".bas" for output as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)) : close #1 : close #2 goto [remakeproject] wait
[openlb] run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$ wait
'top menu "Open File in LB IDE" [openlbFile] filedialog "Open \ Select a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", upath$; "\*.bas", openFilename$ if openFilename$ = "" then wait #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "File Opened in Liberty Basic - ";openFilename$ run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";openFilename$ wait
[basFiles] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS";q$ wait
'open the following in Windows Explorer [projectsDir] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\";"savedProjects";q$ wait
[EXEDir] a$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE" run "explorer.exe ";q$;a$;q$ wait
[tknDir] a$ = DefaultDir$;"\TKN" run "explorer.exe ";q$;a$;q$ wait
[lbexamplesDir] if pathExists(uAppPath$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";q$;uAppPath$;q$ else if pathExists(uAppPath$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";uAppPath$ end if wait
[defaultDir] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;q$ wait
'radio button selections from MyProjects to Help [projs] #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!enable" #codeTank.merge "!enable" #codeTank.merge "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!enable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = MyProjects$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) category$ = right$(category$,7) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$;" (Copy/Paste)" #codeTank.fromFile, "&New ";category$;" (From File)" wait
[progs] #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!enable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!enable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = programs$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.keys "singleclickselect" #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$;" (Copy/Paste)" #codeTank.fromFile, "&New ";category$;" (From File)" wait
[exams] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = examples$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$ wait
[snipps] #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = snippets$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) wait
[subroutines] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = subroutines$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$ wait
[functions] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = functions$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) category$= left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) wait
[vbs] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = vbs$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1) category$ = categorie$ wait
[cmd] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = cmd$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1) category$ = categorie$ wait
[lbCodeExamples] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, lbExamples$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";lbExamples$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = lbExamples$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files uAppPath$, folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) dim lbExamplesList$(numExamps) open lbExamples$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipp] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skipp] lbExamplesList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = lbExamplesList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipp]
[lbbakfiles] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, lbBakFiles$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\"; lbBakFiles$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files uAppPath$;"\bak\", info$() numExamps = val(info$(0, 0)) dim lbBakFilesList$(numExamps) open lbBakFiles$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipit] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = info$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bak" then [skipit] lbBakFilesList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = lbBakFilesList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipit]
[mybackups] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, MyBackups$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";MyBackups$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = MyBackups$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions gettingMybackupFiles = 1 dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS", folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) dim MyBackupsList$(numExamps) a$=DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skiphere] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skiphere] MyBackupsList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = MyBackupsList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skiphere]
[folderChoice] folderChoice$ = "folderChoice.txt" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, folderChoice$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";folderChoice$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue caption$ = "Navigate to, and Select YOUR Liberty Basic (or Pro) Install Dir" call browser (caption$) if right$(FolderDialog$,1) = "\" then FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$)-1) if FolderDialog$ = "" then notice "No Folder Selected" : wait if len(FolderDialog$) = 2 then notice "Drive ";left$(FolderDialog$, 2);" Selected - You MUST Select a Folder" : goto [folderChoice] folderpath$ = FolderDialog$ #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = folderChoice$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions redim folderInfo$(1, 1) files folderpath$, folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) redim folderList$(numExamps) open folderChoice$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipnow] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : categorie$ = anyFolder$ : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skipnow] folderList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = folderList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipnow]
[forumlink] run "explorer.exe https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
'resize window font - sets all fonts equal [incFont] mainFontsize = mainFontsize + 1 #codeTank.value "!font Arial ";mainFontsize #codeTank.keys "font Arial ";mainFontsize wait
[decFont] mainFontsize = mainFontsize - 1 #codeTank.value "!font Arial ";mainFontsize #codeTank.keys "font Arial ";mainFontsize wait
'create a project and tkn file and add it to the MyProjects List [makeproject] call saveValue #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Creating Project ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" tkn = 2 if categorie$ <> MyProjects$ then tkn = 4 goto [defaultclick]
[remakeproject] call saveValue if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait tempCat$=categorie$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$,selectedKey$;".bas") = 0 then notice "Cannot be Updated - Title was Created Manually"+chr$(13)+selectedKey$+chr$(13)_ +" Wasn't created using a File"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)_ +"Edit with Liberty Basic and save it using the SAME NAME.bas."+chr$(13)+"Select Radio Button My"+categorie$+chr$(13)+"Select Button [New "+left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1);" from File]"+chr$(13)_ +"Select the appropriate .bas file."+chr$(13)+" In Future it Will be Available for Updating" #codeTank.keys "select 0" #codeTank.value "!cls" categorie$ = tempCat$ else fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" end if categorie$ = tempCat$ #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" open fname$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 open DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 code$ close #1 tkn = 4 if revert = 1 then fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Updating ";fname$ if tkn = 4 then [makeTKN]
[defaultclick] 'Checking all paths and file locations for existence (dll's, sll's, lbasic.exe, and lbrun2.exe) res=fileExists(LBpath$, LBexe$) if res then a = a + 1 else notice LBexe$;" Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,LBruntime$) if res then a = a + 1 else notice LBrun$;" Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vbas31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vbas31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vgui31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vgui31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"voflr31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " voflr31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vthk31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vthk31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vtk1631w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk1631w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vtk3231w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk3231w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vvm31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvm31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vvmt31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvmt31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program": goto [quit.codeTank]
' Use the filedialog function to allow user to select a source file (.bas) [fileDiag] 'open file dialog to choose a .bas file for exe conversion, "*.bas;*.bak",.txt filedialog "Open a 'KNOWN WORKING' Source File (.bas) ", DefaultDir$, fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$;" Creating tkn file for - ";fname$ [makeTKN] call pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 1 #pleasewait.fake "!setfocus" 'Separate path from selected filename, and extension from selected filename for var1 = len(fname$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname$, var1, 1) = "\" then var2 = var1 -1 : var3 = var2 - ((len(fname$))) : exit for next var1 var3 = abs(var3) orig$ = left$(fname$, var2) fname0$ = right$(fname$, var3 -1)
'finish separating filename from extension for var4 = len(fname0$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname0$, var4, 1) = "." then var5 = var4 -1 : var6 = var5 - ((len(fname0$))) : exit for next var4 var6 = abs(var6) fnamenobas$ = left$(fname0$, var5) ' fname$ = Full Path of User Selected .bas file (including the filename.bas) ' fname0$ = Name of the Selected .bas File Only - eg ; filename.bas ' fnamenobas$ = Name of the Selected .bas File (without the .bas) - eg: filename
[begin] 'define Destpath1$ as LB Projects\Current Project Folder DestPath$=DefaultDir$ 'Where this file is RUN from DestPathU$ = DestPath$;"\";savedProjects$ 'Projects Folder DestPath1$=DestPathU$;"\";fnamenobas$ 'Current created Project Folder
'Make Folders for Liberty Basic Projects, EXE files, TKN files, BAS files, SED files and Current Projects res = mkdir(DestPathU$) 'projects dir res = mkdir(DestPath1$) 'new project dir = name of selected bas file (no .bas) in Projects Dir res = mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") 'tkn files saved here res= mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") 'selected bas file saved here (includes password code if exe was passworded)
'make sure Folders were actually created res=pathExists(DestPathU$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "savedProjects folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] if res then a=a+1 else notice "New Folder ";fnamenobas$;" was NOT Created in ";DestPath1$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] tknFolder$=DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN" res=pathExists(tknFolder$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "TKN Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] basFolder$=DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS" res=pathExists(basFolder$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "BAS Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank]
'copy selected bas file to Projects\current project folder open fname$ for input as #1 data$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) : close #1 open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for output as #2 #2 data$ close #2
'check if the current project .bas file was copied to new dir if fileExists(DestPath1$,fname0$) = 0 then notice fname0$; " Was not copied to ";DestPath1$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] if tkn = 4 then [tknOnly] 'bypass for Categorie Programs and Updates - tkn and bas file only needed
'Copy the needed DLL and SLL files from Liberty Basic dir to projects\projectname Dir i = 0 while 1 i = i + 1 runtimeSupportFile$=word$(DllList$,i) if runtimeSupportFile$ ="" then exit while sourceFile$=LBpath$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$ destinationFile$=DestPath1$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$
'don't copy runtime files if they already exists if fileExists(DestPath1$, runtimeSupportFile$) <> 0 then [fileExists] open sourceFile$ for input as #file open destinationFile$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 [fileExists] wend
'verify dll's and sll's were copied to new project folder res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vbas31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vbas31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vgui31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vgui31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"voflr31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " voflr31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vthk31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vthk31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vtk1631w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk1631w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vtk3231w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk3231w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vvm31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvm31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vvmt31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvmt31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] 'remove any left over existing lbrun2.exe from new project before creating new one 'Liberty Basic can't create\rename a file that exists, so if it does already exist - kill it (delete it) if fileExists(DestPath1$, LBruntime$) <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\"; LBruntime$
'copy lbrun2.exe to Current Project Folder open LBpath$;"\";LBruntime$ for input as #file open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".exe" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'check new exe (renamed lbrun2.exe) file for existence in current project Folder ) if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".exe") = 0 then notice "lbrun2.exe not copied or renamed - EXITING Program": goto [quit.codeTank]
[tknOnly] call fixtime call fixdate
'copy selected .bas file to BAS dir and date it open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for input as #file open DestPath$;"\BAS\";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;"-";fnamenobas$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'remove any existing tkn of same name in TKN dir if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn"
'write/run the script to close the "save" dialog, and the follow up "information" notice of creation automatically call writeAutoSave 'loop until autoSave$ File is verified while fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) = 0 : scan : wend run "wscript ";autoSave$ '#######################################################################
'Create the TKN file in Projects\current project folder. RUN q$;LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;q$;" -T -A ";DestPath1$;"\";fname0$
'loop until TKN File is verified while www = 0 if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then exit while scan wend call pause 3500
'copy TKN$ file to TKN dir, and date it open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\TKN\";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;"-";fnamenobas$;".tkn" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
if fileExists (DefaultDir$;"\TKN", fixeddate$;fixedtime$;"-";fnamenobas$;".tkn") = 0 then notice fixeddate$;fixedtime$;"-";fnamenobas$;".tkn";" was NOT created in ";DefaultDir$;"\TKN" : wait
[continueOn] 'check what tkn value =, and continue to create the 'new key' if tkn = 2 or tkn = 4 then newKey$ = fnamenobas$ goto [continue]
[initiate] global selectedKey$, lastKey$, categorie$, FolderDialog$, dictionary$, q$, codetankOpen, fixeddate$, fixedtime$, folder$, lastKey$ 'global 'selectedKey$, fixeddate$, fixedtime$, project, fnamenobas$, DestPath$, DestPath1$, JBexe$,_ 'LBpath$, keyCount, q$, lastKey$, selectedpath$, upath$, folder$, folderpath$ 'First we need the users home path CSIDL.PROFILE = 40 upath$ = GetSpecialFolder$(CSIDL.PROFILE) if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "codetank.ini") then open DefaultDir$;"\codetank.ini" for input as #1 line input #1, LBpath$ : close #1 if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" end if goto [check] end if if fileExists(upath$;"\AppData\Roaming\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1", "freeform404.bas") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\AppData\Roaming\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBpath$ = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" goto [check] end if end if if fileExists(upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1", "freeform450.bas") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBpath$ = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if end if [check] text$ = chr$(13)+" Liberty Basic v4.5.1 was not installed to the default Install folder."+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Would you like to Browse to and Select your Liberty Basic 4.5.1"+chr$(13)+"(or Pro)"+chr$(13)+"Install Folder" 'if Liberty Basic v4.5.1 is NOT installed to it's Default Install Dir, get Path from User using folder dialog if fileExists(LBpath$, LBexe$) <> 0 then [start] else a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then end caption$ = "Navigate to, and Select YOUR Liberty Basic v4.5.1 (or Pro) Install Dir" call browser, caption$ if right$(FolderDialog$, 1) = "\" then FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$)-1) if FolderDialog$ = "" then notice "Liberty Basic v4.5.1 must be installed to continue" : end LBpath$ = FolderDialog$ open "codetank.ini" for output as #1 #1 LBpath$ : close #1 if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" end if return
'FastCode written by cundo, a member of the Liberty Basic / Just Basic Forums 'edited by xxgeek to suit this app [fastcode] dim windowTypes$(19) windowTypes$(0)= "":windowTypes$(1)= "dialog":windowTypes$(2)= "dialog_fs":windowTypes$(3)= "dialog_nf":windowTypes$(4)= "dialog_nf_fs" windowTypes$(5)= "dialog_ns_modal":windowTypes$(6)= "dialog_modal":windowTypes$(7)= "dialog_popup":windowTypes$(8)= "graphics" windowTypes$(9)= "graphics_fs":windowTypes$(10) = "graphics_nf":windowTypes$(11)= "graphics_nsb":windowTypes$(12)= "graphics_nsb_nf" windowTypes$(13)= "text":windowTypes$(14)= "text_fs":windowTypes$(15)= "text_nsb":windowTypes$(16)= "text_nsb_ins":windowTypes$(17)= "window" windowTypes$(18)= "window_nf":windowTypes$(19)= "window_popup" WindowWidth = 430:WindowHeight = 470 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black" texteditor #fastcode.ed, 8, 130, 400, 200 statictext #fastcode.fastcode, "Create Window Code", 135, 5, 165, 20 statictext #fastcode.st1, "< Name && Handle >", 150, 25, 128, 20 statictext #fastcode.st1, "Window Type", 50, 55, 90, 20 textbox #fastcode.txt1, 290, 20, 115, 20 textbox #fastcode.txt2, 20, 20, 115, 20 combobox #fastcode.combo, windowTypes$(, dummy, 145, 50, 140, 20 checkbox #fastcode.r1, "Use Labels instead of Subs", dummy, dummy, 8, 90, 222, 20 button #fastcode.button1, "&Generate Code ^ + > Copy to Clipboard", dummy, ul, 70, 340, 270, 25 button #fastcode.preview, "Preview", [preview], ul, 160, 375, 75, 25 open "FastCode by cundo" for window as #fastcode #fastcode "trapclose [quit.fastcode]" #fastcode "font arial 10 Bold" #fastcode.txt1 "#main" #fastcode.txt2 "untiltled" #fastcode.combo "selectindex 17" fastcodeOpen = 1 #codeTank.fastwindows "!disable" #fastcode.r1 "set" wait
[preview] temp$ = "temp.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #fastcode.ed "!contents? code$" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";temp$ wait
[quit.fastcode] close #fastcode fastcodeOpen = 0 #codeTank.fastwindows "!enable" wait
'The [Search] button was pressed, or after searching/changing font size etc, the program was directed back here. [search] #codeTank.tb "!enable" : #codeTank.tb "!selectall" done = 0 count = 0 #results.default "!setfocus"' wait
[startSearching] #codeTank.tb "!disable" redim searchList$(10) if resultsOpen = 0 then gosub [results] #codeTank.tb "!contents? searchFor$" if searchFor$ = "" then [search] searchList$(0) = " " searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " Searching the Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Files" searchList$(3) = " " searchList$(4) = " For Files containing ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(5) = " " searchList$(6) = " " searchList$(7) = " " searchList$(8) = " " searchList$(9) = " P L E A S E W A I T" #results.listbox2 "reload" searchFor$=trim$(searchFor$) count = 3 cursor hourglass redim searchList$(2600) redim oneOf$(2500) #results.listbox2 "setfocus"
'search lb help files if lbHelp = 1 then files helpFilePath$;"\html", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then x = 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "and" then oneOf$(count) = "H_AND" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "not" then oneOf$(count) = "H_NOT" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "xor" then oneOf$(count) = "H_XOR" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "or" then oneOf$(count) = "H_OR" : count = count + 1 listName$ = helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ open listName$ for input as #1 : isOpen = 1 while not(eof(#1)) scan line input #1, name$ if x = 5 and lower$(left$(name$, 7)) = lower$("<TITLE>") then name3$ = mid$(name$, 8, len(name$)-15) : if right$(name3$, 4) = "Etc." then name3$ = left$(name3$, len(name3$) - 1) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name3$ : count = count + 1 end if' if x = 8 and left$(lower$(name$), 7) = lower$("<TITLE>") then name5$ = mid$(name$, 8, len(name$)-15) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name5$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 12 and left$(name$ , 5) = "<P><A" then name8$ = word$(name$, 2, "</A><B>") : name8$ = left$(name8$, len(name8$)-8) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name8$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 14 and left$(name$ , 3) = "<P>" then name7$ = mid$(name$, 4, len(name$)-7) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name7$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 15 and right$(name$, 8) = "</B></P>" then name11$ =word$(name$, 2, "B>") : name11$ = left$(name11$, len(name11$)-2) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name11$ : count = count + 1 exit while end if x = x + 1 wend if isOpen = 1 then close #1 : isOpen = 0 end if next i end if 'Search the LB Code Examples Files if lbexamples = 1 then files uAppPath$, "*.bas", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open uAppPath$;"\";fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then name$ = upper$(fileToOpen$) name20$ = left$(name$, len(name$)-4) oneOf$(count) = "CE_";name20$ : count = count + 1 end if next i end if 'Search the CodeBank saved .bas files if codeTank = 1 then files DefaultDir$;"\BAS", "*.bas", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open "BAS";"\";fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then name$ = upper$(fileToOpen$) name20$ = left$(name$, len(name$)-4) oneOf$(count) = "CB_";name20$ : count = count + 1 end if next i end if 'if no search results found if count < 4 then #results.listbox2 "reload" searchList$(0) = " " searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " " searchList$(3) = " Nothing found for: ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(4) = " " searchList$(5) = " " searchList$(6) = " " searchList$(7) = " Try Adding more Categories " searchList$(8) = " " searchList$(9) = " To the Search Engine" searchList$(10) = " " searchList$(11) = " Using the CheckBoxes" searchList$(12) = " " searchList$(13) = " To Visit the Liberty Basic Forums" searchList$(14) = " " searchList$(15) = " Click the Link Below" searchList$(16) = " " searchList$(17) = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" searchList$(18) = " " searchList$(19) = " " searchList$(20) = " " #results.listbox2 "reload" cursor normal end if
'sort the list of possible results sort oneOf$(), 0, count dim b$(count+1) happened$="|" K = 0
'filter out the false Titles (Due to differences in html help pages source code - Title not on same line in all files) for i = 0 to count name$ = oneOf$(i) if right$(name$, 1) = ">" or right$(name$, 6) = "window" or left$(name$, 5) = "H_ame" or right$(name$, 8) = "position"_ or left$(name$, 5) = "H_GCO" or right$(name$, 1) = ":" or left$(name$, 3) = "H_<" _ or left$(name$, 3) = "H_"+chr$(39) or right$(name$, 1) = "." or right$(name$, 1) = " " or right$(name$, 8) = "[branch]"_ or right$(name$, 3) = "] )" or right$(name$, 3) = "] ]" or right$(name$, 6) = "items)" or name$ = "H_WHILE...WEND"_ or right$(name$, 5) = "size)" or right$(name$, 1) = ";" or right$(name$, 5) = "LEN=n" or right$(name$, 7) = "number)" _ or right$(name$, 7) = "#handle" or right$(name$, 4) = "varN" or right$(name$, 4) = "...)" or right$(name$, 2) = "];" _ or right$(name$, 1) = "v" or right$(name$, 8) = "fontSpec" or right$(name$, 7) = "expr2 )" or right$(name$, 2) = "))"_ or right$(name$, 12) = "variableName" or right$(name$, 4) = "num2"or right$(name$, 5) = ".bmp"+chr$(34)_ or right$(name$, 2) = chr$(34)+")" or right$(name$, 4) = "var"+chr$(36) or right$(name$, 4) = ",n])"_ or right$(name$, 4) = "expr" or right$(name$, 4) = "num2" or right$(name$, 9) = chr$(34)+"refresh"+chr$(34)_ or right$(name$, 3) = "g])" or right$(name$, 6) = "Label]" or right$(name$, 8) = "#handle)" or right$(name$, 9) = "String$ )"_ or right$(name$, 11) = "Expression)" or right$(name$, 10) = "expression" or right$(name$, 9) = "[number])"_ or right$(name$, 7) = "struct)" or right$(name$, 7) = "comment" or right$(name$, 12) = "recordNumber"_ or right$(name$, 5) = "size)" or right$(name$, 6) = "follow" or right$(name$, 6) = "mode ]" or right$(name$, 8) = "number )" or name$ = "H_TRACE number"_ or right$(name$, 8) = "[column]" or right$(name$, 10) = "#handle, n" or right$(name$, 2) = " 1" or right$((left$(name$, 7)), 5) = chr$(34)+"Font"_ or right$(name$, 9) = "{LEN = n}" or right$(name$, 5) = "Expr2" or right$(name$, 6) = "length"or left$(name$, 9) = "H_Install"_ or right$(name$, 10) = "#newHandle" or right$(name$, 12) = "columns rows" or right$(name$, 5) = "Expr$"_ or left$(name$, 4) = "var =" or right$(name$, 6) = "xpr2 )" or left$(name$, 3) = "H_(" or right$(name$, 6) = chr$(34)+"name"+chr$(34) _ or right$(name$, 4) = "#h )" or right$(name$, 9) = "#handle )" or right$(name$, 1) = "�" or right$(name$, 1) = "."_ or name$ = "H_DO LOOP" or name$ = "H_FOR...NEXT" or name$ = "H_Winstring" or right$(name$, 8) = "value"+chr$(34)+" )"_ or right$(name$,1) = "?" or right$(name$,3) = "c$)" or right$(name$,8) = "Keywords" or name$ ="H_Boolean Evaluations"_ or left$(name$, 3) = "H_&" or name$ = "H_" or name$= "H_var = MIDIPOS( )" or name$ = "H_TRACE ( number )"_ or name$ = "H_StartupDir" or name$ = "H_EVAL" or name$ = "H_EVAL$" or right$(name$, 4) = "face" or left$(name$, 10) = "H_The Liberty"_ or name$ = "H_REPLSTR" or name$ = "H_UPPER$(s)" or right$(name$,8) = "[END IF]" or name$ = "H_LOWER$(s$)" then oneOf$(i) = "" end if 'remove any duplicates from search list (Thanks to tsh73) 'if instr(oneOf$(i), "Liberty") then oneOf$(i) = replace$(name$, "Liberty", "Liberty") if lower$(nameLast$) = lower$(name$) then oneOf$(i) = "" if instr(happened$, "|";oneOf$(i);"|")=0 then happened$=happened$;oneOf$(i);"|" K=K+1: b$(K)=oneOf$(i) end if nameLast$ = name$ next i 'Create final list of search results for x = 0 to K if lower$(word$(b$(x), 2, "_")) = lower$(searchFor$) then match$ = b$(x) if instr(lower$(b$(x)), lower$(searchFor$)) _ and lower$(mid$(b$(x), 3, len(searchFor$))) = lower$(searchFor$)_ or lower$(mid$(b$(x), 4, len(searchFor$))) = lower$(searchFor$) then_ searchList$(u+7) = b$(x) : u = u+1 next x for t = 0 to K if instr(lower$(b$(t)), lower$(searchFor$)) then if lower$(mid$(b$(t), 3, len(searchFor$))) <> lower$(searchFor$)_ and lower$(mid$(b$(t), 4, len(searchFor$))) <> lower$(searchFor$) then searchList$(u+v+16) = b$(t) : v = v+1 end if end if next t for a = 0 to K if not(instr(lower$(b$(a)), lower$(searchFor$))) then_ searchList$(u+v+ww+23) = b$(a) : ww = ww+1 next a
'manage the headers searchList$(0) = " Search Results" searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " ";u+v;" Titles Containing ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$ if u+v <> 0 then searchList$(3) = " " if u+v = 0 then searchList$(2) = " No Titles Found for ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$';" Found" searchList$(4) = " " if u <> 0 and v<>0 then searchList$(5) = " ";u;" Top Picks For ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$ searchList$(u+11) =" " if v <> 0 and v<>u+v then searchList$(u+13) = " ";v;" Remaining Titles "' if v <> 0 then searchList$(u+14) =" " if v <> 0 then searchList$(v+u+19) = " " if ww-2 <> 0 then searchList$(v+u+20) = " ";ww-3;" Other Pages Containing ";upper$(searchFor$) if u+v = 0 then searchList$(1) = " ";ww-2;" Pages Containing ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(v+u+21) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+22) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+23) = " If you need more information " searchList$(v+u+ww+24) = " on " searchList$(v+u+ww+25) = " Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Coding " searchList$(v+u+ww+26) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+27) = " Please Visit" searchList$(v+u+ww+28) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+29) = " The Liberty Basic Forums by" searchList$(v+u+ww+30) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+31) = " Clicking the link Below" searchList$(v+u+ww+32) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+33) = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" searchList$(v+u+ww+34) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+35) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+36) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+37) = " " if match$ <> "" then searchList$(4) = " 1 Match " #results.listbox2 "reload" : #results.default "!setfocus"
'finished displaying results - reset variables - cursor back to normal [doneSearching] u = 0 : v = 0 : ww = 0 : match$ = "" : count = 0 #codeTank.tb "!enable" #codeTank.tb "!selectall" #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" #results.listbox2 "setfocus" cursor normal wait
'One of the Help Search results was Selected - Open the Help File in user's default browser [openFile] if lbHelp = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionH$" selectionH$ = trim$(selectionH$) if selection$ = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" then_ selection$ = right$(selection$, len(selection$)-1) : run "explorer ";selection$ : wait selectionH$ = right$(selectionH$, len(selectionH$) - 2) if selectionH$ = "XOR" or selectionH$ = "AND" or selectionH$ = "NOT" or selectionH$ = "OR" then run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\libe0azy.htm" : wait end if files helpFilePath$;"\html", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ for input as #3 contents$ = input$(#3, lof(#3)) : close #3 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$("<title>";selectionH$;"</TITLE>")) then if fileToOpen$ = "idecode451.html" then fileToOpen$ = "libe0ze8.htm" if fileExists("", "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait else run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait if done = 1 then exit for if done = 1 then wait if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$("</A><B>";selectionH$;"</B></P>")) then if fileExists("", "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait else run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait if done = 1 then exit for end if end if end if end if next i if done = 1 then wait end if 'a Code Example file was selected if lbexamples = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionCE$" selectionCE$ = right$(selectionCE$, len(selectionCE$) - 3) if fileExists(uAppPath$, selectionCE$;".bas") then run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";uAppPath$;"\";selectionCE$;".bas" : wait end if end if 'a Code Bank .bas file backup was selected if codeTank = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionCB$" selectionCB$ = right$(selectionCB$, len(selectionCB$) - 3) if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\BAS", selectionCB$;".bas") then run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";selectionCB$;".bas" : wait end if end if 'if the link to the Liberty basic Forums is clicked (link at bottom of search results) #results.listbox2 "selection? selection$" if selection$ = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" then_ selection$ = right$(selection$, len(selection$)-1) : run "explorer ";selection$ : wait wait 'a selection was made from the Help Menu list [mainList] #codeTankList.listbox1 "selection? h$" fileToOpen$= word$( h$,2,chr$(0)) fileToOpen$=replace$( fileToOpen$ , "/", "\" ) if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$_ else_ if fileExists(helpFilePath$, fileToOpen$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$ wait
'show results [results] if resultsOpen = 1 then return WindowWidth = 255 : WindowHeight = 600 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) + 600 UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) listbox #results.listbox2, searchList$(, [openFile], 0, 0, 256, 600 button #results.default, "", [startSearching], UL, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "LB HELP SEARCH RESULTS" for dialog as #results resultsOpen = 1 #results "trapclose [quitResults]" #results.listbox2 "reload" #results.listbox2 "singleclickselect" if fontsize <> 0 then fontsize = fontsize else fontsize = 9 #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 #results.listbox2 "setfocus" return
'show LB Help Menu - button [Contents] if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.default "!setfocus" : #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" : wait open helpFilePath$; "\"; helpFileMenu$ for input as #1 txt$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) close #1 'Load the "Contents" menu list array lowerTxt$= lower$(txt$) while 1 scan startAt = c+1 a = instr(lowerTxt$, "href",startAt) b = instr(lowerTxt$, ">",a+1) c = instr(lowerTxt$, "</a>",b+1) if a=0 or b=0 or c= 0 then exit while hrefA= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),a+1) hrefB= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),hrefA+1) idx = idx +1 mainList$(idx)= trim$(mid$(txt$,b+1,c-b-1));chr$(0);_ trim$(mid$(txt$,hrefA+1,hrefB-hrefA-1)) wend WindowWidth = 255 : WindowHeight = 600 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2 + 600) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) listbox #codeTankList.listbox1, mainList$(, [mainList], 0, 0, 256, 600 button #codeTankList.default, "&GO", [search], UL, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Help Menu" for dialog as #codeTankList mainListOpen = 1 #codeTankList "trapclose [quitMainList]" #codeTankList.listbox1 "singleclickselect" #codeTankList.listbox1 "reload" if fontsize <> 0 then fontsize = fontsize else fontsize = 9 #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 idx = 0 #codeTankList.listbox1 "setfocus" 'if resultsOpen = 1 then #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" wait
'resize window font - sets all Listbox fonts equal [incFontSearch] fontsize = fontsize + 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial 0 ";fontsize+6 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
[decFontSearch] fontsize = fontsize - 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial 0 ";fontsize+6 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
'set and reset checkboxes for search categories [lbHelp] lbHelp = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nolbHelp] lbHelp = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [lbexamples] lbexamples = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nolbexamples] lbexamples = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [cbank] codeTank = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nocbank] codeTank = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
'The [?] or 'help' button for this program was pressed [searchhelp] if helpOpen = 1 then wait notice " Tiny LB-Search Help File";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Type your Search Word ( no char minimum ), and hit [Search In >]";_ " If your text doesn't appear at any time, just hit [Enter] and start typing agin";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);_ "Search results are marked to indicate the category they represent";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);" CHECKBOXES and CATEGORIES: ";_ CHR$(13);_ "H= LB Help, CE= LB Code Examples, CT = CodeTank Files";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);_ "Results marked H open help pages in your default browser";_ CHR$(13);_ "C stands for Code - Results marked CE, and CT open in Liberty Basic";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Alt + F4 closes the open window with focus";_ " unless another window is clicked on";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Use + or - to Adjust Font Size - Fontsize changes on all Lists, opened or not";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);" ADDING TO the Liberty BASIC RUN MENU";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "How to ADD this to the Liberty BASIC menu Run > for easy access.";_ CHR$(13);_ "1) To Make the TKN file : Top Menu > Run > Make *.tkn File.";_ " Use any name for the file when the -File 'Save As'- window opens";_ " Remember the File Location, and Name of the File.";_ CHR$(13);_ "2) In Liberty Basic click the menu item: Setup > External Programs";_ CHR$(13);_ "3) Click on New , type a name that suits the app, eg: LB_Help_Search";_ " This name will appear in LB's Menu as Run > NameYouChose ";_ CHR$(13);_ "4) Click on Create Item.";_ CHR$(13);_ "5) Click the Browse Button, then navigate to the .tkn File created in step 1.";_ CHR$(13);_ "6) Liberty BASIC will inform you changes take effect after restarting Liberty Basic." helpOpen = 1 wait
'close Help List [quitMainList] if resultsOpen = 1 then close #results : resultsOpen = 0 close #codeTankList : mainListOpen = 0 wait
'close results List [quitResults] close #results : resultsOpen = 0 wait
[fastGui] 'Title FFUltra v2.x author = Rod 'version FFNSL_vxx2.0 'edited by xxgeek fastGuiOpen = 1 ver$="xx2.0" 'nomainwin dim info$(10,10) dim form$(10) form$(1)="Restore" form$(2)="New" form$(3)="Save .ffu" form$(4)="Load .ffu" form$(5)="-----------" form$(6)="Write .bas" form$(7)="Import .bas" form$(8)="Export .bas" form$(9)="File" dim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)="#1" dim grid$(20) grid$(1)="1" grid$(2)="3" g=3 for n= 5 to 30 step 5 grid$(g)=str$(n) g=g+1 next grid$(g)="Invisible" grid$(g+1)="Visible" grid$(g+2)="Set Grid" grid=10 gridvisible=1 gridcolor$="buttonface" projectctrh=25 ctrh=25 dim color$(10) color$(1)="Control Back" color$(2)="Project Back" color$(3)="Project Fore" color$(4)="Grid Color" color$(5)="Border Color" color$(6)="CrossHair" color$(7)="Set Color" projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" dim font$(10) font$(1)="Control Font" font$(2)="ResetControl" font$(3)="Project Font" font$(4)="Set Font"'default is Consolas 9" dim wind$(20)'window type names wind$(1)="window" wind$(2)="window_nf" wind$(3)="window_popup" wind$(4)="dialog" wind$(5)="dialog_modal" wind$(6)="dialog_nf" wind$(7)="dialog_nf_modal" wind$(8)="dialog_fs" wind$(9)="dialog_nf_fs" wind$(10)="dialog_popup" wind$(11)="graphics" wind$(12)="graphics_fs" wind$(13)="graphics_fs_nsb" wind$(14)="graphics_nsb" wind$(15)="graphics_nf_nsb" wind$(16)="text" wind$(17)="text_fs" wind$(18)="text_nsb" wind$(19)="text_nsb_ins" dim v$(2000) for n= 100 to 2000 step 20 v$(n)=str$(n) next dim obj(200,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight XX=1 Y=2 W=3 H=4 TT=5 TH=6 dim obj$(200,7) 'name,text,resource,font,backcolor,basline Ctr=1 Tex=2 Ress=3 Fon=4 Bak=5 Bass=7 'set default starting position projectfile$="Untitled.bas" projectwind$="window_nf" projecttitl$="Untitled" projectform$="#1" projectctrl$="" projecttext$="" projectreso$="" projectfont$="Consolas 9" projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" projecttbcl$="white" projectlbcl$="white" projectcbcl$="white" projecttecl$="white" gridcolor$="buttonface" bordercolor$ = "darkgray" 'border of grid dimension limits of x,y crosshair$ = gridcolor$ 'crosshair available in grid = 0 or grid = 1 barrier = 1 'barrier - form dimension limit - when tracking / resizing controls negbar = 1 'negative barrier - less than zero - when tracking / resizing controls projectctrh=25 projectgrid=10 projectw=600 projecth=400 insertx=grid inserty=grid*2 'open a small progress bar window and hide it WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=60 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth-230)/2 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-350)/2 graphicbox #prog.gb1,10,0,200,25 open "Import" for window_nf as #prog #prog "font Consolas 9" #prog "hide" progOpen = 1 'open a small properties window and hide it WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=260 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth)/2+420 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-180)/2 statictext #prop.st1 "File",5,10,30,25 textbox #prop.tbfile,45,5,150,25 statictext #prop.st2 "Wind",5,32,30,25 combobox #prop.cbwind,wind$(,[windowtype],47,29,146,25 statictext #prop.st3 "Titl",5,54,30,25 textbox #prop.tbtitl,45,49,150,25 statictext #prop.st4 "Form",5,76,30,25 textbox #prop.tbform,45,71,150,25 statictext #prop.st5 "Ctrl",5,98,30,25 textbox #prop.tbctrl,45,93,150,25 statictext #prop.st6 "Text",5,120,30,25 textbox #prop.tbtext,45,115,150,25 statictext #prop.st7 "Reso",5,142,30,25 textbox #prop.tbreso,45,137,150,25 statictext #prop.st8 "xywh",5,164,30,25 textbox #prop.tbxywh,45,159,150,25 statictext #prop.st9 "Font",5,186,30,25 textbox #prop.tbfont,45,181,150,25 statictext #prop.st10 "Colo",5,208,30,25 textbox #prop.tbcolo,45,203,150,25 open "Properties" for window_nf as #prop #prop "font Consolas 9" #prop "trapclose [show]" #prop.cbwind "select window_nf" #prop.tbfile "!disable" #prop.tbxywh "!disable" #prop.tbfont "!disable" #prop.tbcolo "!disable" gosub [propertyupdate] #prop "hide" propOpen = 1
'open the main form window 'this window is resizable, the graphicox will resize but the 'client area, which is a drawn representation of the window 'will only change size if you change the project w/h dimensions WindowWidth=862 WindowHeight=600 'gb is offset by 25 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2 combobox #fful.fastfunctionsList,fastfunctionsList$(),fastfunctionSelected,680,2,140,25 combobox #fful.form,form$(,[form],5,2,85,30 combobox #fful.hand,hnd$(,[hand],91,2,85,30 button #fful.code,"Co&de",[code],UL,177,0,43,25 button #fful.gui,"G&UI",[prev],UL,222,0,40,25 combobox #fful.w,v$(,[formsize],265,2,55,30 combobox #fful.h,v$(,[formsize],321,2,55,30 combobox #fful.grid,grid$(,[grid],375,2,90,30 statictext #fful.gridsize "10",470,7,15,15 combobox #fful.color,color$(,[color],490,2,90,30 combobox #fful.font,font$(,[font],585,2,90,30 button #fful.barrier,"No Barrier &+",[barrier],UL,850,0,100,20 button #fful.help,"&?",[help],UL,820,0,25,25 button #fful.negbarrier,"No Barrier &-",[negbarrier],UL,850,22,100,20 statictext #fful.corner, "UpperLeft",960,12,75,15 statictext #fful.cornertext, " Corner >",960,25,85,15 statictext #fful.Xco, "x 0" ,1045,2,65,20 statictext #fful.Yco, "y 0",1045,24,65,20 button #fful.mnu,"&Menu",[bttnMNU],UL,5,25,45,20 button #fful.button,"&Button",[bttnBTTN],UL,50,25,55,20 button #fful.textbox,"&Textbox",[bttnTXBX],UL,105,25,65,20 button #fful.lstbx,"&Listbox",[bttnLSTBX],UL,170,25,65,20 button #fful.cmbobx,"&Combobox",[bttnCMBOBX],UL,235,25,65,20 button #fful.statictext,"&Statictext",[bttnSTTX],UL,300,25,80,20 button #fful.bmpbttn,"BM&Pbutton",[bttnBMPBTTN],UL,380,25,75,20 button #fful.grphcbx,"&Graphicbox",[bttnGRPHCBX],UL,455,25,80,20 button #fful.rdiobttn,"&Radiobutton",[bttnRDBTTN],UL,535,25,85,20 button #fful.chckbx,"Chec&kbox",[bttnCHKBX],UL,620,25,70,20 button #fful.grpbx,"Groupbo&x",[bttnGRPBX],UL,690,25,70,20 button #fful.txtedtr,"Text&editor",[bttnTXTEDTR],UL,760,25,85,20 graphicbox #fful.gb,5,45,830,510 textbox #fful.path,1115,0,200,20 combobox #fful.blocks,block$(,[block],1115,22,200,30 open ver$;" Form Preview Form Dimensions Grid - Size Colors Fonts Add Subs\Functions Help Form Limits (X,Y) Coordinates" for window as #fful #fful "trapclose [quitfful]" #fful "font Consolas 9 " #fful.Xco "!font Consolas 11 " #fful.Yco "!font Consolas 11 " #fful "resizehandler [resize]" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.grid "select Set Grid" #fful.color "select Set Color" #fful.font "select Set Font" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth #fful.gb "autoresize" #fful.gb "vertscrollbar on 0 ";projectw #fful.gb "horizscrollbar on 0 ";projecth #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ #fful.gb "down" #fful.path "File - untitled.ffu" #fful.form "!File" block$(1) = " ! COMING SOON ! " #fful.blocks "reload" #fful.blocks "!Add Code Blocks/Snippets" #fful.fastfunctionsList "!Subs / Functions" fastfunctionsList$(1) = " ! COMING SOON ! " #fful.fastfunctionsList "reload" gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "when rightButtonDown [show]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonDown [select]" #fful.gb "when characterInput [keys]" 'load subs and functions combobox #fful.gb "setfocus" #prop "show" show=1 fastGuiOpen = 1 #codeTank.fastgui "!disable" wait
[show] if show then #prop "hide" show=0 else #prop "show" show=1 end if wait 'the user clicked on the form design window 'either to chose a control or to deselect a control [select] xs=MouseX ys=MouseY 'hide property window if it is open if show then #prop "hide" show=0 end if 'before we move on update the currently selected control from properties 'get the project data and only the editable contents of controls if selected=0 then 'the form name #xxxx #prop.tbform "!contents? t$" if t$<>projectform$ then projectform$=t$ dim hnd$(10) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "select ";projectform$ end if 'the form/window title text #prop.tbtitl "!contents? t$" if t$<>projecttitl$ then projecttitl$=t$ end if #prop.tbctrl "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Ctl)=t$ #prop.tbtext "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Tex)=t$ #prop.tbreso "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Ress)=t$ 'find the object selected by user selected=0 action=1 ' 1=move 2=expand - bmps dont expand for cn=obj to 1 step -1 if xs>obj(cn,XX) and xs<(obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W)) and ys>obj(cn,Y) and ys<(obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H)) then if xs>obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W)/1.4 and ys>obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H)/1.4 then action=2 if obj(cn,TT)=6 then action=1 selected=cn exit for end if next if selected=0 then gosub [propertyupdate] action=0 end if if selected>0 and action=1 then #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove [track]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp [stop]" offsetX=xs-obj(selected,XX) offsetY=ys-obj(selected,Y) end if if selected>0 and obj(selected,TT)<>6 and action=2 then 'dont resize bmp #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove [tracksize]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp [stopsize]" offsetX=xs-(obj(selected,XX)+obj(selected,W)) offsetY=ys-(obj(selected,Y)+obj(selected,H)) end if if selected>0 then gosub [drawit] else insertx=int((xs+(grid/2))/grid)*grid inserty=int((ys+(grid/2))/grid)*grid gosub [drawall] end if wait 'moving controls on form [track] #fful.corner "UpperLeft" #fful.gb "rule xor" gosub [drawit] xt=int((MouseX-offsetX+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if negbar then if xt<1 then xt=0 end if if xt+obj(selected,W)>projectw and barrier then xt=projectw-obj(selected,W) obj(selected,XX)=xt yt=int((MouseY-offsetY+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then if negbar then if yt<0 then yt=0 end if if yt+obj(selected,H)>projecth-25 and barrier then yt=projecth-obj(selected,H)-25 obj(selected,Y)=yt end if if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then if negbar then if yt < 0 then yt =0 end if if yt+obj(selected,H)>projecth-50 and barrier then yt=projecth-obj(selected,H)-50 obj(selected,Y)=yt end if #fful.Xco "x ";str$(xt) #fful.Yco "y ";str$(yt) gosub [drawit] wait 'when user stops moving mouse or lifts left button [stop] #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp" action=0 #fful.gb "rule over" gosub [drawall] wait 'resizing controls on form [tracksize] #fful.corner "BottomRight" 'print to window #fful for x,y coordinates #fful.gb "rule xor" gosub [drawit] xs=int((MouseX-offsetX+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if xs>projectw and barrier then xs=projectw if xs<obj(selected,XX) then xs=obj(selected,XX)+grid ys=int((MouseY-offsetY+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if ys>projecth and barrier then ys=projecth if ys<obj(selected,Y)+ctrh and barrier then ys=obj(selected,Y)+ctrh obj(selected,W)=xs-obj(selected,XX)' 'form workspace changes when menu, or textEditor added/removed if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then obj(selected,H)=ys-obj(selected,Y)-50'height if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then obj(selected,H)=ys-obj(selected,Y)-25'height #fful.Xco "x ";xs : #fful.Yco "y ";ys gosub [drawit] wait
[stopsize] #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp" action=0 #fful.gb "rule over" gosub [drawall] wait 'user uses keys to copy/paste or delete controls [keys] k1=asc(right$(Inkey$,1)) k2=asc(left$(Inkey$,1)) if k1=46 then 'delete selected if obj(selected,TT)=12 then menuset=0 if obj(selected,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd - 1 obj(selected,TT)=0 selected=0 gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] end if if k1=3 then 'copy control cpy(1)=obj(selected,XX) 'x cpy(2)=obj(selected,Y) 'y cpy(3)=obj(selected,W) 'w cpy(4)=obj(selected,H) 'h cpy(5)=obj(selected,TT) 'type cpy(6)=obj(selected,TH) 'textheight cpy$(1)=obj$(selected,Ctr)'name cpy$(2)=obj$(selected,Tex)'text content cpy$(3)=obj$(selected,Ress)'resource array or file path cpy$(4)=obj$(selected,Fon)'ctrl specific font or "" cpy$(5)=obj$(selected,Bak)'ctrl specific backcolor end if if k1=22 then 'paste control if cpy(5)<>0 then obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty inserty=inserty+cpy(4)+grid obj(obj,W)=cpy(3) obj(obj,H)=cpy(4) obj(obj,TT)=cpy(5) obj(obj,TH)=cpy(6) obj$(obj,Ctr)=left$(cpy$(1),2);obj obj$(obj,Tex)=cpy$(2) obj$(obj,Ress)=cpy$(3) if obj(obj,TT)=6 then loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) if obj(selected,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd + 1 : gosub [drawgrid] 'keep track of # of texteditors obj$(obj,Fon)=cpy$(4) obj$(obj,Bak)=cpy$(5) selected=obj gosub [drawall] end if end if #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
'[tool] '#fful.tool "selectionindex? i" [drawTool] cpy(5)=0 select case i case 1 'statictext obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=130 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=1 obj$(obj,Ctr)="sttctxt";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="StaticText ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 2 'textbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=140 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=2 obj$(obj,Ctr)="txtbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="TextBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projecttbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 3 'listbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=120 obj(obj,H)=ctrh*5 obj(obj,TT)=3 obj$(obj,Ctr)="lstbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="ListBox ";obj;"\item2\item3\item4\item5" obj$(obj,Ress)=obj$(obj,Ctr);"$(" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectlbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 4 'combobox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=120 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=4 obj$(obj,Ctr)="cmbbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="ComboBox ";obj;"\item2\item3\item4\item5" obj$(obj,Ress)=obj$(obj,Ctr);"$(" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectcbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 5 'button obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=5 obj$(obj,Ctr)="btn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="Button ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)="white" inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 6 'bmp button obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=50 obj(obj,H)=50 obj(obj,TT)=6 obj$(obj,Ctr)="bmpbtn";obj filedialog "Choose an image","*.bmp",file$ if file$<>"" then file$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) open file$ for input as #bmp 'the bmpfileheader bmp$ = Input$(#bmp,lof(#bmp)) if mid$(bmp$,1,2) ="BM" then 'always BM obj(obj,W)=value(mid$(bmp$,19,4))'width obj(obj,H)=value(mid$(bmp$,23,4))'height obj$(obj,Ress)=file$ obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),file$ close #bmp inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid else obj(obj,TT)=0 close #bmp obj=obj-1 end if else obj(obj,TT)=0 obj=obj-1 end if case 7 'graphicbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=90 obj(obj,TT)=7 obj$(obj,Ctr)="grphcbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="GraphicBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 8 'radiobutton obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=100 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=8 obj$(obj,Ctr)="rdbtn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="RadioButton ";obj obj$(obj,Ress)="[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Set],[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Reset]" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 9 'checkbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=9 obj$(obj,Ctr)="chkbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="CheckBox ";obj obj$(obj,Ress)="[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Checked],[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Unchecked]" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 10 'groupbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=110 obj(obj,H)=110 obj(obj,TT)=10 obj$(obj,Ctr)="grpbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="GroupBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 11 'texteditor obj=obj+1 textEd = textEd + 1 : gosub [drawgrid] obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=150 obj(obj,H)=100 obj(obj,TT)=11 obj$(obj,Ctr)="txtedtr";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="TextEditor ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projecttecl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid
case 12 'menu if menuset=0 then obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=0 obj(obj,Y)=0 obj(obj,W)=100 obj(obj,H)=10 obj(obj,TT)=12 obj$(obj,Ctr)="mn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)=" Menu Added ";obj menuset=1 end if end select selected=obj gosub [drawall] '#fful.tool "select Add New" #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[form] #fful.form "selectionindex? i" select case i case 1 'restore #fful.path "lastsession.ffu" file$ = "lastsession.ffu" gosub [loadit] #fful.path "lastsession.ffu" case 2 'new if import <> 1 then #fful.path "Untitled.bas" gosub [new] case 3 'save as gosub [saveas] case 4 'load gosub [load] case 6 'write gosub [write] #fful.path file$ case 7 'import import = 1 gosub [import] import = 0 case 8 'export gosub [export] end select #fful.form "select File" gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[drawall] #fful.gb "discard ; redraw bak" ocn=cn projecttbcl$="white" projectlbcl$="white" projectcbcl$="white" projecttecl$="white" for cn=1 to obj gosub [drawit] next cn=ocn #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; north ; turn 180 ; go ";10 #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; turn -90 ; go ";10 #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; turn 45 ; go ";20 #fful.gb "setfocus" return
[drawit] 'redraws control cn 'set the color for the drawn object and action taking place if cn=selected then #fful.gb "color red" 'action 1 or 2 if action=2 then #fful.gb "color green" else #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ end if
'set the font for the drawn object if obj$(cn,Fon)="" then #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ ch=projectctrh if obj(cn,H)<ch then obj(cn,H)=ch else #fful.gb "font ";obj$(cn,Fon) ch=obj(cn,TH) if obj(cn,H)<ch then obj(cn,H)=ch end if
'update the properties textboxes for selected control if cn=selected then #prop.tbctrl obj$(cn,Ctr) 'ctrlname #prop.tbtext obj$(cn,Tex) 'text #prop.tbreso obj$(cn,Ress) 'resource #prop.tbxywh obj(cn,XX);" ";obj(cn,Y);" ";obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,H) 'xywh if obj$(cn,Fon)="" then #prop.tbfont projectfont$;":";obj(cn,TH) else #prop.tbfont obj$(cn,Fon);":";obj(cn,TH) 'font and height #prop.tbcolo obj$(cn,Bak) end if #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX);" ";obj(cn,Y) if obj$(cn,Tex)="" or obj$(cn,Tex)=chr$(34) then obj$(cn,Tex)="Missing Text?" select case obj(cn,TT) case 1 'statictext #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 2 'textbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projecttbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 3 'listbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectlbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 4 'combobox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectcbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 5 'button #fful.gb "backcolor white" #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'buttons are always black on white #fful.gb "color black" 'centre button text #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" xp=(obj(cn,W)-width*len(obj$(cn,Tex)))/2 if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+xp;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ case 6 'bmpbutton if action=0 then #fful.gb "drawbmp ";obj$(cn,Ctr) #fful.gb "box ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) case 7 ' graphicbox #fful.gb "backcolor white" #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ case 8 'radiobutton #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'radiobutton text is always black #fful.gb "color black" if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 9 'checkbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'checkbox text is always black #fful.gb "color black" if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 10 'groupbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ 'groupbox is an outline #fful.gb "box ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'group box text is always black #fful.gb "color black" 'groupbox text is offset if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+5;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33-ch/2;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 11 ' texteditor #fful.gb "backcolor ";projecttecl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 12 'menu 'pin to top left obj(cn,XX)=10 : obj(cn,Y)=-8 : obj(cn,W)=100 : obj(cn,H)=10 #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 21 'tecolor projecttecl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 22 'tbcolor projecttbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 23 'lbcolor projectlbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 24 'cbcolor projectcbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) '41,42,43,44,45 and 50 51 ignored ie back/fore w/h open and font objects end select return
[prev] file$="preview.bas" gosub [writeit] wait
[write] projectfile$=left$(projectfile$,len(projectfile$)-3)+"bas" filedialog "Save .bas",projectfile$,file$ file$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1)
[writeit] if file$<>"" then open file$ for output as #op 'the header #op " 'Project ";projecttitl$ if val(left$(time$(), 2)) > 11 then mer$ = "pm" else mer$ = "am" #op " 'Created with FFNotSoLite v";ver$;" ";date$();" at ";time$();" ";mer$ #op " nomainwin" if projectback$<>"white" or projectfore$<>"black" then #op " 'Set BackgroundColor$ and ForegroundColor$ of project" #op " BackgroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectback$;chr$(34) #op " ForegroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectfore$;chr$(34) #op "" end if if code = 1 then #op " 'Create arrays needed for controls listbox,combobox" for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)=3 or obj(n,TT)=4 then #op " dim ";obj$(n,Ress);"10)" #op " for n = 1 to 10" #op " ";obj$(n,Ress);"n)= str$(n)" #op " next" end if next end if #op " 'Create controls and open window" #op " WindowWidth = ";projectw #op " WindowHeight = ";projecth #op " UpperLeftX = int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)" #op " UpperLeftY = int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)" if menuset then #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&File";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"&Open";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Save";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Save As";chr$(34);", [dummy],";chr$(34);"&Load";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Exit";chr$(34);", [dummy]" if textEd > 0 then #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"Edit";chr$(34) end if #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Tools";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"Preferences";chr$(34);", [dummy] " #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Options";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"Fonts";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"Colors";chr$(34);", [dummy]" #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Help";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"About";chr$(34);", [dummy]";", ";chr$(34);"Help";chr$(34);", [dummy]" end if for n=1 to obj select case obj(n,TT) case 1 'statictext #op " statictext ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);trim$(obj$(n,Tex));chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)+5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 2 'textbox #op " textbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 3 'list box #op " listbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 4 'combobox #op " combobox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 5 'button #op " button ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 6 'bmpbutton #op " bmpbutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Ress);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y) case 7 'graphicbox #op " graphicbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 8 'radiobutton #op " radiobutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 9 'checkbox #op " checkbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 10 'group box #op " groupbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)-5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 11 'texteditor #op " texteditor ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 22 'tbcolor #op " TextboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 23 'lbcolor #op " ListboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 24 'cbcolor #op " ComboboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 21 'tecolor #op " TexteditorColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) end select next #op " open ";chr$(34);projecttitl$;chr$(34);" for ";projectwind$;" as ";projectform$ if instr(projectwind$, "text") then #op " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"!trapclose [quit]";chr$(34) else #op " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"trapclose [quit]";chr$(34) end if #op "" if code = 1 then #op " 'Set any listboxes to singleclick and display the first item on the list for all listboxes and comboboxes" for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)=4 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selectindex 1";chr$(34) end if if obj(n,TT)=3 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selectindex 1, singleclickselect";chr$(34) end if next #op " 'apply any control specific fonts" end if for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 and obj$(n,Fon)<>"" then if obj(n,TT)=1 or obj(n,TT)=2 or obj(n,TT)=5 or obj(n,TT)=10 or obj(n,TT)=11 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end if if obj(n,TT)=3 or obj(n,TT)=4 or obj(n,TT)=7 or obj(n,TT)=8 or obj(n,TT)=9 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end if [remDot] end if next #op " 'Your code here. eg: Declare variables and globals, goto/gosub/call subs and invoke functions, etc etc" #op "" #op " wait" #op "" #op " 'Create the required handlers for each control" for n=1 to obj select case obj(n,TT) case 3 'listbox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected]" #op " 'Your handler code here, read the control with" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selection? Selected$";chr$(34) #op " wait" #op "" case 4 'combobox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected]" #op " 'Your handler code here, read the control with" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selection? Selected$";chr$(34) #op " wait" #op "" case 5 'button #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked]" #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 6 'bmpbutton #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked]" #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 8 'radiobutton #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Set]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 9 'checkbox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Checked]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Unchecked]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" end select next #op " [quit]" #op " 'Add code for any actions to take while shutting down. eg:backup settings to a file" #op " close ";projectform$ #op " end" #op " " #op " 'Subs and Functions go below this line" #op "'########################################################" #op " " close #op if code <> 1 then run chr$(34);LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;chr$(34);" -R -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";file$ if code = 1 then run chr$(34);LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;chr$(34);" -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";file$ [done] end if code = 0 return
[saveas] projectname$=left$(projectfile$,len(projectfile$)-4)+".ffu" filedialog "Save As...",projectname$,file$ if file$<>"" then open file$ for output as #op projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) #fful.path projectfile$ 'the form name #xxxx #prop.tbform "!contents? t$" if t$<>projectform$ then projectform$=t$ dim hnd$(10) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "select ";projectform$ end if 'the form/windo title text #prop.tbtitl "!contents? t$" if t$<>projecttitl$ then projecttitl$=t$ #op projectfile$ #op projectwind$ #op projectform$ #op projecttitl$ #op projectfont$ #op projectback$ #op projectfore$ #op projectctrh #op projectgrid #op projectw #op projecth for n=1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 then #op obj(n,XX);","; #op obj(n,Y);","; #op obj(n,W);","; #op obj(n,H);","; #op obj(n,TT);","; #op obj(n,TH) #op obj$(n,Ctr) #op obj$(n,Tex) #op obj$(n,Ress) #op obj$(n,Fon) #op obj$(n,Bak) end if next close #op gosub [propertyupdate] redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" end if return
[load] filedialog "Open Project...","*.ffu",file$ [loadit] if file$<>"" then projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) #fful.path projectfile$ open file$ for input as #ses input #ses, projectfile$ input #ses, projectwind$ input #ses, projectform$ input #ses, projecttitl$ input #ses, projectfont$ if projectfont$="" then projectfont$="Consolas 9" #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ input #ses, projectback$ input #ses, projectfore$ input #ses, c$ input #ses, g$ input #ses, w$ input #ses, h$ projectctrh=val(c$) projectgrid=val(g$) grid=projectgrid projectw=val(w$) projecth=val(h$) #prop.cbwind "select ";projectwind$ redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.grid "select ";grid #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [drawgrid] obj=0 while eof(#ses) = 0 obj=obj+1 line input #ses, l$ obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(l$,1,",")) obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(l$,2,",")) obj(obj,W)=val(word$(l$,3,",")) obj(obj,H)=val(word$(l$,4,",")) obj(obj,TT)=val(word$(l$,5,",")) obj(obj,TH)=val(word$(l$,6,",")) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Ctr) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Tex) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Ress) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Fon) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Bak) if obj(obj,TT)=6 then loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) if obj(obj,TT)=12 then menuset=1 if obj(obj,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd + 1 wend close #ses gosub [propertyupdate] #prop "hide" #prop "show" end if return
[import] filedialog "Open .bas...","*.bas",file$
[importit] if file$<>"" then 'check size open file$ for input as #bas maxln=0 while eof(#bas)=0 line input #bas, wln$ maxln=maxln+1 wend close #bas 'add margin for split lines dim bas$(maxln+1000,4)'an array of code lines and line numbers
'set up progress bar #prog.gb1 "down ; fill white ; backcolor cyan" #prog "show"
projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) gosub [new] 'set grid to 1 and invisible so controls stay where they import from initially 'grid=1 'gridvisible=0 gosub [drawgrid] #fful.path projectfile$ 'create objects for only those lines defining controls we are interested in wordlist$=" statictext textbox listbox combobox button bmpbutton graphicbox " wordlist$=wordlist$+"radiobutton checkbox groupbox texteditor open " 'no menu wordlist$=wordlist$+"textboxcolor$ listboxcolor$ comboboxcolor$ texteditorcolor$ " wordlist$=wordlist$+"windowwidth windowheight "' no upperleftx upperlefty " wordlist$=wordlist$+"backgroundcolor$ foregroundcolor$ font "
ln=1 bln=1 open file$ for input as #bas while eof(#bas)=0 line input #bas, wln$ 'update progress bar #prog.gb1 "cls ; place 0 0 ; boxfilled ";100/maxln*ln;" 25" 'ignore 'or rem lines if left$(lower$(trim$(wln$)),1)="'" or left$(lower$(trim$(wln$)),4)="rem " then bas$(ln,1)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,2)=trim$(wln$) ln=ln+1 else 'break into multiple lines if ":" found outside quotes pos=1 ln$="" while pos<=len(wln$) c$=mid$(wln$,pos,1) dd$ = mid$(win$,pos,2) if c$=chr$(34) then if quote=0 then quote=1 else quote=0 end if if c$=":" and quote=0 or c$=":" and right$(dd$,1) = "\" then gosub [line] ln$="" pos=pos+1 else ln$=ln$+c$ pos=pos+1 end if wend gosub [line] bln=bln+1 end if wend basln=ln-1 close #bas
redim win$(30,10)'an array of forms within .bas redim hnd$(30)'an array of form names for handle combobox wh=1 for ln=1 to basln if bas$(ln,3)="#" then if instr(bas$(ln,2),"BackgroundColor$",1)>0 then projectback$=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)) : win$(wh,6)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ForegroundColor$",1)>0 then projectfore$=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)) : win$(wh,7)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"WindowWidth",1)>0 then w$=getsize$(bas$(ln,2)):win$(wh,8)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"WindowHeight",1)>0 then h$=getsize$(bas$(ln,2)):win$(wh,9)=bas$(ln,1) 'if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"open",1)>0 then if lower$(word$(bas$(ln,2),1)) = "open" and left$(word$(bas$(ln,2),2, " as "),1) = "#" then if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"window",1)>0 or instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"dialog",1)>0 or instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"graphic",1)>0 then win$(wh,10)=bas$(ln,1) n$=word$(bas$(ln,2),2,chr$(34)) hn$="#"+right$(bas$(ln,2),len(bas$(ln,2))-instr(bas$(ln,2),"#",1)) 'find last "for" in command line i=1 while i oi=i i=instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2))," for ",i+1) wend wt$=right$(bas$(ln,2),len(bas$(ln,2))-oi) wt$=word$(wt$,2) win$(wh,1)=hn$ 'handle #fful etc win$(wh,2)=n$ 'title win$(wh,3)=w$ 'width win$(wh,4)=h$ 'height win$(wh,5)=wt$ 'windowtype hnd$(wh)=hn$ 'for combobox wh=wh+1 end if end if end if next #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" wh=1 gosub [loadwindow] end if return
[line] bas$(ln,1)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,2)=trim$(ln$) w$=lower$(word$(ln$,1)) if instr(w$,"=",1)>1 then w$=word$(w$,1,"=") if len(w$)>3 then w1$=" "+w$+" " w2$=" "+w$+"=" if instr(wordlist$,w1$,1)>0 or instr(wordlist$,w2$,1)>0 or instr(lower$(ln$),"font ",1)>0 then bas$(ln,3)="#" end if ln=ln+1 return
[hand] #fful.hand "selectionindex? wh" gosub [loadwindow] wait
[loadwindow] redim obj(300,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight redim obj$(300,7) 'name,text content,resource,font obj=1 menuset=0 textEd = 0 projectback$="white" TextboxColor$="white" ListboxColor$="white" ComboboxColor$="white" TexteditorColor$="white" projectfore$="black" projectw=val(win$(wh,3)) if projectw=0 then projectw=320 projecth=val(win$(wh,4)) if projecth=0 then projecth=360 projecttitl$=win$(wh,2) projectwind$=win$(wh,5) projectform$=win$(wh,1) tbc$="" lbc$="" cbc$="" tec$="" gosub [propertyupdate] #fful.w "!";str$(projectw) #fful.h "!";str$(projecth)
'find controls and create obj() array for form we are interested in for ln=1 to basln 'update progress bar #prog.gb1 "cls ; place 0 0 ; boxfilled ";100+100/maxln*ln;" 25" if bas$(ln,3)="#" then 'reset obj pointer bas$(ln,4)="" 'create objects to control color only check lines after previous open statement up to our open statement if bas$(ln,1)>win$(wh-1,10) and bas$(ln,1)<=win$(wh,10) then if instr(bas$(ln,2),"TextboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=22 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ListboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=23 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ComboboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=24 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"TexteditorColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=21 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 end if for wc=1 to 12 if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),word$(wordlist$,wc),1)=1 and instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),lower$(projectform$),1)>0 then exit for next if wc<=11 then obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1) bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj) l$=bas$(ln,2) ll$="" 'remove spaces leaving only , separation but keep "" text untouched inString=0 for i=1 to len(l$) c$=mid$(l$,i,1) select case case c$=chr$(34) inString=1-inString case (inString=0) and c$=" " c$="" end select ll$=ll$+c$ next 'insert missing comma if missing if instr(ll$,","+chr$(34),1)=0 then ll$=left$(ll$,instr(ll$,chr$(34),1)-1)+","+right$(ll$,len(ll$)-instr(ll$,chr$(34),1)+1) if left$(ll$,1)="," then ll$=right$(ll$,len(ll$)-1) obj(obj,TT)=wc 'type obj(obj,TH)=projectctrh 'get the .ctrl name obj$(obj,Ctr)=right$(word$(ll$,1,","),len(word$(ll$,1,","))-len(word$(ll$,1,"."))-1) 'for un-named controls if obj$(obj,Ctr)="" then obj$(obj,Ctr) = word$(wordlist$,wc);obj 'get the text if wc=1 or wc=5 or wc=8 or wc=9 or wc=10 then obj$(obj,Tex)=word$(ll$,2,chr$(34)) else obj$(obj,Tex)=word$(wordlist$,wc) 'get the array or bmp file name if wc=3 or wc=4 or wc=6 then obj$(obj,Ress)=word$(ll$,2,",") if wc=8 or wc=9 then obj$(obj,Ress)=word$(ll$,3,",")+","+word$(ll$,4,",") 'get rid of "" if wc=6 and left$(obj$(obj,Ress),1)=chr$(34) then obj$(obj,Ress)=mid$(obj$(obj,Ress),2,len(obj$(obj,Ress))-2) 'array() -> array( if (wc=3 or wc=4) and right$(obj$(obj,Ress),1)=")" then obj$(obj,Ress)=left$(obj$(obj,Ress), len(obj$(obj,Ress))-1) i=1 while word$(ll$,i,",")<>"" i=i+1 wend i=i-4 if wc=6 or wc=5 then 'buttons and bmpbuttons can have xy, wh is optional and they have XX corners if i=3 then obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'y if wc=5 then 'we need to find a way to calculate width and height if not given #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(obj,W)=width*len(obj$(obj,Tex))+10 obj(obj,H)=projectctrh end if if wc=6 then 'we need a way to set bmp w and h on error goto [dummybmp] open obj$(obj,Ress) for input as #bmp 'the bmpfileheader bmp$ = Input$(#bmp,lof(#bmp)) if mid$(bmp$,1,2) ="BM" then 'always BM obj(obj,W)=value(mid$(bmp$,19,4))'width obj(obj,H)=value(mid$(bmp$,23,4))'height obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" end if loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) close #bmp goto [passdummy]
[dummybmp] obj(obj,W)=25 obj(obj,H)=25 obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),"path.bmp" [passdummy] end if else obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+1,","))'y obj(obj,W)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'w obj(obj,H)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'h end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="LR" then obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="LL" then 'obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="UR" then obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x 'obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if else 'write to .bas tweaks listbox and combobox controls to line up properly 'so we need to untweak them now obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+1,","))'y if wc=1 then obj(obj,Y)=obj(obj,Y)-5 if wc=10 then obj(obj,Y)=obj(obj,Y)+5 if wc=3 or wc=4 then obj(obj,XX)=obj(obj,XX)-1 obj(obj,W)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'w if wc=3 or wc=4 then obj(obj,W)=obj(obj,W)+2 obj(obj,H)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'h end if obj=obj+1 end if end if next
'now find font commands listed after the open statement referring to the #form '#form.ctrl !font fontname 'if so add a new font object for ln = 1 to basln if bas$(ln,3)="#" then lln$=lower$(bas$(ln,2)) if (instr(lln$,lower$(projectform$),1)>0 and instr(lln$,chr$(34);"font ",1)>0) or (instr(lln$,lower$(projectform$),1)>0 and instr(lln$,chr$(34);"!font ",1)>0) then f$=right$(lln$,len(lln$)-instr(lln$,"font",1)-4) if instr(f$,";",1)=0 then obj$(obj,Fon)=f$ obj$(obj,Fon)=left$(obj$(obj,Fon),len(obj$(obj,Fon))-1) obj$(obj,Ctr)=word$(word$(lln$,1),2,".") if instr(lln$,"!font",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=51 else obj(obj,TT)=50 obj$(obj,Bass)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj)
'find the visible object and store the font change for n=1 to obj if obj$(n,Ctr)=obj$(obj,Ctr) then obj$(n,Fon)=obj$(obj,Fon) #fful.gb "font ";obj$(obj,Fon) #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" obj(n,TH)=(yp-100)/2+7 exit for end if next obj=obj+1 end if end if end if next if win$(wh,6)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,6)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,6) obj(obj,TT)=41 obj=obj+1 'backgroundcolor end if if win$(wh,7)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,7)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,7) obj(obj,TT)=42 obj=obj+1 'foregroundcolor end if if win$(wh,8)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,8)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,8) obj(obj,TT)=43 obj=obj+1 'windowwidth end if if win$(wh,9)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,9)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,9) obj(obj,TT)=44 obj=obj+1 n=n+1 'windowheight end if if win$(wh,10)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,10)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,10) obj(obj,TT)=45 obj=obj+1 'open statement end if obj=obj-1 gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #prog "hide" #prop "hide" #prop "show" show=1 return
[export] 'all previously imported lines will be deleted and replaced by the obj( lines 'deletelist$ remembers the original imported line numbers in line number order if file$<>"" and right$(file$,3)="bas" then open file$ for output as #bas 'open "export.bas" for output as #bas for ln=1 to basln 'find any object associated with this line found=0 for l=1 to obj if bas$(ln,1)=obj$(l,Bass) then found=1 'have we got to the open command line yet if obj(l,TT)=45 then 'write all new lines prior to 45 (controls) for m=1 to obj if obj$(m,Bass)="" and obj(m,TT)<45 and obj(m,TT)<>0 then n=m gosub [exportline] end if next 'write 45 (open line) n=l gosub [exportline] 'write all new lines after 45 (open) ie (fonts)
'apply any control specific fonts" for m= 1 to obj if obj(m,TT)<>0 and obj$(m,Fon)<>"" then if obj(m,TT)=1 or obj(m,TT)=2 or obj(m,TT)=5 or obj(m,TT)=10 or obj(m,TT)=11 then #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(m,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(m,Fon);chr$(34) end if if obj(m,TT)=3 or obj(m,TT)=4 or obj(m,TT)=7 or obj(m,TT)=8 or obj(m,TT)=9 then #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(m,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(m,Fon);chr$(34) end if end if next end if 'edit or erase existing line if obj(l,TT)=0 then else if obj(l,TT)<>45 then n=l gosub [exportline] end if end if end if next if found=0 then #bas " ";bas$(ln,2) next close #bas end if 'now reload amended .bas file gosub [importit] return
[exportline] select case obj(n,TT) 'handle the visible controls case 1 'statictext #bas " statictext ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);trim$(obj$(n,Tex));chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)+5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 2 'textbox #bas " textbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 3 'list box #bas " listbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 4 'combobox #bas " combobox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 5 'button #bas " button ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 6 'bmpbutton #bas " bmpbutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Ress);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y) case 7 'graphicbox #bas " graphicbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 8 'radiobutton #bas " radiobutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 9 'checkbox #bas " checkbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 10 'group box #bas " groupbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)-5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 11 'texteditor #bas " texteditor ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H)
'handle the undisplayed color and font objects only used for import/export case 22 'textboxcolor #bas " TextboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 23 'listboxcolor #bas " ListboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 24 'comboboxcolor #bas " ComboboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 21 'texteditorcolor #bas " TexteditorColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34)
' handle the window code case 41'backgroundcolor #bas " BackgroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectback$;chr$(34) case 42'foregroundcolor #bas " ForegroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectfore$;chr$(34) case 43'windowidth #bas " WindowWidth=";projectw case 44'windowheight #bas " WindowHeight=";projecth case 45'open #bas " Open ";chr$(34);projecttitl$;chr$(34);" for ";projectwind$;" as ";projectform$
'handle font changes case 50 'font if obj$(n,Ctr) = "" and projectform$ <> "" and projectfont$ <> "" then #bas " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"font ";projectfont$;chr$(34) goto [delDot] end if #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) [delDot] case 51 '!font #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end select return
[new] redim obj(300,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight redim obj$(300,7) 'name,text content,resource,font obj=0 menuset=0 textEd = 0 projectw=600 projecth=400 projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" projectctrc$="white" projecttitl$="Untitled" projectform$="#1" 'if import <> 1 then projectfile$="Untitled.bas" projectwind$="window_nf" #prop.cbwind "select window_nf" redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [propertyupdate] gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #prop "hide" #prop "show" show=1 return
[propertyupdate] #prop.tbfile projectfile$ #prop.cbwind "select ";projectwind$ #prop.tbtitl projecttitl$ #prop.tbform projectform$ #prop.tbctrl "" #prop.tbtext "" #prop.tbreso "" #prop.tbxywh projectw;"x";projecth #prop.tbfont projectfont$ #prop.tbcolo projectfore$;"/";projectback$ return
[resize] '#fful.tool "select Add New" #fful.form "select File" if wh=0 then wh=1 #fful.hand "selectindex ";wh #fful.grid "select Set Grid" #fful.font "select Set Font" #fful.color "select Set Color" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [drawall] wait
[formsize] #fful.w "contents? w$" #fful.h "contents? h$" wf=val(w$) hf=val(h$) if wf=0 or hf=0 or (wf=projectw and hf=projecth) then wait projectw=wf projecth=hf insertx=grid inserty=grid gosub [drawgrid] #fful.gb "setfocus" gosub [drawall] wait
[grid] 'resize the grid spacing according to user choice, default is 10 #fful.grid "contents? g$" select case g$ case "Invisible" gridvisible=0 grid=1 case "Visible" gridvisible=1 case else grid=val(g$) if grid = 1 then gridvisible = 0 if grid > 2 then gridvisible = 1 end select gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gridsize grid #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[drawgrid] projectgrid=grid #fful.gb "cls; fill lightgray" if grid > 0 and gridvisible = 1 then #fful.gb "color ";gridcolor$ ' Grid - Draw vertical lines if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color ";gridcolor$;" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-25 for xs = 0 to projectw step grid ' Grid - Draw horizontal lines #fful.gb "line "; xs; " "; 0; " "; xs; " "; projecth-25 next xs for ys = 0 to projecth-25 step grid #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ys; " "; projectw; " "; ys next ys #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-25;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; 0 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; 0; " ";projecth-25 end if 'adjust grid when menu, or texeditor control is selected - revert if menu and texeditor deleted /no longer used., if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color ";gridcolor$;" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "color ";gridcolor$ for xs = 0 to projectw step grid #fful.gb "line "; xs; " "; 0; " "; xs; " "; projecth-50 next xs for ys = 0 to projecth-50 step grid #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ys; " "; projectw; " "; ys next ys #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-50;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; projectw; " ";0 end if end if [nogrid] if grid < 2 or gridvisible = 0 then if textEd =0 and menuset = 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color white";" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "color ";crosshair$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw/2; " "; 0; " "; projectw/2; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ((projecth)/2)-12; " "; projectw; " "; ((projecth)/2)-12 #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-25;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; 0 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; 0; " ";projecth-25 end if if textEd > 0 or menuset = 1 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color white";" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "color ";crosshair$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw/2; " "; 0; " "; projectw/2; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; (projecth-50)/2; " "; projectw; " "; (projecth-50)/2 #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-50;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; projectw; " ";0 end if end if #fful.gb "flush bak" #fful.grid "select 0" #fful.grid "!Set Grid" return
[font] #fful.font "contents? f$" if f$="Project Font" then fontdialog projectfont$,f$ if f$<>"" then projectfont$=f$ #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" projectctrh=(yp-100)/2+7 ctrf$=projectfont$ ctrh=projectctrh end if end if if f$="Control Font" then fontdialog projectfont$,f$ if f$<>"" then ctrf$=f$ #fful.gb "font ";ctrf$ #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" ctrh=(yp-100)/2+7 end if if selected then obj$(selected,4)=ctrf$ 'font obj(selected,6)=ctrh 'text height end if 'for single line text controls auto adjust w and h if selected and instr("1 2 5 8 9",str$(obj(selected,5)),1) >1 then obj(selected,4)=ctrh #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(selected,3)=width*len(obj$(selected,2))+10 end if end if if f$="ResetControl" then ctrf$=projectfont$ ctrh=projectctrh if selected then obj$(selected,4)=ctrf$ obj(selected,6)=ctrh end if 'for single line text controls auto adjust w and h if selected and instr("1 2 5 8 9",str$(obj(selected,5)),1) >1 then #fful.gb "font ";ctrf$ obj(selected,4)=ctrh #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(selected,3)=width*len(obj$(selected,2))+10 end if end if #fful.font "select Set Font" gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[color] #fful.color "contents? c$" select case c$ case "Control Back" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then if selected then 'insert color change event ahead of control if obj(selected,TT)=2 then ct=22 : projecttbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=3 then ct=23 : projectlbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=4 then ct=24 : projectcbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=11 then ct=21 : projecttecl$=cp$ for n=obj+1 to selected+1 step -1 obj(n,XX)=obj(n-1,XX) obj(n,Y)=obj(n-1,Y) obj(n,W)=obj(n-1,W) obj(n,H)=obj(n-1,H) obj(n,TT)=obj(n-1,TT) obj(n,TH)=obj(n-1,TH) obj$(n,Ctr)=obj$(n-1,Ctr) obj$(n,Tex)=obj$(n-1,Tex) obj$(n,Ress)=obj$(n-1,Ress) obj$(n,Fon)=obj$(n-1,Fon) obj$(n,Bak)=obj$(n-1,Bak) obj$(n,Bass)=obj$(n-1,Bass) next obj(selected,TT)=ct obj$(selected,Tex)="Color!" obj$(selected,Bak)=cp$ 'obj$(selected,Bass)="XX" 'remove any previous color change statement if selected>=2 then if obj(selected-1,TT)=ct then obj(selected-1,TT)=0 end if obj=obj+1 end if end if case "Project Back" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then projectback$=cp$ if cp$<>"" then ctrc$=cp$ gosub [drawgrid] case "Project Fore" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then projectfore$=cp$ case "Grid Color" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then gridcolor$=cp$ gosub [drawgrid] case "Border Color" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then bordercolor$=cp$ case "CrossHair" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then crosshair$=cp$ end select #fful.color "select Set Color" gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[windowtype] #prop.cbwind "contents? projectwind$" wait
[colorpick] WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=225 UpperLeftX = insertx UpperLeftY = inserty graphicbox #pick.gb,25,10,170,170 open "Color Pick" for dialog_nf_modal as #pick #pick "font Consolas 9" #pick "trapclose [quitpick]" #pick.gb "down ; fill white ; flush" cl$="black darkgray lightgray buttonface red green blue yellow pink darkpink darkred brown darkgreen cyan white white " c=1 for yc=1 to 160 step 40 for xc= 1 to 160 step 40 #pick.gb "backcolor ";word$(cl$,c);" ; place ";xc;" ";yc;" ; boxfilled ";xc+40;" ";yc+40 c=c+1 if c>15 then c=15 next next #pick.gb "when leftButtonDown [pick]" wait
[pick] xp=int(MouseX/40) yp=int(MouseY/40) c=xp+yp*4+1 cp$=word$(cl$,c)
[quitpick] close #pick return
[cthelp] run "notepad help.txt" wait
[code] code = 1 goto [prev]
'control buttons [bttnSTTX] i=1 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnTXBX] i=2 : gosub [drawTool] : wait : wait [bttnLSTBX] i=3 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnCMBOBX] i=4 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnBTTN] i=5 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnBMPBTTN] i=6 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnGRPHCBX] i=7 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnRDBTTN] i=8 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnCHKBX] i=9 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnGRPBX] i=10 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnTXTEDTR] i=11 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnMNU] i=12 : gosub [drawTool] : wait
[negbarrier] if negbar = 1 then negbar = 0 #fful.negbarrier "Barrier -" else negbar = 1 #fful.negbarrier "No Barrier -" end if wait
[barrier] if barrier = 1 then barrier = 0 #fful.barrier "Barrier +" else barrier = 1 #fful.barrier "No Barrier +" end if wait
[block] wait
[quitfful] 'save away current session to lastsession.ffu open "lastsession.ffu" for output as #ses #ses projectfile$ #ses projectwind$ #ses projectform$ #ses projecttitl$ #ses projectfont$ #ses projectback$ #ses projectfore$ #ses projectctrh #ses projectgrid #ses projectw #ses projecth for n=1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 then #ses obj(n,XX);","; #ses obj(n,Y);","; #ses obj(n,W);","; #ses obj(n,H);","; #ses obj(n,TT);","; #ses obj(n,TH) #ses obj$(n,Ctr) #ses obj$(n,Tex) #ses obj$(n,Ress) #ses obj$(n,Fon) #ses obj$(n,Bak) end if next close #ses close #prop close #prog close #fful fastGuiOpen = 0 #codeTank.fastgui "!enable" wait
function replace$( text$ , this$, tothis$ ) while 1 if instr(text$, this$) then f = instr(text$, this$) lenght=len(this$) text$ = mid$(text$,1,f-1);_ tothis$;mid$(text$,f+lenght) else exit while end if wend replace$=text$ end function
sub pleasewait global pleasewaitOpen WindowWidth = 150 : WindowHeight = 150 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)'-100 UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)'-500 statictext #pleasewait.text, "Please Wait", 30, 20, 100, 20 statictext #pleasewait.text2, "This Can", 40, 50, 100, 20 statictext #pleasewait.text3, "Take a While", 25, 80, 100, 20 button #pleasewait.fake, "", [quit.pleasewait], ul, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "untiltled" for dialog_popup as #pleasewait #pleasewait "trapclose [quit.pleasewait]" #pleasewait "font arial 12 bold" pleasewaitOpen = 1 end sub
sub writeAutoSave global autoSave$ autoSave$ = "autoSave.vbs" open autoSave$ for output as #1 #1 "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(";q$;"WScript.Shell";q$;")" #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save *.TKN File As...";q$;")" #1, "Loop" #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Information";q$;")" #1, "Loop" #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"pleasewait";q$;")" close #1 end sub
'function to retrieve Users Home Path (thanks to Brandon Parker) Function GetSpecialFolder$(CSIDL) S.OK = NULL GetSpecialFolder$ = "Operation Failed" pszPath$ = Space$(_MAX_PATH);chr$(0)
CallDLL #shell32, "SHGetFolderPathA", _NULL As ulong, _ 'hWnd is RESERVED CSIDL As long, _ 'CSIDL value _NULL As ulong, _ 'hToken is set to NULL to check the current token 0 As ulong, _ 'dwFlags is set to NULL to represent SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT pszPath$ As ptr, _ 'pszPath is where the path string will be stored upon return ret As long
If (ret = S.OK) Then GetSpecialFolder$ = Trim$(pszPath$) End Function
'edit date$() return for use in filenames sub fixdate global fixeddate$ fixDate$ = Date$() 'set up a date format that works with a filename(remove the /) fix1$ =word$(fixDate$, 1, " ") ' = Month, fix2$ = word$(fixDate$, 2, " ") ' = Month fix2$ = left$(fix2$, len(fix2$)-1) ' = Number of day fix3$ = word$(fixDate$, 3 ," ") ' = Year - 4 digits fix3$ = right$(fix3$, 2) ' = Year - 2 digits fixeddate$ = fix1$;"-";fix2$;"-";fix3$ ' = Month-NumberOfDay-Year end sub
'edit Time$() return for use in filenames sub fixtime global fixedtime$ fixTime$ = Time$() 'set up a time format that works with a filename(remove the /) fix1$ = word$(fixTime$, 1, ":")' - remove the "." 's fix2$ = word$(fixTime$, 2 ,":") fixedtime$ = "-";fix1$;"-";fix2$;"_"' ' add dashes - end sub
sub resetRadioOptions dictionary$ = "" : keyCount = 0 : lastKey$ = "" : selectedKey$ = "" call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0 " #codeTank.keys "select 0" end sub
'function for checking file existence function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim info$(0, 0) files path$, filename$, info$() fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function
'function for checking folder existence function pathExists(path$) pathExists = (mkdir(path$)=183) end function
[textEdMirror] if textedMOpen = 1 then #textedM.edMirror "!setfocus" : wait WindowWidth = 700 WindowHeight = 500 texteditor #textedM.edMirror, 20, 20, 640, 400 button #textedM.incFont, "&+", [incEdFont], UL, 220, 0, 20, 23 button #textedM.decFont, "&-", [decEdFont], UL, 400, 0, 20, 23 button #textedM.mirror, "&ScratchPad", [scratch], UL, 250, 0, 140, 23 open "TextEditor Mirror" for Window as #textedM #textedM "trapclose [quit.textedM]" #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #textedM.edMirror code$ #textedM "Font Arial 12" EdMirFont = 12 #textedM.edMirror, "!setfocus" #textedM.edMirror "!origin 0 0" textedMOpen = 1 #textedM.edMirror "!autoresize" if selectedKey$ = "" then [setCatScratch] wait
[scratch] #codeTank.savedprojects "reset" #textedM.edMirror "!contents? code$" #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.value code$ call saveValue mir = 1 : gosub [deleteOrig] mir = 0 [setCatScratch] newKey$ = selectedKey$ if categorie$ = "" or selectedKey$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" end if call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 code$ close #1 call resetRadioOptions call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value "!cls" categorie$ = "ScratchPad" selectedKey$ = "Scratch" #textedM.edMirror "!cls" #textedM.edMirror, "!setfocus" #textedM.edMirror, "!origin 0 0" wait
[incEdFont] EdMirFont = EdMirFont + 1 #textedM.edMirror "!font Arial ";EdMirFont wait [decEdFont] EdMirFont = EdMirFont - 1 #textedM.edMirror "!font Arial ";EdMirFont wait
[quit.pleaseWait] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[quit.textedM] call saveValue #textedM.edMirror "!contents? code$" close #textedM : textedMOpen = 0 #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.value code$ #codeTank.value "!origin 0 0" mir = 1 : gosub [deleteOrig] mir = 0 call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select "; newKey$ if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" end if open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 code$ close #1 call resetRadioOptions call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
'quit program [quit.codeTank] if textedMOpen = 1 then text$ = "Quiting will close the Editor Mirror"+chr$(13)+chr$(13) text$ = text$+"Quit Anyway?"+chr$(13) a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if call saveValue gosub [cleanUp] if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0 if fastcodeOpen = 1 then close #fastcode : fastcodeOpen = 0 if propOpen = 1 then close #prop : propOpen = 0 if progOpen = 1 then close #prog : progOpen = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then close #results : resultsOpen = 0 if mainListOpen = 1 then close #codeTankList : mainListOpen = 0 if fastGuiOpen = 1 then close #fful : fastGuiOpen = 0 if textedMOpen = 1 then close #textedM : textedMOpen = 0 if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 if codetankOpen = 1 then close #codeTank : codetankOpen = 0 if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 end
'sub to create pauses in program sub pause mil t=time$("ms")+mil while time$("ms")<t scan wend end sub
'sub to save current Dictionary Listings and text in texeditor sub saveValue 'if the value is changed, save it if lastKey$ <> "" then #codeTank.value "!modified? modified$"; if modified$ = "true" then #codeTank.value "!contents? saveThisValue$"; call setValueByName lastKey$, saveThisValue$ call collectGarbage call writeDictionary end if end if end sub
'function to get selected Listing function getKeys$(delimiter$) global keyCount pointer = 1 while pointer <> 0 'get the next key pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) if pointer then keyPointer = pointer + 9 pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer) if instr(keyList$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) = 0 then getKeys$ = getKeys$ + key$ + delimiter$ keyList$ = keyList$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ keyCount = keyCount + 1 end if end if wend end function
'sub to write each Listing to corresponding file sub writeDictionary if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" if categorie$ = "ScratchPad" then open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #writeDict #writeDict date$();time$() goto [writeit] end if open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for output as #writeDict [writeit] #writeDict, dictionary$ close #writeDict end sub
'sub to read each Listing from corresponding file sub readDictionary if fileExists(DefaultDir$, categorie$) <> 0 then open categorie$ for input as #readDict length = lof(#readDict) dictionary$ = input$(#readDict, length) close #readDict else end if end sub
'sub to cleanup any mess in the dictionary text sub collectGarbage pointer = 1 while pointer > 0 'get the next key pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) if pointer then keyPointer = pointer + 9 pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer) if instr(keyList$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) = 0 then value$ = getValue$(key$) newDictionary$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + value$ + newDictionary$ keyList$ = keyList$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) end if end if wend dictionary$ = newDictionary$ end sub
sub setValueByName key$, value$ dictionary$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);key$;chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+value$+dictionary$ end sub
'function to get info from selected Listing function getValue$(key$) getValue$ = chr$(0) keyPosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+key$+chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) if keyPosition > 0 then keyPosition = keyPosition + 9 'skip over key tag valuePosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), keyPosition) if valuePosition > 0 then valuePosition = valuePosition + 11 'skip over value tag endPosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), valuePosition) if endPosition > 0 then getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition, endPosition - valuePosition) else getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition) end if end if end if end function
'sub to load selected categorie List sub loadKeys keyList$ = getKeys$(chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) redim keys$(keyCount) for item = 1 to keyCount keys$(item-1) = word$(keyList$, item, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) next item sort keys$(), 0, keyCount #codeTank.keys "reload" keyCount = 0 end sub
'function to separate filename from full path to file function GetFilename$(fileName$) i = len(fileName$) while mid$(fileName$, i, 1) <> "\" and mid$(fileName$, i, 1) <> "" i = i-1 wend GetFilename$ = mid$(fileName$, i+1) end function
'function to delete entire folder (including sub folders and files) function delete$(folder$) run "cmd.exe /c rd /s /q ";q$;folder$;q$, HIDE end function
'function makes customized confirmation window function custcon$(text$) global text$, customconfirmOpen, a$, answer$, fault WindowWidth = 540 : WindowHeight = 300 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) statictext #customconfirm.header "Notice to User", 190, 10, 130, 30 statictext #customconfirm.text text$, 40, 60, 490, 120 button #customconfirm.default "&OK", [confirmYes], ul, 220, 200, 80, 35 button #customconfirm.yes "&Yes", [confirmYes], ul, 100, 200, 120, 35 button #customconfirm.no "&No", [confirmNo], ul, 320, 200, 120, 35 open "Confirmation Required" for dialog_modal as #customconfirm #customconfirm "trapclose [confirmNo]" #customconfirm "font arial 12" customconfirmOpen = 1 #customconfirm.default "!hide" wait [confirmNo] answer$ = "No" if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 goto [endFunction] [confirmYes] answer$ = "Yes" if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 [endFunction] end function
FUNCTION FN.Screen(BYREF Szx, BYREF Szy) Szx = DisplayWidth Szy = DisplayHeight FN.Display = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.PercentScreen(PercentX, PercentY, BYREF Szx, BYREF Szy) Szx = INT(DisplayWidth * PercentX) Szy = INT(DisplayHeight * PercentY) FN.PercentScreen = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.ScreenCenter(BYREF Cx, BYREF Cy) Cx = INT(DisplayWidth * 0.5) Cy = INT(DisplayHeight * 0.5) FN.ScreenCenter = Cx * Cy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.SetWinPos(PosX, PosY) UpperLeftX = PosX UpperLeftY = PosY FN.SetWinPos = PosX * PosY END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.SetWinSize(Szx, Szy) WindowWidth = Szx WindowHeight = Szy FN.SetWinSize = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
sub resized handle$ TxbUx = 100 '<--- location and size of text box TxbUy = 50 Txbsx = 100 Txbsy = 25 Txbsx = WindowWidth - TxbUx - Txbsx '<--- resize text box #codeTank.numLines, "!LOCATE ";WindowWidth-130;" "; 50;" ";120;" "; 25 #codeTank.filePath, "!LOCATE ";TxbUx;" ";TxbUy;" ";Txbsx-30;" ";Txbsy #codeTank.keys, "LOCATE ";100;" ";75;" ";340;" ";WindowHeight-600+60+270 #codeTank, "REFRESH" end sub
'sub to make folder dialog window sub browser caption$ dim info$(0, 0) dim folderInfo$(0, 0) WindowWidth = 700 WindowHeight = 500 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) gosub [FolderDlgGetDrives] statictext #folderdlg.selection, "Selection >> ", 40, 505, 95, 15 statictext #folderdlg.caption, caption$, 150, 20, 525, 35 listbox #folderdlg.filelist, fileList$(, [fileSelect], 350, 50, 320, 310 listbox #folderdlg.list, FolderList$(, [FolderDlgSelect], 15, 50, 320, 310 button #folderdlg.default, "OK", [FolderDlgOk], UL, 220, 410, 75, 25 button #folderdlg.back, "< < <", [FolderDlgBack], UL, 10, 10, 60, 30 button #folderdlg.C, "Cancel", [FolderDlgCancel], UL, 395, 410, 75, 25 button #folderdlg.plusfont, "+", [plusFont], UL, 75, 10, 30, 30 button #folderdlg.minusfont, "-", [minusFont], UL, 110, 10, 30, 30 textbox #folderdlg.text, 15, 360, 655, 25 BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" open "Liberty Basic File Browser" for dialog_modal as #folderdlg #folderdlg, "trapclose [FolderDlgCancel]" #folderdlg.text, "Selected (Drive \ Folder \ File) Path Appears Here" #folderdlg, "font Arial 12 bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "singleclickselect" #folderdlg.list, "singleclickselect" fontsize = 12 wait
[minusFont] fontsize = fontsize - 1 #folderdlg.list, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" wait
[plusFont] fontsize = fontsize + 1 #folderdlg.list, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" wait
[FolderDlgSelect] #folderdlg.list, "selection? temp$" if temp$ <> "" then level = level+1 folder$ = folder$; temp$; "\" #folderdlg.text, folder$ gosub [FolderDlgGetDir] #folderdlg.list, "reload" #folderdlg.list, "select 0" #folderdlg.default "!setfocus" end if wait
[FolderDlgBack] if level > 0 then level = level-1 if level = 0 then folder$ = "" gosub [FolderDlgGetDrives] else i = len(folder$)-1 while mid$(folder$, i, 1) <> "\" and mid$(folder$, i, 1) <> "" i = i-1 wend folder$ = left$(folder$, i) gosub [FolderDlgGetDir] end if #folderdlg.text, folder$ fileList$(0) = " F I L E S" #folderdlg.list, "reload" #folderdlg.filelist, "reload" end if wait
[FolderDlgGetDrives] c = 1 while word$(Drives$, c) <> "" c = c+1 wend redim FolderList$(c) FolderList$(0) = " D R I V E S" for i = 1 to c FolderList$(i) = word$(Drives$, i) next i redim fileList$(0) return
[FolderDlgGetDir] files folder$, info$( s = val(info$(0,0)) tt = val(info$(0,1)) redim FolderList$(tt) FolderList$(0) = " F O L D E R S" for i = 1 to tt FolderList$(i) = info$(i+s, 1) next i
[filesBack] files folder$, "*.*", folderInfo$() numFiles = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) redim fileList$(numFiles) for x = 1 to numFiles filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) fileList$(x) = filename$ next x fileList$(0) = " F I L E S" sort fileList$(), 0 , numFiles #folderdlg.filelist, "reload" return
[fileSelect] #folderdlg.filelist "selection? file$" #folderdlg.text, folder$;file$ wait
[FolderDlgOk] #folderdlg.text, "!contents? FolderDialog$" If right$(FolderDialog$,1) = "\" then if right$(FolderDialog$, 2) = ":\" then [goAround] FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$) - 1) else [goAround] notice "The Selection was Not a Folder" : close #folderdlg : wait end if
[FolderDlgCancel] close #folderdlg end sub
sub quit fast$ close #fastcode fastcodeOpen = 1 end sub
'sub to generate the window code and copy to clipboard, and texeditor sub dummy fast$ global toPrint$ select case case fast$ = "#fastcode.button1" #fastcode.txt1 "!contents? txt$" #fastcode.txt2 "!contents? theName$" #fastcode.r1 "value? result$" if result$="set" then itag$="[" otag$="]" closingCode$= "[quit]";chr$(13);_ " close ";txt$;chr$(13);_ " end" else closingCode$ = "Sub quit fast$";chr$(13);_ " close #fast$" ;chr$(13);_ " end";chr$(13);_ "End Sub" end if #fastcode.combo "selection? sel$" if instr(sel$,"popup") then includeButton$= "button ";txt$;".button1 ";chr$(34);_ "&X";chr$(34);", "; itag$;"quit";otag$;", ul, 610, 5, 25, 20" end if toPrint$ = "nomainwin";chr$(13);"WindowWidth = 640";chr$(13);"WindowHeight = 480";chr$(13);_ "UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)";chr$(13);_ "UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)";chr$(13);_ includeButton$;chr$(13);_ "Open ";chr$(34);theName$;chr$(34);" for ";sel$; " as ";txt$;chr$(13);_ " ";txt$;" "; chr$(34); "trapclose ";itag$;"quit";otag$; chr$(34);chr$(13);_ "wait";chr$(13);chr$(13);_ closingCode$ #fastcode.ed "!cls" #fastcode.ed toPrint$ #fastcode.ed "!selectall" #fastcode.ed "!copy" #fastcode.ed "!paste" #fastcode.ed "!origin 0 0" end select end sub
function getsize$(l$) 'what if it is a variable? v$="" pos=1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) while instr("1234567890",n$,1)=0 and pos<len(l$) pos=pos+1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) wend while n$>="0" and n$<="9" and pos<=len(l$) v$=v$+n$ pos=pos+1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) wend getsize$=v$ end function
function getcolor$(l$) if l$="palegray" then l$="lightgray" 'what if it is a variable? cl$="darkgray lightgray buttonface darkred darkpink darkgreen blue yellow pink red brown green cyan white black " for c= 1 to 15 if instr(l$,word$(cl$,c),1)>0 then getcolor$=word$(cl$,c) : exit for next if getcolor$="" then getcolor$="white" end function
function value(x$) select case len(x$) case 1 value = asc(x$) case 2 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) case 3 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,3,1))*65536) case 4 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,3,1))*65536) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,4,1))*16777216) end select end function
'subroutine for selections of combo boxes sub asciiSelected asciiList$ #codeTank.asciiList, "selection? asciiChoice$" #codeTank.filePath asciiChoice$ #codeTank.fake "!cls" #codeTank.fake asciiChoice$ #codeTank.fake "!selectall" #codeTank.fake "!copy" #codeTank.asciiList, "! ASCII Codes" end sub
sub getAscii dim asciiList$(250) y = 7 asciiList$(0)= " Controls" asciiList$(1) = " chr$(0) = (nul) ";chr$(0) asciiList$(2) = " chr$(27) = (escape) ";chr$(27) asciiList$(3) = " chr$(32) = (space) ";chr$(32) asciiList$(4) = " chr$(13) = (enter) ";chr$(13) asciiList$(5) = " Printables" asciiList$(6) = " chr$(32)= (space) ";chr$(32) for x = 33 to 255 asciiList$(y) = " chr$(";x;") = ";chr$(x) y = y + 1 next x #codeTank.asciiList, "reload" #codeTank.asciiList, "! ASCII Codes" end sub
sub lbreservedwordSelected lbReservedwordList$ #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, "selection? lbreserved$" #codeTank.filePath lbreserved$ #codeTank.fake "!cls" #codeTank.fake lbreserved$ #codeTank.fake "!selectall" #codeTank.fake "!copy" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "select 0" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "! Reserved Words" end sub
sub getlbreservedwords global lbReservedWords$ dim lbreservedwordsList$(250) for x = 0 to 250 filename$ = word$(lbReservedWords$, x ,",") lbreservedwordsList$(x) = filename$ next x sort lbreservedwordsList$(), 1 ,250 #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, "reload" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "! Reserved Words" end sub
[LBB_EXE] global fname0$ LBB$ = DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe" filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait cursor hourglass fname0$ = GetFilename$(fname$) open fname$ for input as #1 open DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$ for output as #2 temp$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) #2 temp$ close #1 close #2 call writeAutoSaveLBB run "wscript ";autoSaveLBB$ run LBB$;" -C -M -A ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$ fname0$ = left$(fname0$, len(fname0$)-4) fname1$ = fname0$;".exe" call fixdate call fixtime while fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fname1$) = 0 scan x=x+1 if x = 40000 then exit while wend call pause 6000 fullname$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$;"_";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fname1$) then name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname1$ as fullname$ end if if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fname0$;".bas") then name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$;".bas" as DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$;"_";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".bas" end if cursor normal print x x=0 wait
sub writeAutoSaveLBB q$ = chr$(34) global autoSaveLBB$, fname0$, fname$ autoSaveLBB$ = "autoSaveLBB.vbs" open autoSaveLBB$ for output as #1 #1 "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(";q$;"WScript.Shell";q$;")" #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save standalone executable";q$;")" #1, "Loop" #1, "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save standalone executable";q$;")" #1, "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1, "Wscript.Sleep(8000)" #1, "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"LB Booster";q$;")" #1, "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1 "Set WshShell = nothing" close #1 end sub
Please, for Peace sake, ask any questions you have regarding CodeTankPlus - HERE - at Code-Share. Thank you. Please post feedback to help improve CodeTankPlus
Post by Admin on Sept 22, 2023 22:31:45 GMT
An updated version is available. CodeTankPlus v1.8.1
Changes - Automation is now one button, and the page that comes up to add 'password', version#, date\time etc, now has a checkbox to select whether IEXPRESS creates the EXE file, or LB Booster. All options are now available for LB Booster EXE files, as well as those made by IEXPRESS.
-Now, when an EXE file gets created, the code is added to a 'Title' in the 'MyProjects' categorie with the same name as the selected .bas file(without the .bas extension), and will act as though it was created as a 'MyProject' with all the options available, same as any "MyProjects" created using the [New From File] button.
'CodeTank v1.8.1F - For Liberty Basic v4.5.1 and (Pro) 'created by xxgeek Sept 2023 'This app uses "Dictionary" code, written by Carl Gundel, at it's core 'This app also uses FastCode written by cundo - a member of the JustBasic Forums 'This app also uses a Help search engine originally created by cundo - (orig name = JB Search) 'This app also uses a version of FFUL(FreeFormUltraLite) written by Rod - Admin at both JB and LB Forums ' All edited to suit this app 'Purposes - ' (1) To create reservoir(s) of code, subs, functions, scripts and example programs with ability to share_ '_ with others each category file, to merge with their own reservoir(s).
' (2) To automate the collection of support dll and sll files along with TKN file creation and renaming_ '_ of the run451.exe, and to automate the creation of EXE files with 3 differing methods
' (3) To create dated\timestamped backups of each .bas file, and a .tkn backup file of each .bas_ '_ file to 'Revert' back if\when needed.
'Use alt + ' Char Button ' c = [copy] - copies selected code in editor ' d = [Delete] - deletes a selected listing, and offers to delete it's project files as well ' e = [Create Single &EXE File] - creates a single EXE file from a selected BAS file ' f = [New From File] - user selects the file to add to the listing using filedialog ' g = [Merge File] - merge a file of a particular 'categorie' with another , possibly downloaded file ' l = [Edit in LB IDE] - opens selected code in LB IDE ' m = [Mirror Editor] - opens a window with a full screen editor mirroring the existing one. ' n = [New (Copy\Paste)] - Create a 'New' listing manually (not from a file) ' p = [paste] - pastes code into editor at location of I-Beam ' r = [RUN] - runs selected listing
' s = [Select All] - selects all the text in the texteditor ' s = [Scratch] button - on the Mirror window
' t = [Update TKN] - updates the TKN file of a selected listing (MyProjects, and MyPrograms ONLY) ' u = [cut] - cuts selected text from editor ' v = [Revert to Backup] - Overwrites the files of a selected listing with a selected backup
' + = Increase Font Size [+] ' - = Decrease Font Size [-]
'WARNING - Save to a folder of it's own, it creates files, and folders when used.
' Please Note: ' When selecting a .bas file to create a New Project, or Program....... ' Make sure the .bas file is a known good one, and runs/starts ok in the LB IDE ' If the .bas file cannot pass the compiler's check, it can cause havoc with the automation' ' process, and probably crash CodeTank. 'When RUNing any files be aware that the file you are running 'MAY' be the culprit if a problem arises. 'The LB IDE may stay open, along with a mainwin, and the user must close both manually. 'For help using CodeTank visit the Liberty Basic forums ' @ https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/
'on error goto [abort] 'nomainwin gosub [initiate]
[start] dim searchList$(500), info$(0,0), oneOf$(2500), mainList$(500) 'declare some variables global LBpath$, helpFilePath$, fname$ helpFilePath$ = LBpath$;"\lb4help\LibertyBASIC_4_web" helpFileMenu$ = "amber_menu.htm" 'dim arrays for key$ and info$ dim key$(1000) dim info$(500, 500) global toPrint$ res = mkdir("EXE") 'declare variables q$ = chr$(34) codeTank$ = "#codeTank" LBruntime$ = "run451.exe" lbReservedWords$ = " AND, APPEND, AS, BEEP, BMPBUTTON, BMPSAVE, BUTTON, BYREF, CALL, CALLDLL, CALLFN, CASE, CHECKBOX, CLOSE, CLS, COLORDIALOG, COMBOBOX, CONFIRM, CURSOR, DATA, DIALOG, DIM, DLL, DO, DUMP, DWORD, ELSE, END, ERROR, EXIT, FIELD, FILEDIALOG, FILES, FONTDIALOG, FOR, FUNCTION, GET, GETTRIM, GLOBAL, GOSUB, GOTO, GRAPHICBOX, GRAPHICS, GROUPBOX, IF, INPUT, INPUTCSV, KILL, LET, LINE, LISTBOX, LOADBMP, LONG, LOOP, LP, PRINT, MAINWIN, MAPHANDLE, MENU, NAME, NEXT, NOMAINWIN, NOTICE, ON, ONCOMERROR, OR, OPEN, OUTPUT, PASSWORD, PLAYMIDI, PLAYWAVE, POPUPMENU, PRINT, PRINTERDIALOG, PROMPT, PUT, PTR, RADIOBUTTON, RANDOM, RANDOMIZE, READ, READJOYSTICK, REDIM, REM, RESTORE, RESUME, RETURN, RUN, SCAN, SELECT, SHORT, SORT, STATICTEXT, STOP, STOPMIDI, STRUCT, SUB, TEXT, TEXTBOX, TEXTEDITOR, THEN, TIMER, TITLEBAR, TRACE, ULONG, UNLOADBMP, UNTIL, USHORT, VOID, WAIT, WINDOW, WEND, WHILE, XOR, ABS(, ACS(, AFTER$(, AFTERLAST$(, ASC(, ASN(, ATN(, CHR$(, COS(, DATE$(, DECHEX$(, EOF(, HBMP(, HEXDEC(, HTTPGET$(, HWND(, INP(, INPUT$(, INPUTTO$(, INSTR(, INT(, LEFT$(, LEN(, LOF(, LOG(, LOWER$(, MAX(, MIDIPOS(, MID$(, MIN(, MKDIR(, NOT(EXP(, HEXDEC(, INPUT$(, INPUTTO$(, INSTR(, INT(, LEFT$(, LEN(, LOF(, LOG(, LOWER$(, MAX(, MIDIPOS(, MID$(, MIN(, MKDIR(, NOT(, REMCHAR$(, REPLSTR$(, RIGHT$(, RMDIR(, RND(, SIN(, SPACE$(, SQR(, STR$(, TAB(, TAN(, TIME$(, TRIM$(, TXCOUNT(, UPPER$(, UPTO$(, USING(, VAL(, WINSTRING(, WORD$(, BackgroundColor$, ComboboxColor$, CommandLine$, DefaultDir$, DisplayHeight, DisplayWidth, Drives$, Err, Err$, ForegroundColor$, Joy1x, Joy1y, Joy1z, Joy1button1, Joy1button2, Joy2x, Joy2y, Joy2z, Joy2button1, Joy2button2, ListboxColor$, Platform$, PrintCollate, PrintCopies, PrinterFont$, PrinterName$, TextboxColor$, TexteditorColor$, Version$, WindowHeight, WindowWidth, UpperLeftX, UpperLeftY" DllList$="vbas31w.sll vgui31w.sll voflr31w.sll vthk31w.dll vtk1631w.dll vtk3231w.dll vvm31w.dll vvmt31w.dll" savedProjects$ = "savedProjects" MyProjects$ = "MyProjects" MyBackups$ = "MyBackups" programs$ = "Programs" vbs$ = "VBS-Scripts" cmd$ = "CMD-Scripts" examples$ = "Examples" snippets$ = "Snippets" lbExamples$ = "LB-Examples" lbBakFiles$ = "LB-BAK-Files" subroutines$ = "Subroutines" functions$ = "Functions" mainFontsize = 10 project = 1 WinWide = 1000 '1000 WinHigh = 600
UserMonitorResx = 1000 '800 UserMonitorResy = 600 '600
IF UserMonitorResx < WinWide THEN Diff = WinWide - UserMonitorResx WinWide = WinWide - Diff END IF
IF UserMonitorResy < WinHigh THEN Diff = WinHigh - UserMonitorResy WinHigh = WinHigh - Diff END IF
RetVal = FN.ScreenCenter(Cx, Cy) '<--- get screen center RetVal = FN.SetWinPos(Cx - INT(WinWide / 2), Cy - INT(WinHigh / 2)) '<--- set window pos RetVal = FN.SetWinSize(WinWide, WinHigh) '<--- set window size UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)-70 UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" menu #codeTank, "File" , "Open Liberty Basic", [openlb], "Open a File in Liberty Basic", [openlbFile], "Exit", [quit.codeTank] menu #codeTank, "Edit" menu #codeTank, "Browse" , "My Projects", [projectsDir], ".EXE Files", [EXEDir], ".TKN Files", [tknDir], ".BAS Files", [basFiles],"DefaultDir$", [defaultDir],"LB Code Examples", [lbexamplesDir] menu #codeTank, "Help" , "Liberty Basic Forums", [forumlink], "Help", [codeTankHelp], "About", [about] texteditor #codeTank.value, 440, 75, 545, 425 hscroll$ = "#codeTank.keys" stylebits #hscroll$, _WS_HSCROLL, 0, 0, 0 listbox #codeTank.keys, keys$(), [keySelected], 100, 75, 340, 270 'category radio buttons radiobutton #codeTank.savedprojects, "MyProjects", [projs], resetHandler, 5, 90, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.programs, "MyPrograms", [progs], resetHandler, 5, 110, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.backups, "MyBackups", [mybackups], resetHandler, 5, 140, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.examples, "Examples", [exams], resetHandler, 5, 170, 80, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.snippets, "Snippets", [snipps], resetHandler, 5, 190, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.subroutines, "Subroutines", [subroutines], resetHandler, 5, 210, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.functions, "Functions", [functions], resetHandler, 5, 230, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.VBS, "VBS-Scripts", [vbs], resetHandler, 5, 250, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.CMD, "CMD-Scripts", [cmd], resetHandler, 5, 270, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.lbexamples, "LB-Examples", [lbCodeExamples], resetHandler, 5, 305, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.lbbakfiles, "LB-BakFiles", [lbbakfiles], resetHandler, 5, 325, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.folderChoice, "Any Folder", [folderChoice], resetHandler, 5, 355, 95, 20 'Event buttons etc wh=WinHigh-100 button #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)), [newKey], LL, 270, wh-365, 165, 25 button #codeTank.fromFile, "New from &File", [makeproject], LL, 105, wh-365, 155, 25 button #codeTank.remakeproject, "Update &TKN File", [remakeproject], LL, 105, wh-415, 155, 25 button #codeTank.runlb, "Edit Item in &Liberty Basic", [edit_In_LB_IDE], LL, 105, wh-390, 155, 25 button #codeTank.merge, "Mer&ge Shared File ";categorie$, [mergeFile], LL, 270, wh-415, 165, 25 button #codeTank.runListing, "&Run", [runKey], LL, 270, wh-390, 165, 25 button #codeTank.revert, "Re&vert to Backup", [revert], LL, 105, wh-440, 155, 25 button #codeTank.deleteListing, " &Delete ", [deleteKey], LL, 270, wh-440, 165, 25 button #codeTank.exe, "BAS<2>&EXE (Automated)", [GUI], LL, 185, wh-520, 165, 30 button #codeTank.IEXP_man, "IEXPRESS Manually", [IEXP_man], LL, 105, wh-465, 155, 25 button #codeTank.lbbEX_man, "LB Booster Manually", [lbbEX_man], LL, 270, wh-465, 165, 25 button #codeTank.lbbFileEdit, "Edit File in LB Booster", [lbbEdit], LL, 270, wh-490, 165, 25 button #codeTank.lbbSelEdit, "Edit Item in LB Booster", [lbbSelEdit], LL, 105, wh-490, 155, 25 button #codeTank.incFont, "&+", [incFont], UL, 25, 390, 20, 23 button #codeTank.decFont, "&-", [decFont], UL, 50, 390, 20, 23 button #codeTank.mirror, "&Mirror Editor", [textEdMirror], UL, 5, 425, 95, 25 button #codeTank.cut, "C&ut", [cut], LL, 560, wh-520, 65, 20 button #codeTank.copy, "&Copy", [copy], LL, 630, wh-520, 65, 20 button #codeTank.selectAll, "Select &All", [selectall], LL, 700, wh-520, 85, 20 button #codeTank.paste, "&Paste", [paste], LL, 790, wh-520, 85, 20 button #codeTank.fastwindows, "&Fast Windows", [fastcode], ul, 5, 460, 95, 25 button #codeTank.fastgui, "&Fast GUI's", [fastGui], UL, 5, 495, 90, 25 textbox #codeTank.filePath, 100, 50, WinWide-235, 25 statictext #codeTank.categories, "Categories", 20, 60, 80, 15 combobox #codeTank.asciiList, asciiList$(), asciiSelected , 320, 2, 150, 12 combobox #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, lbreservedwordsList$(), lbreservedwordSelected , 475, 2, 170, 10 textbox #codeTank.tb 175, 27, 120, 23 statictext #codeTank.searchFor, "Search For", 105, 30, 65, 15 textbox #codeTank.numLines, 860, 50, 120, 25 button #codeTank.searchlb, "&Search | IN >", [startSearching], UL, 325, 27, 120, 23 button #codeTank.incFont, "&+", [incFontSearch], UL, 710, 27, 25, 23 button #codeTank.decFont, "&-", [decFontSearch], UL, 740, 27, 25, 23 button #codeTank.contents, "&LB Help Menu", [Contents], UL, 770, 27, 100, 25 button #codeTank.help, "?", [searchhelp], UL, 300, 27, 20, 23 checkbox #codeTank.lbhelp, "Help", [lbHelp], [nolbHelp], 455, 30, 45, 15 checkbox #codeTank.lbexamples, "Examples Code ", [lbexamples], [nolbexamples], 510, 30, 110, 15 checkbox #codeTank.cbank, "CodeTank", [cbank], [nocbank], 625, 30, 80, 15 texteditor #codeTank.fake, 0, 0, 0, 0 open "CodeTank Plus v1.8.1F" for window as #codeTank #codeTank.addListing "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject "!disable" #codeTank.runListing "!disable" #codeTank.runlb "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile "!disable" #codeTank.merge "!disable" #codeTank.revert "!disable" #codeTank "trapclose [quit.codeTank]" #codeTank "font Arial ";mainFontsize call getlbreservedwords call getAscii #codeTank.keys "singleclickselect" #codeTank.value "!autoresize" #codeTank "resizehandler resized" #codeTank.lbhelp "set" lbHelp = 1 codetankOpen = 1 categorie$ = "ScratchPad" open "ScratchPad" for append as #1 : #1 date$();time$() : close #1 wait
'[abort] 'Notice "An Error Has Occured";chr$(13);"Error #";Err;" ";chr$(13);Err$;" ";chr$(13);"CodeTank will need to Shutdown" 'goto [quit.codeTank]
[selectall] #codeTank.value "!selectall" wait [cut] #codeTank.value "!cut" wait [copy] #codeTank.value "!copy" wait [paste] #codeTank.value "!paste" wait
[IEXP_man] run "IEXPRESS" wait
[lbbEX_man] filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"LBB.exe") then run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe -C -M -A ";fname$ wait
[lbbEdit] filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"LBB.exe") then run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe ";fname$ wait
[lbbSelEdit] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from a list, try again" : wait #codeTank.value, "!contents? valueNow$"; open "untitled.bas" for output as #1 #1 "WARNING - To Preserve the Integrity of the CodeTank File(s) and the Liberty Basic Files(s)" #1 "THIS CODE IS ACTUALLY a COPY OF ";selectedKey$;".bas Named -> 'untitled.bas' " #1 "'Remember to 'Save As' a name of your Choice if/when done editing" #1 "" #1 valueNow$ close #1 tempfile$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe ";q$;tempfile$;q$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Editing ";tempfile$;" in Liberty Basic Editor" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[singleEXE] ' Use at your own risk - Author accepts NO liabilities '######################################################################################## ' IMPORTANT ' before running this code - save this code to a file named b2e.bas - (in a folder of it's own) ' If you do not wish to have commandline support, which copies the files of this app, along ' _with creating folders and new files, in the Users Home dir, you can delete or uncomment ' _the following 3 lines of code in the top 1st block of code..
'if not(fileExists(DefaultDir$, "b2e.exe")) then 'command = 1 : firstRun = 1 : project = 1 : fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\b2e.bas" : goto [checklbpath] 'end if
'If you do the above, disregard deleting the folder after first run, it will be needed. 'You can run the .bas from there, or create the TKN file, and run it from there. '########################################################################################
'BAS2EXE Version v1.8.9c For Windows 10 (possibly XP, 7, 8 and 11) - try it and let me know ' Date Introduced to Public = Jan 29 2023 ' Title - BAS2EXE v1.8.9c (with CommandLine support) ' Author - xxgeek, a member of the Libertybasiccom.proboards.com/ forums
' {Purpose} - To automate bas file to exe file (self extracting exe) making creation quick and easy while ' storing dated copies (users choice), of every selected bas file, the created tkn, and the created exe (self extracting) ' exe file containing the dll files, sll files, lbrun2.exe(renamed to same name as .bas file selected) ' Along with that there is a project folder created holding the same files as the exe that gets updated ' if and when the same bas file is selected, Note, the dated files are in their appropriate folders, EXE, TKN, and BAS ' NOTE -They will be overwritten if the same .bas file is selected on the same day within one minute ' The options are user generated by selecting the appropriate checkboxes (GUI) ' Or by Using the appropriate switches (Command Mode)
' Place this bas file in it's own folder as it will create some folders and temp files as well as the above
' IMPORTANT > Name this file b2e.bas (or it won't work) ' After first run, delete the folder, including the folders created, and the b2e.bas file '_ they are no longer needed as this app copies it's files to the users home dir ' There will be a shortcut on the desktop created, use this to open BAS2EXE from now on. ' Note - The Home dir is used in order to make the command line work properly
' Choose 32bit exe or 64`bit exe - defaults to 64 bit if no selection made ' Option to password the EXE file - Check off the checkbox, [Select File] and enter a password when prompted. ' When bas2exe opens a filedialog to choose a bas file choose a bas file that is a ' _good working bas file (or there will be trouble with the compiler) ' Add a version number and or Date/Time stamp the EXE filename ' View the Menu after EXE file creation 'The "Save tkn" file dialog and the Information "saved as" dialog close automatically and save the tkn file to where it is needed.
' If you keep the project folders you will have a "project" folder with each saved project which '_ includes the dll, sll files and lbrun2.exe(renamed), the selected .bas file and the tkn file. 'The EXE File is saved to the EXE folder in the same folder as this program is located. ' _unless otherwise specified for eg: when using the (CommandLine) and not the GUI (no GUI option for destination - v4.5.1.0 maybe ) ' Next Window is to choose to Run the EXE or view the EXE Files Created by this Program '_ or Make a New EXE ' Note - For standalone bas files only with no dependent files or folders - at this time (Maybe Version 2, we''ll see) ' If the .bas file you select runs in the lb IDE when RUN, the EXE will be made. If there are programming '_ runtime errors your EXE could still crash at some point (Not BAS2EXE's fault) ' If it won't run in the lb IDE there will be an error reported by the lb compiler when this app attempts to '_ make the tkn file, and the lb window that opens showing the code for the selected bas file will stay opened '_, close it manually.
' This new version has CommandLine support, meaning it works from a command prompt. ' or it can be used in code projects with the Run command as well.
' Syntax for commandline: ' If using the EXE ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number' ' or b2e.exe -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number'
' If using the TKN in code ' b2e.tkn -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number'
' if destinationPath is ommtted the default destinationPath is DefaultDir$\EXE ' If sourcePath\file.bas is ommitted BAS2EXE defaults to opening in GUI mode ' If no switches used, all switches defaults are false, 0 or "", except for the bit64 default ' Switches MUST be separated with a 'space' ' Switches are Optional ' Liberty typing b2e by itself BAS2EXE defaults to opening in GUI mode
'Switches ' /bas - saves a dated backup of the selected bas file ' /bit32 - creates a 32 bit exe file ' /bit64 - creates a 64 bit exe file (Defaults to 64bit EXE file if no swtich used) ' /dt - appends date/time to the created exe filename. ' /kp - saves the Project Folder (tkn, renamed lbrun2.exe dll and sll files) Created anyway - they are needed for the EXE file. ' /o - opens windows explorer with the created EXE file selected ' /pw - Prompts user for a password to open the created EXE file (If used the EXE file won't run without it, so save the password somewhere safe.) ' /q - Stops the "Please Wait" activity window from appearing while in command mode. ' /r - Runs the New EXE file after it is created ' /s - shows the Post Creation EXE Menu Window (GUI) to (View / Run / MakeNew - EXE file) ' /tkn - saves a dated backup of the tkn file. ' /v'number' - appends the EXE filename with a version number or text ' (No Spaces) examples: /v4.5.1.51 /v.001 /v123.Any_thing Note: The "v" is not included. ' If you want a v in your EXE filename then you must add one eg: /vv4.5.1 /vvTest123 etc
' Here are some examples of commandline use. ' eg: b2e (alone this opens the GUI) ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas (Creates a single exe file in DefaultDir$\EXE) no project folder, no backups, no appended date/time, or version etc ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas -f:\MyStuff\MyEXEcollection Creates a single 64bit EXE file in f:\MyStuff\MyEXEcollection ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas /bas /bit32 /dt /kp /pw /q /r /s /tkn /vv1.0 (Creates a single 32bit exe file in DefaultDir$\EXE) ' _ including all the optional swtches ' Switches can be in ANY order as long as they preceed the -path(s) ' if -sourceFilePath\file.bas is a lone .bas file with no path, BAS2EXE assumes the file is in the DefaultDir$ ' The dashes before the path(S) ARE necessaary ' the spaces between the switches ARE necessary
' Please NOTE - About the app and it's limitations ' This app uses a built in Windows app named IEXPRESS to create the EXE file by way of a SED(Self Extracting Dirctive) file. ' This app write the SED file, then IEXPRESS reads, and executes the instructions in it to create the EXE file. ' IEXPRESS has limits. ' It won't copy a folder, so for now this app can only create EXE files with the necessary runtime support files ' That means (for now anyway) the files needed to work (dll's, sll's tkn renamed lbrun2.exe and the bas file if user wants it.) ' If your .bas file uses any support files from the DefaultDir$ or sub folders of DefaultDir$ such as ' _bmp, txt, etc, they won't be in the EXE file when created. ' The app is great for testing, or for apps that need no support files (other than the lb dlls/slls the tkn and renamed lbrun2.exe ) ' _and if your .bas doesn't create any files needed the next time it is opened.
' When an EXE that is created by IEXPRESS executes, it is unpacked in the users temp folder, into a folder ' _named IXP001.tmp, or the number can vary on each persons PC. IXP001......IXP00n (depends on other temp apps I guess) ' These temp folders get deleted when the app is finished doing it's thing as is closed. ' That means if your app saves any data to files in DefaultDir$, or copies any files\folders to DefaultDir$, they get deleted too.
' If the interest is there, and I get some feedback on this app I'll work on a version 2. ' Version 2 will have support for adding extra folders and files to the EXE ' It will also get around the temp folder issue. I have that part working already. ' It may also have an option to batch create the EXE files. ' By having .bas files in a folder, and executing a loop to create one after the other. ' Other suggestions are welcome
' If you use this, please take the time to give some feedback so I know what's up, ' Any issues, don't hesitate to report them ' This App is actually part of a larger app, and the defaults are set 'as is' to accomodate the larger app. ' I didn't want to re-write the whole thing for the 1 person that 'may' use it. ' This app is free to use, edit, and/or distibute. Feel free to make it work the way you want it to. ' New Version v1.8.9 ' added ini file to hold Users lb install dir path when detected to be other than default ' added checkbox to allow showing created exe file in Windows Explorer when complete ' added onerror notice, and restart of BAS2EXE ' hardened some more 'New Version 1.9.0c ' changed method of auto[enter] of TKN creation "save as" dialog, and "Information" notice ' changed file verification loops of created exe file and tkn file to allow escape from loop after a set time ' _ to avoid infinite looping with BAS2EXE running invisible, forcing user to use taskmanager to close ' _ when/if exe file or tkn file is NOT created for whatever reason ' added detection of spaces in filename. IEXPRESS will not create a file with spaces in the name of the ' _source file - BAS2EXE will give Notice, then close when Notice closes. ' Tested on files up to 11000 lines - User may need to increase the 2 largest pauses if files have ' _ 11000+ lines of code (look for 'call pause 1500') - 2 of them
[TOP] if mainOpen = 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 command = 0 : s = 0 : openDest = 0 : runEXE = 0 : p = 0 : q = 0 : show = 0 tkn = 0 : bas = 0 : r = 0 : ve$ = "" : ve = 0 : project = 0 : dt = 0 : fname$ = "" exeDest$ = "" : selectedpath$ = "" : fixeddate$ = "" : fixedtime$ = "" : exe$ = "" q$ = chr$(34) if CommandLine$ <> "" then if not(instr(CommandLine$, ".bas")) then [GUI] sourc3$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) sourc2$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) sourc1$ = word$(CommandLine$, 1) sourc = 1 if instr(sourc1$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 1) : goto [getDest] sourc = 2 if instr(sourc2$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) : goto [getDest] sourc = 3 if instr(sourc3$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) [getDest] fname$ = trim$(fname$) if right$(fname$, 1) = chr$(34) then fname$ = left$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$, 1) = chr$(34) then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "-" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "\" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) fname$ = trim$(fname$) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "\" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if not(instr(fname$, ":\")) and instr(fname$, ".bas") then fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";fname$ dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 1 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) : goto [gotDest] dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 2 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) : goto [gotDest] dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 4) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 3 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 4) : goto [gotDest] exeDest$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE" [gotDest] if left$(exeDest$ , 1) = "-" then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if right$(exeDest$, 1) = chr$(34) then exeDest$ = left$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if left$(exeDest$, 1) = chr$(34) then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if left$(exeDest$ , 1) = "-" then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if instr(CommandLine$, "/bas") then bas = 1 'creates a dated backup of the user selected .BAS file in DefaultDir$\BAS if instr(CommandLine$, "/dt") then dt = 1 'appends the date and time to the EXE file if instr(CommandLine$, "/kp") then project = 1 'keep the project folder (temp project folder gets deleted by default in command mode) if instr(CommandLine$, "/o") then openDest = 1 'opens windows explorer to the created EXE file when done if instr(CommandLine$, "/pw") then p = 1 'password - adds password to bas file - if chosen, the EXE file won't run without it. if instr(CommandLine$, "/q") then quiet = 1 'no "please wait" window will appear if instr(CommandLine$, "/r") then runEXE = 1 'Run the newly created exe file. if instr(CommandLine$, "/s") then show = 1 'show final options window (defaults to not show in command mode) if instr(CommandLine$, "/tkn") then tkn = 1 'creates a dated backup of the user selected TKN file in DefaultDir$\TKN if instr(CommandLine$, "/v") then 'ALL CommandLine options default to false, '0' , "", unless switch options are utilized ve = 1 ' appends a version number to the EXE filename - defaults to false - 0 ve$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2 , "/v") : ve$ = word$(ve$, 1) end if bit = 64 if instr(CommandLine$, "/bit") then bit$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2 , "/bit") : bit$ = word$(bit$, 1) : bit = val(bit$) end if command = 1 : goto [noGUI] end if [GUI] exeDest$ = "" titlebar$ = "BAS2EXE v1.9.0c"
[noGUI] if command = 1 then [commandPath] ' setup a Window for User to Select a .bas File, to select options for the EXE file. WindowWidth = 600 WindowHeight = 450 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black"
'add some text ,some buttons, and checkboxes to the Window statictext #pick.exe, "EXE File", 35, 30, 95, 30 statictext #pick.head, "BAS<2>EXE v1.9.0c", 250, 25, 190, 30 statictext #pick.temp, "Project Files", 425, 100, 195, 30 statictext #pick.datedtext, "Dated Backups", 225, 100, 185, 30 statictext #pick.info, "Select a working Liberty Basic Source Code File (.bas)", 50, 270, 590, 30 button #pick.default, "Select File", [defaultClick],UL 140, 340, 135, 35 button #pick.lbforums, "Visit the Liberty Basic Forums @ https://Libertybasiccom.proboards.com/", [forumLink],UL 0, 395, 595, 25 checkbox #pick.opendest, "Show EXE File When Completed", [OpenDest], [noOpenDest], 20, 210, 250, 20 checkbox #pick.bit32, "32 Bit", [bit32], [nobit32], 20, 65, 50, 20 checkbox #pick.bit64, "64 Bit", [bit64], [nobit64], 75, 65, 50, 20 checkbox #pick.password, "Add a Password", [yespass], [nopass], 20, 90, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.appDT, "Append Date/Time", [appDT], [noappDT], 20, 115, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.appversion, "Append Version Number", [appVersion], [noappVersion], 20, 140, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.project, "Keep Project Dir", [project], [noproject], 430, 135, 160, 20 checkbox #pick.TKN, "SaveTKN File", [noTKN], [yesTKN], 250, 135, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.BAS,"Save BAS File", [noBAS], [yesBAS], 250, 160, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.LBB,"Use LB Booster Instead of IEXPRESS", [yesLBB], [noLBB], 20, 235, 330, 20 checkbox #pick.ShowOptionsMenu,"Show Post Creation Options Menu", [yesShow], [noShow], 20, 190, 190, 20 checkbox #pick.batch,"Select Folder for Batch EXE Creation", [yaBatch], [noBatch], 50, 310, 190, 20 button #pick.32, "Cancel", [cancel],UL 320, 340, 135, 35 statictext #pick.versionText, "Version #", 40, 170, 50, 20 textbox #pick.ve, 90, 165, 85, 20 'open the Window, and set some Fonts for each statictext, and buttons open "BAS2EXE v1.9.0c (CommandLine Support)" for window_nf as #pick : pickOpen = 1 #pick, "trapclose [cancel]" #pick.LBB "font Arial_bold" #pick.exe, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.temp, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.datedtext, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.info, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.head "!font Arial_bold" #pick.bit64, "set" #pick.project, "set" #pick.TKN "set" #pick.BAS "set" #pick.appDT "set" #pick.versionText "!hide" #pick.ve "!hide" #pick.default, "!setfocus" pickOpen = 1 project = 1 tkn = 1 bas = 1 bit = 64 dt = 1 wait
'Create exe files for all bas files in selected folder [yaBatch] #pick.info, "Select a Folder with 'Working' Source Files (.bas)" #pick.default "Select Folder" batch = 1 wait
[noBatch] #pick.info, "Select a working Liberty Basic Source Code File (.bas)" #pick.default "Select File" batch = 0 wait
[yesLBB] #pick.LBB "set" LBB =1 wait
[noLBB] #pick.LBB "reset" LBB = 0 wait
[OpenDest] #pick.opendest "set" openDest = 1 wait [noOpenDest] #pick.opendest "reset" openDest = 0 wait [yesShow] show = 1 wait [noShow] show = 0 wait [project] project = 1 wait [noproject] project = 0 wait [yesTKN] tkn = 0 wait [noTKN] tkn = 1 wait [yesBAS] bas=0 wait [noBAS] bas = 1 wait ' passworded exe is true(user selected) [yespass] p = 1 wait 'passworded exe is false, default [nopass] p = 0 wait 'make 32 bit exe = true(user selected) [bit32] bit=32 #pick.bit64, "reset" : #pick.bit64 "hide" wait 'make 64 bit exe, default [bit64] bit=64 #pick.bit32, "reset" : #pick.bit32 "hide" wait [nobit32] bit=64 #pick.bit64, "show" : #pick.bit32 "hide" wait [nobit64] bit=32 #pick.bit32, "show" : #pick.bit64 "hide" wait 'append date/time to backed up tkn, and bas files - defaults to true [appDT] dt = 1 wait [noappDT] dt = 0 wait [appVersion] #pick.versionText "!show" #pick.ve "!show" : #pick.ve "!setfocus" ve = 1 wait [noappVersion] #pick.ve "" #pick.versionText "!hide" #pick.ve "!hide" ve = 0 wait [forumLink] run "explorer https://Libertybasiccom.proboards.com" wait
[defaultClick] if ve = 1 then #pick.ve "!contents? ve$" If ve$ <> "" then ve$ = "-";ve$
[commandPath] 'close the opening window for Selecting bas file if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0
'define some variables supportFileList$="run451.exe vbas31w.sll vgui31w.sll voflr31w.sll vthk31w.dll vtk1631w.dll vtk3231w.dll vvm31w.dll vvmt31w.dll" 'projects$ = "b2eProjects" projects$ = "savedProjects" 'make sure the support files exist fileCount = 0 while 1 fileCount = fileCount + 1 runtimeSupportFile$ = word$(supportFileList$, fileCount) if runtimeSupportFile$ = "" then exit while if fileExists(LBpath$,runtimeSupportFile$) = 0 then notice "File doesn't Exist";chr$(13);LBpath$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$;chr$(13);"BAS2EXE will now Close" : end wend
if command = 1 then [commandByPass]
' Use the filedialog function to allow user to select a source file (.bas) [filediag] global FolderDialog$ caption$ = "Select a Folder with Known Good .bas Files" if batch = 1 then call browser caption$ batchDir$ = FolderDialog$ if FolderDialog$ = "" then batch = 0 : wait gosub [getBatchDir] goto [commandByPass] end if fname$ = "" filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait
[commandByPass] if batchFileCount = 0 then batchFileCount = 1 : batchFiles$(numRuns) = fname$ for numRuns = 0 to batchFileCount if batch = 1 then numRuns = 1 fname$=batchFiles$(numRuns) if batch = 0 then numRuns = 1 if fname$ = "" then notice "No fname$" : wait if batch=1 then fname$ = FolderDialog$;"\";fname$ print "numRuns = ";numRuns print "batchFiles$(numRuns+1) = ";batchFiles$(numRuns) print "fname$ = ";fname$ print "batch = ";batch
if p = 1 then Prompt "TYPE a PASSWORD"+chr$(13)+ "Password For Your EXE File is? : (no spaces)";passwerd$ if passwerd$ = "" then p = 0 : notice "BAS2EXE will continue, without placing a password on the EXE file created" end if 'Separate path from selected filename, and extension from selected filename for var1 = len(fname$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname$, var1, 1) = "\" then var2 = var1 -1 : var3 = var2 - ((len(fname$))) : exit for next var1 var3 = abs(var3) orig$ = left$(fname$, var2) fname0$ = right$(fname$, var3 -1) for var4 = len(fname0$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname0$, var4, 1) = "." then var5 = var4 -1 : var6 = var5 - ((len(fname0$))) : exit for next var4 var6 = abs(var6) fnamenobas$ = left$(fname0$, var5) for x = 1 to len(fnamenobas$) spaceCheck$ = mid$(fnamenobas$, x, 1) if spaceCheck$ = " " then notice "No Spaces Allowed in File Name"+chr$(13)+"Space found in Selected Filename. Cannot Create EXE File."+chr$(13)+"BAS2EXE will now Close" : end next x ' fname$ = Full Path of User Selected .bas file (including the filename.bas) ' fname0$ = Name of the Selected .bas File Only - eg ; filename.bas ' fnamenobas$ = Name of the Selected .bas File (without the .bas) - eg: filename [add2List] add2List = 1 'add to MyProject file and add title to MyProjects list for ALL EXE file creations. categorie$ = "MyProjects" selectedKey$ = fnamenobas$ gosub [deleteOrig]
[deleteReturn] open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) open fname$ for input as #2 #1 input$(#2, lof(#2)) close #1 : close #2 lastKey$ = "" call readDictionary call loadKeys call saveValue call collectGarbage call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.keys "select 0" #codeTank.savedprojects "set" add2List = 0 [begin2] 'define Destpath1$ as lb Projects\Current Project Folder DestPath$=DefaultDir$ 'Where this file is RUN from DestPathU$ = DestPath$;"\";projects$ 'Projects Folder DestPath1$=DestPathU$;"\";fnamenobas$ 'Current Project Folder
'Make Folders for Liberty Basic Projects, EXE files, TKN files, BAS files, SED files and Current Projects res = mkdir(DestPathU$) 'projects dir res = mkdir(DestPath1$) 'new project dir = name of selected bas file (no .bas) in Projects Dir res =mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"EXE") 'exe files saved here res = mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") 'tkn files saved here res= mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") 'selected bas file saved here (includes password code if exe was passworded)
'make sure Folders were actually created if pathExists(DestPathU$) = 0 then notice "Projects folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DestPath1$) = 0 then notice "New Folder ";fnamenobas$;" was NOT Created in ";DestPath1$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") = 0 then notice "TKN Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") = 0 then notice "BAS Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"EXE") = 0 then notice "EXE Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end 'copy selected bas file to Projects\current project folder q$= chr$(34) open fname$ for input as #fname fnameTemp$="tempBas.bas" open fnameTemp$ for output as #2
'add a password prompt to the begining of the temp bas file(to be added to the exe) if p=0 then [nopasswerd] ' #2, "prompt ";q$;"Enter the Password to Run";q$;";";"passwerd$" #2, "if passwerd$ <> ";q$;passwerd$;q$;" then end" [nopasswerd] #2, input$(#fname, lof(#fname)); close #fname close #2
'copy temp.bas file to current project folder open fnameTemp$ for input as #fnameTemp open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for output as #1 #1, input$(#fnameTemp, lof(#fnameTemp)); close #1 close #fnameTemp if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnameTemp$) then kill fnameTemp$ 'check if the current project .bas file was copied to new dir if fileExists(DestPath1$,fname0$) = 0 then notice fname0$; " Was not copied to ";DestPath1$;" BAS2EXE will now close" : end 'activity message to user - please wait message if quiet = 0 then call pleasewait
'Copy the needed DLL and SLL files from Liberty Basic dir to projects\projectname Dir w$ = "" i = 0 while 1 i = i + 1 w$=word$(supportFileList$, i) if w$="" then exit while from$=LBpath$;"\";w$ to$=DestPath1$;"\";w$ if fileExists(DestPath1$,w$) then [noneed] open from$ for input as #file open to$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 [noneed] wend
'remove existing lbrun2.exe from new project before creating new one if fileExists(DestPath1$, LBruntime$) then kill DestPath1$;"\"; LBruntime$
'copy lbrun2.exe to current project Folder open LBpath$;"\";LBruntime$ for input as #file open DestPath1$;"\";LBruntime$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'Liberty Basic can't create\rename a file that exists, so if it does already exist - kill it (delete it) if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$ + ".exe") <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$ + ".exe" 'rename lbrun2.exe to name of User Selected .bas File - .bas +.exe name DestPath1$;"\";LBruntime$ as DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$ + ".exe" 'check new exe (renamed lbrun2.exe) file for existence in current project Folder ) if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".exe") = 0 then notice "lbrun2.exe not copied or renamed - EXITING Program": end 'remove any existing exe from projectdir - of same name as bas file selected only if created on same date at same time if fileExists(DestPath$;"\EXE",fnamenobas$;".exe") then kill DestPath$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;".exe" if command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$,fnamenobas$;".exe") then kill exeDest$;"\"; fnamenobas$;".exe" 'check for old tkn existence, delete it if it exists if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".tkn") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn"
gosub [makeSED] 'verify sed file existence before proceeding do scan loop until fileExists(DestPath$,fnamenobas$;".sed")
call writeAutoSave 'loop until autoSave$ File is verified while fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) = 0 : scan : wend
'####################################################################### 'run the script to close the "save" dialog, and the follow up notice of creation automatically run "wscript ";autoSave$ '####################################################################### 'Create the TKN file in Projects\current project folder. run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -T -A ";DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ '#######################################################################
'loop until TKN File is verified saved do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 50 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") call pause 2500 call fixtime : call fixdate ' append date/time to backup .bas and .tkn filename
'copy selected .bas file to BAS dir and date it if bas = 1 then open fname$ for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 end if
' copy TKN file to TKN dir, and append date\time to it's name if tkn = 1 and fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\TKN\";fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".tkn" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 end if 'fixeddate$ = "" : fixedtime$ = ""
'First Run setup in User Home Dir for CommandLine use if command = 1 and firstRun = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c xcopy ";DestPath1$;" ";upath$;" /e /s /c /h /i /y", hide call pause 1000 run upath$;"\b2e.exe" end if if firstRun = 1 then close #pleasewait : end [LBB_CHOSEN] if LBB = 1 then goto [LBB_EXE]
'Check if iexpress.exe is installed (a built in Windows Install Maker = Self Extracting exe File) [makeexe] 'makes 64 bit exe if bit=32 then [do32bit] 'run iexpress commandline using the sed file created (sort of like an ini file) express64$ = "C:\Windows\System32" if fileExists(express64$,"iexpress.exe") then run "iexpress /N /q ";sedfile$ : goto [verifyEXE] else noie = 1 : goto [quit.main] end if 'makes 32 bit exe [do32bit] express32$ = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" if fileExists(express32$,"iexpress.exe") then run "iexpress /N /q ";sedfile$ else noie = 2 : goto [quit.main] end if
[LBB_RETURN] call pause 500 'verify the exe file was created - loop until it exists [verifyEXE] if command = 1 then do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 50 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(exeDest$, exe$) end if if command = 0 then do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 50 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE\", exe$) end if call pause 1500 'if dt = 1 then call fixdate : call fixtime
' append version, date, time to filename if selected if command = 1 then if fileExists(exeDest$, fnamenobas$;".exe") then exefilename$ = fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" name exeDest$;"\";fnamenobas$;".exe" as exeDest$;"\";exefilename$ end if end if if command <> 1 then if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fnamenobas$;".exe") then exefilename$ = fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;".exe" as DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$ end if end if if runEXE = 1 and command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$, exefilename$) then run exeDest$;"\";exefilename$
[main] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 'create a window with options to view created files or run the new exe file. WindowWidth = 400 WindowHeight = 320 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "darkgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black" button #main.default, "Make New Single EXE File (GUI Mode)", [rerun],UL 90, 200, 220, 40 button #main.run, "Run the Created EXE File", [progrun],UL 125, 150, 150, 40 button #main.browseT, "View TKN Files", [browseT],UL 125, 15, 150, 25 button #main.browseB "View BAS Files", [browseB],UL 125, 45, 150, 25 button #main.browseE, "View EXE Files", [browseE],UL 125, 75, 150, 25 button #main.browseP, "View Projects", [browseP],UL 125, 105, 150, 25 button #main.lbforums, "For more Information > Click Here to Visit the Liberty Basic Forums", [forumLink], UL 0, 270, 400, 20 open "View Files\ Run Created EXE \ Make New EXE" for window_nf as #main #main, "trapclose [quit.main]" mainOpen = 1 if show <> 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 if command = 0 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c explorer /select, ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$;q$, hide openDest = 0 if mainOpen = 0 then [quit.main] end if if command = 1 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c start explorer.exe /select, ";q$;exeDest$;"\";exefilename$;q$, hide openDest = 0 if mainOpen = 0 then [quit.main] end if cursor normal next numRuns batch=0 : batchFileCount = 0 gosub [cleanUp] if batch = 1 then [quit.main] if mainOpen=1 then if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait else goto [quit.main] end if
'Make another EXE file [rerun] if command = 1 then CommandLine$ = "" : exeDest$ = "" : fname$ = "" : command = 0 goto [TOP] 'open Windows explorer to the EXE Files [browseE] if command = 1 and exeDest$ <> "" then run "explorer.exe ";exeDest$ if command = 0 then run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE" wait 'open Windows explorer to the backup TKN Files Files [browseT] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\TKN" wait 'open Windows explorer to the backup BAS Files [browseB] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\BAS" wait 'open Windows explorer to the Projects Dir [browseP] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\";projects$ wait 'Run the new CommandLine created exe file chosen [progrun] if command = 1 then run exeDest$;"\";exefilename$ end if if command = 0 then run DestPath$;"\EXE\";exefilename$ end if wait
[getBatchDir] dim Info$(1, 1) files batchDir$, Info$() batchFileCount = val(Info$(0, 0)) dim batchFiles$(batchFileCount+1) for x = 1 to batchFileCount filename$ = Info$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 4) <> ".bas" then [noThanks] batchFiles$(x) = filename$ print batchFiles$(x) [noThanks] next x return
[makeSED] 'can't write text to files that include quotes, so use the characters so they will print without syntax errors sedfile$=fnamenobas$;".sed" open sedfile$ for output as #sed #sed "[Version]" #sed "Class=IEXPRESS" #sed "SEDVersion=3" #sed "[Options]" #sed "PackagePurpose=InstallApp" #sed "ShowInstallProgramWindow=1" #sed "HideExtractAnimation=1" #sed "UseLongFileName=1" #sed "InsideCompressed=0" #sed "CAB_FixedSize=0" #sed "CAB_ResvCodeSigning=0" #sed "RebootMode=N" #sed "InstallPrompt=%InstallPrompt%" #sed "DisplayLicense=%DisplayLicense%" #sed "FinishMessage=%FinishMessage%" #sed "TargetName=%TargetName%" #sed "FriendlyName=%FriendlyName%" #sed "AppLaunched=%AppLaunched%" #sed "PostInstallCmd=%PostInstallCmd%" #sed "AdminQuietInstCmd=%AdminQuietInstCmd%" #sed "UserQuietInstCmd=%UserQuietInstCmd%" #sed "SourceFiles=SourceFiles" #sed "[Strings]" #sed "InstallPrompt=" #sed "DisplayLicense=" #sed "FinishMessage=" exe$=fnamenobas$;".exe" if command = 1 and exeDest$ <> "" then #sed "TargetName=";q$;exeDest$;"\";exe$;q$ else #sed "TargetName=";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exe$;q$ end if #sed "FriendlyName=";q$;fnamenobas$;q$ #sed "AppLaunched=";q$;exe$;q$ #sed "PostInstallCmd=<None>" #sed "AdminQuietInstCmd=" #sed "UserQuietInstCmd=" #sed "FILE0=";q$;exe$;q$ sedtkn$=fnamenobas$;".tkn" #sed "FILE1=";q$;sedtkn$;q$ sll1$="vbas31w.sll" sll2$="vgui31w.sll" sll3$="voflr31w.sll" dll1$="vthk31w.dll" dll2$="vtk1631w.dll" dll3$="vtk3231w.dll" dll4$="vvm31w.dll" dll5$="vvmt31w.dll" #sed "FILE2=";q$;sll1$;q$ #sed "FILE3=";q$;sll2$;q$ #sed "FILE4=";q$;sll3$;q$ #sed "FILE5=";q$;dll1$;q$ #sed "FILE6=";q$;dll2$;q$ #sed "FILE7=";q$;dll3$;q$ #sed "FILE8=";q$;dll4$;q$ #sed "FILE9=";q$;dll5$;q$ #sed "[SourceFiles]" #sed "SourceFiles0=";q$;DestPath1$;q$ #sed "[SourceFiles0]" #sed "%FILE0%=" #sed "%FILE1%=" #sed "%FILE2%=" #sed "%FILE3%=" #sed "%FILE4%=" #sed "%FILE5%=" #sed "%FILE6%=" #sed "%FILE7%=" #sed "%FILE8%=" #sed "%FILE9%=" close #sed return
[cleanUp] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnameTemp$) then kill fnameTemp$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"temp.txt") then kill "temp.txt" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "FolderDialog.vbs") then kill "FolderDialog.vbs" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) then kill autoSave$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$,desktopShortcut$) then kill desktopShortcut$ 'if user chose to, - delete the current project dir and files (copied bas file, tkn file, sll,dll, run451.exe(renamed file) if project = 0 then if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vbas31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vbas31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vgui31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vgui31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "voflr31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"voflr31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vtk1631w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vtk1631w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vthk31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vthk31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vtk3231w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vtk3231w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vvm31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vvm31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vvmt31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vvmt31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, exe$) then kill DestPath1$;"\";exe$ if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".bas") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".bas" if pathExists(DestPath1$) then deldir = rmdir(DestPath1$) end if if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnamenobas$;".sed") then kill DefaultDir$;"\";fnamenobas$;".sed" if noie = 1 then notice "64Bit Version of IEXPRESS not installed"+chr$(13)+" No EXE File Created - BAS2EXE closing." if noie = 2 then notice "32Bit Version of IEXPRESS not installed"+chr$(13)+" No EXE File Created - BAS2EXE closing." if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.INF", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.vbs", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.sed", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.RPT", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.CAB", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.DDF", HIDE if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0 if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".CAB") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".CAB" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".DDF") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".DDF" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".RPT") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".RPT" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;"_LAYOUT.INF") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;"_LAYOUT.INF" return
[quit.main] if command = 0 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c explorer /select, ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$;q$, hide gosub [cleanUp] if command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$, exefilename$) = 0 then notice "No EXE Created"+chr$(13)+"EXE file was NOT created"+chr$(13)+"Check Selected File 'name' for Spaces" cursor normal if command = 0 and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE\", exefilename$) = 0 then notice chr$(13)+"EXE file was NOT created"+chr$(13)+"Check Selected File 'name' for Spaces" if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 if mainOpen = 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 wait
[quit.pleasewait] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[cancel] close #pick : pickOpen = 0 wait
[newKey] 'ask the user for a name for the new listing call saveValue newKey$ = "" if len(left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1))) < 4 then [notPlural] prompt "Enter a Name (or Title) for the New " + left$(categorie$,(len(categorie$)-1)); newKey$ if newKey$ <> "" then [continue] else wait
[notPlural] prompt "Enter a Name (or Title) for the New "+categorie$+" Script"; newKey$ if newKey$ = "" then wait
'if user selects 'New From File' instead of New (copy/paste) to add new Project, or new Program [continue] if newKey$ <> "" then call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select "; newKey$ #codeTank.value "!cls"; call collectGarbage call writeDictionary lastKey$ = newKey$ end if if tkn = 2 or tkn = 4 then open fname$ for input as #1 open categorie$ for append as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)); close #1 close #2 gosub [cleanUp] tkn = 0 end if call saveValue call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select 0" #codeTank.value "!setfocus" if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[keySelected] call saveValue #codeTank.keys "selection? selectedKey$" if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";anyFolder$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = examples$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";examples$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = snippets$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";snippets$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = cmd$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";cmd$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = vbs$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";vbs$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = subroutines$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";subroutines$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = functions$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";functions$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = MyProjects$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";MyProjects$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = programs$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";programs$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = lbExamples$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";lbExamples$;" File - ";uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.value "!cls" open uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if if categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";lbBakFiles$;" File - ";uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" #codeTank.value "!cls" open uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";folderChoice$;" File - ";folderpath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.value "!cls" open folderpath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value "!origin 0 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if selectedValue$ = getValue$(selectedKey$) #codeTank.value "!contents selectedValue$"; lastKey$ = selectedKey$ #codeTank.value, "!origin 0 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait
[deleteKey] 'delete a Listing gosub [deleteNow] wait [deleteNow] #codeTank.keys "selection? selectedKey$" if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : cursor normal : wait [deleteOrig] cursor hourglass call pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 1 #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Erasing ";selectedKey$;" code from - ";categorie$ #codeTank.value, "!selectall" #codeTank.value, "!cut" #pleasewait.fake "!setfocus" call saveValue if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 Pad$ close #1 end if open categorie$ for binary as #1 tempfile$ = "tempfile" open tempfile$ for output as #2 word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) while eof(#1) = 0 line input #1, line$ if line$ = word1$ then [dontSave] #2, line$ [dontSave] wend close #1 close #2 if fileExists(DefaultDir$, categorie$) then kill DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ name tempfile$ as categorie$ lastKey$ = "" call readDictionary call loadKeys call saveValue #codeTank.keys "select 0" if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then pleasewaitOpen = 0 : close #pleasewait if add2List = 1 then if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 cursor normal goto [deleteReturn] end if cursor normal if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$) <> 0 and mir = 0 then folder$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$ text$ = "Title: "+selectedKey$+chr$(13)+" Has been Deleted"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Do you wish to delete the project folder as well?" a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait a$ = delete$(folder$) end if return
'run selected MyProjects, or MyPrograms [runKey] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait text$ = "Warning "+chr$(13)+"RUNing this Code May Leave an IDE Window"+chr$(13)+"and or"+chr$(13)+"Leave Mainwin Open when it Closes";chr$(13)+"It May Not Open at all, or it May Just Flash Open and Close"+chr$(13)+"Run it Anyway ?" if categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ then runFile$ = uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(code$,"trapclose",1) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bak";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyBackups$ then runFile$ = DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bas";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then runFile$ = FolderDialog$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bas";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = lbExamples$ then runFile$ = uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 or instr(lower$(code$),lower$("'nomainwin")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".tkn") <> 0 then runFile$ = savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".tkn" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Running - ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".tkn" run runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyProjects$ or categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".exe") <> 0 then runFile$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".exe" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Running - ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".exe" run runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyProjects$ or categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".bas") = 0 then notice "Cannot be RUN"+chr$(13)+"This Title was Created Manually"+chr$(13)+selectedKey$+chr$(13)_ +" Not created using 'New from File'"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)_ +"Edit with Liberty Basic and save it as the 'Same Name..bas"+chr$(13)+"Select Radio Button "+categorie$+chr$(13)+"Select Button [New from File]"+chr$(13)_ +"Select the .bas file you just saved."+chr$(13)+" It will be available to RUN from then on" end if #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
'open selected listing in just Basic IDE [edit_In_LB_IDE] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from a list, try again" : wait #codeTank.value, "!contents? valueNow$"; open "untitled.bas" for output as #1 #1 "WARNING - To Preserve the Integrity of the CodeTank File(s) and the Liberty Basic Files(s)" #1 "THIS CODE IS ACTUALLY a COPY OF ";selectedKey$;".bas Named -> 'untitled.bas' " #1 "'Remember to 'Save As' a name of your Choice if/when done editing" #1 "" #1 valueNow$ close #1 tempfile$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";q$;tempfile$;q$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Editing ";tempfile$;" in Liberty Basic Editor" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[mergeFile] filedialog "Select a ";categorie$ ;" file to merge ",DefaultDir$, mergefile$ if mergefile$ = "" then wait a$ = GetFilename$(mergefile$) if a$ <> categorie$ then answer$ = "yes" prompt " Categories Don't Match "+chr$(13)+" Merge Anyway?" ; answer$ if answer$ <> "yes" then wait end if open mergefile$ for input as #1 line input #1, dataline$ : close #1 mergeCheck$ = chr$(134)+chr$(165)+chr$(134) if left$(dataline$, 3) <> mergeCheck$ then notice "Merge with ";categorie$+" Issue"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Unable to Merge File named "+chr$(13)+a$+chr$(13)+"The formatting of file "+a$+" is incompatible" : wait call pleasewait : cursor hourglass open mergefile$ for input as #1 open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)); close #2 : close #1 call readDictionary call collectGarbage call writeDictionary call loadKeys close #pleasewait cursor normal #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[codeTankHelp] notice "codeTank is curently in development, For Help, please visit the LB forums";chr$(13);chr$(13);"@ https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
[about] notice "codeTank is curently in development. Please Visit ";chr$(13);chr$(13);"https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
[revert] revert = 1 'Work starts here #codeTank.keys "selection? name$" if name$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait filedialog "Open a 'KNOWN WORKING' Source File (.bas) ", DefaultDir$;"\BAS\*";selectedKey$;"*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait open fname$ for input as #1 fnamenobas$ = word$(fname$, 2, "--") : fnamenobas$ = left$(fnamenobas$, len(fnamenobas$) - 4) open DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";fnamenobas$;"\";fnamenobas$;".bas" for output as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)) : close #1 : close #2 goto [remakeproject] wait
[openlb] run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$ wait
'top menu "Open File in LB IDE" [openlbFile] filedialog "Open \ Select a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", upath$; "\*.bas", openFilename$ if openFilename$ = "" then wait #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "File Opened in Liberty Basic - ";openFilename$ run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";openFilename$ wait
[basFiles] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS";q$ wait
'open the following in Windows Explorer [projectsDir] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\";"savedProjects";q$ wait
[EXEDir] a$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE" run "explorer.exe ";q$;a$;q$ wait
[tknDir] a$ = DefaultDir$;"\TKN" run "explorer.exe ";q$;a$;q$ wait
[lbexamplesDir] if pathExists(uAppPath$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";q$;uAppPath$;q$ else if pathExists(uAppPath$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";uAppPath$ end if wait
[defaultDir] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;q$ wait
'radio button selections from MyProjects to Help [projs] #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!enable" #codeTank.merge "!enable" #codeTank.merge "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!enable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = MyProjects$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) category$ = right$(category$,7) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$;" (Copy/Paste)" #codeTank.fromFile, "&New ";category$;" (From File)" wait
[progs] #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!enable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!enable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = programs$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.keys "singleclickselect" #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$;" (Copy/Paste)" #codeTank.fromFile, "&New ";category$;" (From File)" wait
[exams] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = examples$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$ wait
[snipps] #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = snippets$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) wait
[subroutines] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = subroutines$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$ wait
[functions] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = functions$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) category$= left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) wait
[vbs] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = vbs$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1) category$ = categorie$ wait
[cmd] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = cmd$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1) category$ = categorie$ wait
[lbCodeExamples] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, lbExamples$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";lbExamples$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = lbExamples$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files uAppPath$, folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) dim lbExamplesList$(numExamps) open lbExamples$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipp] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skipp] lbExamplesList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = lbExamplesList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipp]
[lbbakfiles] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, lbBakFiles$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\"; lbBakFiles$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files uAppPath$;"\bak\", info$() numExamps = val(info$(0, 0)) dim lbBakFilesList$(numExamps) open lbBakFiles$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipit] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = info$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bak" then [skipit] lbBakFilesList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = lbBakFilesList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipit]
[mybackups] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, MyBackups$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";MyBackups$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = MyBackups$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions gettingMybackupFiles = 1 dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS", folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) dim MyBackupsList$(numExamps) a$=DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skiphere] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skiphere] MyBackupsList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = MyBackupsList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skiphere]
[folderChoice] folderChoice$ = "folderChoice.txt" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, folderChoice$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";folderChoice$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue caption$ = "Navigate to, and Select YOUR Liberty Basic (or Pro) Install Dir" call browser (caption$) if right$(FolderDialog$,1) = "\" then FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$)-1) if FolderDialog$ = "" then notice "No Folder Selected" : wait if len(FolderDialog$) = 2 then notice "Drive ";left$(FolderDialog$, 2);" Selected - You MUST Select a Folder" : goto [folderChoice] folderpath$ = FolderDialog$ #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = folderChoice$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions redim folderInfo$(1, 1) files folderpath$, folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) redim folderList$(numExamps) open folderChoice$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipnow] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : categorie$ = anyFolder$ : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skipnow] folderList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = folderList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipnow]
[forumlink] run "explorer.exe https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
'resize window font - sets all fonts equal [incFont] mainFontsize = mainFontsize + 1 #codeTank.value "!font Arial ";mainFontsize #codeTank.keys "font Arial ";mainFontsize wait
[decFont] mainFontsize = mainFontsize - 1 #codeTank.value "!font Arial ";mainFontsize #codeTank.keys "font Arial ";mainFontsize wait
'create a project and tkn file and add it to the MyProjects List [makeproject] call saveValue #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Creating Project ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" tkn = 2 if categorie$ <> MyProjects$ then tkn = 4 goto [defaultclick]
[remakeproject] call saveValue if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait tempCat$=categorie$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$,selectedKey$;".bas") = 0 then notice "Cannot be Updated - Title was Created Manually"+chr$(13)+selectedKey$+chr$(13)_ +" Wasn't created using a File"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)_ +"Edit with Liberty Basic and save it using the SAME NAME.bas."+chr$(13)+"Select Radio Button My"+categorie$+chr$(13)+"Select Button [New "+left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1);" from File]"+chr$(13)_ +"Select the appropriate .bas file."+chr$(13)+" In Future it Will be Available for Updating" #codeTank.keys "select 0" #codeTank.value "!cls" categorie$ = tempCat$ else fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" end if categorie$ = tempCat$ #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" open fname$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 open DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 code$ close #1 tkn = 4 if revert = 1 then fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Updating ";fname$ if tkn = 4 then [makeTKN]
[defaultclick] 'Checking all paths and file locations for existence (dll's, sll's, lbasic.exe, and lbrun2.exe) res=fileExists(LBpath$, LBexe$) if res then a = a + 1 else notice LBexe$;" Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,LBruntime$) if res then a = a + 1 else notice LBrun$;" Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vbas31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vbas31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vgui31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vgui31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"voflr31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " voflr31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vthk31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vthk31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vtk1631w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk1631w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vtk3231w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk3231w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vvm31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvm31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vvmt31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvmt31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program": goto [quit.codeTank]
' Use the filedialog function to allow user to select a source file (.bas) [fileDiag] 'open file dialog to choose a .bas file for exe conversion, "*.bas;*.bak",.txt filedialog "Open a 'KNOWN WORKING' Source File (.bas) ", DefaultDir$, fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$;" Creating tkn file for - ";fname$ [makeTKN] call pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 1 #pleasewait.fake "!setfocus" 'Separate path from selected filename, and extension from selected filename for var1 = len(fname$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname$, var1, 1) = "\" then var2 = var1 -1 : var3 = var2 - ((len(fname$))) : exit for next var1 var3 = abs(var3) orig$ = left$(fname$, var2) fname0$ = right$(fname$, var3 -1)
'finish separating filename from extension for var4 = len(fname0$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname0$, var4, 1) = "." then var5 = var4 -1 : var6 = var5 - ((len(fname0$))) : exit for next var4 var6 = abs(var6) fnamenobas$ = left$(fname0$, var5) ' fname$ = Full Path of User Selected .bas file (including the filename.bas) ' fname0$ = Name of the Selected .bas File Only - eg ; filename.bas ' fnamenobas$ = Name of the Selected .bas File (without the .bas) - eg: filename
[begin] 'define Destpath1$ as LB Projects\Current Project Folder DestPath$=DefaultDir$ 'Where this file is RUN from DestPathU$ = DestPath$;"\";savedProjects$ 'Projects Folder DestPath1$=DestPathU$;"\";fnamenobas$ 'Current created Project Folder
'Make Folders for Liberty Basic Projects, EXE files, TKN files, BAS files, SED files and Current Projects res = mkdir(DestPathU$) 'projects dir res = mkdir(DestPath1$) 'new project dir = name of selected bas file (no .bas) in Projects Dir res = mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") 'tkn files saved here res= mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") 'selected bas file saved here (includes password code if exe was passworded)
'make sure Folders were actually created res=pathExists(DestPathU$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "savedProjects folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] if res then a=a+1 else notice "New Folder ";fnamenobas$;" was NOT Created in ";DestPath1$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] tknFolder$=DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN" res=pathExists(tknFolder$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "TKN Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] basFolder$=DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS" res=pathExists(basFolder$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "BAS Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank]
'copy selected bas file to Projects\current project folder open fname$ for input as #1 data$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) : close #1 open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for output as #2 #2 data$ close #2
'check if the current project .bas file was copied to new dir if fileExists(DestPath1$,fname0$) = 0 then notice fname0$; " Was not copied to ";DestPath1$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] if tkn = 4 then [tknOnly] 'bypass for Categorie Programs and Updates - tkn and bas file only needed
'Copy the needed DLL and SLL files from Liberty Basic dir to projects\projectname Dir i = 0 while 1 i = i + 1 runtimeSupportFile$=word$(DllList$,i) if runtimeSupportFile$ ="" then exit while sourceFile$=LBpath$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$ destinationFile$=DestPath1$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$
'don't copy runtime files if they already exists if fileExists(DestPath1$, runtimeSupportFile$) <> 0 then [fileExists] open sourceFile$ for input as #file open destinationFile$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 [fileExists] wend
'verify dll's and sll's were copied to new project folder res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vbas31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vbas31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vgui31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vgui31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"voflr31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " voflr31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vthk31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vthk31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vtk1631w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk1631w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vtk3231w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk3231w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vvm31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvm31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vvmt31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvmt31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] 'remove any left over existing lbrun2.exe from new project before creating new one 'Liberty Basic can't create\rename a file that exists, so if it does already exist - kill it (delete it) if fileExists(DestPath1$, LBruntime$) <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\"; LBruntime$
'copy lbrun2.exe to Current Project Folder open LBpath$;"\";LBruntime$ for input as #file open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".exe" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'check new exe (renamed lbrun2.exe) file for existence in current project Folder ) if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".exe") = 0 then notice "lbrun2.exe not copied or renamed - EXITING Program": goto [quit.codeTank]
[tknOnly] 'call fixtime 'call fixdate
'copy selected .bas file to BAS dir and date it open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for input as #file open DestPath$;"\BAS\";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;"-";fnamenobas$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'remove any existing tkn of same name in TKN dir if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn"
'write/run the script to close the "save" dialog, and the follow up "information" notice of creation automatically call writeAutoSave 'loop until autoSave$ File is verified while fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) = 0 : scan : wend run "wscript ";autoSave$ '#######################################################################
'Create the TKN file in Projects\current project folder. RUN q$;LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;q$;" -T -A ";DestPath1$;"\";fname0$
'loop until TKN File is verified while www = 0 if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then exit while scan wend call pause 3500
'copy TKN$ file to TKN dir, and date it open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\TKN\";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;"-";fnamenobas$;".tkn" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
if fileExists (DefaultDir$;"\TKN", fixeddate$;fixedtime$;"-";fnamenobas$;".tkn") = 0 then notice fixeddate$;fixedtime$;"-";fnamenobas$;".tkn";" was NOT created in ";DefaultDir$;"\TKN" : wait
[continueOn] 'check what tkn value =, and continue to create the 'new key' if tkn = 2 or tkn = 4 then newKey$ = fnamenobas$ goto [continue]
[initiate] global selectedKey$, lastKey$, categorie$, FolderDialog$, dictionary$, q$, codetankOpen, fixeddate$, fixedtime$, folder$, lastKey$ 'global 'selectedKey$, fixeddate$, fixedtime$, project, fnamenobas$, DestPath$, DestPath1$, JBexe$,_ 'LBpath$, keyCount, q$, lastKey$, selectedpath$, upath$, folder$, folderpath$ 'First we need the users home path CSIDL.PROFILE = 40 upath$ = GetSpecialFolder$(CSIDL.PROFILE) if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "codetank.ini") then open DefaultDir$;"\codetank.ini" for input as #1 line input #1, LBpath$ : close #1 if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" end if goto [check] end if if fileExists(upath$;"\AppData\Roaming\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1", "freeform404.bas") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\AppData\Roaming\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBpath$ = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" goto [check] end if end if if fileExists(upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1", "freeform450.bas") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBpath$ = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if end if [check] text$ = chr$(13)+" Liberty Basic v4.5.1 was not installed to the default Install folder."+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Would you like to Browse to and Select your Liberty Basic 4.5.1"+chr$(13)+"(or Pro)"+chr$(13)+"Install Folder" 'if Liberty Basic v4.5.1 is NOT installed to it's Default Install Dir, get Path from User using folder dialog if fileExists(LBpath$, LBexe$) <> 0 then [start] else a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then end caption$ = "Navigate to, and Select YOUR Liberty Basic v4.5.1 (or Pro) Install Dir" call browser, caption$ if right$(FolderDialog$, 1) = "\" then FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$)-1) if FolderDialog$ = "" then notice "Liberty Basic v4.5.1 must be installed to continue" : end LBpath$ = FolderDialog$ open "codetank.ini" for output as #1 #1 LBpath$ : close #1 if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" end if return
'FastCode written by cundo, a member of the Liberty Basic / Just Basic Forums 'edited by xxgeek to suit this app [fastcode] dim windowTypes$(19) windowTypes$(0)= "":windowTypes$(1)= "dialog":windowTypes$(2)= "dialog_fs":windowTypes$(3)= "dialog_nf":windowTypes$(4)= "dialog_nf_fs" windowTypes$(5)= "dialog_ns_modal":windowTypes$(6)= "dialog_modal":windowTypes$(7)= "dialog_popup":windowTypes$(8)= "graphics" windowTypes$(9)= "graphics_fs":windowTypes$(10) = "graphics_nf":windowTypes$(11)= "graphics_nsb":windowTypes$(12)= "graphics_nsb_nf" windowTypes$(13)= "text":windowTypes$(14)= "text_fs":windowTypes$(15)= "text_nsb":windowTypes$(16)= "text_nsb_ins":windowTypes$(17)= "window" windowTypes$(18)= "window_nf":windowTypes$(19)= "window_popup" WindowWidth = 430:WindowHeight = 470 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black" texteditor #fastcode.ed, 8, 130, 400, 200 statictext #fastcode.fastcode, "Create Window Code", 135, 5, 165, 20 statictext #fastcode.st1, "< Name && Handle >", 150, 25, 128, 20 statictext #fastcode.st1, "Window Type", 50, 55, 90, 20 textbox #fastcode.txt1, 290, 20, 115, 20 textbox #fastcode.txt2, 20, 20, 115, 20 combobox #fastcode.combo, windowTypes$(, dummy, 145, 50, 140, 20 checkbox #fastcode.r1, "Use Labels instead of Subs", dummy, dummy, 8, 90, 222, 20 button #fastcode.button1, "&Generate Code ^ + > Copy to Clipboard", dummy, ul, 70, 340, 270, 25 button #fastcode.preview, "Preview", [preview], ul, 160, 375, 75, 25 open "FastCode by cundo" for window as #fastcode #fastcode "trapclose [quit.fastcode]" #fastcode "font arial 10 Bold" #fastcode.txt1 "#main" #fastcode.txt2 "untiltled" #fastcode.combo "selectindex 17" fastcodeOpen = 1 #codeTank.fastwindows "!disable" #fastcode.r1 "set" wait
[preview] temp$ = "temp.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #fastcode.ed "!contents? code$" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";temp$ wait
[quit.fastcode] close #fastcode fastcodeOpen = 0 #codeTank.fastwindows "!enable" wait
'The [Search] button was pressed, or after searching/changing font size etc, the program was directed back here. [search] #codeTank.tb "!enable" : #codeTank.tb "!selectall" done = 0 count = 0 #results.default "!setfocus"' wait
[startSearching] #codeTank.tb "!disable" redim searchList$(10) if resultsOpen = 0 then gosub [results] #codeTank.tb "!contents? searchFor$" if searchFor$ = "" then [search] searchList$(0) = " " searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " Searching the Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Files" searchList$(3) = " " searchList$(4) = " For Files containing ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(5) = " " searchList$(6) = " " searchList$(7) = " " searchList$(8) = " " searchList$(9) = " P L E A S E W A I T" #results.listbox2 "reload" searchFor$=trim$(searchFor$) count = 3 cursor hourglass redim searchList$(2600) redim oneOf$(2500) #results.listbox2 "setfocus"
'search lb help files if lbHelp = 1 then files helpFilePath$;"\html", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then x = 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "and" then oneOf$(count) = "H_AND" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "not" then oneOf$(count) = "H_NOT" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "xor" then oneOf$(count) = "H_XOR" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "or" then oneOf$(count) = "H_OR" : count = count + 1 listName$ = helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ open listName$ for input as #1 : isOpen = 1 while not(eof(#1)) scan line input #1, name$ if x = 5 and lower$(left$(name$, 7)) = lower$("<TITLE>") then name3$ = mid$(name$, 8, len(name$)-15) : if right$(name3$, 4) = "Etc." then name3$ = left$(name3$, len(name3$) - 1) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name3$ : count = count + 1 end if' if x = 8 and left$(lower$(name$), 7) = lower$("<TITLE>") then name5$ = mid$(name$, 8, len(name$)-15) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name5$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 12 and left$(name$ , 5) = "<P><A" then name8$ = word$(name$, 2, "</A><B>") : name8$ = left$(name8$, len(name8$)-8) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name8$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 14 and left$(name$ , 3) = "<P>" then name7$ = mid$(name$, 4, len(name$)-7) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name7$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 15 and right$(name$, 8) = "</B></P>" then name11$ =word$(name$, 2, "B>") : name11$ = left$(name11$, len(name11$)-2) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name11$ : count = count + 1 exit while end if x = x + 1 wend if isOpen = 1 then close #1 : isOpen = 0 end if next i end if 'Search the LB Code Examples Files if lbexamples = 1 then files uAppPath$, "*.bas", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open uAppPath$;"\";fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then name$ = upper$(fileToOpen$) name20$ = left$(name$, len(name$)-4) oneOf$(count) = "CE_";name20$ : count = count + 1 end if next i end if 'Search the CodeBank saved .bas files if codeTank = 1 then files DefaultDir$;"\BAS", "*.bas", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open "BAS";"\";fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then name$ = upper$(fileToOpen$) name20$ = left$(name$, len(name$)-4) oneOf$(count) = "CB_";name20$ : count = count + 1 end if next i end if 'if no search results found if count < 4 then #results.listbox2 "reload" searchList$(0) = " " searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " " searchList$(3) = " Nothing found for: ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(4) = " " searchList$(5) = " " searchList$(6) = " " searchList$(7) = " Try Adding more Categories " searchList$(8) = " " searchList$(9) = " To the Search Engine" searchList$(10) = " " searchList$(11) = " Using the CheckBoxes" searchList$(12) = " " searchList$(13) = " To Visit the Liberty Basic Forums" searchList$(14) = " " searchList$(15) = " Click the Link Below" searchList$(16) = " " searchList$(17) = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" searchList$(18) = " " searchList$(19) = " " searchList$(20) = " " #results.listbox2 "reload" cursor normal end if
'sort the list of possible results sort oneOf$(), 0, count dim b$(count+1) happened$="|" K = 0
'filter out the false Titles (Due to differences in html help pages source code - Title not on same line in all files) for i = 0 to count name$ = oneOf$(i) if right$(name$, 1) = ">" or right$(name$, 6) = "window" or left$(name$, 5) = "H_ame" or right$(name$, 8) = "position"_ or left$(name$, 5) = "H_GCO" or right$(name$, 1) = ":" or left$(name$, 3) = "H_<" _ or left$(name$, 3) = "H_"+chr$(39) or right$(name$, 1) = "." or right$(name$, 1) = " " or right$(name$, 8) = "[branch]"_ or right$(name$, 3) = "] )" or right$(name$, 3) = "] ]" or right$(name$, 6) = "items)" or name$ = "H_WHILE...WEND"_ or right$(name$, 5) = "size)" or right$(name$, 1) = ";" or right$(name$, 5) = "LEN=n" or right$(name$, 7) = "number)" _ or right$(name$, 7) = "#handle" or right$(name$, 4) = "varN" or right$(name$, 4) = "...)" or right$(name$, 2) = "];" _ or right$(name$, 1) = "v" or right$(name$, 8) = "fontSpec" or right$(name$, 7) = "expr2 )" or right$(name$, 2) = "))"_ or right$(name$, 12) = "variableName" or right$(name$, 4) = "num2"or right$(name$, 5) = ".bmp"+chr$(34)_ or right$(name$, 2) = chr$(34)+")" or right$(name$, 4) = "var"+chr$(36) or right$(name$, 4) = ",n])"_ or right$(name$, 4) = "expr" or right$(name$, 4) = "num2" or right$(name$, 9) = chr$(34)+"refresh"+chr$(34)_ or right$(name$, 3) = "g])" or right$(name$, 6) = "Label]" or right$(name$, 8) = "#handle)" or right$(name$, 9) = "String$ )"_ or right$(name$, 11) = "Expression)" or right$(name$, 10) = "expression" or right$(name$, 9) = "[number])"_ or right$(name$, 7) = "struct)" or right$(name$, 7) = "comment" or right$(name$, 12) = "recordNumber"_ or right$(name$, 5) = "size)" or right$(name$, 6) = "follow" or right$(name$, 6) = "mode ]" or right$(name$, 8) = "number )" or name$ = "H_TRACE number"_ or right$(name$, 8) = "[column]" or right$(name$, 10) = "#handle, n" or right$(name$, 2) = " 1" or right$((left$(name$, 7)), 5) = chr$(34)+"Font"_ or right$(name$, 9) = "{LEN = n}" or right$(name$, 5) = "Expr2" or right$(name$, 6) = "length"or left$(name$, 9) = "H_Install"_ or right$(name$, 10) = "#newHandle" or right$(name$, 12) = "columns rows" or right$(name$, 5) = "Expr$"_ or left$(name$, 4) = "var =" or right$(name$, 6) = "xpr2 )" or left$(name$, 3) = "H_(" or right$(name$, 6) = chr$(34)+"name"+chr$(34) _ or right$(name$, 4) = "#h )" or right$(name$, 9) = "#handle )" or right$(name$, 1) = "?" or right$(name$, 1) = "."_ or name$ = "H_DO LOOP" or name$ = "H_FOR...NEXT" or name$ = "H_Winstring" or right$(name$, 8) = "value"+chr$(34)+" )"_ or right$(name$,1) = "?" or right$(name$,3) = "c$)" or right$(name$,8) = "Keywords" or name$ ="H_Boolean Evaluations"_ or left$(name$, 3) = "H_&" or name$ = "H_" or name$= "H_var = MIDIPOS( )" or name$ = "H_TRACE ( number )"_ or name$ = "H_StartupDir" or name$ = "H_EVAL" or name$ = "H_EVAL$" or right$(name$, 4) = "face" or left$(name$, 10) = "H_The Liberty"_ or name$ = "H_REPLSTR" or name$ = "H_UPPER$(s)" or right$(name$,8) = "[END IF]" or name$ = "H_LOWER$(s$)" then oneOf$(i) = "" end if 'remove any duplicates from search list (Thanks to tsh73) 'if instr(oneOf$(i), "Liberty") then oneOf$(i) = replace$(name$, "Liberty", "Liberty") if lower$(nameLast$) = lower$(name$) then oneOf$(i) = "" if instr(happened$, "|";oneOf$(i);"|")=0 then happened$=happened$;oneOf$(i);"|" K=K+1: b$(K)=oneOf$(i) end if nameLast$ = name$ next i 'Create final list of search results for x = 0 to K if lower$(word$(b$(x), 2, "_")) = lower$(searchFor$) then match$ = b$(x) if instr(lower$(b$(x)), lower$(searchFor$)) _ and lower$(mid$(b$(x), 3, len(searchFor$))) = lower$(searchFor$)_ or lower$(mid$(b$(x), 4, len(searchFor$))) = lower$(searchFor$) then_ searchList$(u+7) = b$(x) : u = u+1 next x for t = 0 to K if instr(lower$(b$(t)), lower$(searchFor$)) then if lower$(mid$(b$(t), 3, len(searchFor$))) <> lower$(searchFor$)_ and lower$(mid$(b$(t), 4, len(searchFor$))) <> lower$(searchFor$) then searchList$(u+v+16) = b$(t) : v = v+1 end if end if next t for a = 0 to K if not(instr(lower$(b$(a)), lower$(searchFor$))) then_ searchList$(u+v+ww+23) = b$(a) : ww = ww+1 next a
'manage the headers searchList$(0) = " Search Results" searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " ";u+v;" Titles Containing ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$ if u+v <> 0 then searchList$(3) = " " if u+v = 0 then searchList$(2) = " No Titles Found for ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$';" Found" searchList$(4) = " " if u <> 0 and v<>0 then searchList$(5) = " ";u;" Top Picks For ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$ searchList$(u+11) =" " if v <> 0 and v<>u+v then searchList$(u+13) = " ";v;" Remaining Titles "' if v <> 0 then searchList$(u+14) =" " if v <> 0 then searchList$(v+u+19) = " " if ww-2 <> 0 then searchList$(v+u+20) = " ";ww-3;" Other Pages Containing ";upper$(searchFor$) if u+v = 0 then searchList$(1) = " ";ww-2;" Pages Containing ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(v+u+21) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+22) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+23) = " If you need more information " searchList$(v+u+ww+24) = " on " searchList$(v+u+ww+25) = " Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Coding " searchList$(v+u+ww+26) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+27) = " Please Visit" searchList$(v+u+ww+28) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+29) = " The Liberty Basic Forums by" searchList$(v+u+ww+30) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+31) = " Clicking the link Below" searchList$(v+u+ww+32) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+33) = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" searchList$(v+u+ww+34) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+35) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+36) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+37) = " " if match$ <> "" then searchList$(4) = " 1 Match " #results.listbox2 "reload" : #results.default "!setfocus"
'finished displaying results - reset variables - cursor back to normal [doneSearching] u = 0 : v = 0 : ww = 0 : match$ = "" : count = 0 #codeTank.tb "!enable" #codeTank.tb "!selectall" #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" #results.listbox2 "setfocus" cursor normal wait
'One of the Help Search results was Selected - Open the Help File in user's default browser [openFile] if lbHelp = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionH$" selectionH$ = trim$(selectionH$) if selection$ = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" then_ selection$ = right$(selection$, len(selection$)-1) : run "explorer ";selection$ : wait selectionH$ = right$(selectionH$, len(selectionH$) - 2) if selectionH$ = "XOR" or selectionH$ = "AND" or selectionH$ = "NOT" or selectionH$ = "OR" then run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\libe0azy.htm" : wait end if files helpFilePath$;"\html", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ for input as #3 contents$ = input$(#3, lof(#3)) : close #3 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$("<title>";selectionH$;"</TITLE>")) then if fileToOpen$ = "idecode451.html" then fileToOpen$ = "libe0ze8.htm" if fileExists("", "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait else run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$("</A><B>";selectionH$;"</B></P>")) then if fileExists("", "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait else run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait end if end if end if end if next i end if 'a Code Example file was selected if lbexamples = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionCE$" selectionCE$ = right$(selectionCE$, len(selectionCE$) - 3) if fileExists(uAppPath$, selectionCE$;".bas") then run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";uAppPath$;"\";selectionCE$;".bas" : wait end if end if 'a Code Bank .bas file backup was selected if codeTank = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionCB$" selectionCB$ = right$(selectionCB$, len(selectionCB$) - 3) if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\BAS", selectionCB$;".bas") then run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";selectionCB$;".bas" : wait end if end if 'if the link to the Liberty basic Forums is clicked (link at bottom of search results) #results.listbox2 "selection? selection$" if selection$ = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" then_ selection$ = right$(selection$, len(selection$)-1) : run "explorer ";selection$ : wait wait 'a selection was made from the Help Menu list [mainList] #codeTankList.listbox1 "selection? h$" fileToOpen$= word$( h$,2,chr$(0)) fileToOpen$=replace$( fileToOpen$ , "/", "\" ) if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$_ else_ if fileExists(helpFilePath$, fileToOpen$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$ wait
'show results [results] if resultsOpen = 1 then return WindowWidth = 255 : WindowHeight = 600 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) + 600 UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) listbox #results.listbox2, searchList$(, [openFile], 0, 0, 256, 600 button #results.default, "", [startSearching], UL, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "LB HELP SEARCH RESULTS" for dialog as #results resultsOpen = 1 #results "trapclose [quitResults]" #results.listbox2 "reload" #results.listbox2 "singleclickselect" if fontsize <> 0 then fontsize = fontsize else fontsize = 9 #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 #results.listbox2 "setfocus" return
'show LB Help Menu - button [Contents] if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.default "!setfocus" : #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" : wait open helpFilePath$; "\"; helpFileMenu$ for input as #1 txt$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) close #1 'Load the "Contents" menu list array lowerTxt$= lower$(txt$) while 1 scan startAt = c+1 a = instr(lowerTxt$, "href",startAt) b = instr(lowerTxt$, ">",a+1) c = instr(lowerTxt$, "</a>",b+1) if a=0 or b=0 or c= 0 then exit while hrefA= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),a+1) hrefB= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),hrefA+1) idx = idx +1 mainList$(idx)= trim$(mid$(txt$,b+1,c-b-1));chr$(0);_ trim$(mid$(txt$,hrefA+1,hrefB-hrefA-1)) wend WindowWidth = 255 : WindowHeight = 600 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2 + 600) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) listbox #codeTankList.listbox1, mainList$(, [mainList], 0, 0, 256, 600 button #codeTankList.default, "&GO", [search], UL, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Help Menu" for dialog as #codeTankList mainListOpen = 1 #codeTankList "trapclose [quitMainList]" #codeTankList.listbox1 "singleclickselect" #codeTankList.listbox1 "reload" if fontsize <> 0 then fontsize = fontsize else fontsize = 9 #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 idx = 0 #codeTankList.listbox1 "setfocus" 'if resultsOpen = 1 then #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" wait
'resize window font - sets all Listbox fonts equal [incFontSearch] fontsize = fontsize + 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial 0 ";fontsize+6 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
[decFontSearch] fontsize = fontsize - 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial 0 ";fontsize+6 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
'set and reset checkboxes for search categories [lbHelp] lbHelp = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nolbHelp] lbHelp = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [lbexamples] lbexamples = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nolbexamples] lbexamples = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [cbank] codeTank = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nocbank] codeTank = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
'The [?] or 'help' button for this program was pressed [searchhelp] if helpOpen = 1 then wait notice " Tiny LB-Search Help File";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Type your Search Word ( no char minimum ), and hit [Search In >]";_ " If your text doesn't appear at any time, just hit [Enter] and start typing agin";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);_ "Search results are marked to indicate the category they represent";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);" CHECKBOXES and CATEGORIES: ";_ CHR$(13);_ "H= LB Help, CE= LB Code Examples, CT = CodeTank Files";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);_ "Results marked H open help pages in your default browser";_ CHR$(13);_ "C stands for Code - Results marked CE, and CT open in Liberty Basic";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Alt + F4 closes the open window with focus";_ " unless another window is clicked on";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Use + or - to Adjust Font Size - Fontsize changes on all Lists, opened or not";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);" ADDING TO the Liberty BASIC RUN MENU";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "How to ADD this to the Liberty BASIC menu Run > for easy access.";_ CHR$(13);_ "1) To Make the TKN file : Top Menu > Run > Make *.tkn File.";_ " Use any name for the file when the -File 'Save As'- window opens";_ " Remember the File Location, and Name of the File.";_ CHR$(13);_ "2) In Liberty Basic click the menu item: Setup > External Programs";_ CHR$(13);_ "3) Click on New , type a name that suits the app, eg: LB_Help_Search";_ " This name will appear in LB's Menu as Run > NameYouChose ";_ CHR$(13);_ "4) Click on Create Item.";_ CHR$(13);_ "5) Click the Browse Button, then navigate to the .tkn File created in step 1.";_ CHR$(13);_ "6) Liberty BASIC will inform you changes take effect after restarting Liberty Basic." helpOpen = 1 wait
'close Help List [quitMainList] if resultsOpen = 1 then close #results : resultsOpen = 0 close #codeTankList : mainListOpen = 0 wait
'close results List [quitResults] close #results : resultsOpen = 0 wait
[fastGui] 'Title FFUltra v2.x author = Rod 'version FFNSL_vxx2.0 'edited by xxgeek fastGuiOpen = 1 ver$="xx2.0" 'nomainwin dim info$(10,10) dim form$(10) form$(1)="Restore" form$(2)="New" form$(3)="Save .ffu" form$(4)="Load .ffu" form$(5)="-----------" form$(6)="Write .bas" form$(7)="Import .bas" form$(8)="Export .bas" form$(9)="File" dim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)="#1" dim grid$(20) grid$(1)="1" grid$(2)="3" g=3 for n= 5 to 30 step 5 grid$(g)=str$(n) g=g+1 next grid$(g)="Invisible" grid$(g+1)="Visible" grid$(g+2)="Set Grid" grid=10 gridvisible=1 gridcolor$="buttonface" projectctrh=25 ctrh=25 dim color$(10) color$(1)="Control Back" color$(2)="Project Back" color$(3)="Project Fore" color$(4)="Grid Color" color$(5)="Border Color" color$(6)="CrossHair" color$(7)="Set Color" projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" dim font$(10) font$(1)="Control Font" font$(2)="ResetControl" font$(3)="Project Font" font$(4)="Set Font"'default is Consolas 9" dim wind$(20)'window type names wind$(1)="window" wind$(2)="window_nf" wind$(3)="window_popup" wind$(4)="dialog" wind$(5)="dialog_modal" wind$(6)="dialog_nf" wind$(7)="dialog_nf_modal" wind$(8)="dialog_fs" wind$(9)="dialog_nf_fs" wind$(10)="dialog_popup" wind$(11)="graphics" wind$(12)="graphics_fs" wind$(13)="graphics_fs_nsb" wind$(14)="graphics_nsb" wind$(15)="graphics_nf_nsb" wind$(16)="text" wind$(17)="text_fs" wind$(18)="text_nsb" wind$(19)="text_nsb_ins" dim v$(2000) for n= 100 to 2000 step 20 v$(n)=str$(n) next dim obj(200,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight XX=1 Y=2 W=3 H=4 TT=5 TH=6 dim obj$(200,7) 'name,text,resource,font,backcolor,basline Ctr=1 Tex=2 Ress=3 Fon=4 Bak=5 Bass=7 'set default starting position projectfile$="Untitled.bas" projectwind$="window_nf" projecttitl$="Untitled" projectform$="#1" projectctrl$="" projecttext$="" projectreso$="" projectfont$="Consolas 9" projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" projecttbcl$="white" projectlbcl$="white" projectcbcl$="white" projecttecl$="white" gridcolor$="buttonface" bordercolor$ = "darkgray" 'border of grid dimension limits of x,y crosshair$ = gridcolor$ 'crosshair available in grid = 0 or grid = 1 barrier = 1 'barrier - form dimension limit - when tracking / resizing controls negbar = 1 'negative barrier - less than zero - when tracking / resizing controls projectctrh=25 projectgrid=10 projectw=600 projecth=400 insertx=grid inserty=grid*2 'open a small progress bar window and hide it WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=60 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth-230)/2 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-350)/2 graphicbox #prog.gb1,10,0,200,25 open "Import" for window_nf as #prog #prog "font Consolas 9" #prog "hide" progOpen = 1 'open a small properties window and hide it WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=260 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth)/2+420 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-180)/2 statictext #prop.st1 "File",5,10,30,25 textbox #prop.tbfile,45,5,150,25 statictext #prop.st2 "Wind",5,32,30,25 combobox #prop.cbwind,wind$(,[windowtype],47,29,146,25 statictext #prop.st3 "Titl",5,54,30,25 textbox #prop.tbtitl,45,49,150,25 statictext #prop.st4 "Form",5,76,30,25 textbox #prop.tbform,45,71,150,25 statictext #prop.st5 "Ctrl",5,98,30,25 textbox #prop.tbctrl,45,93,150,25 statictext #prop.st6 "Text",5,120,30,25 textbox #prop.tbtext,45,115,150,25 statictext #prop.st7 "Reso",5,142,30,25 textbox #prop.tbreso,45,137,150,25 statictext #prop.st8 "xywh",5,164,30,25 textbox #prop.tbxywh,45,159,150,25 statictext #prop.st9 "Font",5,186,30,25 textbox #prop.tbfont,45,181,150,25 statictext #prop.st10 "Colo",5,208,30,25 textbox #prop.tbcolo,45,203,150,25 open "Properties" for window_nf as #prop #prop "font Consolas 9" #prop "trapclose [show]" #prop.cbwind "select window_nf" #prop.tbfile "!disable" #prop.tbxywh "!disable" #prop.tbfont "!disable" #prop.tbcolo "!disable" gosub [propertyupdate] #prop "hide" propOpen = 1
'open the main form window 'this window is resizable, the graphicox will resize but the 'client area, which is a drawn representation of the window 'will only change size if you change the project w/h dimensions WindowWidth=862 WindowHeight=600 'gb is offset by 25 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2 combobox #fful.fastfunctionsList,fastfunctionsList$(),fastfunctionSelected,680,2,140,25 combobox #fful.form,form$(,[form],5,2,85,30 combobox #fful.hand,hnd$(,[hand],91,2,85,30 button #fful.code,"Co&de",[code],UL,177,0,43,25 button #fful.gui,"G&UI",[prev],UL,222,0,40,25 combobox #fful.w,v$(,[formsize],265,2,55,30 combobox #fful.h,v$(,[formsize],321,2,55,30 combobox #fful.grid,grid$(,[grid],375,2,90,30 statictext #fful.gridsize "10",470,7,15,15 combobox #fful.color,color$(,[color],490,2,90,30 combobox #fful.font,font$(,[font],585,2,90,30 button #fful.barrier,"No Barrier &+",[barrier],UL,850,0,100,20 button #fful.help,"&?",[help],UL,820,0,25,25 button #fful.negbarrier,"No Barrier &-",[negbarrier],UL,850,22,100,20 statictext #fful.corner, "UpperLeft",960,12,75,15 statictext #fful.cornertext, " Corner >",960,25,85,15 statictext #fful.Xco, "x 0" ,1045,2,65,20 statictext #fful.Yco, "y 0",1045,24,65,20 button #fful.mnu,"&Menu",[bttnMNU],UL,5,25,45,20 button #fful.button,"&Button",[bttnBTTN],UL,50,25,55,20 button #fful.textbox,"&Textbox",[bttnTXBX],UL,105,25,65,20 button #fful.lstbx,"&Listbox",[bttnLSTBX],UL,170,25,65,20 button #fful.cmbobx,"&Combobox",[bttnCMBOBX],UL,235,25,65,20 button #fful.statictext,"&Statictext",[bttnSTTX],UL,300,25,80,20 button #fful.bmpbttn,"BM&Pbutton",[bttnBMPBTTN],UL,380,25,75,20 button #fful.grphcbx,"&Graphicbox",[bttnGRPHCBX],UL,455,25,80,20 button #fful.rdiobttn,"&Radiobutton",[bttnRDBTTN],UL,535,25,85,20 button #fful.chckbx,"Chec&kbox",[bttnCHKBX],UL,620,25,70,20 button #fful.grpbx,"Groupbo&x",[bttnGRPBX],UL,690,25,70,20 button #fful.txtedtr,"Text&editor",[bttnTXTEDTR],UL,760,25,85,20 graphicbox #fful.gb,5,45,830,510 textbox #fful.path,1115,0,200,20 combobox #fful.blocks,block$(,[block],1115,22,200,30 open ver$;" Form Preview Form Dimensions Grid - Size Colors Fonts Add Subs\Functions Help Form Limits (X,Y) Coordinates" for window as #fful #fful "trapclose [quitfful]" #fful "font Consolas 9 " #fful.Xco "!font Consolas 11 " #fful.Yco "!font Consolas 11 " #fful "resizehandler [resize]" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.grid "select Set Grid" #fful.color "select Set Color" #fful.font "select Set Font" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth #fful.gb "autoresize" #fful.gb "vertscrollbar on 0 ";projectw #fful.gb "horizscrollbar on 0 ";projecth #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ #fful.gb "down" #fful.path "File - untitled.ffu" #fful.form "!File" block$(1) = " ! COMING SOON ! " #fful.blocks "reload" #fful.blocks "!Add Code Blocks/Snippets" #fful.fastfunctionsList "!Subs / Functions" fastfunctionsList$(1) = " ! COMING SOON ! " #fful.fastfunctionsList "reload" gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "when rightButtonDown [show]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonDown [select]" #fful.gb "when characterInput [keys]" 'load subs and functions combobox #fful.gb "setfocus" #prop "show" show=1 fastGuiOpen = 1 #codeTank.fastgui "!disable" wait
[show] if show then #prop "hide" show=0 else #prop "show" show=1 end if wait 'the user clicked on the form design window 'either to chose a control or to deselect a control [select] xs=MouseX ys=MouseY 'hide property window if it is open if show then #prop "hide" show=0 end if 'before we move on update the currently selected control from properties 'get the project data and only the editable contents of controls if selected=0 then 'the form name #xxxx #prop.tbform "!contents? t$" if t$<>projectform$ then projectform$=t$ dim hnd$(10) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "select ";projectform$ end if 'the form/window title text #prop.tbtitl "!contents? t$" if t$<>projecttitl$ then projecttitl$=t$ end if #prop.tbctrl "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Ctl)=t$ #prop.tbtext "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Tex)=t$ #prop.tbreso "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Ress)=t$ 'find the object selected by user selected=0 action=1 ' 1=move 2=expand - bmps dont expand for cn=obj to 1 step -1 if xs>obj(cn,XX) and xs<(obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W)) and ys>obj(cn,Y) and ys<(obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H)) then if xs>obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W)/1.4 and ys>obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H)/1.4 then action=2 if obj(cn,TT)=6 then action=1 selected=cn exit for end if next if selected=0 then gosub [propertyupdate] action=0 end if if selected>0 and action=1 then #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove [track]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp [stop]" offsetX=xs-obj(selected,XX) offsetY=ys-obj(selected,Y) end if if selected>0 and obj(selected,TT)<>6 and action=2 then 'dont resize bmp #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove [tracksize]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp [stopsize]" offsetX=xs-(obj(selected,XX)+obj(selected,W)) offsetY=ys-(obj(selected,Y)+obj(selected,H)) end if if selected>0 then gosub [drawit] else insertx=int((xs+(grid/2))/grid)*grid inserty=int((ys+(grid/2))/grid)*grid gosub [drawall] end if wait 'moving controls on form [track] #fful.corner "UpperLeft" #fful.gb "rule xor" gosub [drawit] xt=int((MouseX-offsetX+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if negbar then if xt<1 then xt=0 end if if xt+obj(selected,W)>projectw and barrier then xt=projectw-obj(selected,W) obj(selected,XX)=xt yt=int((MouseY-offsetY+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then if negbar then if yt<0 then yt=0 end if if yt+obj(selected,H)>projecth-25 and barrier then yt=projecth-obj(selected,H)-25 obj(selected,Y)=yt end if if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then if negbar then if yt < 0 then yt =0 end if if yt+obj(selected,H)>projecth-50 and barrier then yt=projecth-obj(selected,H)-50 obj(selected,Y)=yt end if #fful.Xco "x ";str$(xt) #fful.Yco "y ";str$(yt) gosub [drawit] wait 'when user stops moving mouse or lifts left button [stop] #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp" action=0 #fful.gb "rule over" gosub [drawall] wait 'resizing controls on form [tracksize] #fful.corner "BottomRight" 'print to window #fful for x,y coordinates #fful.gb "rule xor" gosub [drawit] xs=int((MouseX-offsetX+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if xs>projectw and barrier then xs=projectw if xs<obj(selected,XX) then xs=obj(selected,XX)+grid ys=int((MouseY-offsetY+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if ys>projecth and barrier then ys=projecth if ys<obj(selected,Y)+ctrh and barrier then ys=obj(selected,Y)+ctrh obj(selected,W)=xs-obj(selected,XX)' 'form workspace changes when menu, or textEditor added/removed if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then obj(selected,H)=ys-obj(selected,Y)-50'height if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then obj(selected,H)=ys-obj(selected,Y)-25'height #fful.Xco "x ";xs : #fful.Yco "y ";ys gosub [drawit] wait
[stopsize] #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp" action=0 #fful.gb "rule over" gosub [drawall] wait 'user uses keys to copy/paste or delete controls [keys] k1=asc(right$(Inkey$,1)) k2=asc(left$(Inkey$,1)) if k1=46 then 'delete selected if obj(selected,TT)=12 then menuset=0 if obj(selected,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd - 1 obj(selected,TT)=0 selected=0 gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] end if if k1=3 then 'copy control cpy(1)=obj(selected,XX) 'x cpy(2)=obj(selected,Y) 'y cpy(3)=obj(selected,W) 'w cpy(4)=obj(selected,H) 'h cpy(5)=obj(selected,TT) 'type cpy(6)=obj(selected,TH) 'textheight cpy$(1)=obj$(selected,Ctr)'name cpy$(2)=obj$(selected,Tex)'text content cpy$(3)=obj$(selected,Ress)'resource array or file path cpy$(4)=obj$(selected,Fon)'ctrl specific font or "" cpy$(5)=obj$(selected,Bak)'ctrl specific backcolor end if if k1=22 then 'paste control if cpy(5)<>0 then obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty inserty=inserty+cpy(4)+grid obj(obj,W)=cpy(3) obj(obj,H)=cpy(4) obj(obj,TT)=cpy(5) obj(obj,TH)=cpy(6) obj$(obj,Ctr)=left$(cpy$(1),2);obj obj$(obj,Tex)=cpy$(2) obj$(obj,Ress)=cpy$(3) if obj(obj,TT)=6 then loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) if obj(selected,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd + 1 : gosub [drawgrid] 'keep track of # of texteditors obj$(obj,Fon)=cpy$(4) obj$(obj,Bak)=cpy$(5) selected=obj gosub [drawall] end if end if #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
'[tool] '#fful.tool "selectionindex? i" [drawTool] cpy(5)=0 select case i case 1 'statictext obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=130 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=1 obj$(obj,Ctr)="sttctxt";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="StaticText ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 2 'textbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=140 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=2 obj$(obj,Ctr)="txtbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="TextBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projecttbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 3 'listbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=120 obj(obj,H)=ctrh*5 obj(obj,TT)=3 obj$(obj,Ctr)="lstbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="ListBox ";obj;"\item2\item3\item4\item5" obj$(obj,Ress)=obj$(obj,Ctr);"$(" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectlbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 4 'combobox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=120 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=4 obj$(obj,Ctr)="cmbbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="ComboBox ";obj;"\item2\item3\item4\item5" obj$(obj,Ress)=obj$(obj,Ctr);"$(" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectcbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 5 'button obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=5 obj$(obj,Ctr)="btn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="Button ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)="white" inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 6 'bmp button obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=50 obj(obj,H)=50 obj(obj,TT)=6 obj$(obj,Ctr)="bmpbtn";obj filedialog "Choose an image","*.bmp",file$ if file$<>"" then file$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) open file$ for input as #bmp 'the bmpfileheader bmp$ = Input$(#bmp,lof(#bmp)) if mid$(bmp$,1,2) ="BM" then 'always BM obj(obj,W)=value(mid$(bmp$,19,4))'width obj(obj,H)=value(mid$(bmp$,23,4))'height obj$(obj,Ress)=file$ obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),file$ close #bmp inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid else obj(obj,TT)=0 close #bmp obj=obj-1 end if else obj(obj,TT)=0 obj=obj-1 end if case 7 'graphicbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=90 obj(obj,TT)=7 obj$(obj,Ctr)="grphcbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="GraphicBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 8 'radiobutton obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=100 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=8 obj$(obj,Ctr)="rdbtn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="RadioButton ";obj obj$(obj,Ress)="[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Set],[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Reset]" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 9 'checkbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=9 obj$(obj,Ctr)="chkbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="CheckBox ";obj obj$(obj,Ress)="[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Checked],[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Unchecked]" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 10 'groupbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=110 obj(obj,H)=110 obj(obj,TT)=10 obj$(obj,Ctr)="grpbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="GroupBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 11 'texteditor obj=obj+1 textEd = textEd + 1 : gosub [drawgrid] obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=150 obj(obj,H)=100 obj(obj,TT)=11 obj$(obj,Ctr)="txtedtr";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="TextEditor ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projecttecl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid
case 12 'menu if menuset=0 then obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=0 obj(obj,Y)=0 obj(obj,W)=100 obj(obj,H)=10 obj(obj,TT)=12 obj$(obj,Ctr)="mn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)=" Menu Added ";obj menuset=1 end if end select selected=obj gosub [drawall] '#fful.tool "select Add New" #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[form] #fful.form "selectionindex? i" select case i case 1 'restore #fful.path "lastsession.ffu" file$ = "lastsession.ffu" gosub [loadit] #fful.path "lastsession.ffu" case 2 'new if import <> 1 then #fful.path "Untitled.bas" gosub [new] case 3 'save as gosub [saveas] case 4 'load gosub [load] case 6 'write gosub [write] #fful.path file$ case 7 'import import = 1 gosub [import] import = 0 case 8 'export gosub [export] end select #fful.form "select File" gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[drawall] #fful.gb "discard ; redraw bak" ocn=cn projecttbcl$="white" projectlbcl$="white" projectcbcl$="white" projecttecl$="white" for cn=1 to obj gosub [drawit] next cn=ocn #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; north ; turn 180 ; go ";10 #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; turn -90 ; go ";10 #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; turn 45 ; go ";20 #fful.gb "setfocus" return
[drawit] 'redraws control cn 'set the color for the drawn object and action taking place if cn=selected then #fful.gb "color red" 'action 1 or 2 if action=2 then #fful.gb "color green" else #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ end if
'set the font for the drawn object if obj$(cn,Fon)="" then #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ ch=projectctrh if obj(cn,H)<ch then obj(cn,H)=ch else #fful.gb "font ";obj$(cn,Fon) ch=obj(cn,TH) if obj(cn,H)<ch then obj(cn,H)=ch end if
'update the properties textboxes for selected control if cn=selected then #prop.tbctrl obj$(cn,Ctr) 'ctrlname #prop.tbtext obj$(cn,Tex) 'text #prop.tbreso obj$(cn,Ress) 'resource #prop.tbxywh obj(cn,XX);" ";obj(cn,Y);" ";obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,H) 'xywh if obj$(cn,Fon)="" then #prop.tbfont projectfont$;":";obj(cn,TH) else #prop.tbfont obj$(cn,Fon);":";obj(cn,TH) 'font and height #prop.tbcolo obj$(cn,Bak) end if #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX);" ";obj(cn,Y) if obj$(cn,Tex)="" or obj$(cn,Tex)=chr$(34) then obj$(cn,Tex)="Missing Text?" select case obj(cn,TT) case 1 'statictext #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 2 'textbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projecttbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 3 'listbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectlbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 4 'combobox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectcbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 5 'button #fful.gb "backcolor white" #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'buttons are always black on white #fful.gb "color black" 'centre button text #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" xp=(obj(cn,W)-width*len(obj$(cn,Tex)))/2 if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+xp;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ case 6 'bmpbutton if action=0 then #fful.gb "drawbmp ";obj$(cn,Ctr) #fful.gb "box ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) case 7 ' graphicbox #fful.gb "backcolor white" #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ case 8 'radiobutton #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'radiobutton text is always black #fful.gb "color black" if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 9 'checkbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'checkbox text is always black #fful.gb "color black" if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 10 'groupbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ 'groupbox is an outline #fful.gb "box ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'group box text is always black #fful.gb "color black" 'groupbox text is offset if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+5;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33-ch/2;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 11 ' texteditor #fful.gb "backcolor ";projecttecl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 12 'menu 'pin to top left obj(cn,XX)=10 : obj(cn,Y)=-8 : obj(cn,W)=100 : obj(cn,H)=10 #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 21 'tecolor projecttecl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 22 'tbcolor projecttbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 23 'lbcolor projectlbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 24 'cbcolor projectcbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) '41,42,43,44,45 and 50 51 ignored ie back/fore w/h open and font objects end select return
[prev] file$="preview.bas" gosub [writeit] wait
[write] projectfile$=left$(projectfile$,len(projectfile$)-3)+"bas" filedialog "Save .bas",projectfile$,file$ file$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1)
[writeit] if file$<>"" then open file$ for output as #op 'the header #op " 'Project ";projecttitl$ if val(left$(time$(), 2)) > 11 then mer$ = "pm" else mer$ = "am" #op " 'Created with FFNotSoLite v";ver$;" ";date$();" at ";time$();" ";mer$ #op " nomainwin" if projectback$<>"white" or projectfore$<>"black" then #op " 'Set BackgroundColor$ and ForegroundColor$ of project" #op " BackgroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectback$;chr$(34) #op " ForegroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectfore$;chr$(34) #op "" end if if code = 1 then #op " 'Create arrays needed for controls listbox,combobox" for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)=3 or obj(n,TT)=4 then #op " dim ";obj$(n,Ress);"10)" #op " for n = 1 to 10" #op " ";obj$(n,Ress);"n)= str$(n)" #op " next" end if next end if #op " 'Create controls and open window" #op " WindowWidth = ";projectw #op " WindowHeight = ";projecth #op " UpperLeftX = int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)" #op " UpperLeftY = int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)" if menuset then #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&File";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"&Open";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Save";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Save As";chr$(34);", [dummy],";chr$(34);"&Load";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Exit";chr$(34);", [dummy]" if textEd > 0 then #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"Edit";chr$(34) end if #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Tools";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"Preferences";chr$(34);", [dummy] " #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Options";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"Fonts";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"Colors";chr$(34);", [dummy]" #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Help";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"About";chr$(34);", [dummy]";", ";chr$(34);"Help";chr$(34);", [dummy]" end if for n=1 to obj select case obj(n,TT) case 1 'statictext #op " statictext ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);trim$(obj$(n,Tex));chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)+5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 2 'textbox #op " textbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 3 'list box #op " listbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 4 'combobox #op " combobox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 5 'button #op " button ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 6 'bmpbutton #op " bmpbutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Ress);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y) case 7 'graphicbox #op " graphicbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 8 'radiobutton #op " radiobutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 9 'checkbox #op " checkbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 10 'group box #op " groupbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)-5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 11 'texteditor #op " texteditor ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 22 'tbcolor #op " TextboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 23 'lbcolor #op " ListboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 24 'cbcolor #op " ComboboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 21 'tecolor #op " TexteditorColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) end select next #op " open ";chr$(34);projecttitl$;chr$(34);" for ";projectwind$;" as ";projectform$ if instr(projectwind$, "text") then #op " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"!trapclose [quit]";chr$(34) else #op " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"trapclose [quit]";chr$(34) end if #op "" if code = 1 then #op " 'Set any listboxes to singleclick and display the first item on the list for all listboxes and comboboxes" for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)=4 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selectindex 1";chr$(34) end if if obj(n,TT)=3 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selectindex 1, singleclickselect";chr$(34) end if next #op " 'apply any control specific fonts" end if for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 and obj$(n,Fon)<>"" then if obj(n,TT)=1 or obj(n,TT)=2 or obj(n,TT)=5 or obj(n,TT)=10 or obj(n,TT)=11 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end if if obj(n,TT)=3 or obj(n,TT)=4 or obj(n,TT)=7 or obj(n,TT)=8 or obj(n,TT)=9 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end if [remDot] end if next #op " 'Your code here. eg: Declare variables and globals, goto/gosub/call subs and invoke functions, etc etc" #op "" #op " wait" #op "" #op " 'Create the required handlers for each control" for n=1 to obj select case obj(n,TT) case 3 'listbox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected]" #op " 'Your handler code here, read the control with" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selection? Selected$";chr$(34) #op " wait" #op "" case 4 'combobox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected]" #op " 'Your handler code here, read the control with" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selection? Selected$";chr$(34) #op " wait" #op "" case 5 'button #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked]" #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 6 'bmpbutton #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked]" #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 8 'radiobutton #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Set]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 9 'checkbox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Checked]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Unchecked]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" end select next #op " [quit]" #op " 'Add code for any actions to take while shutting down. eg:backup settings to a file" #op " close ";projectform$ #op " end" #op " " #op " 'Subs and Functions go below this line" #op "'########################################################" #op " " close #op if code <> 1 then run chr$(34);LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;chr$(34);" -R -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";file$ if code = 1 then run chr$(34);LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;chr$(34);" -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";file$ [done] end if code = 0 return
[saveas] projectname$=left$(projectfile$,len(projectfile$)-4)+".ffu" filedialog "Save As...",projectname$,file$ if file$<>"" then open file$ for output as #op projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) #fful.path projectfile$ 'the form name #xxxx #prop.tbform "!contents? t$" if t$<>projectform$ then projectform$=t$ dim hnd$(10) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "select ";projectform$ end if 'the form/windo title text #prop.tbtitl "!contents? t$" if t$<>projecttitl$ then projecttitl$=t$ #op projectfile$ #op projectwind$ #op projectform$ #op projecttitl$ #op projectfont$ #op projectback$ #op projectfore$ #op projectctrh #op projectgrid #op projectw #op projecth for n=1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 then #op obj(n,XX);","; #op obj(n,Y);","; #op obj(n,W);","; #op obj(n,H);","; #op obj(n,TT);","; #op obj(n,TH) #op obj$(n,Ctr) #op obj$(n,Tex) #op obj$(n,Ress) #op obj$(n,Fon) #op obj$(n,Bak) end if next close #op gosub [propertyupdate] redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" end if return
[load] filedialog "Open Project...","*.ffu",file$ [loadit] if file$<>"" then projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) #fful.path projectfile$ open file$ for input as #ses input #ses, projectfile$ input #ses, projectwind$ input #ses, projectform$ input #ses, projecttitl$ input #ses, projectfont$ if projectfont$="" then projectfont$="Consolas 9" #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ input #ses, projectback$ input #ses, projectfore$ input #ses, c$ input #ses, g$ input #ses, w$ input #ses, h$ projectctrh=val(c$) projectgrid=val(g$) grid=projectgrid projectw=val(w$) projecth=val(h$) #prop.cbwind "select ";projectwind$ redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.grid "select ";grid #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [drawgrid] obj=0 while eof(#ses) = 0 obj=obj+1 line input #ses, l$ obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(l$,1,",")) obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(l$,2,",")) obj(obj,W)=val(word$(l$,3,",")) obj(obj,H)=val(word$(l$,4,",")) obj(obj,TT)=val(word$(l$,5,",")) obj(obj,TH)=val(word$(l$,6,",")) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Ctr) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Tex) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Ress) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Fon) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Bak) if obj(obj,TT)=6 then loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) if obj(obj,TT)=12 then menuset=1 if obj(obj,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd + 1 wend close #ses gosub [propertyupdate] #prop "hide" #prop "show" end if return
[import] filedialog "Open .bas...","*.bas",file$
[importit] if file$<>"" then 'check size open file$ for input as #bas maxln=0 while eof(#bas)=0 line input #bas, wln$ maxln=maxln+1 wend close #bas 'add margin for split lines dim bas$(maxln+1000,4)'an array of code lines and line numbers
'set up progress bar #prog.gb1 "down ; fill white ; backcolor cyan" #prog "show"
projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) gosub [new] 'set grid to 1 and invisible so controls stay where they import from initially 'grid=1 'gridvisible=0 gosub [drawgrid] #fful.path projectfile$ 'create objects for only those lines defining controls we are interested in wordlist$=" statictext textbox listbox combobox button bmpbutton graphicbox " wordlist$=wordlist$+"radiobutton checkbox groupbox texteditor open " 'no menu wordlist$=wordlist$+"textboxcolor$ listboxcolor$ comboboxcolor$ texteditorcolor$ " wordlist$=wordlist$+"windowwidth windowheight "' no upperleftx upperlefty " wordlist$=wordlist$+"backgroundcolor$ foregroundcolor$ font "
ln=1 bln=1 open file$ for input as #bas while eof(#bas)=0 line input #bas, wln$ 'update progress bar #prog.gb1 "cls ; place 0 0 ; boxfilled ";100/maxln*ln;" 25" 'ignore 'or rem lines if left$(lower$(trim$(wln$)),1)="'" or left$(lower$(trim$(wln$)),4)="rem " then bas$(ln,1)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,2)=trim$(wln$) ln=ln+1 else 'break into multiple lines if ":" found outside quotes pos=1 ln$="" while pos<=len(wln$) c$=mid$(wln$,pos,1) dd$ = mid$(win$,pos,2) if c$=chr$(34) then if quote=0 then quote=1 else quote=0 end if if c$=":" and quote=0 or c$=":" and right$(dd$,1) = "\" then gosub [line] ln$="" pos=pos+1 else ln$=ln$+c$ pos=pos+1 end if wend gosub [line] bln=bln+1 end if wend basln=ln-1 close #bas
redim win$(30,10)'an array of forms within .bas redim hnd$(30)'an array of form names for handle combobox wh=1 for ln=1 to basln if bas$(ln,3)="#" then if instr(bas$(ln,2),"BackgroundColor$",1)>0 then projectback$=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)) : win$(wh,6)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ForegroundColor$",1)>0 then projectfore$=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)) : win$(wh,7)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"WindowWidth",1)>0 then w$=getsize$(bas$(ln,2)):win$(wh,8)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"WindowHeight",1)>0 then h$=getsize$(bas$(ln,2)):win$(wh,9)=bas$(ln,1) 'if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"open",1)>0 then if lower$(word$(bas$(ln,2),1)) = "open" and left$(word$(bas$(ln,2),2, " as "),1) = "#" then if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"window",1)>0 or instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"dialog",1)>0 or instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"graphic",1)>0 then win$(wh,10)=bas$(ln,1) n$=word$(bas$(ln,2),2,chr$(34)) hn$="#"+right$(bas$(ln,2),len(bas$(ln,2))-instr(bas$(ln,2),"#",1)) 'find last "for" in command line i=1 while i oi=i i=instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2))," for ",i+1) wend wt$=right$(bas$(ln,2),len(bas$(ln,2))-oi) wt$=word$(wt$,2) win$(wh,1)=hn$ 'handle #fful etc win$(wh,2)=n$ 'title win$(wh,3)=w$ 'width win$(wh,4)=h$ 'height win$(wh,5)=wt$ 'windowtype hnd$(wh)=hn$ 'for combobox wh=wh+1 end if end if end if next #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" wh=1 gosub [loadwindow] end if return
[line] bas$(ln,1)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,2)=trim$(ln$) w$=lower$(word$(ln$,1)) if instr(w$,"=",1)>1 then w$=word$(w$,1,"=") if len(w$)>3 then w1$=" "+w$+" " w2$=" "+w$+"=" if instr(wordlist$,w1$,1)>0 or instr(wordlist$,w2$,1)>0 or instr(lower$(ln$),"font ",1)>0 then bas$(ln,3)="#" end if ln=ln+1 return
[hand] #fful.hand "selectionindex? wh" gosub [loadwindow] wait
[loadwindow] redim obj(300,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight redim obj$(300,7) 'name,text content,resource,font obj=1 menuset=0 textEd = 0 projectback$="white" TextboxColor$="white" ListboxColor$="white" ComboboxColor$="white" TexteditorColor$="white" projectfore$="black" projectw=val(win$(wh,3)) if projectw=0 then projectw=320 projecth=val(win$(wh,4)) if projecth=0 then projecth=360 projecttitl$=win$(wh,2) projectwind$=win$(wh,5) projectform$=win$(wh,1) tbc$="" lbc$="" cbc$="" tec$="" gosub [propertyupdate] #fful.w "!";str$(projectw) #fful.h "!";str$(projecth)
'find controls and create obj() array for form we are interested in for ln=1 to basln 'update progress bar #prog.gb1 "cls ; place 0 0 ; boxfilled ";100+100/maxln*ln;" 25" if bas$(ln,3)="#" then 'reset obj pointer bas$(ln,4)="" 'create objects to control color only check lines after previous open statement up to our open statement if bas$(ln,1)>win$(wh-1,10) and bas$(ln,1)<=win$(wh,10) then if instr(bas$(ln,2),"TextboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=22 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ListboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=23 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ComboboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=24 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"TexteditorColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=21 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 end if for wc=1 to 12 if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),word$(wordlist$,wc),1)=1 and instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),lower$(projectform$),1)>0 then exit for next if wc<=11 then obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1) bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj) l$=bas$(ln,2) ll$="" 'remove spaces leaving only , separation but keep "" text untouched inString=0 for i=1 to len(l$) c$=mid$(l$,i,1) select case case c$=chr$(34) inString=1-inString case (inString=0) and c$=" " c$="" end select ll$=ll$+c$ next 'insert missing comma if missing if instr(ll$,","+chr$(34),1)=0 then ll$=left$(ll$,instr(ll$,chr$(34),1)-1)+","+right$(ll$,len(ll$)-instr(ll$,chr$(34),1)+1) if left$(ll$,1)="," then ll$=right$(ll$,len(ll$)-1) obj(obj,TT)=wc 'type obj(obj,TH)=projectctrh 'get the .ctrl name obj$(obj,Ctr)=right$(word$(ll$,1,","),len(word$(ll$,1,","))-len(word$(ll$,1,"."))-1) 'for un-named controls if obj$(obj,Ctr)="" then obj$(obj,Ctr) = word$(wordlist$,wc);obj 'get the text if wc=1 or wc=5 or wc=8 or wc=9 or wc=10 then obj$(obj,Tex)=word$(ll$,2,chr$(34)) else obj$(obj,Tex)=word$(wordlist$,wc) 'get the array or bmp file name if wc=3 or wc=4 or wc=6 then obj$(obj,Ress)=word$(ll$,2,",") if wc=8 or wc=9 then obj$(obj,Ress)=word$(ll$,3,",")+","+word$(ll$,4,",") 'get rid of "" if wc=6 and left$(obj$(obj,Ress),1)=chr$(34) then obj$(obj,Ress)=mid$(obj$(obj,Ress),2,len(obj$(obj,Ress))-2) 'array() -> array( if (wc=3 or wc=4) and right$(obj$(obj,Ress),1)=")" then obj$(obj,Ress)=left$(obj$(obj,Ress), len(obj$(obj,Ress))-1) i=1 while word$(ll$,i,",")<>"" i=i+1 wend i=i-4 if wc=6 or wc=5 then 'buttons and bmpbuttons can have xy, wh is optional and they have XX corners if i=3 then obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'y if wc=5 then 'we need to find a way to calculate width and height if not given #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(obj,W)=width*len(obj$(obj,Tex))+10 obj(obj,H)=projectctrh end if if wc=6 then 'we need a way to set bmp w and h on error goto [dummybmp] open obj$(obj,Ress) for input as #bmp 'the bmpfileheader bmp$ = Input$(#bmp,lof(#bmp)) if mid$(bmp$,1,2) ="BM" then 'always BM obj(obj,W)=value(mid$(bmp$,19,4))'width obj(obj,H)=value(mid$(bmp$,23,4))'height obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" end if loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) close #bmp goto [passdummy]
[dummybmp] obj(obj,W)=25 obj(obj,H)=25 obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),"path.bmp" [passdummy] end if else obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+1,","))'y obj(obj,W)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'w obj(obj,H)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'h end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="LR" then obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="LL" then 'obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="UR" then obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x 'obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if else 'write to .bas tweaks listbox and combobox controls to line up properly 'so we need to untweak them now obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+1,","))'y if wc=1 then obj(obj,Y)=obj(obj,Y)-5 if wc=10 then obj(obj,Y)=obj(obj,Y)+5 if wc=3 or wc=4 then obj(obj,XX)=obj(obj,XX)-1 obj(obj,W)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'w if wc=3 or wc=4 then obj(obj,W)=obj(obj,W)+2 obj(obj,H)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'h end if obj=obj+1 end if end if next
'now find font commands listed after the open statement referring to the #form '#form.ctrl !font fontname 'if so add a new font object for ln = 1 to basln if bas$(ln,3)="#" then lln$=lower$(bas$(ln,2)) if (instr(lln$,lower$(projectform$),1)>0 and instr(lln$,chr$(34);"font ",1)>0) or (instr(lln$,lower$(projectform$),1)>0 and instr(lln$,chr$(34);"!font ",1)>0) then f$=right$(lln$,len(lln$)-instr(lln$,"font",1)-4) if instr(f$,";",1)=0 then obj$(obj,Fon)=f$ obj$(obj,Fon)=left$(obj$(obj,Fon),len(obj$(obj,Fon))-1) obj$(obj,Ctr)=word$(word$(lln$,1),2,".") if instr(lln$,"!font",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=51 else obj(obj,TT)=50 obj$(obj,Bass)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj)
'find the visible object and store the font change for n=1 to obj if obj$(n,Ctr)=obj$(obj,Ctr) then obj$(n,Fon)=obj$(obj,Fon) #fful.gb "font ";obj$(obj,Fon) #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" obj(n,TH)=(yp-100)/2+7 exit for end if next obj=obj+1 end if end if end if next if win$(wh,6)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,6)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,6) obj(obj,TT)=41 obj=obj+1 'backgroundcolor end if if win$(wh,7)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,7)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,7) obj(obj,TT)=42 obj=obj+1 'foregroundcolor end if if win$(wh,8)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,8)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,8) obj(obj,TT)=43 obj=obj+1 'windowwidth end if if win$(wh,9)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,9)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,9) obj(obj,TT)=44 obj=obj+1 n=n+1 'windowheight end if if win$(wh,10)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,10)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,10) obj(obj,TT)=45 obj=obj+1 'open statement end if obj=obj-1 gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #prog "hide" #prop "hide" #prop "show" show=1 return
[export] 'all previously imported lines will be deleted and replaced by the obj( lines 'deletelist$ remembers the original imported line numbers in line number order if file$<>"" and right$(file$,3)="bas" then open file$ for output as #bas 'open "export.bas" for output as #bas for ln=1 to basln 'find any object associated with this line found=0 for l=1 to obj if bas$(ln,1)=obj$(l,Bass) then found=1 'have we got to the open command line yet if obj(l,TT)=45 then 'write all new lines prior to 45 (controls) for m=1 to obj if obj$(m,Bass)="" and obj(m,TT)<45 and obj(m,TT)<>0 then n=m gosub [exportline] end if next 'write 45 (open line) n=l gosub [exportline] 'write all new lines after 45 (open) ie (fonts)
'apply any control specific fonts" for m= 1 to obj if obj(m,TT)<>0 and obj$(m,Fon)<>"" then if obj(m,TT)=1 or obj(m,TT)=2 or obj(m,TT)=5 or obj(m,TT)=10 or obj(m,TT)=11 then #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(m,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(m,Fon);chr$(34) end if if obj(m,TT)=3 or obj(m,TT)=4 or obj(m,TT)=7 or obj(m,TT)=8 or obj(m,TT)=9 then #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(m,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(m,Fon);chr$(34) end if end if next end if 'edit or erase existing line if obj(l,TT)=0 then else if obj(l,TT)<>45 then n=l gosub [exportline] end if end if end if next if found=0 then #bas " ";bas$(ln,2) next close #bas end if 'now reload amended .bas file gosub [importit] return
[exportline] select case obj(n,TT) 'handle the visible controls case 1 'statictext #bas " statictext ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);trim$(obj$(n,Tex));chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)+5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 2 'textbox #bas " textbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 3 'list box #bas " listbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 4 'combobox #bas " combobox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 5 'button #bas " button ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 6 'bmpbutton #bas " bmpbutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Ress);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y) case 7 'graphicbox #bas " graphicbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 8 'radiobutton #bas " radiobutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 9 'checkbox #bas " checkbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 10 'group box #bas " groupbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)-5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 11 'texteditor #bas " texteditor ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H)
'handle the undisplayed color and font objects only used for import/export case 22 'textboxcolor #bas " TextboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 23 'listboxcolor #bas " ListboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 24 'comboboxcolor #bas " ComboboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 21 'texteditorcolor #bas " TexteditorColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34)
' handle the window code case 41'backgroundcolor #bas " BackgroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectback$;chr$(34) case 42'foregroundcolor #bas " ForegroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectfore$;chr$(34) case 43'windowidth #bas " WindowWidth=";projectw case 44'windowheight #bas " WindowHeight=";projecth case 45'open #bas " Open ";chr$(34);projecttitl$;chr$(34);" for ";projectwind$;" as ";projectform$
'handle font changes case 50 'font if obj$(n,Ctr) = "" and projectform$ <> "" and projectfont$ <> "" then #bas " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"font ";projectfont$;chr$(34) goto [delDot] end if #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) [delDot] case 51 '!font #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end select return
[new] redim obj(300,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight redim obj$(300,7) 'name,text content,resource,font obj=0 menuset=0 textEd = 0 projectw=600 projecth=400 projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" projectctrc$="white" projecttitl$="Untitled" projectform$="#1" 'if import <> 1 then projectfile$="Untitled.bas" projectwind$="window_nf" #prop.cbwind "select window_nf" redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [propertyupdate] gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #prop "hide" #prop "show" show=1 return
[propertyupdate] #prop.tbfile projectfile$ #prop.cbwind "select ";projectwind$ #prop.tbtitl projecttitl$ #prop.tbform projectform$ #prop.tbctrl "" #prop.tbtext "" #prop.tbreso "" #prop.tbxywh projectw;"x";projecth #prop.tbfont projectfont$ #prop.tbcolo projectfore$;"/";projectback$ return
[resize] '#fful.tool "select Add New" #fful.form "select File" if wh=0 then wh=1 #fful.hand "selectindex ";wh #fful.grid "select Set Grid" #fful.font "select Set Font" #fful.color "select Set Color" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [drawall] wait
[formsize] #fful.w "contents? w$" #fful.h "contents? h$" wf=val(w$) hf=val(h$) if wf=0 or hf=0 or (wf=projectw and hf=projecth) then wait projectw=wf projecth=hf insertx=grid inserty=grid gosub [drawgrid] #fful.gb "setfocus" gosub [drawall] wait
[grid] 'resize the grid spacing according to user choice, default is 10 #fful.grid "contents? g$" select case g$ case "Invisible" gridvisible=0 grid=1 case "Visible" gridvisible=1 case else grid=val(g$) if grid = 1 then gridvisible = 0 if grid > 2 then gridvisible = 1 end select gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gridsize grid #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[drawgrid] projectgrid=grid #fful.gb "cls; fill lightgray" if grid > 0 and gridvisible = 1 then #fful.gb "color ";gridcolor$ ' Grid - Draw vertical lines if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color ";gridcolor$;" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-25 for xs = 0 to projectw step grid ' Grid - Draw horizontal lines #fful.gb "line "; xs; " "; 0; " "; xs; " "; projecth-25 next xs for ys = 0 to projecth-25 step grid #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ys; " "; projectw; " "; ys next ys #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-25;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; 0 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; 0; " ";projecth-25 end if 'adjust grid when menu, or texeditor control is selected - revert if menu and texeditor deleted /no longer used., if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color ";gridcolor$;" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "color ";gridcolor$ for xs = 0 to projectw step grid #fful.gb "line "; xs; " "; 0; " "; xs; " "; projecth-50 next xs for ys = 0 to projecth-50 step grid #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ys; " "; projectw; " "; ys next ys #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-50;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; projectw; " ";0 end if end if [nogrid] if grid < 2 or gridvisible = 0 then if textEd =0 and menuset = 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color white";" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "color ";crosshair$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw/2; " "; 0; " "; projectw/2; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ((projecth)/2)-12; " "; projectw; " "; ((projecth)/2)-12 #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-25;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; 0 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; 0; " ";projecth-25 end if if textEd > 0 or menuset = 1 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color white";" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "color ";crosshair$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw/2; " "; 0; " "; projectw/2; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; (projecth-50)/2; " "; projectw; " "; (projecth-50)/2 #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-50;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; projectw; " ";0 end if end if #fful.gb "flush bak" #fful.grid "select 0" #fful.grid "!Set Grid" return
[font] #fful.font "contents? f$" if f$="Project Font" then fontdialog projectfont$,f$ if f$<>"" then projectfont$=f$ #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" projectctrh=(yp-100)/2+7 ctrf$=projectfont$ ctrh=projectctrh end if end if if f$="Control Font" then fontdialog projectfont$,f$ if f$<>"" then ctrf$=f$ #fful.gb "font ";ctrf$ #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" ctrh=(yp-100)/2+7 end if if selected then obj$(selected,4)=ctrf$ 'font obj(selected,6)=ctrh 'text height end if 'for single line text controls auto adjust w and h if selected and instr("1 2 5 8 9",str$(obj(selected,5)),1) >1 then obj(selected,4)=ctrh #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(selected,3)=width*len(obj$(selected,2))+10 end if end if if f$="ResetControl" then ctrf$=projectfont$ ctrh=projectctrh if selected then obj$(selected,4)=ctrf$ obj(selected,6)=ctrh end if 'for single line text controls auto adjust w and h if selected and instr("1 2 5 8 9",str$(obj(selected,5)),1) >1 then #fful.gb "font ";ctrf$ obj(selected,4)=ctrh #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(selected,3)=width*len(obj$(selected,2))+10 end if end if #fful.font "select Set Font" gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[color] #fful.color "contents? c$" select case c$ case "Control Back" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then if selected then 'insert color change event ahead of control if obj(selected,TT)=2 then ct=22 : projecttbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=3 then ct=23 : projectlbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=4 then ct=24 : projectcbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=11 then ct=21 : projecttecl$=cp$ for n=obj+1 to selected+1 step -1 obj(n,XX)=obj(n-1,XX) obj(n,Y)=obj(n-1,Y) obj(n,W)=obj(n-1,W) obj(n,H)=obj(n-1,H) obj(n,TT)=obj(n-1,TT) obj(n,TH)=obj(n-1,TH) obj$(n,Ctr)=obj$(n-1,Ctr) obj$(n,Tex)=obj$(n-1,Tex) obj$(n,Ress)=obj$(n-1,Ress) obj$(n,Fon)=obj$(n-1,Fon) obj$(n,Bak)=obj$(n-1,Bak) obj$(n,Bass)=obj$(n-1,Bass) next obj(selected,TT)=ct obj$(selected,Tex)="Color!" obj$(selected,Bak)=cp$ 'obj$(selected,Bass)="XX" 'remove any previous color change statement if selected>=2 then if obj(selected-1,TT)=ct then obj(selected-1,TT)=0 end if obj=obj+1 end if end if case "Project Back" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then projectback$=cp$ if cp$<>"" then ctrc$=cp$ gosub [drawgrid] case "Project Fore" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then projectfore$=cp$ case "Grid Color" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then gridcolor$=cp$ gosub [drawgrid] case "Border Color" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then bordercolor$=cp$ case "CrossHair" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then crosshair$=cp$ end select #fful.color "select Set Color" gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[windowtype] #prop.cbwind "contents? projectwind$" wait
[colorpick] WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=225 UpperLeftX = insertx UpperLeftY = inserty graphicbox #pick.gb,25,10,170,170 open "Color Pick" for dialog_nf_modal as #pick #pick "font Consolas 9" #pick "trapclose [quitpick]" #pick.gb "down ; fill white ; flush" cl$="black darkgray lightgray buttonface red green blue yellow pink darkpink darkred brown darkgreen cyan white white " c=1 for yc=1 to 160 step 40 for xc= 1 to 160 step 40 #pick.gb "backcolor ";word$(cl$,c);" ; place ";xc;" ";yc;" ; boxfilled ";xc+40;" ";yc+40 c=c+1 if c>15 then c=15 next next #pick.gb "when leftButtonDown [pick]" wait
[pick] xp=int(MouseX/40) yp=int(MouseY/40) c=xp+yp*4+1 cp$=word$(cl$,c)
[quitpick] close #pick return
[cthelp] run "notepad help.txt" wait
[code] code = 1 goto [prev]
'control buttons [bttnSTTX] i=1 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnTXBX] i=2 : gosub [drawTool] : wait : wait [bttnLSTBX] i=3 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnCMBOBX] i=4 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnBTTN] i=5 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnBMPBTTN] i=6 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnGRPHCBX] i=7 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnRDBTTN] i=8 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnCHKBX] i=9 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnGRPBX] i=10 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnTXTEDTR] i=11 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnMNU] i=12 : gosub [drawTool] : wait
[negbarrier] if negbar = 1 then negbar = 0 #fful.negbarrier "Barrier -" else negbar = 1 #fful.negbarrier "No Barrier -" end if wait
[barrier] if barrier = 1 then barrier = 0 #fful.barrier "Barrier +" else barrier = 1 #fful.barrier "No Barrier +" end if wait
[block] wait
[quitfful] 'save away current session to lastsession.ffu open "lastsession.ffu" for output as #ses #ses projectfile$ #ses projectwind$ #ses projectform$ #ses projecttitl$ #ses projectfont$ #ses projectback$ #ses projectfore$ #ses projectctrh #ses projectgrid #ses projectw #ses projecth for n=1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 then #ses obj(n,XX);","; #ses obj(n,Y);","; #ses obj(n,W);","; #ses obj(n,H);","; #ses obj(n,TT);","; #ses obj(n,TH) #ses obj$(n,Ctr) #ses obj$(n,Tex) #ses obj$(n,Ress) #ses obj$(n,Fon) #ses obj$(n,Bak) end if next close #ses close #prop close #prog close #fful fastGuiOpen = 0 #codeTank.fastgui "!enable" wait
function replace$( text$ , this$, tothis$ ) while 1 if instr(text$, this$) then f = instr(text$, this$) lenght=len(this$) text$ = mid$(text$,1,f-1);_ tothis$;mid$(text$,f+lenght) else exit while end if wend replace$=text$ end function
sub pleasewait global pleasewaitOpen WindowWidth = 150 : WindowHeight = 170 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)'-100 UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)'-500 statictext #pleasewait.text, "Please Wait", 30, 20, 100, 20 statictext #pleasewait.text2, "This Can Take", 40, 50, 100, 20 statictext #pleasewait.text3, " Take Up to", 25, 80, 100, 20 statictext #pleasewait.text4, "25 Secs / File", 20, 110, 110, 20 button #pleasewait.fake, "", [quit.pleasewait], ul, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "untiltled" for dialog_popup as #pleasewait #pleasewait "trapclose [quit.pleasewait]" #pleasewait "font arial 12 bold" pleasewaitOpen = 1 end sub
sub writeAutoSave global autoSave$ autoSave$ = "autoSave.vbs" open autoSave$ for output as #1 #1 "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(";q$;"WScript.Shell";q$;")" #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save *.TKN File As...";q$;")" #1, "Loop" #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Information";q$;")" #1, "Loop" #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"pleasewait";q$;")" close #1 end sub
'function to retrieve Users Home Path (thanks to Brandon Parker) Function GetSpecialFolder$(CSIDL) S.OK = NULL GetSpecialFolder$ = "Operation Failed" pszPath$ = Space$(_MAX_PATH);chr$(0)
CallDLL #shell32, "SHGetFolderPathA", _NULL As ulong, _ 'hWnd is RESERVED CSIDL As long, _ 'CSIDL value _NULL As ulong, _ 'hToken is set to NULL to check the current token 0 As ulong, _ 'dwFlags is set to NULL to represent SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT pszPath$ As ptr, _ 'pszPath is where the path string will be stored upon return ret As long
If (ret = S.OK) Then GetSpecialFolder$ = Trim$(pszPath$) End Function
'edit date$() return for use in filenames sub fixdate global fixeddate$ fixDate$ = Date$() 'set up a date format that works with a filename(remove the /) fix1$ =word$(fixDate$, 1, " ") ' = Month, fix2$ = word$(fixDate$, 2, " ") ' = Month fix2$ = left$(fix2$, len(fix2$)-1) ' = Number of day fix3$ = word$(fixDate$, 3 ," ") ' = Year - 4 digits fix3$ = right$(fix3$, 2) ' = Year - 2 digits fixeddate$ = fix1$;"-";fix2$;"-";fix3$ ' = Month-NumberOfDay-Year end sub
'edit Time$() return for use in filenames sub fixtime global fixedtime$ fixTime$ = Time$() 'set up a time format that works with a filename(remove the /) fix1$ = word$(fixTime$, 1, ":")' - remove the "." 's fix2$ = word$(fixTime$, 2 ,":") fixedtime$ = "-";fix1$;"-";fix2$;"_"' ' add dashes - end sub
sub resetRadioOptions dictionary$ = "" : keyCount = 0 : lastKey$ = "" : selectedKey$ = "" call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0 " #codeTank.keys "select 0" end sub
'function for checking file existence function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim info$(0, 0) files path$, filename$, info$() fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function
'function for checking folder existence function pathExists(path$) pathExists = (mkdir(path$)=183) end function
[textEdMirror] if textedMOpen = 1 then #textedM.edMirror "!setfocus" : wait WindowWidth = 700 WindowHeight = 500 texteditor #textedM.edMirror, 20, 20, 640, 400 button #textedM.incFont, "&+", [incEdFont], UL, 220, 0, 20, 23 button #textedM.decFont, "&-", [decEdFont], UL, 400, 0, 20, 23 button #textedM.mirror, "&ScratchPad", [scratch], UL, 250, 0, 140, 23 open "TextEditor Mirror" for Window as #textedM #textedM "trapclose [quit.textedM]" #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #textedM.edMirror code$ #textedM "Font Arial 12" EdMirFont = 12 #textedM.edMirror, "!setfocus" #textedM.edMirror "!origin 0 0" textedMOpen = 1 #textedM.edMirror "!autoresize" if selectedKey$ = "" then [setCatScratch] wait
[scratch] #codeTank.savedprojects "reset" #textedM.edMirror "!contents? code$" #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.value code$ call saveValue mir = 1 : gosub [deleteOrig] mir = 0 [setCatScratch] newKey$ = selectedKey$ if categorie$ = "" or selectedKey$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" end if call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 code$ close #1 call resetRadioOptions call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value "!cls" categorie$ = "ScratchPad" selectedKey$ = "Scratch" #textedM.edMirror "!cls" #textedM.edMirror, "!setfocus" #textedM.edMirror, "!origin 0 0" wait
[incEdFont] EdMirFont = EdMirFont + 1 #textedM.edMirror "!font Arial ";EdMirFont wait [decEdFont] EdMirFont = EdMirFont - 1 #textedM.edMirror "!font Arial ";EdMirFont wait
[quit.pleaseWait] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[quit.textedM] call saveValue #textedM.edMirror "!contents? code$" close #textedM : textedMOpen = 0 #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.value code$ #codeTank.value "!origin 0 0" mir = 1 : gosub [deleteOrig] mir = 0 call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select "; newKey$ if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" end if open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 code$ close #1 call resetRadioOptions call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
'quit program [quit.codeTank] if textedMOpen = 1 then text$ = "Quiting will close the Editor Mirror"+chr$(13)+chr$(13) text$ = text$+"Quit Anyway?"+chr$(13) a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if call saveValue gosub [cleanUp] if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0 if fastcodeOpen = 1 then close #fastcode : fastcodeOpen = 0 if propOpen = 1 then close #prop : propOpen = 0 if progOpen = 1 then close #prog : progOpen = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then close #results : resultsOpen = 0 if mainListOpen = 1 then close #codeTankList : mainListOpen = 0 if fastGuiOpen = 1 then close #fful : fastGuiOpen = 0 if textedMOpen = 1 then close #textedM : textedMOpen = 0 if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 if codetankOpen = 1 then close #codeTank : codetankOpen = 0 if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 end
'sub to create pauses in program sub pause mil t=time$("ms")+mil while time$("ms")<t scan wend end sub
'sub to save current Dictionary Listings and text in texeditor sub saveValue 'if the value is changed, save it if lastKey$ <> "" then #codeTank.value "!modified? modified$"; if modified$ = "true" then #codeTank.value "!contents? saveThisValue$"; call setValueByName lastKey$, saveThisValue$ call collectGarbage call writeDictionary end if end if end sub
'function to get selected Listing function getKeys$(delimiter$) global keyCount pointer = 1 while pointer <> 0 'get the next key pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) if pointer then keyPointer = pointer + 9 pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer) if instr(keyList$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) = 0 then getKeys$ = getKeys$ + key$ + delimiter$ keyList$ = keyList$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ keyCount = keyCount + 1 end if end if wend end function
'sub to write each Listing to corresponding file sub writeDictionary if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" if categorie$ = "ScratchPad" then open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #writeDict #writeDict date$();time$() goto [writeit] end if open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for output as #writeDict [writeit] #writeDict, dictionary$ close #writeDict end sub
'sub to read each Listing from corresponding file sub readDictionary if fileExists(DefaultDir$, categorie$) <> 0 then open categorie$ for input as #readDict length = lof(#readDict) dictionary$ = input$(#readDict, length) close #readDict else end if end sub
'sub to cleanup any mess in the dictionary text sub collectGarbage pointer = 1 while pointer > 0 'get the next key pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) if pointer then keyPointer = pointer + 9 pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer) if instr(keyList$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) = 0 then value$ = getValue$(key$) newDictionary$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + value$ + newDictionary$ keyList$ = keyList$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) end if end if wend dictionary$ = newDictionary$ end sub
sub setValueByName key$, value$ dictionary$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);key$;chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+value$+dictionary$ end sub
'function to get info from selected Listing function getValue$(key$) getValue$ = chr$(0) keyPosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+key$+chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) if keyPosition > 0 then keyPosition = keyPosition + 9 'skip over key tag valuePosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), keyPosition) if valuePosition > 0 then valuePosition = valuePosition + 11 'skip over value tag endPosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), valuePosition) if endPosition > 0 then getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition, endPosition - valuePosition) else getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition) end if end if end if end function
'sub to load selected categorie List sub loadKeys keyList$ = getKeys$(chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) redim keys$(keyCount) for item = 1 to keyCount keys$(item-1) = word$(keyList$, item, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) next item sort keys$(), 0, keyCount #codeTank.keys "reload" keyCount = 0 end sub
'function to separate filename from full path to file function GetFilename$(fileName$) i = len(fileName$) while mid$(fileName$, i, 1) <> "\" and mid$(fileName$, i, 1) <> "" i = i-1 wend GetFilename$ = mid$(fileName$, i+1) end function
'function to delete entire folder (including sub folders and files) function delete$(folder$) run "cmd.exe /c rd /s /q ";q$;folder$;q$, HIDE end function
'function makes customized confirmation window function custcon$(text$) global text$, customconfirmOpen, a$, answer$, fault WindowWidth = 540 : WindowHeight = 300 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) statictext #customconfirm.header "Notice to User", 190, 10, 130, 30 statictext #customconfirm.text text$, 40, 60, 490, 120 button #customconfirm.default "&OK", [confirmYes], ul, 220, 200, 80, 35 button #customconfirm.yes "&Yes", [confirmYes], ul, 100, 200, 120, 35 button #customconfirm.no "&No", [confirmNo], ul, 320, 200, 120, 35 open "Confirmation Required" for dialog_modal as #customconfirm #customconfirm "trapclose [confirmNo]" #customconfirm "font arial 12" customconfirmOpen = 1 #customconfirm.default "!hide" wait [confirmNo] answer$ = "No" if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 goto [endFunction] [confirmYes] answer$ = "Yes" if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 [endFunction] end function
FUNCTION FN.Screen(BYREF Szx, BYREF Szy) Szx = DisplayWidth Szy = DisplayHeight FN.Display = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.PercentScreen(PercentX, PercentY, BYREF Szx, BYREF Szy) Szx = INT(DisplayWidth * PercentX) Szy = INT(DisplayHeight * PercentY) FN.PercentScreen = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.ScreenCenter(BYREF Cx, BYREF Cy) Cx = INT(DisplayWidth * 0.5) Cy = INT(DisplayHeight * 0.5) FN.ScreenCenter = Cx * Cy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.SetWinPos(PosX, PosY) UpperLeftX = PosX UpperLeftY = PosY FN.SetWinPos = PosX * PosY END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.SetWinSize(Szx, Szy) WindowWidth = Szx WindowHeight = Szy FN.SetWinSize = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
sub resized handle$ TxbUx = 100 '<--- location and size of text box TxbUy = 50 Txbsx = 100 Txbsy = 25 Txbsx = WindowWidth - TxbUx - Txbsx '<--- resize text box #codeTank.numLines, "!LOCATE ";WindowWidth-130;" "; 50;" ";120;" "; 25 #codeTank.filePath, "!LOCATE ";TxbUx;" ";TxbUy;" ";Txbsx-30;" ";Txbsy #codeTank.keys, "LOCATE ";100;" ";75;" ";340;" ";WindowHeight-600+60+270 #codeTank, "REFRESH" end sub
'sub to make folder dialog window sub browser caption$ dim info$(0, 0) dim folderInfo$(0, 0) WindowWidth = 700 WindowHeight = 500 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) gosub [FolderDlgGetDrives] statictext #folderdlg.selection, "Selection >> ", 40, 505, 95, 15 statictext #folderdlg.caption, caption$, 150, 20, 525, 35 listbox #folderdlg.filelist, fileList$(, [fileSelect], 350, 50, 320, 310 listbox #folderdlg.list, FolderList$(, [FolderDlgSelect], 15, 50, 320, 310 button #folderdlg.default, "OK", [FolderDlgOk], UL, 220, 410, 75, 25 button #folderdlg.back, "< < <", [FolderDlgBack], UL, 10, 10, 60, 30 button #folderdlg.C, "Cancel", [FolderDlgCancel], UL, 395, 410, 75, 25 button #folderdlg.plusfont, "+", [plusFont], UL, 75, 10, 30, 30 button #folderdlg.minusfont, "-", [minusFont], UL, 110, 10, 30, 30 textbox #folderdlg.text, 15, 360, 655, 25 BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" open "Liberty Basic File Browser" for dialog_modal as #folderdlg #folderdlg, "trapclose [FolderDlgCancel]" #folderdlg.text, "Selected (Drive \ Folder \ File) Path Appears Here" #folderdlg, "font Arial 12 bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "singleclickselect" #folderdlg.list, "singleclickselect" fontsize = 12 wait
[minusFont] fontsize = fontsize - 1 #folderdlg.list, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" wait
[plusFont] fontsize = fontsize + 1 #folderdlg.list, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" wait
[FolderDlgSelect] #folderdlg.list, "selection? temp$" if temp$ <> "" then level = level+1 folder$ = folder$; temp$; "\" #folderdlg.text, folder$ gosub [FolderDlgGetDir] #folderdlg.list, "reload" #folderdlg.list, "select 0" #folderdlg.default "!setfocus" end if wait
[FolderDlgBack] if level > 0 then level = level-1 if level = 0 then folder$ = "" gosub [FolderDlgGetDrives] else i = len(folder$)-1 while mid$(folder$, i, 1) <> "\" and mid$(folder$, i, 1) <> "" i = i-1 wend folder$ = left$(folder$, i) gosub [FolderDlgGetDir] end if #folderdlg.text, folder$ fileList$(0) = " F I L E S" #folderdlg.list, "reload" #folderdlg.filelist, "reload" end if wait
[FolderDlgGetDrives] c = 1 while word$(Drives$, c) <> "" c = c+1 wend redim FolderList$(c) FolderList$(0) = " D R I V E S" for i = 1 to c FolderList$(i) = word$(Drives$, i) next i redim fileList$(0) return
[FolderDlgGetDir] files folder$, info$( s = val(info$(0,0)) tt = val(info$(0,1)) redim FolderList$(tt) FolderList$(0) = " F O L D E R S" for i = 1 to tt FolderList$(i) = info$(i+s, 1) next i
[filesBack] files folder$, "*.*", folderInfo$() numFiles = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) redim fileList$(numFiles) for x = 1 to numFiles filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) fileList$(x) = filename$ next x fileList$(0) = " F I L E S" sort fileList$(), 0 , numFiles #folderdlg.filelist, "reload" return
[fileSelect] #folderdlg.filelist "selection? file$" #folderdlg.text, folder$;file$ wait
[FolderDlgOk] #folderdlg.text, "!contents? FolderDialog$" If right$(FolderDialog$,1) = "\" then if right$(FolderDialog$, 2) = ":\" then [goAround] FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$) - 1) else [goAround] notice "The Selection was Not a Folder" : close #folderdlg : wait end if
[FolderDlgCancel] close #folderdlg end sub
sub quit fast$ close #fastcode fastcodeOpen = 1 end sub
'sub to generate the window code and copy to clipboard, and texeditor sub dummy fast$ global toPrint$ select case case fast$ = "#fastcode.button1" #fastcode.txt1 "!contents? txt$" #fastcode.txt2 "!contents? theName$" #fastcode.r1 "value? result$" if result$="set" then itag$="[" otag$="]" closingCode$= "[quit]";chr$(13);_ " close ";txt$;chr$(13);_ " end" else closingCode$ = "Sub quit fast$";chr$(13);_ " close #fast$" ;chr$(13);_ " end";chr$(13);_ "End Sub" end if #fastcode.combo "selection? sel$" if instr(sel$,"popup") then includeButton$= "button ";txt$;".button1 ";chr$(34);_ "&X";chr$(34);", "; itag$;"quit";otag$;", ul, 610, 5, 25, 20" end if toPrint$ = "nomainwin";chr$(13);"WindowWidth = 640";chr$(13);"WindowHeight = 480";chr$(13);_ "UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)";chr$(13);_ "UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)";chr$(13);_ includeButton$;chr$(13);_ "Open ";chr$(34);theName$;chr$(34);" for ";sel$; " as ";txt$;chr$(13);_ " ";txt$;" "; chr$(34); "trapclose ";itag$;"quit";otag$; chr$(34);chr$(13);_ "wait";chr$(13);chr$(13);_ closingCode$ #fastcode.ed "!cls" #fastcode.ed toPrint$ #fastcode.ed "!selectall" #fastcode.ed "!copy" #fastcode.ed "!paste" #fastcode.ed "!origin 0 0" end select end sub
function getsize$(l$) 'what if it is a variable? v$="" pos=1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) while instr("1234567890",n$,1)=0 and pos<len(l$) pos=pos+1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) wend while n$>="0" and n$<="9" and pos<=len(l$) v$=v$+n$ pos=pos+1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) wend getsize$=v$ end function
function getcolor$(l$) if l$="palegray" then l$="lightgray" 'what if it is a variable? cl$="darkgray lightgray buttonface darkred darkpink darkgreen blue yellow pink red brown green cyan white black " for c= 1 to 15 if instr(l$,word$(cl$,c),1)>0 then getcolor$=word$(cl$,c) : exit for next if getcolor$="" then getcolor$="white" end function
function value(x$) select case len(x$) case 1 value = asc(x$) case 2 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) case 3 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,3,1))*65536) case 4 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,3,1))*65536) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,4,1))*16777216) end select end function
'subroutine for selections of combo boxes sub asciiSelected asciiList$ #codeTank.asciiList, "selection? asciiChoice$" #codeTank.filePath asciiChoice$ #codeTank.fake "!cls" #codeTank.fake asciiChoice$ #codeTank.fake "!selectall" #codeTank.fake "!copy" #codeTank.asciiList, "! ASCII Codes" end sub
sub getAscii dim asciiList$(250) y = 7 asciiList$(0)= " Controls" asciiList$(1) = " chr$(0) = (nul) ";chr$(0) asciiList$(2) = " chr$(27) = (escape) ";chr$(27) asciiList$(3) = " chr$(32) = (space) ";chr$(32) asciiList$(4) = " chr$(13) = (enter) ";chr$(13) asciiList$(5) = " Printables" asciiList$(6) = " chr$(32)= (space) ";chr$(32) for x = 33 to 255 asciiList$(y) = " chr$(";x;") = ";chr$(x) y = y + 1 next x #codeTank.asciiList, "reload" #codeTank.asciiList, "! ASCII Codes" end sub
sub lbreservedwordSelected lbReservedwordList$ #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, "selection? lbreserved$" #codeTank.filePath lbreserved$ #codeTank.fake "!cls" #codeTank.fake lbreserved$ #codeTank.fake "!selectall" #codeTank.fake "!copy" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "select 0" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "! Reserved Words" end sub
sub getlbreservedwords global lbReservedWords$ dim lbreservedwordsList$(250) for x = 0 to 250 filename$ = word$(lbReservedWords$, x ,",") lbreservedwordsList$(x) = filename$ next x sort lbreservedwordsList$(), 1 ,250 #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, "reload" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "! Reserved Words" end sub
[LBB_EXE] LBB = 0 LBB$ = DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe" cursor hourglass fname0$ = GetFilename$(fname$) open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for input as #1 open DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$ for output as #2 temp$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) #2 temp$ close #1 close #2 call writeAutoSaveLBB run "wscript ";autoSaveLBB$ run LBB$;" -C -M -A ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$ fname1$ = fnamenobas$;".exe" while fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fname1$) = 0 scan wend call pause 10000 fullname$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;ve$;"_";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fname1$) then name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname1$ as fullname$ end if if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fnamenobas$;".bas") then name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;".bas" as DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;ve$;"_";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".bas" end if print x x=0 goto [LBB_RETURN] return
sub writeAutoSaveLBB global fullname$ q$ = chr$(34) global autoSaveLBB$, fname1$, fname$, fnamenobas$ autoSaveLBB$ = "autoSaveLBB.vbs" open autoSaveLBB$ for output as #1 dir$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE" #1 "Set FSO = CreateObject(";q$;"Scripting.FileSystemObject";q$;")" #1 "Set objFolder = FSO.GetFolder(";q$;dir$;q$;")" #1 "Set objFiles = objFolder.Files " #1 "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(";q$;"WScript.Shell";q$;")" #1 "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save standalone executable";q$;")" #1 "Loop" #1 "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save standalone executable";q$;")" #1 "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1 "For i=0 to objFiles.Count" #1 "If FSO.FileExists(";q$;"EXE\";fnamenobas$;".exe";q$;") Then exit for" #1 "Next" #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"LB Booster";q$;")" #1 "Loop" #1 "Wscript.Sleep(10000)" #1 "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"LB Booster";q$;")" #1 "Wscript.Sleep(300)" #1 "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1 "Set WshShell = nothing" #1 "Set FSO = nothing" #1 "Set objFolder = nothing" #1 "Set objFiles = nothing" close #1 end sub
Post by Admin on Sept 25, 2023 14:17:03 GMT
Another update to CodeTankPlus is available. Fixes a few issues that went unnoticed in the previous version. Batch creations of exe files working.
CodeTankPlus v1.8.3
'CodeTank v1.8.3F - For Liberty Basic v4.5.1 and (Pro) 'created by xxgeek Aug 2023 'This app uses "Dictionary" code, written by Carl Gundel, at it's core 'This app also uses FastCode written by cundo - a member of the JustBasic Forums 'This app also uses a Help search engine originally created by cundo - (orig name = JB Search) 'This app also uses a version of FFUL(FreeFormUltraLite) written by Rod - Admin at both JB and LB Forums ' All edited to suit this app 'Purposes - ' (1) To create reservoir(s) of code, subs, functions, scripts and example programs with ability to share_ '_ with others each category file, to merge with their own reservoir(s).
' (2) To automate the collection of support dll and sll files along with TKN file creation and renaming_ '_ of the run451.exe, and to automate the creation of EXE files with 3 differing methods
' (3) To create dated\timestamped backups of each .bas file, and a .tkn backup file of each .bas_ '_ file to 'Revert' back if\when needed.
'Use alt + ' Char Button ' c = [copy] - copies selected code in editor ' d = [Delete] - deletes a selected listing, and offers to delete it's project files as well ' e = [Create Single &EXE File] - creates a single EXE file from a selected BAS file ' f = [New From File] - user selects the file to add to the listing using filedialog ' g = [Merge File] - merge a file of a particular 'categorie' with another , possibly downloaded file ' l = [Edit in LB IDE] - opens selected code in LB IDE ' m = [Mirror Editor] - opens a window with a full screen editor mirroring the existing one. ' n = [New (Copy\Paste)] - Create a 'New' listing manually (not from a file) ' p = [paste] - pastes code into editor at location of I-Beam ' r = [RUN] - runs selected listing
' s = [Select All] - selects all the text in the texteditor ' s = [Scratch] button - on the Mirror window
' t = [Update TKN] - updates the TKN file of a selected listing (MyProjects, and MyPrograms ONLY) ' u = [cut] - cuts selected text from editor ' v = [Revert to Backup] - Overwrites the files of a selected listing with a selected backup
' + = Increase Font Size [+] ' - = Decrease Font Size [-]
'WARNING - Save to a folder of it's own, it creates files, and folders when used.
' Please Note: ' When selecting a .bas file to create a New Project, or Program....... ' Make sure the .bas file is a known good one, and runs/starts ok in the LB IDE ' If the .bas file cannot pass the compiler's check, it can cause havoc with the automation' ' process, and probably crash CodeTank. 'When RUNing any files be aware that the file you are running 'MAY' be the culprit if a problem arises. 'The LB IDE may stay open, along with a mainwin, and the user must close both manually. 'For help using CodeTank visit the Liberty Basic forums ' @ https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/
'on error goto [abort] nomainwin gosub [initiate]
[start] dim searchList$(500), info$(0,0), oneOf$(2500), mainList$(500) 'declare some variables global LBpath$, helpFilePath$, fname$ helpFilePath$ = LBpath$;"\lb4help\LibertyBASIC_4_web" helpFileMenu$ = "amber_menu.htm" 'dim arrays for key$ and info$ dim key$(1000) dim info$(500, 500) global toPrint$ res = mkdir("EXE") 'declare variables q$ = chr$(34) codeTank$ = "#codeTank" LBruntime$ = "run451.exe" lbReservedWords$ = " AND, APPEND, AS, BEEP, BMPBUTTON, BMPSAVE, BUTTON, BYREF, CALL, CALLDLL, CALLFN, CASE, CHECKBOX, CLOSE, CLS, COLORDIALOG, COMBOBOX, CONFIRM, CURSOR, DATA, DIALOG, DIM, DLL, DO, DUMP, DWORD, ELSE, END, ERROR, EXIT, FIELD, FILEDIALOG, FILES, FONTDIALOG, FOR, FUNCTION, GET, GETTRIM, GLOBAL, GOSUB, GOTO, GRAPHICBOX, GRAPHICS, GROUPBOX, IF, INPUT, INPUTCSV, KILL, LET, LINE, LISTBOX, LOADBMP, LONG, LOOP, LP, PRINT, MAINWIN, MAPHANDLE, MENU, NAME, NEXT, NOMAINWIN, NOTICE, ON, ONCOMERROR, OR, OPEN, OUTPUT, PASSWORD, PLAYMIDI, PLAYWAVE, POPUPMENU, PRINT, PRINTERDIALOG, PROMPT, PUT, PTR, RADIOBUTTON, RANDOM, RANDOMIZE, READ, READJOYSTICK, REDIM, REM, RESTORE, RESUME, RETURN, RUN, SCAN, SELECT, SHORT, SORT, STATICTEXT, STOP, STOPMIDI, STRUCT, SUB, TEXT, TEXTBOX, TEXTEDITOR, THEN, TIMER, TITLEBAR, TRACE, ULONG, UNLOADBMP, UNTIL, USHORT, VOID, WAIT, WINDOW, WEND, WHILE, XOR, ABS(, ACS(, AFTER$(, AFTERLAST$(, ASC(, ASN(, ATN(, CHR$(, COS(, DATE$(, DECHEX$(, EOF(, HBMP(, HEXDEC(, HTTPGET$(, HWND(, INP(, INPUT$(, INPUTTO$(, INSTR(, INT(, LEFT$(, LEN(, LOF(, LOG(, LOWER$(, MAX(, MIDIPOS(, MID$(, MIN(, MKDIR(, NOT(EXP(, HEXDEC(, INPUT$(, INPUTTO$(, INSTR(, INT(, LEFT$(, LEN(, LOF(, LOG(, LOWER$(, MAX(, MIDIPOS(, MID$(, MIN(, MKDIR(, NOT(, REMCHAR$(, REPLSTR$(, RIGHT$(, RMDIR(, RND(, SIN(, SPACE$(, SQR(, STR$(, TAB(, TAN(, TIME$(, TRIM$(, TXCOUNT(, UPPER$(, UPTO$(, USING(, VAL(, WINSTRING(, WORD$(, BackgroundColor$, ComboboxColor$, CommandLine$, DefaultDir$, DisplayHeight, DisplayWidth, Drives$, Err, Err$, ForegroundColor$, Joy1x, Joy1y, Joy1z, Joy1button1, Joy1button2, Joy2x, Joy2y, Joy2z, Joy2button1, Joy2button2, ListboxColor$, Platform$, PrintCollate, PrintCopies, PrinterFont$, PrinterName$, TextboxColor$, TexteditorColor$, Version$, WindowHeight, WindowWidth, UpperLeftX, UpperLeftY" DllList$="vbas31w.sll vgui31w.sll voflr31w.sll vthk31w.dll vtk1631w.dll vtk3231w.dll vvm31w.dll vvmt31w.dll" savedProjects$ = "savedProjects" MyProjects$ = "MyProjects" MyBackups$ = "MyBackups" programs$ = "Programs" vbs$ = "VBS-Scripts" cmd$ = "CMD-Scripts" examples$ = "Examples" snippets$ = "Snippets" lbExamples$ = "LB-Examples" lbBakFiles$ = "LB-BAK-Files" subroutines$ = "Subroutines" functions$ = "Functions" mainFontsize = 10 project = 1 WinWide = 1000 '1000 WinHigh = 600
UserMonitorResx = 1000 '800 UserMonitorResy = 600 '600
IF UserMonitorResx < WinWide THEN Diff = WinWide - UserMonitorResx WinWide = WinWide - Diff END IF
IF UserMonitorResy < WinHigh THEN Diff = WinHigh - UserMonitorResy WinHigh = WinHigh - Diff END IF
RetVal = FN.ScreenCenter(Cx, Cy) '<--- get screen center RetVal = FN.SetWinPos(Cx - INT(WinWide / 2), Cy - INT(WinHigh / 2)) '<--- set window pos RetVal = FN.SetWinSize(WinWide, WinHigh) '<--- set window size UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)-70 UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" menu #codeTank, "File" , "Open Liberty Basic", [openlb], "Open a File in Liberty Basic", [openlbFile], "Exit", [quit.codeTank] menu #codeTank, "Edit" menu #codeTank, "Browse" , "My Projects", [projectsDir], ".EXE Files", [EXEDir], ".TKN Files", [tknDir], ".BAS Files", [basFiles],"DefaultDir$", [defaultDir],"LB Code Examples", [lbexamplesDir] menu #codeTank, "Help" , "Liberty Basic Forums", [forumlink], "Help", [codeTankHelp], "About", [about] texteditor #codeTank.value, 440, 75, 545, 425 stylebits #codeTank.keys, _WS_HSCROLL, 0, 0, 0 listbox #codeTank.keys, keys$(), [keySelected], 100, 75, 340, 270 'category radio buttons radiobutton #codeTank.savedprojects, "MyProjects", [projs], resetHandler, 5, 90, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.programs, "MyPrograms", [progs], resetHandler, 5, 110, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.backups, "MyBackups", [mybackups], resetHandler, 5, 140, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.examples, "Examples", [exams], resetHandler, 5, 170, 80, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.snippets, "Snippets", [snipps], resetHandler, 5, 190, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.subroutines, "Subroutines", [subroutines], resetHandler, 5, 210, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.functions, "Functions", [functions], resetHandler, 5, 230, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.VBS, "VBS-Scripts", [vbs], resetHandler, 5, 250, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.CMD, "CMD-Scripts", [cmd], resetHandler, 5, 270, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.lbexamples, "LB-Examples", [lbCodeExamples], resetHandler, 5, 305, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.lbbakfiles, "LB-BakFiles", [lbbakfiles], resetHandler, 5, 325, 95, 20 radiobutton #codeTank.folderChoice, "Any Folder", [folderChoice], resetHandler, 5, 355, 95, 20 'Event buttons etc wh=WinHigh-100 button #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)), [newKey], LL, 270, wh-365, 165, 25 button #codeTank.fromFile, "New from &File", [makeproject], LL, 105, wh-365, 155, 25 button #codeTank.remakeproject, "Update &TKN File", [remakeproject], LL, 105, wh-415, 155, 25 button #codeTank.runlb, "Edit Item in &Liberty Basic", [edit_In_LB_IDE], LL, 105, wh-390, 155, 25 button #codeTank.merge, "Mer&ge Shared File ";categorie$, [mergeFile], LL, 270, wh-415, 165, 25 button #codeTank.runListing, "&Run", [runKey], LL, 270, wh-390, 165, 25 button #codeTank.revert, "Re&vert to Backup", [revert], LL, 105, wh-440, 155, 25 button #codeTank.deleteListing, " &Delete ", [deleteKey], LL, 270, wh-440, 165, 25 button #codeTank.exe, "BAS<2>&EXE (Automated)", [GUI], LL, 185, wh-520, 165, 30 button #codeTank.IEXP_man, "IEXPRESS Manually", [IEXP_man], LL, 105, wh-465, 155, 25 button #codeTank.lbbEX_man, "LB Booster Manually", [lbbEX_man], LL, 270, wh-465, 165, 25 button #codeTank.lbbFileEdit, "Edit File in LB Booster", [lbbEdit], LL, 270, wh-490, 165, 25 button #codeTank.lbbSelEdit, "Edit Item in LB Booster", [lbbSelEdit], LL, 105, wh-490, 155, 25 button #codeTank.incFont, "&+", [incFont], UL, 25, 390, 20, 23 button #codeTank.decFont, "&-", [decFont], UL, 50, 390, 20, 23 button #codeTank.mirror, "&Mirror Editor", [textEdMirror], UL, 5, 425, 95, 25 button #codeTank.cut, "C&ut", [cut], LL, 560, wh-520, 65, 20 button #codeTank.copy, "&Copy", [copy], LL, 630, wh-520, 65, 20 button #codeTank.selectAll, "Select &All", [selectall], LL, 700, wh-520, 85, 20 button #codeTank.paste, "&Paste", [paste], LL, 790, wh-520, 85, 20 button #codeTank.fastwindows, "&Fast Windows", [fastcode], ul, 5, 460, 95, 25 button #codeTank.fastgui, "&Fast GUI's", [fastGui], UL, 5, 495, 90, 25 textbox #codeTank.filePath, 100, 50, WinWide-235, 25 statictext #codeTank.categories, "Categories", 20, 60, 80, 15 combobox #codeTank.asciiList, asciiList$(), asciiSelected , 320, 2, 150, 12 combobox #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, lbreservedwordsList$(), lbreservedwordSelected , 475, 2, 170, 10 textbox #codeTank.tb 175, 27, 120, 23 statictext #codeTank.searchFor, "Search For", 105, 30, 65, 15 textbox #codeTank.numLines, 860, 50, 120, 25 button #codeTank.searchlb, "&Search | IN >", [startSearching], UL, 325, 27, 120, 23 button #codeTank.incFont, "&+", [incFontSearch], UL, 710, 27, 25, 23 button #codeTank.decFont, "&-", [decFontSearch], UL, 740, 27, 25, 23 button #codeTank.contents, "&LB Help Menu", [Contents], UL, 770, 27, 100, 25 button #codeTank.help, "?", [searchhelp], UL, 300, 27, 20, 23 checkbox #codeTank.lbhelp, "Help", [lbHelp], [nolbHelp], 455, 30, 45, 15 checkbox #codeTank.lbexamples, "Examples Code ", [lbexamples], [nolbexamples], 510, 30, 110, 15 checkbox #codeTank.cbank, "CodeTank", [cbank], [nocbank], 625, 30, 80, 15 texteditor #codeTank.fake, 0, 0, 0, 0 open "CodeTank Plus v1.8.3F" for window as #codeTank #codeTank.addListing "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject "!disable" #codeTank.runListing "!disable" #codeTank.runlb "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile "!disable" #codeTank.merge "!disable" #codeTank.revert "!disable" #codeTank "trapclose [quit.codeTank]" #codeTank "font Arial ";mainFontsize call getlbreservedwords call getAscii #codeTank.keys "singleclickselect" #codeTank.value "!autoresize" #codeTank "resizehandler resized" #codeTank.lbhelp "set" lbHelp = 1 codetankOpen = 1 categorie$ = "ScratchPad" open "ScratchPad" for append as #1 : #1 date$();time$() : close #1 wait
'[abort] 'Notice "An Error Has Occured";chr$(13);"Error #";Err;" ";chr$(13);Err$;" ";chr$(13);"CodeTank will need to Shutdown" 'goto [quit.codeTank]
[selectall] #codeTank.value "!selectall" wait [cut] #codeTank.value "!cut" wait [copy] #codeTank.value "!copy" wait [paste] #codeTank.value "!paste" wait
[IEXP_man] run "IEXPRESS" wait
[lbbEX_man] filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"LBB.exe") then run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe -C -M -A ";fname$ wait
[lbbEdit] filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"LBB.exe") then run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe ";fname$ wait
[lbbSelEdit] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from a list, try again" : wait #codeTank.value, "!contents? valueNow$"; open "untitled.bas" for output as #1 #1 "WARNING - To Preserve the Integrity of the CodeTank File(s) and the Liberty Basic Files(s)" #1 "THIS CODE IS ACTUALLY a COPY OF ";selectedKey$;".bas Named -> 'untitled.bas' " #1 "'Remember to 'Save As' a name of your Choice if/when done editing" #1 "" #1 valueNow$ close #1 tempfile$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" run DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe ";q$;tempfile$;q$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Editing ";tempfile$;" in Liberty Basic Editor" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[singleEXE] ' Use at your own risk - Author accepts NO liabilities '######################################################################################## ' IMPORTANT ' before running this code - save this code to a file named b2e.bas - (in a folder of it's own) ' If you do not wish to have commandline support, which copies the files of this app, along ' _with creating folders and new files, in the Users Home dir, you can delete or uncomment ' _the following 3 lines of code in the top 1st block of code..
'if not(fileExists(DefaultDir$, "b2e.exe")) then 'command = 1 : firstRun = 1 : project = 1 : fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\b2e.bas" : goto [checklbpath] 'end if
'If you do the above, disregard deleting the folder after first run, it will be needed. 'You can run the .bas from there, or create the TKN file, and run it from there. '########################################################################################
'BAS2EXE Version v1.8.9c For Windows 10 (possibly XP, 7, 8 and 11) - try it and let me know ' Date Introduced to Public = Jan 29 2023 ' Title - BAS2EXE v1.8.9c (with CommandLine support) ' Author - xxgeek, a member of the Libertybasiccom.proboards.com/ forums
' {Purpose} - To automate bas file to exe file (self extracting exe) making creation quick and easy while ' storing dated copies (users choice), of every selected bas file, the created tkn, and the created exe (self extracting) ' exe file containing the dll files, sll files, lbrun2.exe(renamed to same name as .bas file selected) ' Along with that there is a project folder created holding the same files as the exe that gets updated ' if and when the same bas file is selected, Note, the dated files are in their appropriate folders, EXE, TKN, and BAS ' NOTE -They will be overwritten if the same .bas file is selected on the same day within one minute ' The options are user generated by selecting the appropriate checkboxes (GUI) ' Or by Using the appropriate switches (Command Mode)
' Place this bas file in it's own folder as it will create some folders and temp files as well as the above
' IMPORTANT > Name this file b2e.bas (or it won't work) ' After first run, delete the folder, including the folders created, and the b2e.bas file '_ they are no longer needed as this app copies it's files to the users home dir ' There will be a shortcut on the desktop created, use this to open BAS2EXE from now on. ' Note - The Home dir is used in order to make the command line work properly
' Choose 32bit exe or 64`bit exe - defaults to 64 bit if no selection made ' Option to password the EXE file - Check off the checkbox, [Select File] and enter a password when prompted. ' When bas2exe opens a filedialog to choose a bas file choose a bas file that is a ' _good working bas file (or there will be trouble with the compiler) ' Add a version number and or Date/Time stamp the EXE filename ' View the Menu after EXE file creation 'The "Save tkn" file dialog and the Information "saved as" dialog close automatically and save the tkn file to where it is needed.
' If you keep the project folders you will have a "project" folder with each saved project which '_ includes the dll, sll files and lbrun2.exe(renamed), the selected .bas file and the tkn file. 'The EXE File is saved to the EXE folder in the same folder as this program is located. ' _unless otherwise specified for eg: when using the (CommandLine) and not the GUI (no GUI option for destination - v4.5.1.0 maybe ) ' Next Window is to choose to Run the EXE or view the EXE Files Created by this Program '_ or Make a New EXE ' Note - For standalone bas files only with no dependent files or folders - at this time (Maybe Version 2, we''ll see) ' If the .bas file you select runs in the lb IDE when RUN, the EXE will be made. If there are programming '_ runtime errors your EXE could still crash at some point (Not BAS2EXE's fault) ' If it won't run in the lb IDE there will be an error reported by the lb compiler when this app attempts to '_ make the tkn file, and the lb window that opens showing the code for the selected bas file will stay opened '_, close it manually.
' This new version has CommandLine support, meaning it works from a command prompt. ' or it can be used in code projects with the Run command as well.
' Syntax for commandline: ' If using the EXE ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number' ' or b2e.exe -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number'
' If using the TKN in code ' b2e.tkn -sourceFilePath\file.bas -destinationPath /bas /dt /kp /pw /r /s /tkn /v'number' /bit'number'
' if destinationPath is ommtted the default destinationPath is DefaultDir$\EXE ' If sourcePath\file.bas is ommitted BAS2EXE defaults to opening in GUI mode ' If no switches used, all switches defaults are false, 0 or "", except for the bit64 default ' Switches MUST be separated with a 'space' ' Switches are Optional ' Liberty typing b2e by itself BAS2EXE defaults to opening in GUI mode
'Switches ' /bas - saves a dated backup of the selected bas file ' /bit32 - creates a 32 bit exe file ' /bit64 - creates a 64 bit exe file (Defaults to 64bit EXE file if no swtich used) ' /dt - appends date/time to the created exe filename. ' /kp - saves the Project Folder (tkn, renamed lbrun2.exe dll and sll files) Created anyway - they are needed for the EXE file. ' /o - opens windows explorer with the created EXE file selected ' /pw - Prompts user for a password to open the created EXE file (If used the EXE file won't run without it, so save the password somewhere safe.) ' /q - Stops the "Please Wait" activity window from appearing while in command mode. ' /r - Runs the New EXE file after it is created ' /s - shows the Post Creation EXE Menu Window (GUI) to (View / Run / MakeNew - EXE file) ' /tkn - saves a dated backup of the tkn file. ' /v'number' - appends the EXE filename with a version number or text ' (No Spaces) examples: /v4.5.1.51 /v.001 /v123.Any_thing Note: The "v" is not included. ' If you want a v in your EXE filename then you must add one eg: /vv4.5.1 /vvTest123 etc
' Here are some examples of commandline use. ' eg: b2e (alone this opens the GUI) ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas (Creates a single exe file in DefaultDir$\EXE) no project folder, no backups, no appended date/time, or version etc ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas -f:\MyStuff\MyEXEcollection Creates a single 64bit EXE file in f:\MyStuff\MyEXEcollection ' b2e -sourceFilePath\file.bas /bas /bit32 /dt /kp /pw /q /r /s /tkn /vv1.0 (Creates a single 32bit exe file in DefaultDir$\EXE) ' _ including all the optional swtches ' Switches can be in ANY order as long as they preceed the -path(s) ' if -sourceFilePath\file.bas is a lone .bas file with no path, BAS2EXE assumes the file is in the DefaultDir$ ' The dashes before the path(S) ARE necessaary ' the spaces between the switches ARE necessary
' Please NOTE - About the app and it's limitations ' This app uses a built in Windows app named IEXPRESS to create the EXE file by way of a SED(Self Extracting Dirctive) file. ' This app write the SED file, then IEXPRESS reads, and executes the instructions in it to create the EXE file. ' IEXPRESS has limits. ' It won't copy a folder, so for now this app can only create EXE files with the necessary runtime support files ' That means (for now anyway) the files needed to work (dll's, sll's tkn renamed lbrun2.exe and the bas file if user wants it.) ' If your .bas file uses any support files from the DefaultDir$ or sub folders of DefaultDir$ such as ' _bmp, txt, etc, they won't be in the EXE file when created. ' The app is great for testing, or for apps that need no support files (other than the lb dlls/slls the tkn and renamed lbrun2.exe ) ' _and if your .bas doesn't create any files needed the next time it is opened.
' When an EXE that is created by IEXPRESS executes, it is unpacked in the users temp folder, into a folder ' _named IXP001.tmp, or the number can vary on each persons PC. IXP001......IXP00n (depends on other temp apps I guess) ' These temp folders get deleted when the app is finished doing it's thing as is closed. ' That means if your app saves any data to files in DefaultDir$, or copies any files\folders to DefaultDir$, they get deleted too.
' If the interest is there, and I get some feedback on this app I'll work on a version 2. ' Version 2 will have support for adding extra folders and files to the EXE ' It will also get around the temp folder issue. I have that part working already. ' It may also have an option to batch create the EXE files. ' By having .bas files in a folder, and executing a loop to create one after the other. ' Other suggestions are welcome
' If you use this, please take the time to give some feedback so I know what's up, ' Any issues, don't hesitate to report them ' This App is actually part of a larger app, and the defaults are set 'as is' to accomodate the larger app. ' I didn't want to re-write the whole thing for the 1 person that 'may' use it. ' This app is free to use, edit, and/or distibute. Feel free to make it work the way you want it to. ' New Version v1.8.9 ' added ini file to hold Users lb install dir path when detected to be other than default ' added checkbox to allow showing created exe file in Windows Explorer when complete ' added onerror notice, and restart of BAS2EXE ' hardened some more 'New Version 1.9.0c ' changed method of auto[enter] of TKN creation "save as" dialog, and "Information" notice ' changed file verification loops of created exe file and tkn file to allow escape from loop after a set time ' _ to avoid infinite looping with BAS2EXE running invisible, forcing user to use taskmanager to close ' _ when/if exe file or tkn file is NOT created for whatever reason ' added detection of spaces in filename. IEXPRESS will not create a file with spaces in the name of the ' _source file - BAS2EXE will give Notice, then close when Notice closes. ' Tested on files up to 11000 lines - User may need to increase the 2 largest pauses if files have ' _ 11000+ lines of code (look for 'call pause 1500') - 2 of them 'New Version 1.9.1L 'specific to CodeTankPlus for Liberty Basic 4.5.1 and Pro [TOP] if mainOpen = 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 LBB = 0 : batch=0 : batchFileCount = 0 command = 0 : s = 0 : openDest = 0 : runEXE = 0 : p = 0 : q = 0 : show = 0 tkn = 0 : bas = 0 : r = 0 : ve$ = "" : ve = 0 : project = 0 : dt = 0 : fname$ = "" exeDest$ = "" : selectedpath$ = "" : fixeddate$ = "" : fixedtime$ = "" : exe$ = "" q$ = chr$(34) if CommandLine$ <> "" then if not(instr(CommandLine$, ".bas")) then [GUI] sourc3$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) sourc2$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) sourc1$ = word$(CommandLine$, 1) sourc = 1 if instr(sourc1$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 1) : goto [getDest] sourc = 2 if instr(sourc2$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) : goto [getDest] sourc = 3 if instr(sourc3$, ".bas") then fname$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) [getDest] fname$ = trim$(fname$) if right$(fname$, 1) = chr$(34) then fname$ = left$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$, 1) = chr$(34) then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "-" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "\" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) fname$ = trim$(fname$) if left$(fname$ ,1) = "\" then fname$ = right$(fname$, len(fname$)-1) if not(instr(fname$, ":\")) and instr(fname$, ".bas") then fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";fname$ dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 1 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2) : goto [gotDest] dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 2 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 3) : goto [gotDest] dest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 4) if instr(dest$, ":\") and sourc = 3 then exeDest$ = word$(CommandLine$, 4) : goto [gotDest] exeDest$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE" [gotDest] if left$(exeDest$ , 1) = "-" then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if right$(exeDest$, 1) = chr$(34) then exeDest$ = left$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if left$(exeDest$, 1) = chr$(34) then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if left$(exeDest$ , 1) = "-" then exeDest$ = right$(exeDest$, len(exeDest$)-1) if instr(CommandLine$, "/bas") then bas = 1 'creates a dated backup of the user selected .BAS file in DefaultDir$\BAS if instr(CommandLine$, "/dt") then dt = 1 'appends the date and time to the EXE file if instr(CommandLine$, "/kp") then project = 1 'keep the project folder (temp project folder gets deleted by default in command mode) if instr(CommandLine$, "/o") then openDest = 1 'opens windows explorer to the created EXE file when done if instr(CommandLine$, "/pw") then p = 1 'password - adds password to bas file - if chosen, the EXE file won't run without it. if instr(CommandLine$, "/q") then quiet = 1 'no "please wait" window will appear if instr(CommandLine$, "/r") then runEXE = 1 'Run the newly created exe file. if instr(CommandLine$, "/s") then show = 1 'show final options window (defaults to not show in command mode) if instr(CommandLine$, "/tkn") then tkn = 1 'creates a dated backup of the user selected TKN file in DefaultDir$\TKN if instr(CommandLine$, "/v") then 'ALL CommandLine options default to false, '0' , "", unless switch options are utilized ve = 1 ' appends a version number to the EXE filename - defaults to false - 0 ve$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2 , "/v") : ve$ = word$(ve$, 1) end if bit = 64 if instr(CommandLine$, "/bit") then bit$ = word$(CommandLine$, 2 , "/bit") : bit$ = word$(bit$, 1) : bit = val(bit$) end if command = 1 : goto [noGUI] end if [GUI] exeDest$ = "" titlebar$ = "BAS2EXE v1.9.0c"
[noGUI] if command = 1 then [commandPath] ' setup a Window for User to Select a .bas File, to select options for the EXE file. WindowWidth = 600 WindowHeight = 450 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black"
'add some text ,some buttons, and checkboxes to the Window statictext #pick.exe, "EXE File", 35, 30, 95, 30 statictext #pick.head, "BAS<2>EXE v1.9.1L", 210, 25, 220, 30 statictext #pick.temp, "Project Files", 425, 100, 195, 30 statictext #pick.datedtext, "Dated Backups", 225, 100, 185, 30 statictext #pick.info, "Select a working Liberty Basic Source Code File (.bas)", 30, 275, 590, 30 button #pick.default, "Select File", [defaultClick],UL 140, 340, 135, 35 button #pick.lbforums, "Visit the Liberty Basic Forums @ https://Libertybasiccom.proboards.com/", [forumLink],UL 0, 395, 595, 25 checkbox #pick.opendest, "Show EXE File When Completed", [OpenDest], [noOpenDest], 20, 145, 250, 20 checkbox #pick.bit32, "32 Bit", [bit32], [nobit32], 20, 65, 50, 20 checkbox #pick.bit64, "64 Bit", [bit64], [nobit64], 75, 65, 50, 20 checkbox #pick.password, "Add a Password", [yespass], [nopass], 20, 85, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.appDT, "Append Date/Time", [appDT], [noappDT], 20, 105, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.appversion, "Append Version Number", [appVersion], [noappVersion], 20, 170, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.project, "Keep Project Dir", [project], [noproject], 430, 135, 160, 20 checkbox #pick.TKN, "SaveTKN File", [noTKN], [yesTKN], 250, 135, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.BAS,"Save BAS File", [noBAS], [yesBAS], 250, 160, 140, 20 checkbox #pick.LBB,"Use LB Booster Instead of IEXPRESS", [yesLBB], [noLBB], 20, 240, 400, 20 checkbox #pick.ShowOptionsMenu,"Show Post Creation Options Menu", [yesShow], [noShow], 20, 125, 180, 20 checkbox #pick.batch,"Select Folder for Batch EXE Creation", [yaBatch], [noBatch], 20, 310, 190, 20 button #pick.32, "Cancel", [cancel],UL 320, 340, 135, 35 statictext #pick.versionText, "Version #", 40, 200, 50, 20 textbox #pick.ve, 90, 195, 85, 20 'open the Window, and set some Fonts for each statictext, and buttons open "BAS2EXE v1.9.0c (CommandLine Support)" for window_nf as #pick : pickOpen = 1 #pick, "trapclose [cancel]" #pick.LBB "font Arial_bold" #pick.exe, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.temp, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.datedtext, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.info, "!font Arial_bold" #pick.head "!font Arial_bold" #pick.bit64, "set" #pick.project, "set" #pick.TKN "set" #pick.BAS "set" #pick.appDT "set" #pick.versionText "!hide" #pick.ve "!hide" #pick.default, "!setfocus" pickOpen = 1 project = 1 tkn = 1 bas = 1 bit = 64 dt = 1 wait
'Create exe files for all bas files in selected folder [yaBatch] #pick.info, "Select a Folder with 'Working' Source Files (.bas)" #pick.default "Select Folder" batch = 1 wait
[noBatch] #pick.info, "Select a working Liberty Basic Source Code File (.bas)" #pick.default "Select File" batch = 0 wait
[yesLBB] #pick.LBB "set" LBB =1 wait
[noLBB] #pick.LBB "reset" LBB = 0 wait
[OpenDest] #pick.opendest "set" openDest = 1 wait [noOpenDest] #pick.opendest "reset" openDest = 0 wait [yesShow] show = 1 wait [noShow] show = 0 wait [project] project = 1 wait [noproject] project = 0 wait [yesTKN] tkn = 0 wait [noTKN] tkn = 1 wait [yesBAS] bas=0 wait [noBAS] bas = 1 wait ' passworded exe is true(user selected) [yespass] p = 1 wait 'passworded exe is false, default [nopass] p = 0 wait 'make 32 bit exe = true(user selected) [bit32] bit=32 #pick.bit64, "reset" : #pick.bit64 "hide" wait 'make 64 bit exe, default [bit64] bit=64 #pick.bit32, "reset" : #pick.bit32 "hide" wait [nobit32] bit=64 #pick.bit64, "show" : #pick.bit32 "hide" wait [nobit64] bit=32 #pick.bit32, "show" : #pick.bit64 "hide" wait 'append date/time to backed up tkn, and bas files - defaults to true [appDT] dt = 1 wait [noappDT] dt = 0 wait [appVersion] #pick.versionText "!show" #pick.ve "!show" : #pick.ve "!setfocus" ve = 1 wait [noappVersion] #pick.ve "" #pick.versionText "!hide" #pick.ve "!hide" ve = 0 wait [forumLink] run "explorer https://Libertybasiccom.proboards.com" wait
[defaultClick] if ve = 1 then #pick.ve "!contents? ve$" If ve$ <> "" then ve$ = "-";ve$
[commandPath] 'close the opening window for Selecting bas file if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0
'define some variables supportFileList$="run451.exe vbas31w.sll vgui31w.sll voflr31w.sll vthk31w.dll vtk1631w.dll vtk3231w.dll vvm31w.dll vvmt31w.dll" 'projects$ = "b2eProjects" projects$ = "savedProjects" 'make sure the support files exist fileCount = 0 while 1 fileCount = fileCount + 1 runtimeSupportFile$ = word$(supportFileList$, fileCount) if runtimeSupportFile$ = "" then exit while if fileExists(LBpath$,runtimeSupportFile$) = 0 then notice "File doesn't Exist";chr$(13);LBpath$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$;chr$(13);"BAS2EXE will now Close" : end wend
if command = 1 then [commandByPass]
' Use the filedialog function to allow user to select a source file (.bas) [filediag] global FolderDialog$ caption$ = "Select a Folder with Known Good .bas Files" if batch = 1 then call browser caption$ batchDir$ = FolderDialog$ if FolderDialog$ = "" then batch = 0 : wait gosub [getBatchDir] goto [commandByPass] end if fname$ = "" filedialog "Open a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", "*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait
[commandByPass] if batchFileCount = 0 then batchFileCount = 2 dim batchFiles$(batchFileCount) batchFiles$(numRuns+1) = fname$ end if for numRuns = 1 to batchFileCount fname$=batchFiles$(numRuns) if batch = 0 then numRuns = 1 if fname$ = "" then LBB = 0 : batch=0 : batchFileCount = 0 : numRuns = 0 goto [TOP] 'notice "Finished" : wait end if if batch=1 then fname$ = FolderDialog$;"\";fname$ print "numRuns = ";numRuns print "batchFiles$(numRuns+1) = ";batchFiles$(numRuns) print "fname$ = ";fname$ print "batch = ";batch
if p = 1 then Prompt "TYPE a PASSWORD"+chr$(13)+ "Password For Your EXE File is? : (no spaces)";passwerd$ if passwerd$ = "" then p = 0 : notice "BAS2EXE will continue, without placing a password on the EXE file created" end if 'Separate path from selected filename, and extension from selected filename for var1 = len(fname$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname$, var1, 1) = "\" then var2 = var1 -1 : var3 = var2 - ((len(fname$))) : exit for next var1 var3 = abs(var3) orig$ = left$(fname$, var2) fname0$ = right$(fname$, var3 -1) for var4 = len(fname0$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname0$, var4, 1) = "." then var5 = var4 -1 : var6 = var5 - ((len(fname0$))) : exit for next var4 var6 = abs(var6) fnamenobas$ = left$(fname0$, var5) for x = 1 to len(fnamenobas$) spaceCheck$ = mid$(fnamenobas$, x, 1) if spaceCheck$ = " " then notice "No Spaces Allowed in File Name"+chr$(13)+"Space found in Selected Filename. Cannot Create EXE File."+chr$(13)+"BAS2EXE will now Close" : end next x ' fname$ = Full Path of User Selected .bas file (including the filename.bas) ' fname0$ = Name of the Selected .bas File Only - eg ; filename.bas ' fnamenobas$ = Name of the Selected .bas File (without the .bas) - eg: filename [add2List] add2List = 1 'add to MyProject file and add title to MyProjects list for ALL EXE file creations. categorie$ = "MyProjects" selectedKey$ = fnamenobas$ gosub [deleteOrig]
[deleteReturn] open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) open fname$ for input as #2 #1 input$(#2, lof(#2)) close #1 : close #2 lastKey$ = "" call readDictionary call loadKeys call saveValue call collectGarbage call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.keys "select 0" #codeTank.savedprojects "set" add2List = 0 [begin2] 'define Destpath1$ as lb Projects\Current Project Folder DestPath$=DefaultDir$ 'Where this file is RUN from DestPathU$ = DestPath$;"\";projects$ 'Projects Folder DestPath1$=DestPathU$;"\";fnamenobas$ 'Current Project Folder
'Make Folders for Liberty Basic Projects, EXE files, TKN files, BAS files, SED files and Current Projects res = mkdir(DestPathU$) 'projects dir res = mkdir(DestPath1$) 'new project dir = name of selected bas file (no .bas) in Projects Dir res =mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"EXE") 'exe files saved here res = mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") 'tkn files saved here res= mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") 'selected bas file saved here (includes password code if exe was passworded)
'make sure Folders were actually created if pathExists(DestPathU$) = 0 then notice "Projects folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DestPath1$) = 0 then notice "New Folder ";fnamenobas$;" was NOT Created in ";DestPath1$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") = 0 then notice "TKN Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") = 0 then notice "BAS Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";"EXE") = 0 then notice "EXE Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$ : end 'copy selected bas file to Projects\current project folder q$= chr$(34) open fname$ for input as #fname fnameTemp$="tempBas.bas" open fnameTemp$ for output as #2
'add a password prompt to the begining of the temp bas file(to be added to the exe) if p=0 then [nopasswerd] ' #2, "prompt ";q$;"Enter the Password to Run";q$;";";"passwerd$" #2, "if passwerd$ <> ";q$;passwerd$;q$;" then end" [nopasswerd] #2, input$(#fname, lof(#fname)); close #fname close #2
'copy temp.bas file to current project folder open fnameTemp$ for input as #fnameTemp open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for output as #1 #1, input$(#fnameTemp, lof(#fnameTemp)); close #1 close #fnameTemp if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnameTemp$) then kill fnameTemp$ 'check if the current project .bas file was copied to new dir if fileExists(DestPath1$,fname0$) = 0 then notice fname0$; " Was not copied to ";DestPath1$;" BAS2EXE will now close" : end 'activity message to user - please wait message if quiet = 0 then call pleasewait
'Copy the needed DLL and SLL files from Liberty Basic dir to projects\projectname Dir w$ = "" i = 0 while 1 i = i + 1 w$=word$(supportFileList$, i) if w$="" then exit while from$=LBpath$;"\";w$ to$=DestPath1$;"\";w$ if fileExists(DestPath1$,w$) then [noneed] open from$ for input as #file open to$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 [noneed] wend
'remove existing lbrun2.exe from new project before creating new one if fileExists(DestPath1$, LBruntime$) then kill DestPath1$;"\"; LBruntime$
'copy lbrun2.exe to current project Folder open LBpath$;"\";LBruntime$ for input as #file open DestPath1$;"\";LBruntime$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'Liberty Basic can't create\rename a file that exists, so if it does already exist - kill it (delete it) if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$ + ".exe") <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$ + ".exe" 'rename lbrun2.exe to name of User Selected .bas File - .bas +.exe name DestPath1$;"\";LBruntime$ as DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$ + ".exe" 'check new exe (renamed lbrun2.exe) file for existence in current project Folder ) if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".exe") = 0 then notice "lbrun2.exe not copied or renamed - EXITING Program": end 'remove any existing exe from projectdir - of same name as bas file selected only if created on same date at same time if fileExists(DestPath$;"\EXE",fnamenobas$;".exe") then kill DestPath$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;".exe" if command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$,fnamenobas$;".exe") then kill exeDest$;"\"; fnamenobas$;".exe" 'check for old tkn existence, delete it if it exists if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".tkn") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn"
gosub [makeSED] 'verify sed file existence before proceeding do scan loop until fileExists(DestPath$,fnamenobas$;".sed")
call writeAutoSave 'loop until autoSave$ File is verified while fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) = 0 : scan : wend
'####################################################################### 'run the script to close the "save" dialog, and the follow up notice of creation automatically run "wscript ";autoSave$ '####################################################################### 'Create the TKN file in Projects\current project folder. run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -T -A ";DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ '#######################################################################
'loop until TKN File is verified saved do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 50 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") call pause 2500 call fixtime : call fixdate ' append date/time to backup .bas and .tkn filename
'copy selected .bas file to BAS dir and date it if bas = 1 then open fname$ for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 end if
' copy TKN file to TKN dir, and append date\time to it's name if tkn = 1 and fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\TKN\";fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".tkn" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 end if 'fixeddate$ = "" : fixedtime$ = ""
'First Run setup in User Home Dir for CommandLine use if command = 1 and firstRun = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c xcopy ";DestPath1$;" ";upath$;" /e /s /c /h /i /y", hide call pause 1000 run upath$;"\b2e.exe" end if if firstRun = 1 then close #pleasewait : end [LBB_CHOSEN] if LBB = 1 then goto [LBB_EXE]
'Check if iexpress.exe is installed (a built in Windows Install Maker = Self Extracting exe File) [makeexe] 'makes 64 bit exe if bit=32 then [do32bit] 'run iexpress commandline using the sed file created (sort of like an ini file) express64$ = "C:\Windows\System32" if fileExists(express64$,"iexpress.exe") then run "iexpress /N /q ";sedfile$ : goto [verifyEXE] else noie = 1 : goto [quit.main] end if 'makes 32 bit exe [do32bit] express32$ = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" if fileExists(express32$,"iexpress.exe") then run "iexpress /N /q ";sedfile$ else noie = 2 : goto [quit.main] end if
[LBB_RETURN] call pause 500 'verify the exe file was created - loop until it exists [verifyEXE] if command = 1 then do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 25 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(exeDest$, exe$) end if if command = 0 then do countTime = countTime + 1 call pause 500 if countTime > 25 then exit do '- In case of unreported error - EXE file verification loop exit scan loop until fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe") end if call pause 1500 'if dt = 1 then call fixdate : call fixtime
' append version, date, time to filename if selected if command = 1 then if fileExists(exeDest$, fnamenobas$;".exe") then exefilename$ = fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" name exeDest$;"\";fnamenobas$;".exe" as exeDest$;"\";exefilename$ end if end if if command <> 1 then if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fnamenobas$;".exe") then exefilename$ = fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;".exe" as DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$ end if end if if runEXE = 1 and command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$, exefilename$) then run exeDest$;"\";exefilename$
[main] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 'create a window with options to view created files or run the new exe file. WindowWidth = 400 WindowHeight = 320 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "darkgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black" button #main.default, "Make New Single EXE File (GUI Mode)", [rerun],UL 90, 200, 220, 40 button #main.run, "Run the Created EXE File", [progrun],UL 125, 150, 150, 40 button #main.browseT, "View TKN Files", [browseT],UL 125, 15, 150, 25 button #main.browseB "View BAS Files", [browseB],UL 125, 45, 150, 25 button #main.browseE, "View EXE Files", [browseE],UL 125, 75, 150, 25 button #main.browseP, "View Projects", [browseP],UL 125, 105, 150, 25 button #main.lbforums, "For more Information > Click Here to Visit the Liberty Basic Forums", [forumLink], UL 0, 270, 400, 20 open "View Files\ Run Created EXE \ Make New EXE" for window_nf as #main #main, "trapclose [quit.main]" mainOpen = 1 if show <> 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 if command = 0 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c explorer /select, ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$;q$, hide openDest = 0 if mainOpen = 0 then [quit.main] end if if command = 1 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c start explorer.exe /select, ";q$;exeDest$;"\";exefilename$;q$, hide openDest = 0 if mainOpen = 0 then [quit.main] end if cursor normal next numRuns gosub [cleanUp] if batch = 1 then [quit.main] if mainOpen=1 then if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait else goto [quit.main] end if
'Make another EXE file [rerun] if command = 1 then CommandLine$ = "" : exeDest$ = "" : fname$ = "" : command = 0 goto [TOP] 'open Windows explorer to the EXE Files [browseE] if command = 1 and exeDest$ <> "" then run "explorer.exe ";exeDest$ if command = 0 then run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE" wait 'open Windows explorer to the backup TKN Files Files [browseT] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\TKN" wait 'open Windows explorer to the backup BAS Files [browseB] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\BAS" wait 'open Windows explorer to the Projects Dir [browseP] run "explorer.exe ";DefaultDir$;"\";projects$ wait 'Run the new CommandLine created exe file chosen [progrun] if command = 1 then run exeDest$;"\";exefilename$ end if if command = 0 then run DestPath$;"\EXE\";exefilename$ end if wait
[getBatchDir] dim Info$(1, 1) files batchDir$, Info$() batchFileCount = val(Info$(0, 0)) dim batchFiles$(batchFileCount+1) for x = 1 to batchFileCount filename$ = Info$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 4) <> ".bas" then [noThanks] batchFiles$(x) = filename$ print batchFiles$(x) [noThanks] next x return
[makeSED] 'can't write text to files that include quotes, so use the characters so they will print without syntax errors sedfile$=fnamenobas$;".sed" open sedfile$ for output as #sed #sed "[Version]" #sed "Class=IEXPRESS" #sed "SEDVersion=3" #sed "[Options]" #sed "PackagePurpose=InstallApp" #sed "ShowInstallProgramWindow=1" #sed "HideExtractAnimation=1" #sed "UseLongFileName=1" #sed "InsideCompressed=0" #sed "CAB_FixedSize=0" #sed "CAB_ResvCodeSigning=0" #sed "RebootMode=N" #sed "InstallPrompt=%InstallPrompt%" #sed "DisplayLicense=%DisplayLicense%" #sed "FinishMessage=%FinishMessage%" #sed "TargetName=%TargetName%" #sed "FriendlyName=%FriendlyName%" #sed "AppLaunched=%AppLaunched%" #sed "PostInstallCmd=%PostInstallCmd%" #sed "AdminQuietInstCmd=%AdminQuietInstCmd%" #sed "UserQuietInstCmd=%UserQuietInstCmd%" #sed "SourceFiles=SourceFiles" #sed "[Strings]" #sed "InstallPrompt=" #sed "DisplayLicense=" #sed "FinishMessage=" exe$=fnamenobas$;".exe" if command = 1 and exeDest$ <> "" then #sed "TargetName=";q$;exeDest$;"\";exe$;q$ else #sed "TargetName=";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exe$;q$ end if #sed "FriendlyName=";q$;fnamenobas$;q$ #sed "AppLaunched=";q$;exe$;q$ #sed "PostInstallCmd=<None>" #sed "AdminQuietInstCmd=" #sed "UserQuietInstCmd=" #sed "FILE0=";q$;exe$;q$ sedtkn$=fnamenobas$;".tkn" #sed "FILE1=";q$;sedtkn$;q$ sll1$="vbas31w.sll" sll2$="vgui31w.sll" sll3$="voflr31w.sll" dll1$="vthk31w.dll" dll2$="vtk1631w.dll" dll3$="vtk3231w.dll" dll4$="vvm31w.dll" dll5$="vvmt31w.dll" #sed "FILE2=";q$;sll1$;q$ #sed "FILE3=";q$;sll2$;q$ #sed "FILE4=";q$;sll3$;q$ #sed "FILE5=";q$;dll1$;q$ #sed "FILE6=";q$;dll2$;q$ #sed "FILE7=";q$;dll3$;q$ #sed "FILE8=";q$;dll4$;q$ #sed "FILE9=";q$;dll5$;q$ #sed "[SourceFiles]" #sed "SourceFiles0=";q$;DestPath1$;q$ #sed "[SourceFiles0]" #sed "%FILE0%=" #sed "%FILE1%=" #sed "%FILE2%=" #sed "%FILE3%=" #sed "%FILE4%=" #sed "%FILE5%=" #sed "%FILE6%=" #sed "%FILE7%=" #sed "%FILE8%=" #sed "%FILE9%=" close #sed return
[cleanUp] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnameTemp$) then kill fnameTemp$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$,"temp.txt") then kill "temp.txt" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "FolderDialog.vbs") then kill "FolderDialog.vbs" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) then kill autoSave$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$,desktopShortcut$) then kill desktopShortcut$ 'if user chose to, - delete the current project dir and files (copied bas file, tkn file, sll,dll, run451.exe(renamed file) if project = 0 then if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vbas31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vbas31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vgui31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vgui31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "voflr31w.sll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"voflr31w.sll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vtk1631w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vtk1631w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vthk31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vthk31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vtk3231w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vtk3231w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vvm31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vvm31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, "vvmt31w.dll") then kill DestPath1$;"\";"vvmt31w.dll" if fileExists(DestPath1$, exe$) then kill DestPath1$;"\";exe$ if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".bas") then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".bas" if pathExists(DestPath1$) then deldir = rmdir(DestPath1$) end if if fileExists(DefaultDir$, fnamenobas$;".sed") then kill DefaultDir$;"\";fnamenobas$;".sed" if noie = 1 then notice "64Bit Version of IEXPRESS not installed"+chr$(13)+" No EXE File Created - BAS2EXE closing." if noie = 2 then notice "32Bit Version of IEXPRESS not installed"+chr$(13)+" No EXE File Created - BAS2EXE closing." if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.INF", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.vbs", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\*.sed", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.RPT", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.CAB", HIDE run "cmd.exe /c del ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\*.DDF", HIDE if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0 if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".CAB") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".CAB" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".DDF") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".DDF" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;".RPT") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;".RPT" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", "~";fnamenobas$;"_LAYOUT.INF") <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\EXE\~";fnamenobas$;"_LAYOUT.INF" return
[quit.main] if command = 0 and openDest = 1 then run "cmd.exe /c explorer /select, ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";exefilename$;q$, hide gosub [cleanUp] if command = 1 and fileExists(exeDest$, exefilename$) = 0 then notice "No EXE Created"+chr$(13)+"EXE file was NOT created"+chr$(13)+"Check Selected File 'name' for Spaces" cursor normal 'if command = 0 and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", exefilename$) = 0 then if command = 0 and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE",fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe") = 0 then notice chr$(13)+"EXE file was NOT created"+chr$(13)+"Check Selected File 'name' for Spaces" end if if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 if mainOpen = 1 then close #main : mainOpen = 0 wait
[quit.pleasewait] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[cancel] close #pick : pickOpen = 0 wait
[newKey] 'ask the user for a name for the new listing call saveValue newKey$ = "" if len(left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1))) < 4 then [notPlural] prompt "Enter a Name (or Title) for the New " + left$(categorie$,(len(categorie$)-1)); newKey$ if newKey$ <> "" then [continue] else wait
[notPlural] prompt "Enter a Name (or Title) for the New "+categorie$+" Script"; newKey$ if newKey$ = "" then wait
'if user selects 'New From File' instead of New (copy/paste) to add new Project, or new Program [continue] if newKey$ <> "" then call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select "; newKey$ #codeTank.value "!cls"; call collectGarbage call writeDictionary lastKey$ = newKey$ end if if tkn = 2 or tkn = 4 then open fname$ for input as #1 open categorie$ for append as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)); close #1 close #2 gosub [cleanUp] tkn = 0 end if call saveValue call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select 0" #codeTank.value "!setfocus" if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[keySelected] call saveValue #codeTank.keys "selection? selectedKey$" if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";anyFolder$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = examples$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";examples$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = snippets$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";snippets$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = cmd$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";cmd$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = vbs$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";vbs$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = subroutines$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";subroutines$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = functions$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";functions$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = MyProjects$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";MyProjects$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = programs$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";programs$;" Section - ";selectedKey$ if categorie$ = lbExamples$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";lbExamples$;" File - ";uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.value "!cls" open uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if if categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";lbBakFiles$;" File - ";uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" #codeTank.value "!cls" open uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";folderChoice$;" File - ";folderpath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.value "!cls" open folderpath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for input as #1 #codeTank.value, "!contents #1"; close #1 #codeTank.value "!origin 0 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyBackups$ then #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading List ";MyBackups$;" File - ";DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.value "!cls" open DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS\";selectedKey$;".bas" for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) close #1 #codeTank.value code$ #codeTank.value, "!origin 0 0" wait end if selectedValue$ = getValue$(selectedKey$) #codeTank.value "!contents selectedValue$"; lastKey$ = selectedKey$ #codeTank.value, "!origin 0 0" #codeTank.value, "!lines numLines$" #codeTank.numLines "# of Lines = ";numLines$ wait
[deleteKey] 'delete a Listing gosub [deleteNow] wait [deleteNow] #codeTank.keys "selection? selectedKey$" if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : cursor normal : wait [deleteOrig] cursor hourglass call pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 1 #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Erasing ";selectedKey$;" code from - ";categorie$ #codeTank.value, "!selectall" #codeTank.value, "!cut" #pleasewait.fake "!setfocus" call saveValue if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 Pad$ close #1 end if open categorie$ for binary as #1 tempfile$ = "tempfile" open tempfile$ for output as #2 word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) while eof(#1) = 0 line input #1, line$ if line$ = word1$ then [dontSave] #2, line$ [dontSave] wend close #1 close #2 if fileExists(DefaultDir$, categorie$) then kill DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ name tempfile$ as categorie$ lastKey$ = "" call readDictionary call loadKeys call saveValue #codeTank.keys "select 0" if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then pleasewaitOpen = 0 : close #pleasewait if add2List = 1 then if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 cursor normal goto [deleteReturn] end if cursor normal if pathExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$) <> 0 and mir = 0 then folder$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$ text$ = "Title: "+selectedKey$+chr$(13)+" Has been Deleted"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Do you wish to delete the project folder as well?" a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait a$ = delete$(folder$) end if return
'run selected MyProjects, or MyPrograms [runKey] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait text$ = "Warning "+chr$(13)+"RUNing this Code May Leave an IDE Window"+chr$(13)+"and or"+chr$(13)+"Leave Mainwin Open when it Closes";chr$(13)+"It May Not Open at all, or it May Just Flash Open and Close"+chr$(13)+"Run it Anyway ?" if categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ then runFile$ = uAppPath$;"\bak\";selectedKey$;".bak" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(code$,"trapclose",1) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bak";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyBackups$ then runFile$ = DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bas";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = anyFolder$ then runFile$ = FolderDialog$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if temp$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #1 "" #1 " 'This Code is a Copy of - ";q$;selectedKey$;".bas";q$ #1 "" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";temp$ wait end if if categorie$ = lbExamples$ then runFile$ = uAppPath$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" open runFile$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 if instr(lower$(code$),lower$("trapclose")) = 0 or instr(lower$(code$),lower$("'nomainwin")) = 0 then a$ = custcon$(text$) : if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -R -A ";runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".tkn") <> 0 then runFile$ = savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".tkn" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Running - ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".tkn" run runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyProjects$ or categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".exe") <> 0 then runFile$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".exe" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Running - ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".exe" run runFile$ wait end if if categorie$ = MyProjects$ or categorie$ = programs$ and fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$, selectedKey$;".bas") = 0 then notice "Cannot be RUN"+chr$(13)+"This Title was Created Manually"+chr$(13)+selectedKey$+chr$(13)_ +" Not created using 'New from File'"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)_ +"Edit with Liberty Basic and save it as the 'Same Name..bas"+chr$(13)+"Select Radio Button "+categorie$+chr$(13)+"Select Button [New from File]"+chr$(13)_ +"Select the .bas file you just saved."+chr$(13)+" It will be available to RUN from then on" end if #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
'open selected listing in just Basic IDE [edit_In_LB_IDE] if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from a list, try again" : wait #codeTank.value, "!contents? valueNow$"; open "untitled.bas" for output as #1 #1 "WARNING - To Preserve the Integrity of the CodeTank File(s) and the Liberty Basic Files(s)" #1 "THIS CODE IS ACTUALLY a COPY OF ";selectedKey$;".bas Named -> 'untitled.bas' " #1 "'Remember to 'Save As' a name of your Choice if/when done editing" #1 "" #1 valueNow$ close #1 tempfile$ = DefaultDir$;"\untitled.bas" run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";q$;tempfile$;q$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Editing ";tempfile$;" in Liberty Basic Editor" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[mergeFile] filedialog "Select a ";categorie$ ;" file to merge ",DefaultDir$, mergefile$ if mergefile$ = "" then wait a$ = GetFilename$(mergefile$) if a$ <> categorie$ then answer$ = "yes" prompt " Categories Don't Match "+chr$(13)+" Merge Anyway?" ; answer$ if answer$ <> "yes" then wait end if open mergefile$ for input as #1 line input #1, dataline$ : close #1 mergeCheck$ = chr$(134)+chr$(165)+chr$(134) if left$(dataline$, 3) <> mergeCheck$ then notice "Merge with ";categorie$+" Issue"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Unable to Merge File named "+chr$(13)+a$+chr$(13)+"The formatting of file "+a$+" is incompatible" : wait call pleasewait : cursor hourglass open mergefile$ for input as #1 open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)); close #2 : close #1 call readDictionary call collectGarbage call writeDictionary call loadKeys close #pleasewait cursor normal #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
[codeTankHelp] notice "codeTank is curently in development, For Help, please visit the LB forums";chr$(13);chr$(13);"@ https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
[about] notice "codeTank is curently in development. Please Visit ";chr$(13);chr$(13);"https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
[revert] revert = 1 'Work starts here #codeTank.keys "selection? name$" if name$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait filedialog "Open a 'KNOWN WORKING' Source File (.bas) ", DefaultDir$;"\BAS\*";selectedKey$;"*.bas", fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait open fname$ for input as #1 fnamenobas$ = word$(fname$, 2, "--") : fnamenobas$ = left$(fnamenobas$, len(fnamenobas$) - 4) open DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";fnamenobas$;"\";fnamenobas$;".bas" for output as #2 #2 input$(#1, lof(#1)) : close #1 : close #2 goto [remakeproject] wait
[openlb] run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$ wait
'top menu "Open File in LB IDE" [openlbFile] filedialog "Open \ Select a Liberty Basic Source File (.bas) ", upath$; "\*.bas", openFilename$ if openFilename$ = "" then wait #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "File Opened in Liberty Basic - ";openFilename$ run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";openFilename$ wait
[basFiles] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS";q$ wait
'open the following in Windows Explorer [projectsDir] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;"\";"savedProjects";q$ wait
[EXEDir] a$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE" run "explorer.exe ";q$;a$;q$ wait
[tknDir] a$ = DefaultDir$;"\TKN" run "explorer.exe ";q$;a$;q$ wait
[lbexamplesDir] if pathExists(uAppPath$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";q$;uAppPath$;q$ else if pathExists(uAppPath$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";uAppPath$ end if wait
[defaultDir] run "explorer.exe ";q$;DefaultDir$;q$ wait
'radio button selections from MyProjects to Help [projs] #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!enable" #codeTank.merge "!enable" #codeTank.merge "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!enable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = MyProjects$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) category$ = right$(category$,7) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$;" (Copy/Paste)" #codeTank.fromFile, "&New ";category$;" (From File)" wait
[progs] #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!enable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!enable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = programs$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.keys "singleclickselect" #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$;" (Copy/Paste)" #codeTank.fromFile, "&New ";category$;" (From File)" wait
[exams] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = examples$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$ wait
[snipps] #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = snippets$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) wait
[subroutines] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = subroutines$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions category$ = categorie$ category$= left$(category$, (len(category$) - 1)) #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";category$ wait
[functions] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = functions$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) category$= left$(categorie$, (len(categorie$) - 1)) wait
[vbs] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = vbs$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1) category$ = categorie$ wait
[cmd] #codeTank.runListing, "!disable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!enable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!enable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = cmd$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions #codeTank.addListing, "&New ";left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1) category$ = categorie$ wait
[lbCodeExamples] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, lbExamples$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";lbExamples$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = lbExamples$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files uAppPath$, folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) dim lbExamplesList$(numExamps) open lbExamples$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipp] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skipp] lbExamplesList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = lbExamplesList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipp]
[lbbakfiles] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, lbBakFiles$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\"; lbBakFiles$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = lbBakFiles$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files uAppPath$;"\bak\", info$() numExamps = val(info$(0, 0)) dim lbBakFilesList$(numExamps) open lbBakFiles$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipit] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = info$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bak" then [skipit] lbBakFilesList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = lbBakFilesList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipit]
[mybackups] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, MyBackups$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";MyBackups$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = MyBackups$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions gettingMybackupFiles = 1 dim folderInfo$(1, 1) files DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS", folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) dim MyBackupsList$(numExamps) a$=DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skiphere] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skiphere] MyBackupsList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = MyBackupsList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skiphere]
[folderChoice] folderChoice$ = "folderChoice.txt" if fileExists(DefaultDir$, folderChoice$) <> 0 then kill DefaultDir$;"\";folderChoice$ #codeTank.runListing, "!enable" #codeTank.runlb, "!enable" #codeTank.remakeproject, "!disable" #codeTank.addListing, "!disable" #codeTank.deleteListing, "!disable" #codeTank.fromFile, "!disable" #codeTank.merge, "!disable" #codeTank.revert, "!disable" call saveValue caption$ = "Navigate to, and Select YOUR Liberty Basic (or Pro) Install Dir" call browser (caption$) if right$(FolderDialog$,1) = "\" then FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$)-1) if FolderDialog$ = "" then notice "No Folder Selected" : wait if len(FolderDialog$) = 2 then notice "Drive ";left$(FolderDialog$, 2);" Selected - You MUST Select a Folder" : goto [folderChoice] folderpath$ = FolderDialog$ #codeTank.value, "!cls" categorie$ = folderChoice$ #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$ call resetRadioOptions redim folderInfo$(1, 1) files folderpath$, folderInfo$() numExamps = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) redim folderList$(numExamps) open folderChoice$ for append as #1 x = 0 [skipnow] x = x + 1 if x > numExamps then close #1 : call readDictionary : call loadKeys : categorie$ = anyFolder$ : wait filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) if right$(filename$, 3) <> "bas" then [skipnow] folderList$(x) = left$(filename$, len(filename$) - 4) newKey$ = folderList$(x) word1$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + newKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 word1$ goto [skipnow]
[forumlink] run "explorer.exe https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
'resize window font - sets all fonts equal [incFont] mainFontsize = mainFontsize + 1 #codeTank.value "!font Arial ";mainFontsize #codeTank.keys "font Arial ";mainFontsize wait
[decFont] mainFontsize = mainFontsize - 1 #codeTank.value "!font Arial ";mainFontsize #codeTank.keys "font Arial ";mainFontsize wait
'create a project and tkn file and add it to the MyProjects List [makeproject] call saveValue #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Creating Project ";DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" tkn = 2 if categorie$ <> MyProjects$ then tkn = 4 goto [defaultclick]
[remakeproject] call saveValue if selectedKey$ = "" then notice "Select an item from list, try again" : wait tempCat$=categorie$ if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$,selectedKey$;".bas") = 0 then notice "Cannot be Updated - Title was Created Manually"+chr$(13)+selectedKey$+chr$(13)_ +" Wasn't created using a File"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)_ +"Edit with Liberty Basic and save it using the SAME NAME.bas."+chr$(13)+"Select Radio Button My"+categorie$+chr$(13)+"Select Button [New "+left$(categorie$, len(categorie$)-1);" from File]"+chr$(13)_ +"Select the appropriate .bas file."+chr$(13)+" In Future it Will be Available for Updating" #codeTank.keys "select 0" #codeTank.value "!cls" categorie$ = tempCat$ else fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" end if categorie$ = tempCat$ #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" open fname$ for input as #1 code$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) close #1 open DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 code$ close #1 tkn = 4 if revert = 1 then fname$ = DefaultDir$;"\";savedProjects$;"\";selectedKey$;"\";selectedKey$;".bas" #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Updating ";fname$ if tkn = 4 then [makeTKN]
[defaultclick] 'Checking all paths and file locations for existence (dll's, sll's, lbasic.exe, and lbrun2.exe) res=fileExists(LBpath$, LBexe$) if res then a = a + 1 else notice LBexe$;" Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,LBruntime$) if res then a = a + 1 else notice LBrun$;" Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vbas31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vbas31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vgui31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vgui31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"voflr31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " voflr31w.sll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vthk31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vthk31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vtk1631w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk1631w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vtk3231w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk3231w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vvm31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvm31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(LBpath$,"vvmt31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvmt31w.dll Does not exist in ";LBpath$;" Closing Program": goto [quit.codeTank]
' Use the filedialog function to allow user to select a source file (.bas) [fileDiag] 'open file dialog to choose a .bas file for exe conversion, "*.bas;*.bak",.txt filedialog "Open a 'KNOWN WORKING' Source File (.bas) ", DefaultDir$, fname$ if fname$ = "" then wait #codeTank.filePath "cls" : #codeTank.filePath "Reading - ";categorie$;" Creating tkn file for - ";fname$ [makeTKN] call pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 1 #pleasewait.fake "!setfocus" 'Separate path from selected filename, and extension from selected filename for var1 = len(fname$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname$, var1, 1) = "\" then var2 = var1 -1 : var3 = var2 - ((len(fname$))) : exit for next var1 var3 = abs(var3) orig$ = left$(fname$, var2) fname0$ = right$(fname$, var3 -1)
'finish separating filename from extension for var4 = len(fname0$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(fname0$, var4, 1) = "." then var5 = var4 -1 : var6 = var5 - ((len(fname0$))) : exit for next var4 var6 = abs(var6) fnamenobas$ = left$(fname0$, var5) ' fname$ = Full Path of User Selected .bas file (including the filename.bas) ' fname0$ = Name of the Selected .bas File Only - eg ; filename.bas ' fnamenobas$ = Name of the Selected .bas File (without the .bas) - eg: filename
[begin] 'define Destpath1$ as LB Projects\Current Project Folder DestPath$=DefaultDir$ 'Where this file is RUN from DestPathU$ = DestPath$;"\";savedProjects$ 'Projects Folder DestPath1$=DestPathU$;"\";fnamenobas$ 'Current created Project Folder
'Make Folders for Liberty Basic Projects, EXE files, TKN files, BAS files, SED files and Current Projects res = mkdir(DestPathU$) 'projects dir res = mkdir(DestPath1$) 'new project dir = name of selected bas file (no .bas) in Projects Dir res = mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN") 'tkn files saved here res= mkdir(DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS") 'selected bas file saved here (includes password code if exe was passworded)
'make sure Folders were actually created res=pathExists(DestPathU$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "savedProjects folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] if res then a=a+1 else notice "New Folder ";fnamenobas$;" was NOT Created in ";DestPath1$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] tknFolder$=DefaultDir$;"\";"TKN" res=pathExists(tknFolder$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "TKN Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] basFolder$=DefaultDir$;"\";"BAS" res=pathExists(basFolder$) if res then a=a+1 else notice "BAS Folder was NOT Created in ";DestPath$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank]
'copy selected bas file to Projects\current project folder open fname$ for input as #1 data$ = input$(#1,lof(#1)) : close #1 open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for output as #2 #2 data$ close #2
'check if the current project .bas file was copied to new dir if fileExists(DestPath1$,fname0$) = 0 then notice fname0$; " Was not copied to ";DestPath1$;" codeTank Closing" : goto [quit.codeTank] if tkn = 4 then [tknOnly] 'bypass for Categorie Programs and Updates - tkn and bas file only needed
'Copy the needed DLL and SLL files from Liberty Basic dir to projects\projectname Dir i = 0 while 1 i = i + 1 runtimeSupportFile$=word$(DllList$,i) if runtimeSupportFile$ ="" then exit while sourceFile$=LBpath$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$ destinationFile$=DestPath1$;"\";runtimeSupportFile$
'don't copy runtime files if they already exists if fileExists(DestPath1$, runtimeSupportFile$) <> 0 then [fileExists] open sourceFile$ for input as #file open destinationFile$ for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1 [fileExists] wend
'verify dll's and sll's were copied to new project folder res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vbas31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vbas31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vgui31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vgui31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"voflr31w.sll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " voflr31w.sll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vthk31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vthk31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vtk1631w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk1631w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vtk3231w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vtk3231w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vvm31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvm31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] res=fileExists(DestPath1$,"vvmt31w.dll") if res then a = a + 1 else notice " vvmt31w.dll Was not created in --> ";DestPath1$;" Closing Program" : goto [quit.codeTank] 'remove any left over existing lbrun2.exe from new project before creating new one 'Liberty Basic can't create\rename a file that exists, so if it does already exist - kill it (delete it) if fileExists(DestPath1$, LBruntime$) <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\"; LBruntime$
'copy lbrun2.exe to Current Project Folder open LBpath$;"\";LBruntime$ for input as #file open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".exe" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'check new exe (renamed lbrun2.exe) file for existence in current project Folder ) if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".exe") = 0 then notice "lbrun2.exe not copied or renamed - EXITING Program": goto [quit.codeTank]
[tknOnly] 'call fixtime 'call fixdate
'copy selected .bas file to BAS dir and date it open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for input as #file open DestPath$;"\BAS\";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;fnamenobas$;".bas" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
'remove any existing tkn of same name in TKN dir if fileExists(DestPath1$, fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then kill DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn"
'write/run the script to close the "save" dialog, and the follow up "information" notice of creation automatically call writeAutoSave 'loop until autoSave$ File is verified while fileExists(DefaultDir$, autoSave$) = 0 : scan : wend run "wscript ";autoSave$ '#######################################################################
'Create the TKN file in Projects\current project folder. RUN q$;LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;q$;" -T -A ";DestPath1$;"\";fname0$
'loop until TKN File is verified while www = 0 if fileExists(DestPath1$,fnamenobas$;".tkn") <> 0 then exit while scan wend call pause 3500
'copy TKN$ file to TKN dir, and date it open DestPath1$;"\";fnamenobas$;".tkn" for input as #file open DefaultDir$;"\TKN\";fixeddate$;fixedtime$;fnamenobas$;".tkn" for output as #1 #1 input$(#file, lof(#file)); close #file close #1
if fileExists (DefaultDir$;"\TKN", fixeddate$;fixedtime$;fnamenobas$;".tkn") = 0 then notice fixeddate$;fixedtime$;fnamenobas$;".tkn";" was NOT created in ";DefaultDir$;"\TKN" : wait
[continueOn] 'check what tkn value =, and continue to create the 'new key' if tkn = 2 or tkn = 4 then newKey$ = fnamenobas$ goto [continue]
[initiate] global selectedKey$, lastKey$, categorie$, FolderDialog$, dictionary$, q$, codetankOpen, fixeddate$, fixedtime$, folder$, lastKey$ 'global 'selectedKey$, fixeddate$, fixedtime$, project, fnamenobas$, DestPath$, DestPath1$, JBexe$,_ 'LBpath$, keyCount, q$, lastKey$, selectedpath$, upath$, folder$, folderpath$ 'First we need the users home path CSIDL.PROFILE = 40 upath$ = GetSpecialFolder$(CSIDL.PROFILE) if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "codetank.ini") then open DefaultDir$;"\codetank.ini" for input as #1 line input #1, LBpath$ : close #1 if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" end if goto [check] end if if fileExists(upath$;"\AppData\Roaming\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1", "freeform404.bas") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\AppData\Roaming\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBpath$ = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" goto [check] end if end if if fileExists(upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1", "freeform450.bas") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBpath$ = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if end if [check] text$ = chr$(13)+" Liberty Basic v4.5.1 was not installed to the default Install folder."+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"Would you like to Browse to and Select your Liberty Basic 4.5.1"+chr$(13)+"(or Pro)"+chr$(13)+"Install Folder" 'if Liberty Basic v4.5.1 is NOT installed to it's Default Install Dir, get Path from User using folder dialog if fileExists(LBpath$, LBexe$) <> 0 then [start] else a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then end caption$ = "Navigate to, and Select YOUR Liberty Basic v4.5.1 (or Pro) Install Dir" call browser, caption$ if right$(FolderDialog$, 1) = "\" then FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$)-1) if FolderDialog$ = "" then notice "Liberty Basic v4.5.1 must be installed to continue" : end LBpath$ = FolderDialog$ open "codetank.ini" for output as #1 #1 LBpath$ : close #1 if fileExists(LBpath$, "liberty.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "liberty.exe" end if if fileExists(LBpath$, "lbpro.exe") then uAppPath$ = upath$;"\Application Data\Liberty Basic Pro v4.5.1" LBexe$ = "lbpro.exe" end if return
'FastCode written by cundo, a member of the Liberty Basic / Just Basic Forums 'edited by xxgeek to suit this app [fastcode] dim windowTypes$(19) windowTypes$(0)= "":windowTypes$(1)= "dialog":windowTypes$(2)= "dialog_fs":windowTypes$(3)= "dialog_nf":windowTypes$(4)= "dialog_nf_fs" windowTypes$(5)= "dialog_ns_modal":windowTypes$(6)= "dialog_modal":windowTypes$(7)= "dialog_popup":windowTypes$(8)= "graphics" windowTypes$(9)= "graphics_fs":windowTypes$(10) = "graphics_nf":windowTypes$(11)= "graphics_nsb":windowTypes$(12)= "graphics_nsb_nf" windowTypes$(13)= "text":windowTypes$(14)= "text_fs":windowTypes$(15)= "text_nsb":windowTypes$(16)= "text_nsb_ins":windowTypes$(17)= "window" windowTypes$(18)= "window_nf":windowTypes$(19)= "window_popup" WindowWidth = 430:WindowHeight = 470 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black" texteditor #fastcode.ed, 8, 130, 400, 200 statictext #fastcode.fastcode, "Create Window Code", 135, 5, 165, 20 statictext #fastcode.st1, "< Name && Handle >", 150, 25, 128, 20 statictext #fastcode.st1, "Window Type", 50, 55, 90, 20 textbox #fastcode.txt1, 290, 20, 115, 20 textbox #fastcode.txt2, 20, 20, 115, 20 combobox #fastcode.combo, windowTypes$(, dummy, 145, 50, 140, 20 checkbox #fastcode.r1, "Use Labels instead of Subs", dummy, dummy, 8, 90, 222, 20 button #fastcode.button1, "&Generate Code ^ + > Copy to Clipboard", dummy, ul, 70, 340, 270, 25 button #fastcode.preview, "Preview", [preview], ul, 160, 375, 75, 25 open "FastCode by cundo" for window as #fastcode #fastcode "trapclose [quit.fastcode]" #fastcode "font arial 10 Bold" #fastcode.txt1 "#main" #fastcode.txt2 "untiltled" #fastcode.combo "selectindex 17" fastcodeOpen = 1 #codeTank.fastwindows "!disable" #fastcode.r1 "set" wait
[preview] temp$ = "temp.bas" open temp$ for output as #1 #fastcode.ed "!contents? code$" #1 code$ close #1 run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";temp$ wait
[quit.fastcode] close #fastcode fastcodeOpen = 0 #codeTank.fastwindows "!enable" wait
'The [Search] button was pressed, or after searching/changing font size etc, the program was directed back here. [search] #codeTank.tb "!enable" : #codeTank.tb "!selectall" done = 0 count = 0 #results.default "!setfocus"' wait
[startSearching] #codeTank.tb "!disable" redim searchList$(10) if resultsOpen = 0 then gosub [results] #codeTank.tb "!contents? searchFor$" if searchFor$ = "" then [search] searchList$(0) = " " searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " Searching the Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Files" searchList$(3) = " " searchList$(4) = " For Files containing ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(5) = " " searchList$(6) = " " searchList$(7) = " " searchList$(8) = " " searchList$(9) = " P L E A S E W A I T" #results.listbox2 "reload" searchFor$=trim$(searchFor$) count = 3 cursor hourglass redim searchList$(2600) redim oneOf$(2500) #results.listbox2 "setfocus"
'search lb help files if lbHelp = 1 then files helpFilePath$;"\html", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then x = 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "and" then oneOf$(count) = "H_AND" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "not" then oneOf$(count) = "H_NOT" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "xor" then oneOf$(count) = "H_XOR" : count = count + 1 if lower$(searchFor$) = "or" then oneOf$(count) = "H_OR" : count = count + 1 listName$ = helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ open listName$ for input as #1 : isOpen = 1 while not(eof(#1)) scan line input #1, name$ if x = 5 and lower$(left$(name$, 7)) = lower$("<TITLE>") then name3$ = mid$(name$, 8, len(name$)-15) : if right$(name3$, 4) = "Etc." then name3$ = left$(name3$, len(name3$) - 1) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name3$ : count = count + 1 end if' if x = 8 and left$(lower$(name$), 7) = lower$("<TITLE>") then name5$ = mid$(name$, 8, len(name$)-15) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name5$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 12 and left$(name$ , 5) = "<P><A" then name8$ = word$(name$, 2, "</A><B>") : name8$ = left$(name8$, len(name8$)-8) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name8$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 14 and left$(name$ , 3) = "<P>" then name7$ = mid$(name$, 4, len(name$)-7) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name7$ : count = count + 1 end if if x = 15 and right$(name$, 8) = "</B></P>" then name11$ =word$(name$, 2, "B>") : name11$ = left$(name11$, len(name11$)-2) oneOf$(count) = "H_";name11$ : count = count + 1 exit while end if x = x + 1 wend if isOpen = 1 then close #1 : isOpen = 0 end if next i end if 'Search the LB Code Examples Files if lbexamples = 1 then files uAppPath$, "*.bas", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open uAppPath$;"\";fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then name$ = upper$(fileToOpen$) name20$ = left$(name$, len(name$)-4) oneOf$(count) = "CE_";name20$ : count = count + 1 end if next i end if 'Search the CodeBank saved .bas files if codeTank = 1 then files DefaultDir$;"\BAS", "*.bas", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open "BAS";"\";fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then name$ = upper$(fileToOpen$) name20$ = left$(name$, len(name$)-4) oneOf$(count) = "CB_";name20$ : count = count + 1 end if next i end if 'if no search results found if count < 4 then #results.listbox2 "reload" searchList$(0) = " " searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " " searchList$(3) = " Nothing found for: ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(4) = " " searchList$(5) = " " searchList$(6) = " " searchList$(7) = " Try Adding more Categories " searchList$(8) = " " searchList$(9) = " To the Search Engine" searchList$(10) = " " searchList$(11) = " Using the CheckBoxes" searchList$(12) = " " searchList$(13) = " To Visit the Liberty Basic Forums" searchList$(14) = " " searchList$(15) = " Click the Link Below" searchList$(16) = " " searchList$(17) = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" searchList$(18) = " " searchList$(19) = " " searchList$(20) = " " #results.listbox2 "reload" cursor normal end if
'sort the list of possible results sort oneOf$(), 0, count dim b$(count+1) happened$="|" K = 0
'filter out the false Titles (Due to differences in html help pages source code - Title not on same line in all files) for i = 0 to count name$ = oneOf$(i) if right$(name$, 1) = ">" or right$(name$, 6) = "window" or left$(name$, 5) = "H_ame" or right$(name$, 8) = "position"_ or left$(name$, 5) = "H_GCO" or right$(name$, 1) = ":" or left$(name$, 3) = "H_<" _ or left$(name$, 3) = "H_"+chr$(39) or right$(name$, 1) = "." or right$(name$, 1) = " " or right$(name$, 8) = "[branch]"_ or right$(name$, 3) = "] )" or right$(name$, 3) = "] ]" or right$(name$, 6) = "items)" or name$ = "H_WHILE...WEND"_ or right$(name$, 5) = "size)" or right$(name$, 1) = ";" or right$(name$, 5) = "LEN=n" or right$(name$, 7) = "number)" _ or right$(name$, 7) = "#handle" or right$(name$, 4) = "varN" or right$(name$, 4) = "...)" or right$(name$, 2) = "];" _ or right$(name$, 1) = "v" or right$(name$, 8) = "fontSpec" or right$(name$, 7) = "expr2 )" or right$(name$, 2) = "))"_ or right$(name$, 12) = "variableName" or right$(name$, 4) = "num2"or right$(name$, 5) = ".bmp"+chr$(34)_ or right$(name$, 2) = chr$(34)+")" or right$(name$, 4) = "var"+chr$(36) or right$(name$, 4) = ",n])"_ or right$(name$, 4) = "expr" or right$(name$, 4) = "num2" or right$(name$, 9) = chr$(34)+"refresh"+chr$(34)_ or right$(name$, 3) = "g])" or right$(name$, 6) = "Label]" or right$(name$, 8) = "#handle)" or right$(name$, 9) = "String$ )"_ or right$(name$, 11) = "Expression)" or right$(name$, 10) = "expression" or right$(name$, 9) = "[number])"_ or right$(name$, 7) = "struct)" or right$(name$, 7) = "comment" or right$(name$, 12) = "recordNumber"_ or right$(name$, 5) = "size)" or right$(name$, 6) = "follow" or right$(name$, 6) = "mode ]" or right$(name$, 8) = "number )" or name$ = "H_TRACE number"_ or right$(name$, 8) = "[column]" or right$(name$, 10) = "#handle, n" or right$(name$, 2) = " 1" or right$((left$(name$, 7)), 5) = chr$(34)+"Font"_ or right$(name$, 9) = "{LEN = n}" or right$(name$, 5) = "Expr2" or right$(name$, 6) = "length"or left$(name$, 9) = "H_Install"_ or right$(name$, 10) = "#newHandle" or right$(name$, 12) = "columns rows" or right$(name$, 5) = "Expr$"_ or left$(name$, 4) = "var =" or right$(name$, 6) = "xpr2 )" or left$(name$, 3) = "H_(" or right$(name$, 6) = chr$(34)+"name"+chr$(34) _ or right$(name$, 4) = "#h )" or right$(name$, 9) = "#handle )" or right$(name$, 1) = "?" or right$(name$, 1) = "."_ or name$ = "H_DO LOOP" or name$ = "H_FOR...NEXT" or name$ = "H_Winstring" or right$(name$, 8) = "value"+chr$(34)+" )"_ or right$(name$,1) = "?" or right$(name$,3) = "c$)" or right$(name$,8) = "Keywords" or name$ ="H_Boolean Evaluations"_ or left$(name$, 3) = "H_&" or name$ = "H_" or name$= "H_var = MIDIPOS( )" or name$ = "H_TRACE ( number )"_ or name$ = "H_StartupDir" or name$ = "H_EVAL" or name$ = "H_EVAL$" or right$(name$, 4) = "face" or left$(name$, 10) = "H_The Liberty"_ or name$ = "H_REPLSTR" or name$ = "H_UPPER$(s)" or right$(name$,8) = "[END IF]" or name$ = "H_LOWER$(s$)" then oneOf$(i) = "" end if 'remove any duplicates from search list (Thanks to tsh73) 'if instr(oneOf$(i), "Liberty") then oneOf$(i) = replace$(name$, "Liberty", "Liberty") if lower$(nameLast$) = lower$(name$) then oneOf$(i) = "" if instr(happened$, "|";oneOf$(i);"|")=0 then happened$=happened$;oneOf$(i);"|" K=K+1: b$(K)=oneOf$(i) end if nameLast$ = name$ next i 'Create final list of search results for x = 0 to K if lower$(word$(b$(x), 2, "_")) = lower$(searchFor$) then match$ = b$(x) if instr(lower$(b$(x)), lower$(searchFor$)) _ and lower$(mid$(b$(x), 3, len(searchFor$))) = lower$(searchFor$)_ or lower$(mid$(b$(x), 4, len(searchFor$))) = lower$(searchFor$) then_ searchList$(u+7) = b$(x) : u = u+1 next x for t = 0 to K if instr(lower$(b$(t)), lower$(searchFor$)) then if lower$(mid$(b$(t), 3, len(searchFor$))) <> lower$(searchFor$)_ and lower$(mid$(b$(t), 4, len(searchFor$))) <> lower$(searchFor$) then searchList$(u+v+16) = b$(t) : v = v+1 end if end if next t for a = 0 to K if not(instr(lower$(b$(a)), lower$(searchFor$))) then_ searchList$(u+v+ww+23) = b$(a) : ww = ww+1 next a
'manage the headers searchList$(0) = " Search Results" searchList$(1) = " " searchList$(2) = " ";u+v;" Titles Containing ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$ if u+v <> 0 then searchList$(3) = " " if u+v = 0 then searchList$(2) = " No Titles Found for ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$';" Found" searchList$(4) = " " if u <> 0 and v<>0 then searchList$(5) = " ";u;" Top Picks For ";q$;upper$(searchFor$);q$ searchList$(u+11) =" " if v <> 0 and v<>u+v then searchList$(u+13) = " ";v;" Remaining Titles "' if v <> 0 then searchList$(u+14) =" " if v <> 0 then searchList$(v+u+19) = " " if ww-2 <> 0 then searchList$(v+u+20) = " ";ww-3;" Other Pages Containing ";upper$(searchFor$) if u+v = 0 then searchList$(1) = " ";ww-2;" Pages Containing ";upper$(searchFor$) searchList$(v+u+21) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+22) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+23) = " If you need more information " searchList$(v+u+ww+24) = " on " searchList$(v+u+ww+25) = " Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Coding " searchList$(v+u+ww+26) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+27) = " Please Visit" searchList$(v+u+ww+28) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+29) = " The Liberty Basic Forums by" searchList$(v+u+ww+30) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+31) = " Clicking the link Below" searchList$(v+u+ww+32) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+33) = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" searchList$(v+u+ww+34) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+35) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+36) = " " searchList$(v+u+ww+37) = " " if match$ <> "" then searchList$(4) = " 1 Match " #results.listbox2 "reload" : #results.default "!setfocus"
'finished displaying results - reset variables - cursor back to normal [doneSearching] u = 0 : v = 0 : ww = 0 : match$ = "" : count = 0 #codeTank.tb "!enable" #codeTank.tb "!selectall" #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" #results.listbox2 "setfocus" cursor normal wait
'One of the Help Search results was Selected - Open the Help File in user's default browser [openFile] if lbHelp = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionH$" selectionH$ = trim$(selectionH$) if selection$ = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" then_ selection$ = right$(selection$, len(selection$)-1) : run "explorer ";selection$ : wait selectionH$ = right$(selectionH$, len(selectionH$) - 2) if selectionH$ = "XOR" or selectionH$ = "AND" or selectionH$ = "NOT" or selectionH$ = "OR" then run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\libe0azy.htm" : wait end if files helpFilePath$;"\html", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ for input as #3 contents$ = input$(#3, lof(#3)) : close #3 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$("<title>";selectionH$;"</TITLE>")) then if fileToOpen$ = "idecode451.html" then fileToOpen$ = "libe0ze8.htm" if fileExists("", "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait else run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$("</A><B>";selectionH$;"</B></P>")) then if fileExists("", "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait else run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ : done = 1 : wait end if end if end if end if next i end if 'a Code Example file was selected if lbexamples = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionCE$" selectionCE$ = right$(selectionCE$, len(selectionCE$) - 3) if fileExists(uAppPath$, selectionCE$;".bas") then run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";uAppPath$;"\";selectionCE$;".bas" : wait end if end if 'a Code Bank .bas file backup was selected if codeTank = 1 then #results.listbox2 "selection? selectionCB$" selectionCB$ = right$(selectionCB$, len(selectionCB$) - 3) if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\BAS", selectionCB$;".bas") then run LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;" ";DefaultDir$;"\BAS\";selectionCB$;".bas" : wait end if end if 'if the link to the Liberty basic Forums is clicked (link at bottom of search results) #results.listbox2 "selection? selection$" if selection$ = " https://libertybasiccom.proboards.com/" then_ selection$ = right$(selection$, len(selection$)-1) : run "explorer ";selection$ : wait wait 'a selection was made from the Help Menu list [mainList] #codeTankList.listbox1 "selection? h$" fileToOpen$= word$( h$,2,chr$(0)) fileToOpen$=replace$( fileToOpen$ , "/", "\" ) if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$_ else_ if fileExists(helpFilePath$, fileToOpen$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$ wait
'show results [results] if resultsOpen = 1 then return WindowWidth = 255 : WindowHeight = 600 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) + 600 UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) listbox #results.listbox2, searchList$(, [openFile], 0, 0, 256, 600 button #results.default, "", [startSearching], UL, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "LB HELP SEARCH RESULTS" for dialog as #results resultsOpen = 1 #results "trapclose [quitResults]" #results.listbox2 "reload" #results.listbox2 "singleclickselect" if fontsize <> 0 then fontsize = fontsize else fontsize = 9 #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 #results.listbox2 "setfocus" return
'show LB Help Menu - button [Contents] if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.default "!setfocus" : #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" : wait open helpFilePath$; "\"; helpFileMenu$ for input as #1 txt$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) close #1 'Load the "Contents" menu list array lowerTxt$= lower$(txt$) while 1 scan startAt = c+1 a = instr(lowerTxt$, "href",startAt) b = instr(lowerTxt$, ">",a+1) c = instr(lowerTxt$, "</a>",b+1) if a=0 or b=0 or c= 0 then exit while hrefA= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),a+1) hrefB= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),hrefA+1) idx = idx +1 mainList$(idx)= trim$(mid$(txt$,b+1,c-b-1));chr$(0);_ trim$(mid$(txt$,hrefA+1,hrefB-hrefA-1)) wend WindowWidth = 255 : WindowHeight = 600 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2 + 600) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) listbox #codeTankList.listbox1, mainList$(, [mainList], 0, 0, 256, 600 button #codeTankList.default, "&GO", [search], UL, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "Liberty Basic v4.5.1 Help Menu" for dialog as #codeTankList mainListOpen = 1 #codeTankList "trapclose [quitMainList]" #codeTankList.listbox1 "singleclickselect" #codeTankList.listbox1 "reload" if fontsize <> 0 then fontsize = fontsize else fontsize = 9 #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 idx = 0 #codeTankList.listbox1 "setfocus" 'if resultsOpen = 1 then #codeTank.tb "!setfocus" wait
'resize window font - sets all Listbox fonts equal [incFontSearch] fontsize = fontsize + 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial 0 ";fontsize+6 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
[decFontSearch] fontsize = fontsize - 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.listbox2 "font Arial_bold 0 ";fontsize+6 if mainListOpen = 1 then #codeTankList.listbox1 "font Arial 0 ";fontsize+6 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
'set and reset checkboxes for search categories [lbHelp] lbHelp = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nolbHelp] lbHelp = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [lbexamples] lbexamples = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nolbexamples] lbexamples = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [cbank] codeTank = 1 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait [nocbank] codeTank = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then #results.default "!setfocus" wait
'The [?] or 'help' button for this program was pressed [searchhelp] if helpOpen = 1 then wait notice " Tiny LB-Search Help File";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Type your Search Word ( no char minimum ), and hit [Search In >]";_ " If your text doesn't appear at any time, just hit [Enter] and start typing agin";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);_ "Search results are marked to indicate the category they represent";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);" CHECKBOXES and CATEGORIES: ";_ CHR$(13);_ "H= LB Help, CE= LB Code Examples, CT = CodeTank Files";_ CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);_ "Results marked H open help pages in your default browser";_ CHR$(13);_ "C stands for Code - Results marked CE, and CT open in Liberty Basic";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Alt + F4 closes the open window with focus";_ " unless another window is clicked on";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "Use + or - to Adjust Font Size - Fontsize changes on all Lists, opened or not";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);" ADDING TO the Liberty BASIC RUN MENU";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "How to ADD this to the Liberty BASIC menu Run > for easy access.";_ CHR$(13);_ "1) To Make the TKN file : Top Menu > Run > Make *.tkn File.";_ " Use any name for the file when the -File 'Save As'- window opens";_ " Remember the File Location, and Name of the File.";_ CHR$(13);_ "2) In Liberty Basic click the menu item: Setup > External Programs";_ CHR$(13);_ "3) Click on New , type a name that suits the app, eg: LB_Help_Search";_ " This name will appear in LB's Menu as Run > NameYouChose ";_ CHR$(13);_ "4) Click on Create Item.";_ CHR$(13);_ "5) Click the Browse Button, then navigate to the .tkn File created in step 1.";_ CHR$(13);_ "6) Liberty BASIC will inform you changes take effect after restarting Liberty Basic." helpOpen = 1 wait
'close Help List [quitMainList] if resultsOpen = 1 then close #results : resultsOpen = 0 close #codeTankList : mainListOpen = 0 wait
'close results List [quitResults] close #results : resultsOpen = 0 wait
[fastGui] 'Title FFUltra v2.x author = Rod 'version FFNSL_vxx2.0 'edited by xxgeek fastGuiOpen = 1 ver$="xx2.0" 'nomainwin dim info$(10,10) dim form$(10) form$(1)="Restore" form$(2)="New" form$(3)="Save .ffu" form$(4)="Load .ffu" form$(5)="-----------" form$(6)="Write .bas" form$(7)="Import .bas" form$(8)="Export .bas" form$(9)="File" dim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)="#1" dim grid$(20) grid$(1)="1" grid$(2)="3" g=3 for n= 5 to 30 step 5 grid$(g)=str$(n) g=g+1 next grid$(g)="Invisible" grid$(g+1)="Visible" grid$(g+2)="Set Grid" grid=10 gridvisible=1 gridcolor$="buttonface" projectctrh=25 ctrh=25 dim color$(10) color$(1)="Control Back" color$(2)="Project Back" color$(3)="Project Fore" color$(4)="Grid Color" color$(5)="Border Color" color$(6)="CrossHair" color$(7)="Set Color" projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" dim font$(10) font$(1)="Control Font" font$(2)="ResetControl" font$(3)="Project Font" font$(4)="Set Font"'default is Consolas 9" dim wind$(20)'window type names wind$(1)="window" wind$(2)="window_nf" wind$(3)="window_popup" wind$(4)="dialog" wind$(5)="dialog_modal" wind$(6)="dialog_nf" wind$(7)="dialog_nf_modal" wind$(8)="dialog_fs" wind$(9)="dialog_nf_fs" wind$(10)="dialog_popup" wind$(11)="graphics" wind$(12)="graphics_fs" wind$(13)="graphics_fs_nsb" wind$(14)="graphics_nsb" wind$(15)="graphics_nf_nsb" wind$(16)="text" wind$(17)="text_fs" wind$(18)="text_nsb" wind$(19)="text_nsb_ins" dim v$(2000) for n= 100 to 2000 step 20 v$(n)=str$(n) next dim obj(200,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight XX=1 Y=2 W=3 H=4 TT=5 TH=6 dim obj$(200,7) 'name,text,resource,font,backcolor,basline Ctr=1 Tex=2 Ress=3 Fon=4 Bak=5 Bass=7 'set default starting position projectfile$="Untitled.bas" projectwind$="window_nf" projecttitl$="Untitled" projectform$="#1" projectctrl$="" projecttext$="" projectreso$="" projectfont$="Consolas 9" projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" projecttbcl$="white" projectlbcl$="white" projectcbcl$="white" projecttecl$="white" gridcolor$="buttonface" bordercolor$ = "darkgray" 'border of grid dimension limits of x,y crosshair$ = gridcolor$ 'crosshair available in grid = 0 or grid = 1 barrier = 1 'barrier - form dimension limit - when tracking / resizing controls negbar = 1 'negative barrier - less than zero - when tracking / resizing controls projectctrh=25 projectgrid=10 projectw=600 projecth=400 insertx=grid inserty=grid*2 'open a small progress bar window and hide it WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=60 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth-230)/2 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-350)/2 graphicbox #prog.gb1,10,0,200,25 open "Import" for window_nf as #prog #prog "font Consolas 9" #prog "hide" progOpen = 1 'open a small properties window and hide it WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=260 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth)/2+420 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-180)/2 statictext #prop.st1 "File",5,10,30,25 textbox #prop.tbfile,45,5,150,25 statictext #prop.st2 "Wind",5,32,30,25 combobox #prop.cbwind,wind$(,[windowtype],47,29,146,25 statictext #prop.st3 "Titl",5,54,30,25 textbox #prop.tbtitl,45,49,150,25 statictext #prop.st4 "Form",5,76,30,25 textbox #prop.tbform,45,71,150,25 statictext #prop.st5 "Ctrl",5,98,30,25 textbox #prop.tbctrl,45,93,150,25 statictext #prop.st6 "Text",5,120,30,25 textbox #prop.tbtext,45,115,150,25 statictext #prop.st7 "Reso",5,142,30,25 textbox #prop.tbreso,45,137,150,25 statictext #prop.st8 "xywh",5,164,30,25 textbox #prop.tbxywh,45,159,150,25 statictext #prop.st9 "Font",5,186,30,25 textbox #prop.tbfont,45,181,150,25 statictext #prop.st10 "Colo",5,208,30,25 textbox #prop.tbcolo,45,203,150,25 open "Properties" for window_nf as #prop #prop "font Consolas 9" #prop "trapclose [show]" #prop.cbwind "select window_nf" #prop.tbfile "!disable" #prop.tbxywh "!disable" #prop.tbfont "!disable" #prop.tbcolo "!disable" gosub [propertyupdate] #prop "hide" propOpen = 1
'open the main form window 'this window is resizable, the graphicox will resize but the 'client area, which is a drawn representation of the window 'will only change size if you change the project w/h dimensions WindowWidth=862 WindowHeight=600 'gb is offset by 25 UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2 combobox #fful.fastfunctionsList,fastfunctionsList$(),fastfunctionSelected,680,2,140,25 combobox #fful.form,form$(,[form],5,2,85,30 combobox #fful.hand,hnd$(,[hand],91,2,85,30 button #fful.code,"Co&de",[code],UL,177,0,43,25 button #fful.gui,"G&UI",[prev],UL,222,0,40,25 combobox #fful.w,v$(,[formsize],265,2,55,30 combobox #fful.h,v$(,[formsize],321,2,55,30 combobox #fful.grid,grid$(,[grid],375,2,90,30 statictext #fful.gridsize "10",470,7,15,15 combobox #fful.color,color$(,[color],490,2,90,30 combobox #fful.font,font$(,[font],585,2,90,30 button #fful.barrier,"No Barrier &+",[barrier],UL,850,0,100,20 button #fful.help,"&?",[help],UL,820,0,25,25 button #fful.negbarrier,"No Barrier &-",[negbarrier],UL,850,22,100,20 statictext #fful.corner, "UpperLeft",960,12,75,15 statictext #fful.cornertext, " Corner >",960,25,85,15 statictext #fful.Xco, "x 0" ,1045,2,65,20 statictext #fful.Yco, "y 0",1045,24,65,20 button #fful.mnu,"&Menu",[bttnMNU],UL,5,25,45,20 button #fful.button,"&Button",[bttnBTTN],UL,50,25,55,20 button #fful.textbox,"&Textbox",[bttnTXBX],UL,105,25,65,20 button #fful.lstbx,"&Listbox",[bttnLSTBX],UL,170,25,65,20 button #fful.cmbobx,"&Combobox",[bttnCMBOBX],UL,235,25,65,20 button #fful.statictext,"&Statictext",[bttnSTTX],UL,300,25,80,20 button #fful.bmpbttn,"BM&Pbutton",[bttnBMPBTTN],UL,380,25,75,20 button #fful.grphcbx,"&Graphicbox",[bttnGRPHCBX],UL,455,25,80,20 button #fful.rdiobttn,"&Radiobutton",[bttnRDBTTN],UL,535,25,85,20 button #fful.chckbx,"Chec&kbox",[bttnCHKBX],UL,620,25,70,20 button #fful.grpbx,"Groupbo&x",[bttnGRPBX],UL,690,25,70,20 button #fful.txtedtr,"Text&editor",[bttnTXTEDTR],UL,760,25,85,20 graphicbox #fful.gb,5,45,830,510 textbox #fful.path,1115,0,200,20 combobox #fful.blocks,block$(,[block],1115,22,200,30 open ver$;" Form Preview Form Dimensions Grid - Size Colors Fonts Add Subs\Functions Help Form Limits (X,Y) Coordinates" for window as #fful #fful "trapclose [quitfful]" #fful "font Consolas 9 " #fful.Xco "!font Consolas 11 " #fful.Yco "!font Consolas 11 " #fful "resizehandler [resize]" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.grid "select Set Grid" #fful.color "select Set Color" #fful.font "select Set Font" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth #fful.gb "autoresize" #fful.gb "vertscrollbar on 0 ";projectw #fful.gb "horizscrollbar on 0 ";projecth #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ #fful.gb "down" #fful.path "File - untitled.ffu" #fful.form "!File" block$(1) = " ! COMING SOON ! " #fful.blocks "reload" #fful.blocks "!Add Code Blocks/Snippets" #fful.fastfunctionsList "!Subs / Functions" fastfunctionsList$(1) = " ! COMING SOON ! " #fful.fastfunctionsList "reload" gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "when rightButtonDown [show]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonDown [select]" #fful.gb "when characterInput [keys]" 'load subs and functions combobox #fful.gb "setfocus" #prop "show" show=1 fastGuiOpen = 1 #codeTank.fastgui "!disable" wait
[show] if show then #prop "hide" show=0 else #prop "show" show=1 end if wait 'the user clicked on the form design window 'either to chose a control or to deselect a control [select] xs=MouseX ys=MouseY 'hide property window if it is open if show then #prop "hide" show=0 end if 'before we move on update the currently selected control from properties 'get the project data and only the editable contents of controls if selected=0 then 'the form name #xxxx #prop.tbform "!contents? t$" if t$<>projectform$ then projectform$=t$ dim hnd$(10) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "select ";projectform$ end if 'the form/window title text #prop.tbtitl "!contents? t$" if t$<>projecttitl$ then projecttitl$=t$ end if #prop.tbctrl "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Ctl)=t$ #prop.tbtext "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Tex)=t$ #prop.tbreso "!contents? t$" : obj$(selected,Ress)=t$ 'find the object selected by user selected=0 action=1 ' 1=move 2=expand - bmps dont expand for cn=obj to 1 step -1 if xs>obj(cn,XX) and xs<(obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W)) and ys>obj(cn,Y) and ys<(obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H)) then if xs>obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W)/1.4 and ys>obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H)/1.4 then action=2 if obj(cn,TT)=6 then action=1 selected=cn exit for end if next if selected=0 then gosub [propertyupdate] action=0 end if if selected>0 and action=1 then #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove [track]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp [stop]" offsetX=xs-obj(selected,XX) offsetY=ys-obj(selected,Y) end if if selected>0 and obj(selected,TT)<>6 and action=2 then 'dont resize bmp #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove [tracksize]" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp [stopsize]" offsetX=xs-(obj(selected,XX)+obj(selected,W)) offsetY=ys-(obj(selected,Y)+obj(selected,H)) end if if selected>0 then gosub [drawit] else insertx=int((xs+(grid/2))/grid)*grid inserty=int((ys+(grid/2))/grid)*grid gosub [drawall] end if wait 'moving controls on form [track] #fful.corner "UpperLeft" #fful.gb "rule xor" gosub [drawit] xt=int((MouseX-offsetX+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if negbar then if xt<1 then xt=0 end if if xt+obj(selected,W)>projectw and barrier then xt=projectw-obj(selected,W) obj(selected,XX)=xt yt=int((MouseY-offsetY+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then if negbar then if yt<0 then yt=0 end if if yt+obj(selected,H)>projecth-25 and barrier then yt=projecth-obj(selected,H)-25 obj(selected,Y)=yt end if if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then if negbar then if yt < 0 then yt =0 end if if yt+obj(selected,H)>projecth-50 and barrier then yt=projecth-obj(selected,H)-50 obj(selected,Y)=yt end if #fful.Xco "x ";str$(xt) #fful.Yco "y ";str$(yt) gosub [drawit] wait 'when user stops moving mouse or lifts left button [stop] #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp" action=0 #fful.gb "rule over" gosub [drawall] wait 'resizing controls on form [tracksize] #fful.corner "BottomRight" 'print to window #fful for x,y coordinates #fful.gb "rule xor" gosub [drawit] xs=int((MouseX-offsetX+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if xs>projectw and barrier then xs=projectw if xs<obj(selected,XX) then xs=obj(selected,XX)+grid ys=int((MouseY-offsetY+(grid/2))/grid)*grid if ys>projecth and barrier then ys=projecth if ys<obj(selected,Y)+ctrh and barrier then ys=obj(selected,Y)+ctrh obj(selected,W)=xs-obj(selected,XX)' 'form workspace changes when menu, or textEditor added/removed if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then obj(selected,H)=ys-obj(selected,Y)-50'height if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then obj(selected,H)=ys-obj(selected,Y)-25'height #fful.Xco "x ";xs : #fful.Yco "y ";ys gosub [drawit] wait
[stopsize] #fful.gb "when leftButtonMove" #fful.gb "when leftButtonUp" action=0 #fful.gb "rule over" gosub [drawall] wait 'user uses keys to copy/paste or delete controls [keys] k1=asc(right$(Inkey$,1)) k2=asc(left$(Inkey$,1)) if k1=46 then 'delete selected if obj(selected,TT)=12 then menuset=0 if obj(selected,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd - 1 obj(selected,TT)=0 selected=0 gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] end if if k1=3 then 'copy control cpy(1)=obj(selected,XX) 'x cpy(2)=obj(selected,Y) 'y cpy(3)=obj(selected,W) 'w cpy(4)=obj(selected,H) 'h cpy(5)=obj(selected,TT) 'type cpy(6)=obj(selected,TH) 'textheight cpy$(1)=obj$(selected,Ctr)'name cpy$(2)=obj$(selected,Tex)'text content cpy$(3)=obj$(selected,Ress)'resource array or file path cpy$(4)=obj$(selected,Fon)'ctrl specific font or "" cpy$(5)=obj$(selected,Bak)'ctrl specific backcolor end if if k1=22 then 'paste control if cpy(5)<>0 then obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty inserty=inserty+cpy(4)+grid obj(obj,W)=cpy(3) obj(obj,H)=cpy(4) obj(obj,TT)=cpy(5) obj(obj,TH)=cpy(6) obj$(obj,Ctr)=left$(cpy$(1),2);obj obj$(obj,Tex)=cpy$(2) obj$(obj,Ress)=cpy$(3) if obj(obj,TT)=6 then loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) if obj(selected,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd + 1 : gosub [drawgrid] 'keep track of # of texteditors obj$(obj,Fon)=cpy$(4) obj$(obj,Bak)=cpy$(5) selected=obj gosub [drawall] end if end if #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
'[tool] '#fful.tool "selectionindex? i" [drawTool] cpy(5)=0 select case i case 1 'statictext obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=130 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=1 obj$(obj,Ctr)="sttctxt";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="StaticText ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 2 'textbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=140 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=2 obj$(obj,Ctr)="txtbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="TextBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projecttbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 3 'listbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=120 obj(obj,H)=ctrh*5 obj(obj,TT)=3 obj$(obj,Ctr)="lstbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="ListBox ";obj;"\item2\item3\item4\item5" obj$(obj,Ress)=obj$(obj,Ctr);"$(" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectlbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 4 'combobox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=120 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=4 obj$(obj,Ctr)="cmbbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="ComboBox ";obj;"\item2\item3\item4\item5" obj$(obj,Ress)=obj$(obj,Ctr);"$(" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectcbcl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 5 'button obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=5 obj$(obj,Ctr)="btn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="Button ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)="white" inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 6 'bmp button obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=50 obj(obj,H)=50 obj(obj,TT)=6 obj$(obj,Ctr)="bmpbtn";obj filedialog "Choose an image","*.bmp",file$ if file$<>"" then file$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) open file$ for input as #bmp 'the bmpfileheader bmp$ = Input$(#bmp,lof(#bmp)) if mid$(bmp$,1,2) ="BM" then 'always BM obj(obj,W)=value(mid$(bmp$,19,4))'width obj(obj,H)=value(mid$(bmp$,23,4))'height obj$(obj,Ress)=file$ obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),file$ close #bmp inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid else obj(obj,TT)=0 close #bmp obj=obj-1 end if else obj(obj,TT)=0 obj=obj-1 end if case 7 'graphicbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=90 obj(obj,TT)=7 obj$(obj,Ctr)="grphcbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="GraphicBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 8 'radiobutton obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=100 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=8 obj$(obj,Ctr)="rdbtn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="RadioButton ";obj obj$(obj,Ress)="[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Set],[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Reset]" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 9 'checkbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=90 obj(obj,H)=ctrh obj(obj,TT)=9 obj$(obj,Ctr)="chkbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="CheckBox ";obj obj$(obj,Ress)="[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Checked],[";obj$(obj,Ctr);"Unchecked]" if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 10 'groupbox obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=110 obj(obj,H)=110 obj(obj,TT)=10 obj$(obj,Ctr)="grpbx";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="GroupBox ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projectback$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid case 11 'texteditor obj=obj+1 textEd = textEd + 1 : gosub [drawgrid] obj(obj,XX)=insertx obj(obj,Y)=inserty obj(obj,W)=150 obj(obj,H)=100 obj(obj,TT)=11 obj$(obj,Ctr)="txtedtr";obj obj$(obj,Tex)="TextEditor ";obj if ctrf$<>projectfont$ then obj$(obj,Fon)=ctrf$ obj(obj,TH)=ctrh end if obj$(obj,Bak)=projecttecl$ inserty=int((inserty+obj(obj,H)+(grid/2))/grid)*grid
case 12 'menu if menuset=0 then obj=obj+1 obj(obj,XX)=0 obj(obj,Y)=0 obj(obj,W)=100 obj(obj,H)=10 obj(obj,TT)=12 obj$(obj,Ctr)="mn";obj obj$(obj,Tex)=" Menu Added ";obj menuset=1 end if end select selected=obj gosub [drawall] '#fful.tool "select Add New" #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[form] #fful.form "selectionindex? i" select case i case 1 'restore #fful.path "lastsession.ffu" file$ = "lastsession.ffu" gosub [loadit] #fful.path "lastsession.ffu" case 2 'new if import <> 1 then #fful.path "Untitled.bas" gosub [new] case 3 'save as gosub [saveas] case 4 'load gosub [load] case 6 'write gosub [write] #fful.path file$ case 7 'import import = 1 gosub [import] import = 0 case 8 'export gosub [export] end select #fful.form "select File" gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[drawall] #fful.gb "discard ; redraw bak" ocn=cn projecttbcl$="white" projectlbcl$="white" projectcbcl$="white" projecttecl$="white" for cn=1 to obj gosub [drawit] next cn=ocn #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; north ; turn 180 ; go ";10 #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; turn -90 ; go ";10 #fful.gb "place ";insertx;" ";inserty;" ; turn 45 ; go ";20 #fful.gb "setfocus" return
[drawit] 'redraws control cn 'set the color for the drawn object and action taking place if cn=selected then #fful.gb "color red" 'action 1 or 2 if action=2 then #fful.gb "color green" else #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ end if
'set the font for the drawn object if obj$(cn,Fon)="" then #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ ch=projectctrh if obj(cn,H)<ch then obj(cn,H)=ch else #fful.gb "font ";obj$(cn,Fon) ch=obj(cn,TH) if obj(cn,H)<ch then obj(cn,H)=ch end if
'update the properties textboxes for selected control if cn=selected then #prop.tbctrl obj$(cn,Ctr) 'ctrlname #prop.tbtext obj$(cn,Tex) 'text #prop.tbreso obj$(cn,Ress) 'resource #prop.tbxywh obj(cn,XX);" ";obj(cn,Y);" ";obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,H) 'xywh if obj$(cn,Fon)="" then #prop.tbfont projectfont$;":";obj(cn,TH) else #prop.tbfont obj$(cn,Fon);":";obj(cn,TH) 'font and height #prop.tbcolo obj$(cn,Bak) end if #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX);" ";obj(cn,Y) if obj$(cn,Tex)="" or obj$(cn,Tex)=chr$(34) then obj$(cn,Tex)="Missing Text?" select case obj(cn,TT) case 1 'statictext #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 2 'textbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projecttbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 3 'listbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectlbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 4 'combobox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectcbcl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 5 'button #fful.gb "backcolor white" #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'buttons are always black on white #fful.gb "color black" 'centre button text #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" xp=(obj(cn,W)-width*len(obj$(cn,Tex)))/2 if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+xp;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ case 6 'bmpbutton if action=0 then #fful.gb "drawbmp ";obj$(cn,Ctr) #fful.gb "box ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) case 7 ' graphicbox #fful.gb "backcolor white" #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ case 8 'radiobutton #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'radiobutton text is always black #fful.gb "color black" if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 9 'checkbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'checkbox text is always black #fful.gb "color black" if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 10 'groupbox #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ 'groupbox is an outline #fful.gb "box ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) 'group box text is always black #fful.gb "color black" 'groupbox text is offset if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+5;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33-ch/2;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) #fful.gb "color ";projectfore$ case 11 ' texteditor #fful.gb "backcolor ";projecttecl$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) if action=0 then #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 12 'menu 'pin to top left obj(cn,XX)=10 : obj(cn,Y)=-8 : obj(cn,W)=100 : obj(cn,H)=10 #fful.gb "backcolor ";projectback$ #fful.gb "boxfilled ";obj(cn,XX)+obj(cn,W);" ";obj(cn,Y)+obj(cn,H) #fful.gb "place ";obj(cn,XX)+2;" ";obj(cn,Y)+ch/1.33;" ;\";obj$(cn,Tex) case 21 'tecolor projecttecl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 22 'tbcolor projecttbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 23 'lbcolor projectlbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) case 24 'cbcolor projectcbcl$=obj$(cn,Bak) '41,42,43,44,45 and 50 51 ignored ie back/fore w/h open and font objects end select return
[prev] file$="preview.bas" gosub [writeit] wait
[write] projectfile$=left$(projectfile$,len(projectfile$)-3)+"bas" filedialog "Save .bas",projectfile$,file$ file$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1)
[writeit] if file$<>"" then open file$ for output as #op 'the header #op " 'Project ";projecttitl$ if val(left$(time$(), 2)) > 11 then mer$ = "pm" else mer$ = "am" #op " 'Created with FFNotSoLite v";ver$;" ";date$();" at ";time$();" ";mer$ #op " nomainwin" if projectback$<>"white" or projectfore$<>"black" then #op " 'Set BackgroundColor$ and ForegroundColor$ of project" #op " BackgroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectback$;chr$(34) #op " ForegroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectfore$;chr$(34) #op "" end if if code = 1 then #op " 'Create arrays needed for controls listbox,combobox" for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)=3 or obj(n,TT)=4 then #op " dim ";obj$(n,Ress);"10)" #op " for n = 1 to 10" #op " ";obj$(n,Ress);"n)= str$(n)" #op " next" end if next end if #op " 'Create controls and open window" #op " WindowWidth = ";projectw #op " WindowHeight = ";projecth #op " UpperLeftX = int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)" #op " UpperLeftY = int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)" if menuset then #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&File";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"&Open";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Save";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Save As";chr$(34);", [dummy],";chr$(34);"&Load";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"&Exit";chr$(34);", [dummy]" if textEd > 0 then #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"Edit";chr$(34) end if #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Tools";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"Preferences";chr$(34);", [dummy] " #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Options";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"Fonts";chr$(34);", [dummy], ";chr$(34);"Colors";chr$(34);", [dummy]" #op " menu ";projectform$;", ";chr$(34);"&Help";chr$(34);", ";chr$(34);"About";chr$(34);", [dummy]";", ";chr$(34);"Help";chr$(34);", [dummy]" end if for n=1 to obj select case obj(n,TT) case 1 'statictext #op " statictext ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);trim$(obj$(n,Tex));chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)+5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 2 'textbox #op " textbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 3 'list box #op " listbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 4 'combobox #op " combobox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 5 'button #op " button ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 6 'bmpbutton #op " bmpbutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Ress);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y) case 7 'graphicbox #op " graphicbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 8 'radiobutton #op " radiobutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 9 'checkbox #op " checkbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 10 'group box #op " groupbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)-5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 11 'texteditor #op " texteditor ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 22 'tbcolor #op " TextboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 23 'lbcolor #op " ListboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 24 'cbcolor #op " ComboboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 21 'tecolor #op " TexteditorColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) end select next #op " open ";chr$(34);projecttitl$;chr$(34);" for ";projectwind$;" as ";projectform$ if instr(projectwind$, "text") then #op " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"!trapclose [quit]";chr$(34) else #op " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"trapclose [quit]";chr$(34) end if #op "" if code = 1 then #op " 'Set any listboxes to singleclick and display the first item on the list for all listboxes and comboboxes" for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)=4 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selectindex 1";chr$(34) end if if obj(n,TT)=3 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selectindex 1, singleclickselect";chr$(34) end if next #op " 'apply any control specific fonts" end if for n= 1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 and obj$(n,Fon)<>"" then if obj(n,TT)=1 or obj(n,TT)=2 or obj(n,TT)=5 or obj(n,TT)=10 or obj(n,TT)=11 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end if if obj(n,TT)=3 or obj(n,TT)=4 or obj(n,TT)=7 or obj(n,TT)=8 or obj(n,TT)=9 then #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end if [remDot] end if next #op " 'Your code here. eg: Declare variables and globals, goto/gosub/call subs and invoke functions, etc etc" #op "" #op " wait" #op "" #op " 'Create the required handlers for each control" for n=1 to obj select case obj(n,TT) case 3 'listbox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected]" #op " 'Your handler code here, read the control with" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selection? Selected$";chr$(34) #op " wait" #op "" case 4 'combobox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected]" #op " 'Your handler code here, read the control with" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"selection? Selected$";chr$(34) #op " wait" #op "" case 5 'button #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked]" #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 6 'bmpbutton #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked]" #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 8 'radiobutton #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Set]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" case 9 'checkbox #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Checked]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" #op " [";obj$(n,Ctr);"Unchecked]" #op " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"value? result$";chr$(34) #op " 'Your handler code here" #op " wait" #op "" end select next #op " [quit]" #op " 'Add code for any actions to take while shutting down. eg:backup settings to a file" #op " close ";projectform$ #op " end" #op " " #op " 'Subs and Functions go below this line" #op "'########################################################" #op " " close #op if code <> 1 then run chr$(34);LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;chr$(34);" -R -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";file$ if code = 1 then run chr$(34);LBpath$;"\";LBexe$;chr$(34);" -A ";DefaultDir$;"\";file$ [done] end if code = 0 return
[saveas] projectname$=left$(projectfile$,len(projectfile$)-4)+".ffu" filedialog "Save As...",projectname$,file$ if file$<>"" then open file$ for output as #op projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) #fful.path projectfile$ 'the form name #xxxx #prop.tbform "!contents? t$" if t$<>projectform$ then projectform$=t$ dim hnd$(10) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "select ";projectform$ end if 'the form/windo title text #prop.tbtitl "!contents? t$" if t$<>projecttitl$ then projecttitl$=t$ #op projectfile$ #op projectwind$ #op projectform$ #op projecttitl$ #op projectfont$ #op projectback$ #op projectfore$ #op projectctrh #op projectgrid #op projectw #op projecth for n=1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 then #op obj(n,XX);","; #op obj(n,Y);","; #op obj(n,W);","; #op obj(n,H);","; #op obj(n,TT);","; #op obj(n,TH) #op obj$(n,Ctr) #op obj$(n,Tex) #op obj$(n,Ress) #op obj$(n,Fon) #op obj$(n,Bak) end if next close #op gosub [propertyupdate] redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" end if return
[load] filedialog "Open Project...","*.ffu",file$ [loadit] if file$<>"" then projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) #fful.path projectfile$ open file$ for input as #ses input #ses, projectfile$ input #ses, projectwind$ input #ses, projectform$ input #ses, projecttitl$ input #ses, projectfont$ if projectfont$="" then projectfont$="Consolas 9" #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ input #ses, projectback$ input #ses, projectfore$ input #ses, c$ input #ses, g$ input #ses, w$ input #ses, h$ projectctrh=val(c$) projectgrid=val(g$) grid=projectgrid projectw=val(w$) projecth=val(h$) #prop.cbwind "select ";projectwind$ redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.grid "select ";grid #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [drawgrid] obj=0 while eof(#ses) = 0 obj=obj+1 line input #ses, l$ obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(l$,1,",")) obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(l$,2,",")) obj(obj,W)=val(word$(l$,3,",")) obj(obj,H)=val(word$(l$,4,",")) obj(obj,TT)=val(word$(l$,5,",")) obj(obj,TH)=val(word$(l$,6,",")) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Ctr) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Tex) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Ress) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Fon) line input #ses, obj$(obj,Bak) if obj(obj,TT)=6 then loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) if obj(obj,TT)=12 then menuset=1 if obj(obj,TT)=11 then textEd = textEd + 1 wend close #ses gosub [propertyupdate] #prop "hide" #prop "show" end if return
[import] filedialog "Open .bas...","*.bas",file$
[importit] if file$<>"" then 'check size open file$ for input as #bas maxln=0 while eof(#bas)=0 line input #bas, wln$ maxln=maxln+1 wend close #bas 'add margin for split lines dim bas$(maxln+1000,4)'an array of code lines and line numbers
'set up progress bar #prog.gb1 "down ; fill white ; backcolor cyan" #prog "show"
projectfile$=right$(file$,len(file$)-len(DefaultDir$)-1) gosub [new] 'set grid to 1 and invisible so controls stay where they import from initially 'grid=1 'gridvisible=0 gosub [drawgrid] #fful.path projectfile$ 'create objects for only those lines defining controls we are interested in wordlist$=" statictext textbox listbox combobox button bmpbutton graphicbox " wordlist$=wordlist$+"radiobutton checkbox groupbox texteditor open " 'no menu wordlist$=wordlist$+"textboxcolor$ listboxcolor$ comboboxcolor$ texteditorcolor$ " wordlist$=wordlist$+"windowwidth windowheight "' no upperleftx upperlefty " wordlist$=wordlist$+"backgroundcolor$ foregroundcolor$ font "
ln=1 bln=1 open file$ for input as #bas while eof(#bas)=0 line input #bas, wln$ 'update progress bar #prog.gb1 "cls ; place 0 0 ; boxfilled ";100/maxln*ln;" 25" 'ignore 'or rem lines if left$(lower$(trim$(wln$)),1)="'" or left$(lower$(trim$(wln$)),4)="rem " then bas$(ln,1)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,2)=trim$(wln$) ln=ln+1 else 'break into multiple lines if ":" found outside quotes pos=1 ln$="" while pos<=len(wln$) c$=mid$(wln$,pos,1) dd$ = mid$(win$,pos,2) if c$=chr$(34) then if quote=0 then quote=1 else quote=0 end if if c$=":" and quote=0 or c$=":" and right$(dd$,1) = "\" then gosub [line] ln$="" pos=pos+1 else ln$=ln$+c$ pos=pos+1 end if wend gosub [line] bln=bln+1 end if wend basln=ln-1 close #bas
redim win$(30,10)'an array of forms within .bas redim hnd$(30)'an array of form names for handle combobox wh=1 for ln=1 to basln if bas$(ln,3)="#" then if instr(bas$(ln,2),"BackgroundColor$",1)>0 then projectback$=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)) : win$(wh,6)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ForegroundColor$",1)>0 then projectfore$=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)) : win$(wh,7)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"WindowWidth",1)>0 then w$=getsize$(bas$(ln,2)):win$(wh,8)=bas$(ln,1) if instr(bas$(ln,2),"WindowHeight",1)>0 then h$=getsize$(bas$(ln,2)):win$(wh,9)=bas$(ln,1) 'if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"open",1)>0 then if lower$(word$(bas$(ln,2),1)) = "open" and left$(word$(bas$(ln,2),2, " as "),1) = "#" then if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"window",1)>0 or instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"dialog",1)>0 or instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),"graphic",1)>0 then win$(wh,10)=bas$(ln,1) n$=word$(bas$(ln,2),2,chr$(34)) hn$="#"+right$(bas$(ln,2),len(bas$(ln,2))-instr(bas$(ln,2),"#",1)) 'find last "for" in command line i=1 while i oi=i i=instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2))," for ",i+1) wend wt$=right$(bas$(ln,2),len(bas$(ln,2))-oi) wt$=word$(wt$,2) win$(wh,1)=hn$ 'handle #fful etc win$(wh,2)=n$ 'title win$(wh,3)=w$ 'width win$(wh,4)=h$ 'height win$(wh,5)=wt$ 'windowtype hnd$(wh)=hn$ 'for combobox wh=wh+1 end if end if end if next #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" wh=1 gosub [loadwindow] end if return
[line] bas$(ln,1)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,2)=trim$(ln$) w$=lower$(word$(ln$,1)) if instr(w$,"=",1)>1 then w$=word$(w$,1,"=") if len(w$)>3 then w1$=" "+w$+" " w2$=" "+w$+"=" if instr(wordlist$,w1$,1)>0 or instr(wordlist$,w2$,1)>0 or instr(lower$(ln$),"font ",1)>0 then bas$(ln,3)="#" end if ln=ln+1 return
[hand] #fful.hand "selectionindex? wh" gosub [loadwindow] wait
[loadwindow] redim obj(300,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight redim obj$(300,7) 'name,text content,resource,font obj=1 menuset=0 textEd = 0 projectback$="white" TextboxColor$="white" ListboxColor$="white" ComboboxColor$="white" TexteditorColor$="white" projectfore$="black" projectw=val(win$(wh,3)) if projectw=0 then projectw=320 projecth=val(win$(wh,4)) if projecth=0 then projecth=360 projecttitl$=win$(wh,2) projectwind$=win$(wh,5) projectform$=win$(wh,1) tbc$="" lbc$="" cbc$="" tec$="" gosub [propertyupdate] #fful.w "!";str$(projectw) #fful.h "!";str$(projecth)
'find controls and create obj() array for form we are interested in for ln=1 to basln 'update progress bar #prog.gb1 "cls ; place 0 0 ; boxfilled ";100+100/maxln*ln;" 25" if bas$(ln,3)="#" then 'reset obj pointer bas$(ln,4)="" 'create objects to control color only check lines after previous open statement up to our open statement if bas$(ln,1)>win$(wh-1,10) and bas$(ln,1)<=win$(wh,10) then if instr(bas$(ln,2),"TextboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=22 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ListboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=23 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"ComboboxColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=24 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 if instr(bas$(ln,2),"TexteditorColor$",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=21 : obj$(obj,Bak)=getcolor$(bas$(ln,2)):obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1):bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj):obj=obj+1 end if for wc=1 to 12 if instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),word$(wordlist$,wc),1)=1 and instr(lower$(bas$(ln,2)),lower$(projectform$),1)>0 then exit for next if wc<=11 then obj$(obj,Bass)=bas$(ln,1) bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj) l$=bas$(ln,2) ll$="" 'remove spaces leaving only , separation but keep "" text untouched inString=0 for i=1 to len(l$) c$=mid$(l$,i,1) select case case c$=chr$(34) inString=1-inString case (inString=0) and c$=" " c$="" end select ll$=ll$+c$ next 'insert missing comma if missing if instr(ll$,","+chr$(34),1)=0 then ll$=left$(ll$,instr(ll$,chr$(34),1)-1)+","+right$(ll$,len(ll$)-instr(ll$,chr$(34),1)+1) if left$(ll$,1)="," then ll$=right$(ll$,len(ll$)-1) obj(obj,TT)=wc 'type obj(obj,TH)=projectctrh 'get the .ctrl name obj$(obj,Ctr)=right$(word$(ll$,1,","),len(word$(ll$,1,","))-len(word$(ll$,1,"."))-1) 'for un-named controls if obj$(obj,Ctr)="" then obj$(obj,Ctr) = word$(wordlist$,wc);obj 'get the text if wc=1 or wc=5 or wc=8 or wc=9 or wc=10 then obj$(obj,Tex)=word$(ll$,2,chr$(34)) else obj$(obj,Tex)=word$(wordlist$,wc) 'get the array or bmp file name if wc=3 or wc=4 or wc=6 then obj$(obj,Ress)=word$(ll$,2,",") if wc=8 or wc=9 then obj$(obj,Ress)=word$(ll$,3,",")+","+word$(ll$,4,",") 'get rid of "" if wc=6 and left$(obj$(obj,Ress),1)=chr$(34) then obj$(obj,Ress)=mid$(obj$(obj,Ress),2,len(obj$(obj,Ress))-2) 'array() -> array( if (wc=3 or wc=4) and right$(obj$(obj,Ress),1)=")" then obj$(obj,Ress)=left$(obj$(obj,Ress), len(obj$(obj,Ress))-1) i=1 while word$(ll$,i,",")<>"" i=i+1 wend i=i-4 if wc=6 or wc=5 then 'buttons and bmpbuttons can have xy, wh is optional and they have XX corners if i=3 then obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'y if wc=5 then 'we need to find a way to calculate width and height if not given #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(obj,W)=width*len(obj$(obj,Tex))+10 obj(obj,H)=projectctrh end if if wc=6 then 'we need a way to set bmp w and h on error goto [dummybmp] open obj$(obj,Ress) for input as #bmp 'the bmpfileheader bmp$ = Input$(#bmp,lof(#bmp)) if mid$(bmp$,1,2) ="BM" then 'always BM obj(obj,W)=value(mid$(bmp$,19,4))'width obj(obj,H)=value(mid$(bmp$,23,4))'height obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" end if loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),obj$(obj,Ress) close #bmp goto [passdummy]
[dummybmp] obj(obj,W)=25 obj(obj,H)=25 obj$(obj,Tex)="bmp" loadbmp obj$(obj,Ctr),"path.bmp" [passdummy] end if else obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+1,","))'y obj(obj,W)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'w obj(obj,H)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'h end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="LR" then obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="LL" then 'obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if if upper$(word$(ll$,4,","))="UR" then obj(obj,XX)=projectw-obj(obj,XX)-obj(obj,W)'x 'obj(obj,Y)=projecth-obj(obj,Y)-obj(obj,H)'y end if else 'write to .bas tweaks listbox and combobox controls to line up properly 'so we need to untweak them now obj(obj,XX)=val(word$(ll$,i,","))'x obj(obj,Y)=val(word$(ll$,i+1,","))'y if wc=1 then obj(obj,Y)=obj(obj,Y)-5 if wc=10 then obj(obj,Y)=obj(obj,Y)+5 if wc=3 or wc=4 then obj(obj,XX)=obj(obj,XX)-1 obj(obj,W)=val(word$(ll$,i+2,","))'w if wc=3 or wc=4 then obj(obj,W)=obj(obj,W)+2 obj(obj,H)=val(word$(ll$,i+3,","))'h end if obj=obj+1 end if end if next
'now find font commands listed after the open statement referring to the #form '#form.ctrl !font fontname 'if so add a new font object for ln = 1 to basln if bas$(ln,3)="#" then lln$=lower$(bas$(ln,2)) if (instr(lln$,lower$(projectform$),1)>0 and instr(lln$,chr$(34);"font ",1)>0) or (instr(lln$,lower$(projectform$),1)>0 and instr(lln$,chr$(34);"!font ",1)>0) then f$=right$(lln$,len(lln$)-instr(lln$,"font",1)-4) if instr(f$,";",1)=0 then obj$(obj,Fon)=f$ obj$(obj,Fon)=left$(obj$(obj,Fon),len(obj$(obj,Fon))-1) obj$(obj,Ctr)=word$(word$(lln$,1),2,".") if instr(lln$,"!font",1)>0 then obj(obj,TT)=51 else obj(obj,TT)=50 obj$(obj,Bass)=str$(ln) bas$(ln,4)=str$(obj)
'find the visible object and store the font change for n=1 to obj if obj$(n,Ctr)=obj$(obj,Ctr) then obj$(n,Fon)=obj$(obj,Fon) #fful.gb "font ";obj$(obj,Fon) #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" obj(n,TH)=(yp-100)/2+7 exit for end if next obj=obj+1 end if end if end if next if win$(wh,6)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,6)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,6) obj(obj,TT)=41 obj=obj+1 'backgroundcolor end if if win$(wh,7)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,7)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,7) obj(obj,TT)=42 obj=obj+1 'foregroundcolor end if if win$(wh,8)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,8)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,8) obj(obj,TT)=43 obj=obj+1 'windowwidth end if if win$(wh,9)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,9)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,9) obj(obj,TT)=44 obj=obj+1 n=n+1 'windowheight end if if win$(wh,10)<>"" then bas$(val(win$(wh,10)),4)=str$(obj) obj$(obj,Bass)=win$(wh,10) obj(obj,TT)=45 obj=obj+1 'open statement end if obj=obj-1 gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #prog "hide" #prop "hide" #prop "show" show=1 return
[export] 'all previously imported lines will be deleted and replaced by the obj( lines 'deletelist$ remembers the original imported line numbers in line number order if file$<>"" and right$(file$,3)="bas" then open file$ for output as #bas 'open "export.bas" for output as #bas for ln=1 to basln 'find any object associated with this line found=0 for l=1 to obj if bas$(ln,1)=obj$(l,Bass) then found=1 'have we got to the open command line yet if obj(l,TT)=45 then 'write all new lines prior to 45 (controls) for m=1 to obj if obj$(m,Bass)="" and obj(m,TT)<45 and obj(m,TT)<>0 then n=m gosub [exportline] end if next 'write 45 (open line) n=l gosub [exportline] 'write all new lines after 45 (open) ie (fonts)
'apply any control specific fonts" for m= 1 to obj if obj(m,TT)<>0 and obj$(m,Fon)<>"" then if obj(m,TT)=1 or obj(m,TT)=2 or obj(m,TT)=5 or obj(m,TT)=10 or obj(m,TT)=11 then #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(m,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(m,Fon);chr$(34) end if if obj(m,TT)=3 or obj(m,TT)=4 or obj(m,TT)=7 or obj(m,TT)=8 or obj(m,TT)=9 then #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(m,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(m,Fon);chr$(34) end if end if next end if 'edit or erase existing line if obj(l,TT)=0 then else if obj(l,TT)<>45 then n=l gosub [exportline] end if end if end if next if found=0 then #bas " ";bas$(ln,2) next close #bas end if 'now reload amended .bas file gosub [importit] return
[exportline] select case obj(n,TT) 'handle the visible controls case 1 'statictext #bas " statictext ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);trim$(obj$(n,Tex));chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)+5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 2 'textbox #bas " textbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 3 'list box #bas " listbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 4 'combobox #bas " combobox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj$(n,Ress);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Selected],";obj(n,XX)+1;",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W)-2;",";obj(n,H) case 5 'button #bas " button ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 6 'bmpbutton #bas " bmpbutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Ress);chr$(34);",[";obj$(n,Ctr);"Clicked], UL, ";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y) case 7 'graphicbox #bas " graphicbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 8 'radiobutton #bas " radiobutton ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 9 'checkbox #bas " checkbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj$(n,Ress);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 10 'group box #bas " groupbox ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";chr$(34);obj$(n,Tex);chr$(34);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y)-5;",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H) case 11 'texteditor #bas " texteditor ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);",";obj(n,XX);",";obj(n,Y);",";obj(n,W);",";obj(n,H)
'handle the undisplayed color and font objects only used for import/export case 22 'textboxcolor #bas " TextboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 23 'listboxcolor #bas " ListboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 24 'comboboxcolor #bas " ComboboxColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34) case 21 'texteditorcolor #bas " TexteditorColor$=";chr$(34);obj$(n,Bak);chr$(34)
' handle the window code case 41'backgroundcolor #bas " BackgroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectback$;chr$(34) case 42'foregroundcolor #bas " ForegroundColor$=";chr$(34);projectfore$;chr$(34) case 43'windowidth #bas " WindowWidth=";projectw case 44'windowheight #bas " WindowHeight=";projecth case 45'open #bas " Open ";chr$(34);projecttitl$;chr$(34);" for ";projectwind$;" as ";projectform$
'handle font changes case 50 'font if obj$(n,Ctr) = "" and projectform$ <> "" and projectfont$ <> "" then #bas " ";projectform$;" ";chr$(34);"font ";projectfont$;chr$(34) goto [delDot] end if #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) [delDot] case 51 '!font #bas " ";projectform$;".";obj$(n,Ctr);" ";chr$(34);"!font ";obj$(n,Fon);chr$(34) end select return
[new] redim obj(300,6) 'x,y,width/height,type,textheight redim obj$(300,7) 'name,text content,resource,font obj=0 menuset=0 textEd = 0 projectw=600 projecth=400 projectback$="white" projectfore$="black" projectctrc$="white" projecttitl$="Untitled" projectform$="#1" 'if import <> 1 then projectfile$="Untitled.bas" projectwind$="window_nf" #prop.cbwind "select window_nf" redim hnd$(30) hnd$(1)=projectform$ #fful.hand "reload" #fful.hand "selectindex 1" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [propertyupdate] gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #prop "hide" #prop "show" show=1 return
[propertyupdate] #prop.tbfile projectfile$ #prop.cbwind "select ";projectwind$ #prop.tbtitl projecttitl$ #prop.tbform projectform$ #prop.tbctrl "" #prop.tbtext "" #prop.tbreso "" #prop.tbxywh projectw;"x";projecth #prop.tbfont projectfont$ #prop.tbcolo projectfore$;"/";projectback$ return
[resize] '#fful.tool "select Add New" #fful.form "select File" if wh=0 then wh=1 #fful.hand "selectindex ";wh #fful.grid "select Set Grid" #fful.font "select Set Font" #fful.color "select Set Color" #fful.w "select ";projectw #fful.h "select ";projecth gosub [drawall] wait
[formsize] #fful.w "contents? w$" #fful.h "contents? h$" wf=val(w$) hf=val(h$) if wf=0 or hf=0 or (wf=projectw and hf=projecth) then wait projectw=wf projecth=hf insertx=grid inserty=grid gosub [drawgrid] #fful.gb "setfocus" gosub [drawall] wait
[grid] 'resize the grid spacing according to user choice, default is 10 #fful.grid "contents? g$" select case g$ case "Invisible" gridvisible=0 grid=1 case "Visible" gridvisible=1 case else grid=val(g$) if grid = 1 then gridvisible = 0 if grid > 2 then gridvisible = 1 end select gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gridsize grid #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[drawgrid] projectgrid=grid #fful.gb "cls; fill lightgray" if grid > 0 and gridvisible = 1 then #fful.gb "color ";gridcolor$ ' Grid - Draw vertical lines if menuset = 0 and textEd = 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color ";gridcolor$;" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-25 for xs = 0 to projectw step grid ' Grid - Draw horizontal lines #fful.gb "line "; xs; " "; 0; " "; xs; " "; projecth-25 next xs for ys = 0 to projecth-25 step grid #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ys; " "; projectw; " "; ys next ys #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-25;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; 0 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; 0; " ";projecth-25 end if 'adjust grid when menu, or texeditor control is selected - revert if menu and texeditor deleted /no longer used., if menuset = 1 or textEd > 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color ";gridcolor$;" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "color ";gridcolor$ for xs = 0 to projectw step grid #fful.gb "line "; xs; " "; 0; " "; xs; " "; projecth-50 next xs for ys = 0 to projecth-50 step grid #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ys; " "; projectw; " "; ys next ys #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-50;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; projectw; " ";0 end if end if [nogrid] if grid < 2 or gridvisible = 0 then if textEd =0 and menuset = 0 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color white";" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "color ";crosshair$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw/2; " "; 0; " "; projectw/2; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; ((projecth)/2)-12; " "; projectw; " "; ((projecth)/2)-12 #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-25 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-25;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-25 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; 0 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; 0; " ";projecth-25 end if if textEd > 0 or menuset = 1 then #fful.gb "place 0 0 ; color white";" ; backcolor ";projectback$;" ; boxfilled ";projectw;" ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "color ";crosshair$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw/2; " "; 0; " "; projectw/2; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; (projecth-50)/2; " "; projectw; " "; (projecth-50)/2 #fful.gb "color ";bordercolor$ #fful.gb "line "; projectw; " "; 0; " "; projectw; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; projecth-50;" "; projectw; " ";projecth-50 #fful.gb "line "; 0; " "; 0; " "; 0; " "; projecth-50 #fful.gb "line ";0;" "; 0;" "; projectw; " ";0 end if end if #fful.gb "flush bak" #fful.grid "select 0" #fful.grid "!Set Grid" return
[font] #fful.font "contents? f$" if f$="Project Font" then fontdialog projectfont$,f$ if f$<>"" then projectfont$=f$ #fful.gb "font ";projectfont$ #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" projectctrh=(yp-100)/2+7 ctrf$=projectfont$ ctrh=projectctrh end if end if if f$="Control Font" then fontdialog projectfont$,f$ if f$<>"" then ctrf$=f$ #fful.gb "font ";ctrf$ #fful.gb "place 100 100 ;\Q\Q" #fful.gb "posxy xp yp" ctrh=(yp-100)/2+7 end if if selected then obj$(selected,4)=ctrf$ 'font obj(selected,6)=ctrh 'text height end if 'for single line text controls auto adjust w and h if selected and instr("1 2 5 8 9",str$(obj(selected,5)),1) >1 then obj(selected,4)=ctrh #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(selected,3)=width*len(obj$(selected,2))+10 end if end if if f$="ResetControl" then ctrf$=projectfont$ ctrh=projectctrh if selected then obj$(selected,4)=ctrf$ obj(selected,6)=ctrh end if 'for single line text controls auto adjust w and h if selected and instr("1 2 5 8 9",str$(obj(selected,5)),1) >1 then #fful.gb "font ";ctrf$ obj(selected,4)=ctrh #fful.gb "stringwidth? ";"A";" width" obj(selected,3)=width*len(obj$(selected,2))+10 end if end if #fful.font "select Set Font" gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[color] #fful.color "contents? c$" select case c$ case "Control Back" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then if selected then 'insert color change event ahead of control if obj(selected,TT)=2 then ct=22 : projecttbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=3 then ct=23 : projectlbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=4 then ct=24 : projectcbcl$=cp$ if obj(selected,TT)=11 then ct=21 : projecttecl$=cp$ for n=obj+1 to selected+1 step -1 obj(n,XX)=obj(n-1,XX) obj(n,Y)=obj(n-1,Y) obj(n,W)=obj(n-1,W) obj(n,H)=obj(n-1,H) obj(n,TT)=obj(n-1,TT) obj(n,TH)=obj(n-1,TH) obj$(n,Ctr)=obj$(n-1,Ctr) obj$(n,Tex)=obj$(n-1,Tex) obj$(n,Ress)=obj$(n-1,Ress) obj$(n,Fon)=obj$(n-1,Fon) obj$(n,Bak)=obj$(n-1,Bak) obj$(n,Bass)=obj$(n-1,Bass) next obj(selected,TT)=ct obj$(selected,Tex)="Color!" obj$(selected,Bak)=cp$ 'obj$(selected,Bass)="XX" 'remove any previous color change statement if selected>=2 then if obj(selected-1,TT)=ct then obj(selected-1,TT)=0 end if obj=obj+1 end if end if case "Project Back" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then projectback$=cp$ if cp$<>"" then ctrc$=cp$ gosub [drawgrid] case "Project Fore" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then projectfore$=cp$ case "Grid Color" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then gridcolor$=cp$ gosub [drawgrid] case "Border Color" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then bordercolor$=cp$ case "CrossHair" gosub [colorpick] if cp$<>"" then crosshair$=cp$ end select #fful.color "select Set Color" gosub [drawgrid] gosub [drawall] #fful.gb "setfocus" wait
[windowtype] #prop.cbwind "contents? projectwind$" wait
[colorpick] WindowWidth=230 WindowHeight=225 UpperLeftX = insertx UpperLeftY = inserty graphicbox #pick.gb,25,10,170,170 open "Color Pick" for dialog_nf_modal as #pick #pick "font Consolas 9" #pick "trapclose [quitpick]" #pick.gb "down ; fill white ; flush" cl$="black darkgray lightgray buttonface red green blue yellow pink darkpink darkred brown darkgreen cyan white white " c=1 for yc=1 to 160 step 40 for xc= 1 to 160 step 40 #pick.gb "backcolor ";word$(cl$,c);" ; place ";xc;" ";yc;" ; boxfilled ";xc+40;" ";yc+40 c=c+1 if c>15 then c=15 next next #pick.gb "when leftButtonDown [pick]" wait
[pick] xp=int(MouseX/40) yp=int(MouseY/40) c=xp+yp*4+1 cp$=word$(cl$,c)
[quitpick] close #pick return
[cthelp] run "notepad help.txt" wait
[code] code = 1 goto [prev]
'control buttons [bttnSTTX] i=1 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnTXBX] i=2 : gosub [drawTool] : wait : wait [bttnLSTBX] i=3 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnCMBOBX] i=4 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnBTTN] i=5 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnBMPBTTN] i=6 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnGRPHCBX] i=7 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnRDBTTN] i=8 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnCHKBX] i=9 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnGRPBX] i=10 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnTXTEDTR] i=11 : gosub [drawTool] : wait [bttnMNU] i=12 : gosub [drawTool] : wait
[negbarrier] if negbar = 1 then negbar = 0 #fful.negbarrier "Barrier -" else negbar = 1 #fful.negbarrier "No Barrier -" end if wait
[barrier] if barrier = 1 then barrier = 0 #fful.barrier "Barrier +" else barrier = 1 #fful.barrier "No Barrier +" end if wait
[block] wait
[quitfful] 'save away current session to lastsession.ffu open "lastsession.ffu" for output as #ses #ses projectfile$ #ses projectwind$ #ses projectform$ #ses projecttitl$ #ses projectfont$ #ses projectback$ #ses projectfore$ #ses projectctrh #ses projectgrid #ses projectw #ses projecth for n=1 to obj if obj(n,TT)<>0 then #ses obj(n,XX);","; #ses obj(n,Y);","; #ses obj(n,W);","; #ses obj(n,H);","; #ses obj(n,TT);","; #ses obj(n,TH) #ses obj$(n,Ctr) #ses obj$(n,Tex) #ses obj$(n,Ress) #ses obj$(n,Fon) #ses obj$(n,Bak) end if next close #ses close #prop close #prog close #fful fastGuiOpen = 0 #codeTank.fastgui "!enable" wait
function replace$( text$ , this$, tothis$ ) while 1 if instr(text$, this$) then f = instr(text$, this$) lenght=len(this$) text$ = mid$(text$,1,f-1);_ tothis$;mid$(text$,f+lenght) else exit while end if wend replace$=text$ end function
sub pleasewait global pleasewaitOpen WindowWidth = 150 : WindowHeight = 170 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)'-100 UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)'-500 statictext #pleasewait.text, "Please Wait", 30, 20, 100, 20 statictext #pleasewait.text2, "This Can Take", 40, 50, 100, 20 statictext #pleasewait.text3, " Take Up to", 25, 80, 100, 20 statictext #pleasewait.text4, "25 Secs / File", 20, 110, 110, 20 button #pleasewait.fake, "", [quit.pleasewait], ul, 0, 0, 0, 0 Open "untiltled" for dialog_popup as #pleasewait #pleasewait "trapclose [quit.pleasewait]" #pleasewait "font arial 12 bold" pleasewaitOpen = 1 end sub
sub writeAutoSave global autoSave$ autoSave$ = "autoSave.vbs" open autoSave$ for output as #1 #1 "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(";q$;"WScript.Shell";q$;")" #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save *.TKN File As...";q$;")" #1, "Loop" #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Information";q$;")" #1, "Loop" #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1, "Wscript.Sleep(500)" #1, "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"pleasewait";q$;")" close #1 end sub
'function to retrieve Users Home Path (thanks to Brandon Parker) Function GetSpecialFolder$(CSIDL) S.OK = NULL GetSpecialFolder$ = "Operation Failed" pszPath$ = Space$(_MAX_PATH);chr$(0)
CallDLL #shell32, "SHGetFolderPathA", _NULL As ulong, _ 'hWnd is RESERVED CSIDL As long, _ 'CSIDL value _NULL As ulong, _ 'hToken is set to NULL to check the current token 0 As ulong, _ 'dwFlags is set to NULL to represent SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT pszPath$ As ptr, _ 'pszPath is where the path string will be stored upon return ret As long
If (ret = S.OK) Then GetSpecialFolder$ = Trim$(pszPath$) End Function
'edit date$() return for use in filenames sub fixdate fixDate$ = Date$() 'set up a date format that works with a filename(remove the /) fix1$ =word$(fixDate$, 1, " ") ' = Month, fix2$ = word$(fixDate$, 2, " ") ' = Month fix2$ = left$(fix2$, len(fix2$)-1) ' = Number of day fix3$ = word$(fixDate$, 3 ," ") ' = Year - 4 digits fix3$ = right$(fix3$, 2) ' = Year - 2 digits fixeddate$ = fix1$;"-";fix2$;"-";fix3$ ' = Month-NumberOfDay-Year end sub
'edit Time$() return for use in filenames sub fixtime global fixedtime$ fixTime$ = Time$() 'set up a time format that works with a filename(remove the /) fix1$ = word$(fixTime$, 1, ":")' - remove the "." 's fix2$ = word$(fixTime$, 2 ,":") fixedtime$ = "-";fix1$;"-";fix2$;"_"' ' add dashes - end sub
sub resetRadioOptions dictionary$ = "" : keyCount = 0 : lastKey$ = "" : selectedKey$ = "" call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value, "!origin 0, 0 " #codeTank.keys "select 0" end sub
'function for checking file existence function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim info$(0, 0) files path$, filename$, info$() fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function
'function for checking folder existence function pathExists(path$) pathExists = (mkdir(path$)=183) end function
[textEdMirror] if textedMOpen = 1 then #textedM.edMirror "!setfocus" : wait WindowWidth = 700 WindowHeight = 500 texteditor #textedM.edMirror, 20, 20, 640, 400 button #textedM.incFont, "&+", [incEdFont], UL, 220, 0, 20, 23 button #textedM.decFont, "&-", [decEdFont], UL, 400, 0, 20, 23 button #textedM.mirror, "&ScratchPad", [scratch], UL, 250, 0, 140, 23 open "TextEditor Mirror" for Window as #textedM #textedM "trapclose [quit.textedM]" #codeTank.value "!contents? code$" #textedM.edMirror code$ #textedM "Font Arial 12" EdMirFont = 12 #textedM.edMirror, "!setfocus" #textedM.edMirror "!origin 0 0" textedMOpen = 1 #textedM.edMirror "!autoresize" if selectedKey$ = "" then [setCatScratch] wait
[scratch] #codeTank.savedprojects "reset" #textedM.edMirror "!contents? code$" #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.value code$ call saveValue mir = 1 : gosub [deleteOrig] mir = 0 [setCatScratch] newKey$ = selectedKey$ if categorie$ = "" or selectedKey$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" end if call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 code$ close #1 call resetRadioOptions call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value "!cls" categorie$ = "ScratchPad" selectedKey$ = "Scratch" #textedM.edMirror "!cls" #textedM.edMirror, "!setfocus" #textedM.edMirror, "!origin 0 0" wait
[incEdFont] EdMirFont = EdMirFont + 1 #textedM.edMirror "!font Arial ";EdMirFont wait [decEdFont] EdMirFont = EdMirFont - 1 #textedM.edMirror "!font Arial ";EdMirFont wait
[quit.pleaseWait] if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 wait
[quit.textedM] call saveValue #textedM.edMirror "!contents? code$" close #textedM : textedMOpen = 0 #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.value code$ #codeTank.value "!origin 0 0" mir = 1 : gosub [deleteOrig] mir = 0 call setValueByName newKey$, "" call loadKeys #codeTank.keys "select "; newKey$ if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" : selectedKey$ = "Scratch" end if open categorie$ for append as #1 #1 chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+selectedKey$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) #1 code$ close #1 call resetRadioOptions call readDictionary call loadKeys #codeTank.value "!cls" #codeTank.keys "select 0" wait
'quit program [quit.codeTank] if textedMOpen = 1 then text$ = "Quiting will close the Editor Mirror"+chr$(13)+chr$(13) text$ = text$+"Quit Anyway?"+chr$(13) a$ = custcon$(text$) if answer$ <> "Yes" then wait end if call saveValue gosub [cleanUp] if pickOpen = 1 then close #pick : pickOpen = 0 if fastcodeOpen = 1 then close #fastcode : fastcodeOpen = 0 if propOpen = 1 then close #prop : propOpen = 0 if progOpen = 1 then close #prog : progOpen = 0 if resultsOpen = 1 then close #results : resultsOpen = 0 if mainListOpen = 1 then close #codeTankList : mainListOpen = 0 if fastGuiOpen = 1 then close #fful : fastGuiOpen = 0 if textedMOpen = 1 then close #textedM : textedMOpen = 0 if pleasewaitOpen = 1 then close #pleasewait : pleasewaitOpen = 0 if codetankOpen = 1 then close #codeTank : codetankOpen = 0 if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 end
'sub to create pauses in program sub pause mil t=time$("ms")+mil while time$("ms")<t scan wend end sub
'sub to save current Dictionary Listings and text in texeditor sub saveValue 'if the value is changed, save it if lastKey$ <> "" then #codeTank.value "!modified? modified$"; if modified$ = "true" then #codeTank.value "!contents? saveThisValue$"; call setValueByName lastKey$, saveThisValue$ call collectGarbage call writeDictionary end if end if end sub
'function to get selected Listing function getKeys$(delimiter$) global keyCount pointer = 1 while pointer <> 0 'get the next key pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) if pointer then keyPointer = pointer + 9 pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer) if instr(keyList$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) = 0 then getKeys$ = getKeys$ + key$ + delimiter$ keyList$ = keyList$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ keyCount = keyCount + 1 end if end if wend end function
'sub to write each Listing to corresponding file sub writeDictionary if categorie$ = "" then categorie$ = "ScratchPad" if categorie$ = "ScratchPad" then open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for append as #writeDict #writeDict date$();time$() goto [writeit] end if open DefaultDir$;"\";categorie$ for output as #writeDict [writeit] #writeDict, dictionary$ close #writeDict end sub
'sub to read each Listing from corresponding file sub readDictionary if fileExists(DefaultDir$, categorie$) <> 0 then open categorie$ for input as #readDict length = lof(#readDict) dictionary$ = input$(#readDict, length) close #readDict else end if end sub
'sub to cleanup any mess in the dictionary text sub collectGarbage pointer = 1 while pointer > 0 'get the next key pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) if pointer then keyPointer = pointer + 9 pointer = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), pointer) key$ = mid$(dictionary$, keyPointer, pointer - keyPointer) if instr(keyList$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) = 0 then value$ = getValue$(key$) newDictionary$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + value$ + newDictionary$ keyList$ = keyList$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) + key$ + chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134) end if end if wend dictionary$ = newDictionary$ end sub
sub setValueByName key$, value$ dictionary$ = chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);key$;chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+value$+dictionary$ end sub
'function to get info from selected Listing function getValue$(key$) getValue$ = chr$(0) keyPosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)+key$+chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) if keyPosition > 0 then keyPosition = keyPosition + 9 'skip over key tag valuePosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"value";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), keyPosition) if valuePosition > 0 then valuePosition = valuePosition + 11 'skip over value tag endPosition = instr(dictionary$, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134);"key";chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134), valuePosition) if endPosition > 0 then getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition, endPosition - valuePosition) else getValue$ = mid$(dictionary$, valuePosition) end if end if end if end function
'sub to load selected categorie List sub loadKeys keyList$ = getKeys$(chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) redim keys$(keyCount) for item = 1 to keyCount keys$(item-1) = word$(keyList$, item, chr$(134);chr$(165);chr$(134)) next item sort keys$(), 0, keyCount #codeTank.keys "reload" keyCount = 0 end sub
'function to separate filename from full path to file function GetFilename$(fileName$) i = len(fileName$) while mid$(fileName$, i, 1) <> "\" and mid$(fileName$, i, 1) <> "" i = i-1 wend GetFilename$ = mid$(fileName$, i+1) end function
'function to delete entire folder (including sub folders and files) function delete$(folder$) run "cmd.exe /c rd /s /q ";q$;folder$;q$, HIDE end function
'function makes customized confirmation window function custcon$(text$) global text$, customconfirmOpen, a$, answer$, fault WindowWidth = 540 : WindowHeight = 300 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) statictext #customconfirm.header "Notice to User", 190, 10, 130, 30 statictext #customconfirm.text text$, 40, 60, 490, 120 button #customconfirm.default "&OK", [confirmYes], ul, 220, 200, 80, 35 button #customconfirm.yes "&Yes", [confirmYes], ul, 100, 200, 120, 35 button #customconfirm.no "&No", [confirmNo], ul, 320, 200, 120, 35 open "Confirmation Required" for dialog_modal as #customconfirm #customconfirm "trapclose [confirmNo]" #customconfirm "font arial 12" customconfirmOpen = 1 #customconfirm.default "!hide" wait [confirmNo] answer$ = "No" if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 goto [endFunction] [confirmYes] answer$ = "Yes" if customconfirmOpen = 1 then close #customconfirm : customconfirmOpen = 0 [endFunction] end function
FUNCTION FN.Screen(BYREF Szx, BYREF Szy) Szx = DisplayWidth Szy = DisplayHeight FN.Display = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.PercentScreen(PercentX, PercentY, BYREF Szx, BYREF Szy) Szx = INT(DisplayWidth * PercentX) Szy = INT(DisplayHeight * PercentY) FN.PercentScreen = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.ScreenCenter(BYREF Cx, BYREF Cy) Cx = INT(DisplayWidth * 0.5) Cy = INT(DisplayHeight * 0.5) FN.ScreenCenter = Cx * Cy END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.SetWinPos(PosX, PosY) UpperLeftX = PosX UpperLeftY = PosY FN.SetWinPos = PosX * PosY END FUNCTION
FUNCTION FN.SetWinSize(Szx, Szy) WindowWidth = Szx WindowHeight = Szy FN.SetWinSize = Szx * Szy END FUNCTION
sub resized handle$ TxbUx = 100 '<--- location and size of text box TxbUy = 50 Txbsx = 100 Txbsy = 25 Txbsx = WindowWidth - TxbUx - Txbsx '<--- resize text box #codeTank.numLines, "!LOCATE ";WindowWidth-130;" "; 50;" ";120;" "; 25 #codeTank.filePath, "!LOCATE ";TxbUx;" ";TxbUy;" ";Txbsx-30;" ";Txbsy #codeTank.keys, "LOCATE ";100;" ";75;" ";340;" ";WindowHeight-600+60+270 #codeTank, "REFRESH" end sub
'sub to make folder dialog window sub browser caption$ dim info$(0, 0) dim folderInfo$(0, 0) WindowWidth = 700 WindowHeight = 500 UpperLeftX=INT((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=INT((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) gosub [FolderDlgGetDrives] statictext #folderdlg.selection, "Selection >> ", 40, 505, 95, 15 statictext #folderdlg.caption, caption$, 150, 20, 525, 35 listbox #folderdlg.filelist, fileList$(, [fileSelect], 350, 50, 320, 310 listbox #folderdlg.list, FolderList$(, [FolderDlgSelect], 15, 50, 320, 310 button #folderdlg.default, "OK", [FolderDlgOk], UL, 220, 410, 75, 25 button #folderdlg.back, "< < <", [FolderDlgBack], UL, 10, 10, 60, 30 button #folderdlg.C, "Cancel", [FolderDlgCancel], UL, 395, 410, 75, 25 button #folderdlg.plusfont, "+", [plusFont], UL, 75, 10, 30, 30 button #folderdlg.minusfont, "-", [minusFont], UL, 110, 10, 30, 30 textbox #folderdlg.text, 15, 360, 655, 25 BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" open "Liberty Basic File Browser" for dialog_modal as #folderdlg #folderdlg, "trapclose [FolderDlgCancel]" #folderdlg.text, "Selected (Drive \ Folder \ File) Path Appears Here" #folderdlg, "font Arial 12 bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "singleclickselect" #folderdlg.list, "singleclickselect" fontsize = 12 wait
[minusFont] fontsize = fontsize - 1 #folderdlg.list, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" wait
[plusFont] fontsize = fontsize + 1 #folderdlg.list, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" #folderdlg.filelist, "font arial ";fontsize;" bold" wait
[FolderDlgSelect] #folderdlg.list, "selection? temp$" if temp$ <> "" then level = level+1 folder$ = folder$; temp$; "\" #folderdlg.text, folder$ gosub [FolderDlgGetDir] #folderdlg.list, "reload" #folderdlg.list, "select 0" #folderdlg.default "!setfocus" end if wait
[FolderDlgBack] if level > 0 then level = level-1 if level = 0 then folder$ = "" gosub [FolderDlgGetDrives] else i = len(folder$)-1 while mid$(folder$, i, 1) <> "\" and mid$(folder$, i, 1) <> "" i = i-1 wend folder$ = left$(folder$, i) gosub [FolderDlgGetDir] end if #folderdlg.text, folder$ fileList$(0) = " F I L E S" #folderdlg.list, "reload" #folderdlg.filelist, "reload" end if wait
[FolderDlgGetDrives] c = 1 while word$(Drives$, c) <> "" c = c+1 wend redim FolderList$(c) FolderList$(0) = " D R I V E S" for i = 1 to c FolderList$(i) = word$(Drives$, i) next i redim fileList$(0) return
[FolderDlgGetDir] files folder$, info$( s = val(info$(0,0)) tt = val(info$(0,1)) redim FolderList$(tt) FolderList$(0) = " F O L D E R S" for i = 1 to tt FolderList$(i) = info$(i+s, 1) next i
[filesBack] files folder$, "*.*", folderInfo$() numFiles = val(folderInfo$(0, 0)) redim fileList$(numFiles) for x = 1 to numFiles filename$ = folderInfo$(x, 0) fileList$(x) = filename$ next x fileList$(0) = " F I L E S" sort fileList$(), 0 , numFiles #folderdlg.filelist, "reload" return
[fileSelect] #folderdlg.filelist "selection? file$" #folderdlg.text, folder$;file$ wait
[FolderDlgOk] #folderdlg.text, "!contents? FolderDialog$" If right$(FolderDialog$,1) = "\" then if right$(FolderDialog$, 2) = ":\" then [goAround] FolderDialog$ = left$(FolderDialog$, len(FolderDialog$) - 1) else [goAround] notice "The Selection was Not a Folder" : close #folderdlg : wait end if
[FolderDlgCancel] close #folderdlg end sub
sub quit fast$ close #fastcode fastcodeOpen = 1 end sub
'sub to generate the window code and copy to clipboard, and texeditor sub dummy fast$ global toPrint$ select case case fast$ = "#fastcode.button1" #fastcode.txt1 "!contents? txt$" #fastcode.txt2 "!contents? theName$" #fastcode.r1 "value? result$" if result$="set" then itag$="[" otag$="]" closingCode$= "[quit]";chr$(13);_ " close ";txt$;chr$(13);_ " end" else closingCode$ = "Sub quit fast$";chr$(13);_ " close #fast$" ;chr$(13);_ " end";chr$(13);_ "End Sub" end if #fastcode.combo "selection? sel$" if instr(sel$,"popup") then includeButton$= "button ";txt$;".button1 ";chr$(34);_ "&X";chr$(34);", "; itag$;"quit";otag$;", ul, 610, 5, 25, 20" end if toPrint$ = "nomainwin";chr$(13);"WindowWidth = 640";chr$(13);"WindowHeight = 480";chr$(13);_ "UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2)";chr$(13);_ "UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)";chr$(13);_ includeButton$;chr$(13);_ "Open ";chr$(34);theName$;chr$(34);" for ";sel$; " as ";txt$;chr$(13);_ " ";txt$;" "; chr$(34); "trapclose ";itag$;"quit";otag$; chr$(34);chr$(13);_ "wait";chr$(13);chr$(13);_ closingCode$ #fastcode.ed "!cls" #fastcode.ed toPrint$ #fastcode.ed "!selectall" #fastcode.ed "!copy" #fastcode.ed "!paste" #fastcode.ed "!origin 0 0" end select end sub
function getsize$(l$) 'what if it is a variable? v$="" pos=1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) while instr("1234567890",n$,1)=0 and pos<len(l$) pos=pos+1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) wend while n$>="0" and n$<="9" and pos<=len(l$) v$=v$+n$ pos=pos+1 n$=mid$(l$,pos,1) wend getsize$=v$ end function
function getcolor$(l$) if l$="palegray" then l$="lightgray" 'what if it is a variable? cl$="darkgray lightgray buttonface darkred darkpink darkgreen blue yellow pink red brown green cyan white black " for c= 1 to 15 if instr(l$,word$(cl$,c),1)>0 then getcolor$=word$(cl$,c) : exit for next if getcolor$="" then getcolor$="white" end function
function value(x$) select case len(x$) case 1 value = asc(x$) case 2 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) case 3 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,3,1))*65536) case 4 value=asc(mid$(x$,1,1)) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,2,1))*256) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,3,1))*65536) value=value+(asc(mid$(x$,4,1))*16777216) end select end function
'subroutine for selections of combo boxes sub asciiSelected asciiList$ #codeTank.asciiList, "selection? asciiChoice$" #codeTank.filePath asciiChoice$ #codeTank.fake "!cls" #codeTank.fake asciiChoice$ #codeTank.fake "!selectall" #codeTank.fake "!copy" #codeTank.asciiList, "! ASCII Codes" end sub
sub getAscii dim asciiList$(250) y = 7 asciiList$(0)= " Controls" asciiList$(1) = " chr$(0) = (nul) ";chr$(0) asciiList$(2) = " chr$(27) = (escape) ";chr$(27) asciiList$(3) = " chr$(32) = (space) ";chr$(32) asciiList$(4) = " chr$(13) = (enter) ";chr$(13) asciiList$(5) = " Printables" asciiList$(6) = " chr$(32)= (space) ";chr$(32) for x = 33 to 255 asciiList$(y) = " chr$(";x;") = ";chr$(x) y = y + 1 next x #codeTank.asciiList, "reload" #codeTank.asciiList, "! ASCII Codes" end sub
sub lbreservedwordSelected lbReservedwordList$ #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, "selection? lbreserved$" #codeTank.filePath lbreserved$ #codeTank.fake "!cls" #codeTank.fake lbreserved$ #codeTank.fake "!selectall" #codeTank.fake "!copy" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "select 0" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "! Reserved Words" end sub
sub getlbreservedwords global lbReservedWords$ dim lbreservedwordsList$(250) for x = 0 to 250 filename$ = word$(lbReservedWords$, x ,",") lbreservedwordsList$(x) = filename$ next x sort lbreservedwordsList$(), 1 ,250 #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList, "reload" #codeTank.lbreservedwordsList "! Reserved Words" end sub
[LBB_EXE] 'LBB = 0 LBB$ = DefaultDir$;"\LBB.exe" cursor hourglass fname0$ = GetFilename$(fname$) open DestPath1$;"\";fname0$ for input as #1 open DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$ for output as #2 temp$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) #2 temp$ close #1 close #2 call writeAutoSaveLBB run "wscript ";autoSaveLBB$ run LBB$;" -C -M -A ";DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname0$ fname1$ = fnamenobas$;".exe" while fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fname1$) = 0 scan wend call pause 4000 fullname$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".exe" if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fname1$) then name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fname1$ as fullname$ end if if fileExists(DefaultDir$;"\EXE", fnamenobas$;".bas") then name DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;".bas" as DefaultDir$;"\EXE\";fnamenobas$;ve$;fixeddate$;fixedtime$;".bas" end if print x x=0 goto [LBB_RETURN] return
sub writeAutoSaveLBB global fullname$ q$ = chr$(34) global autoSaveLBB$, fname1$, fname$, fnamenobas$ autoSaveLBB$ = "autoSaveLBB.vbs" open autoSaveLBB$ for output as #1 dir$ = DefaultDir$;"\EXE" #1 "Set FSO = CreateObject(";q$;"Scripting.FileSystemObject";q$;")" #1 "Set objFolder = FSO.GetFolder(";q$;dir$;q$;")" #1 "Set objFiles = objFolder.Files " #1 "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(";q$;"WScript.Shell";q$;")" #1 "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save standalone executable";q$;")" #1 "Loop" #1 "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"Save standalone executable";q$;")" #1 "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1 "For i=0 to objFiles.Count" #1 "If FSO.FileExists(";q$;"EXE\";fnamenobas$;".exe";q$;") Then exit for" #1 "Next" #1, "Do While Not WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"LB Booster";q$;")" #1 "Loop" #1 "Wscript.Sleep(12000)" #1 "WshShell.AppActivate(";q$;"LB Booster";q$;")" #1 "Wscript.Sleep(300)" #1 "WshShell.SendKeys ";q$;"{ENTER}";q$ #1 "Set WshShell = nothing" #1 "Set FSO = nothing" #1 "Set objFolder = nothing" #1 "Set objFiles = nothing" close #1 end sub